The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 13: Chapter XIII

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A sober dinner

This boy can’t stop talking. I’m so sick of his voice now, he keeps talking about what happened to him, event after event.


I clear my throat to shut him up, “I apologise for having interrupted you, but where is the rest of your family? I was informed it was a family dinner, not just you.”


He smiled suspiciously, “Haha, yes they will be arriving momentarily, my lady,” he took a biscuit and took a bite. Was that supposed to be flirting too?


Was this character a flirt? Agh! I can’t remember! I’m getting pissed. Ok, ok calm down, breathe in, I inhaled, breathe out, I exhaled.


Elliot noticed, raised a brow but said nothing. He looked on in joyous curiosity, wondering what the hell I was doing.


He has no right looking cute while smiling like that. He was one of my favourites but now I feel like punching him on the mouth and wipe that smirk off.


I got up, “If that is so, then excuse me, I shall take my leave now,” I walked out, not waiting for a response from Elliot. Elliot had gotten up and had reached out to the leaving figure but restrained himself and took his hand back.


Looking down, he sighed. “Again,” he mumbled.


I sped towards my room, I needed to see that notebook right now.


I got stopped by Sirius on the way, however. “Astelle, where are you off in such a hurry? The Calypso’s will be here soon, do you want to go together?” He asked me with his puppy dog eyes.


Damn it, how am I supposed to say no to him? “Yes, of course, let’s go,” I held out my arm and he took it. It’s a gentleman rich thing I’m guessing. Since I’ve done this a few times already with him over the weeks I’ve been here.


We walked to the main entrance and saw the servants open the door. In came the duke, duchess and Elliot? Wasn’t the silver room?


“My goodness, Astelle, my dear it has far been too long!” The duchess came towards me and gave me a bear hug. The Duchess was a fair and fit lady, with beautiful white hair and light blue eyes.


Her description was familiar even though she never appeared in the novel... I think? I patted her and stepped back, I didn’t say much besides saying welcome and greeted the duke politely and bowed to both of them. Sirius did the same so I wasn’t too worried about acting too indifferent.  


I didn’t notice but the Duchess was looking upset while looking at me. We all moved to the dinner hall and a feast was there. Food of all types were there and you could smell each of them individually. Everyone’s mouth almost watered at the sight and smell of it.


We all sat in our seats, Duke Asterion at the head of one side then Duke Calypso beside him on his right side, his wife beside him and then Elliot beside him.

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Me and Sirius sat on our father’s left side and chewed our food silently while the two Dukes conversed, sometimes the Duchess commented on some topics and sometimes she ate quietly, paying attention to the talks.


She was staring at me; I could tell even if I was looking down at my plate. I looked up and caught her glance. She looked shocked at the sudden eye contact. Still, she smiled kindly, not wanting to converse with her, I looked down.


What would have Astelle done? Really? A memory at this time? Why couldn’t it have been earlier?


Oh. It was the day of Astelle’s’ mother’s death. Astelle was young, she was about six years old. Her memory of the day is very clear, despite being six. Her mother was lying on her death bed, unmoving. The Duchess stood by her, crying, holding Astelle’s mother’s hand.



Astelle stood there, watching the scene with the duchess crying her eyes out and her father not present in the room, not wanting to see his dead wife. Sirius cried but held on his sister’s hand, not explaining the situation to his younger innocent sister.  


She walked forward to her mother, letting go of her brother’s hand. Astelle’s eyes unknowingly welled up with tears as she begun to shake her mother, “Wake up, Mother!” She screamed. “You had promised me that you’d get better!”  


The Duchess of the Calypso house held her by the shoulders to hold her back. Astelle shrugged them off as tears dripped slowly down and she continued to shake her mother.  


“Mother!” You could practically hear the pain and betrayal from her screams. Sirius grabbed her and turned her around and hugged her. She cried loudly into his chest, she felt her brother’s warmth and realised she’d never feel her mother’s warmth ever again.


The Duchess had stayed with her for months to take care of her, that was the memory that stood out to Astelle of the Duchess.


I felt like crying after practically re-living the scene. However, I could not, but now I feel more annoyed because I can’t cry!


First, I can’t even remember my old life, and now I can’t cry for my new life! Huh?! What is this bullshit?!  


I finished the food, desserts as fast as I can and took my leave immediately. Screw this life, screw this world, screw everything, God damn it!


I finally reached my room and went for my notebook from the last place I kept it.  



Where- where did it go?!

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