The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 27: Chapter XXV

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As I uttered those words in defeat, I left the room and told Caleb to call a knight and investigate whatever is left of her. I could not stand looking at the dead eyes that mocked me for the silly mistake I made. I should’ve realized earlier. I should’ve known the second Caleb told me everything he felt and saw.


But, no… I was reckless, finally thought I got a weapon against Fabienne. She must be laughing right now… Ugh! Why is this happening? This story isn’t following the novel at all! It’d be better if it did, at least then I’d know what’s going to happen.


I walked with no destination in mind and ended up in the garden. It was kept well, not an overgrown bush or greenery in sight. I sat at the gazebo where I first met Xavier. I sighed, I don’t like that memory, even if it was amusing, teasing him like that. It just reminds me that no matter how many small details change in this damn novel, the characters will always hate me... (do they?)


This world always against me... (is it?) This is getting really frustrating. “Astelle…?” I turned around at the voice that just called out to me. The sliver shine of the moon highlighting his silver white hair. The blue eyes looking at me filled with relief.


“Sir… Zachary… Why are you still here?” I asked him, he suddenly walked towards me. In quick procession, he says “Pardon me for this,” and grabs my injured hand. He held it gently, “…Does it hurt?” looking at me with such gentle eyes. I suddenly felt chills and I took back my hand and held it with my own. “No, it doesn’t… you haven’t answered my question,” I don’t look at him.


“Ah, because of the events that happened today, the four of us decided to stay,” He explained while leading us both to the gazebo. “Why?” I asked, what is this, do they hate me or not?! Even in Caleb’s sight, they’re worried and angry for me. I don’t get it. I just… don’t get it…


“What do you mean why? We’ve just learned you’ve been the target of now 3 assassination attempts… that’s-,” He said emotionally, I interrupted him, “It’s nothing new, I am the crown prince’s fiancé, what do you expect?” “But it’s not easy to infiltrate a duke’s manor now, why has it been so easy now? And assassination attempts never cut it this close before,”


I said nothing. He has a point, even if Fabienne is doing this, it doesn’t explain how she’s doing it with such ease. That’s a lead. I need to find out the process of how she does it. I’ll have to hire some spies and buy some information though.


“Astelle,” Zachary said suddenly, I look at him and find him staring into my soul. I can’t put my gaze elsewhere now. “You’re hiding something, and earlier you called me by name,” I sighed. I don’t know why I did that either.


“I have no need to tell you anything,” “Why are you like this?” He asks, sounding frustrated. Bitch, you tell me. Ugh, I was getting good at not swearing.


No, not really. I sighed. “Sir Ciel is no different, you know? All of you, in fact, are so aggravating, you hate me but you still care enough to show up if I get hurt, or stay back because of my near-death experiences?” “Honestly this… who said we hate you?” Zachary questions, raising his hand in a ‘this dumbass’ gesture.


“Sir Thelonious says it and well… His highness glares’ fundamentally scream ‘I despise you and your entire being’, if you haven’t seen it, I wonder where your pretty blue eyes are looking…” I said, sarcastically. He looks taken aback… don’t tell me… he didn’t notice?!


“Astelle, you- wha- I-,” he stuttered. He didn’t notice their hate?! IS HE BLIND TOO?! “I have never heard you speak like that…” he finally finds words to speak. Eh? Speak like wha-… oh.


The one time I understand Astelle. I sigh one more time, this time in shame of my own idiocy.


“I was just caught up in the moment, you expect me to have this perfect persona all the time?” Nice save. Hopefully it’ll work. “Well… no you aren’t perfect, I know that much,” he said in a low voice. How rude!


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“That was rude,” I spoke my thoughts out to him, “and you aren’t?” he asked innocently. When did he get such a tongue? Isn’t he the always polite male lead. My expectations are just getting lower and lower. I heard a rustle in the bushes nearby. Why is he hiding there? Weird. Does he want to make sure I am alright but not want to interrupt whatever is going on here? I guess, that does seem like Caleb.


“I apologise that was out of line,” He chuckles, he doesn’t seem apologetic… ah, whatever. “No, its quite alright, I will take my leave then,” I do feel a bit hazy, maybe the poison is still kicking. I looked at my hand briefly. Its bleeding… I have to get away from him as soon as possible-


“My lady!” Caleb rushes out from his hiding spot. Both me and Zachary flinch at the sudden scream. “What is it-,” I started to ask but immediately got interrupted by Caleb.


“Pardon me.” He says as he grabs my now bleeding hand. “I did not want to interrupt the conversation between my lady and her childhood friend, but she started to look paler than usual, and I then saw at her hand, I apologise, Sir Ciel, but I must take my lady from here,” that was the longest I’ve ever heard Caleb talk… he said all that and then practically dragged me without ever listening to Zachary’s reply.


I know I told him that while he’s under my employment, no one except me can lay a hand on him, doesn’t mean he should ignore an important member of the dukedom. I’ll have to warn him later. Lucky it was Zachary and not the other two.


“I apologise my lady-,” he started. “I already knew you were there, don’t worry, I was going to leave anyway.” I reassured him. I am sure he heard me say that. I smirk lightly, “did you just want to show off that you are my knight?”




He blushes, “No, of course not, please don’t joke like that,” I let out a huff of air as a light gesture of a laugh. “I just wanted to show at least one of your childhood friends that there are others who care for you,” He mumbled something lowly that I couldn’t catch. “Sorry, Caleb, I couldn’t hear you, could you repeat that?” He shook his head, “nothing important, my lady,”


He led me back to the doctor’s quarters and bandaged my hand himself. Apparently, the doctor expected this to happen and already told Caleb what to do if did happen. Seems like the doctor knows Astelle well.


Caleb looked serious, is there something bothering him? “Is everything alright? You look grim,” I asked after he was done. I inspected the bandage as I waited for his reply. “Did Sir Ciel inform you of their stay?”


I hummed, “Yes, he did, he mentioned Sirs, Calypso, Thelonious and his majesty staying over… for some reason.” He nodded, “I thought so, he didn’t mention her staying over then,” He looked straight into my eyes with his eyes open.


I could see my reflection in those silver eyes of his. “Her…” I sighed, “I should have foreseen it, she’d never let them and me stay under the same roof,”


“My lady, why is she doing this? She has everything she could possibly get from them, so why is she torturing you like this, I despise it,” he says, his voice getting even more stern by the second. I couldn’t give a reply since I don’t know myself.


I don’t know anything about this unknown world. I thought I did but these things that are happening. It’s before the novel even started. I don’t… I don’t know.


“Let’s not assume, as far as we know, she’s not giving much of a clue that it’s really her doing this,” I can’t make him this invested. He could do something problematic, and get himself in trouble. “I feel horrible just remembering this but… where is Marianne?”

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