The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 9: Chapter IX

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The Duke's Talk

I reached out and knocked on the door to the duke’s office. As I entered, I tried not to ‘wow’ at his office since Astelle has been here before and I need to pretend that I have been here too. It’s really hard though...


His office was filled with shelves that most probably had important documents and information.  In the middle were two red expensive-looking couches and a mahogany table. He was sitting on one side and Sirius was sitting on the other side.


Wait...What’s he doing here?!


I looked calmly at him and he caught my gaze once again. I bowed and he bowed from where he sat. “You requested meeting me Father,” I said elegantly. He nodded and gestured me to sit beside Sirius. I walked over and kept my hands under to fix the dress and sat down five meters away from



The maid poured tea for me but I caught her glance, it was a maid I haven’t seen yet. Of course, I’m aware there are several but she looks like she’s been here for a while, experienced.  


Ever since I became Astelle, I asked Marianne for all the files of the maids here. She doesn’t look familiar but still recognizable... I’ll ask Marianne about her.


She looked suspicious like she despised me. She probably does... several maids fear me or hate me. I can’t blame them; Astelle has done some... extreme punishments. Maybe to test if she felt the emotion of guilt. Spoiler warning, she didn’t.  


The duke cleared his throat, “This topic might not be to your liking, Astelle, however, we must have it.” The duke looked me in the eyes. The maid had left already and it was just us three.


 I’ll just pretend I know what he’s assuming. I shook my head slightly and gestured my hand to continue and that was the cue for the duke to continue. “It’s about your curse, we need to know where it is at the moment to know how fatal it is.”  


Damn, he just jumped right into it. Sirius flinched and I remembered he still blamed himself, my poor brother. I feel sad that he still blames himself, and still confused that he cares. He never did in the novel.  


Anyways, back at hand, “I cannot feel pain, that includes cuts, stomach-aches, headaches and such. To conclude, internal or physical injury do not cause me to feel pain,” I said, sipping my tea.  


The Duke and Sirius deflate at that. I get why Sirius got upset but the duke too? “I... I see, and how did you test that theory, may I ask?” The duke regained his posture and looked at me questioningly.


Hahahahahahahahaha... How am I supposed to tell him I cut myself to check?! My eyes looked right, then left then back to his red eyes.


“I apologise, I accidentally cut myself and didn’t notice until the maid notified me, she didn’t find out, don’t worry, I’ll promise not to do the same mistake,” I bowed in my seat in apology.


Sirius stopped me before I could, however. “That’s not what we’re worried about, Astelle,” he said, in the lowest voice I’ve ever heard from him. I grew worried.


“Brother? What’s wrong? Do you feel ill?” I worried, and the duke spoke,

“How about your emotions, Astelle?” I flinched at the question.  


Moment of truth, “I... don’t know,” I said internally nervous, outwardly elegant as always. Don’t know how elegant I sound when saying, ‘I don’t know,’ though...

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The two males of the Asterion look at me, pensive. The duke nodded, “Alright, we don’t expect you to know everything about a curse like yours, most curses are not quite like yours, which I’m still unsure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing,”  


Sirius didn’t respond but he still kept his hand on my shoulder and looked at me kindly. Rest assured, no one in this family can smile at any time.




As well as being very confusing, they’re not how they are, they’re kind when they’re supposed to be cruel. I don’t know why I’m so upset about it.  It’s unnatural, we barely see them in the novel, yes, but when they appeared they were not like this.  


Maybe... it’s because I’m not used to it, either. The duke spoke again, “Before I forget, the prince will be arriving tomorrow to visit,”  






“F-Father, could you repeat what you said?” I said inwardly nervously again.

‘This life is going to kill me as well, what did he say?!”


“Prince Xavier Helios, your fiancé is going to be arriving tomorrow afternoon,” The Duke said without care, without realising my inner turmoil. ‘Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,’ those words were echoing in my head for the rest of the conversation that flew past by me.


I bowed and left the room after a while from that point, while casually walking through the hallways I hid my panic. I reached my room and opened the door and went inside. “OH, GOD!” I thought I was going to meet all the main characters at the ceremony! Oh! But of course! He’s my damn fiancé!


Marianne knocked on the door and I kept my poker face on once again, shielding her from all my thoughts. “My lady! I heard the prince is visiting tomorrow, you must want to look pretty for him!” She came barrelling in and went straight to my massive wardrobe filled with colourful dresses and gowns.


“This is new! You should wear this; you look amazing in it!” She held up a pastel yellow dress, looking like summer in the month of summer and the Empire of Sol. The dress had full transparent sleeves with cuffs at the wrist.


The dress had an illusion neckline of the colour white, the dress reached till the end of the knees with the colour of yellow and some white jasmine flowers embroidered into it.   


It does look pretty but isn’t it too bright for Astelle?


Not to say she wouldn’t look pretty, the good thing about this body is that she looks good in everything even if she’s weak. I don’t want to dress up for Xavier if he hates me.


 I’m sure that will not change. Everyone else sees Astelle and Xavier in love, however, he has no interest in her and she can’t show her emotions of love. So, they pretend they’re the perfect couple.


Once you know someone’s story, it does change perspectives. I used to cheer for the female lead, but now I can’t help it to see Astelle’s life better.

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