The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 48: CH 25.2

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Ji Ling waited anxiously. A few days later, he finally saw news of the invasion and the emperor's decision to lead troops out personally. Ji Ling didn’t hesitate for a second before running to his parents, and executing his spoiled kid skills. 

He said: "Mom, Dad, I want to go to Nadeau Galaxy with His Majesty."

Grand Duke Ji Ting frowned and replied: "It's very dangerous there."

Madam Marina said: “Don't go to those barren lands, precious. It's too backwards and harsh there. You won't be  used to it."

Ji Ling was extremely persistent: "I wanna go! Just promise me, okay?"

Madam Marina was still worried about the duel last time. Although she was pleasantly surprised in the end, she was still very worried. When she thought that her baby was going out to chase Jing Sui again, she said uneasily: “His Majesty is so capable, I'm sure he’ll be back soon."

Grand Duke Ji Ting said: "Don't run over and give them more trouble."

Ji Ling’s tears came on demand. He looked at his mother and father imploringly: "Mom, Dad, am I such a worry in your eyes? Do I have to make trouble if I go? Will I be locked up on Empire Star without going anywhere all my life? I’m already an adult. I should be able to choose where I go! "

Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina heard this and went stiff. This child was right. They hadn’t trusted him to go out alone… But now, seeing Ji Ling looking at them with his eyes red, they felt distressed and regretful. They’d pampered him and spoiled him due to his weak constitution, but had they been neglecting his emotions due to their overprotectiveness? 

Madam Marina hesitated: "Mom is just worried about you. Those bugs eat people when they see them…”

Ji Ling said: "There won’t be danger since His Majesty and Marshal Brandon will be there!”

Grand Duke Ji Ting was silent for a moment, then said: "If you want to go, then you must go with the army. Dad is just worried you won’t be able to adapt to a military environment."

Ji Ling said: "I haven't even gone yet, and you assume I won’t be able to do it?"

Madam Marina and Grand Duke Ji Ting exchanged looks of helplessness. They considered it for half the day, and seeing how determined Ji Ling looked, couldn’t help but give a sigh in the end. 

Grand Duke Ji Ting finally relaxed and sighed: “All right, but being out there isn’t like how it is on Empire Star. You can’t act as unrestrained as you normally do, okay?” 

Madam Marina said, “Since you’re going on a long journey, and there aren’t any beds out there or your usual luxuries, I'll have the servants prepare more things.”

Like this, the Ji family immediately busied themselves.

Madam Marina had her servants begin to prepare Ji Ling’s daily necessities. They ended up readying more than a dozen things, and there were even several carts of stuff. A little more, and they’d have dismantled his bed. Ji Ling's eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. He hurriedly went straight to stop them: “That’s enough. It’s enough. I don’t need any more.” 

Grand Duke Ji Ting also said helplessly: “All right, if we prepare any more, I'm afraid it’d anger His Majesty." His majesty hated the extravagance of nobles the most, and Marshal Brandon was even worse. If Ji Ling dared to take these to the army, he might be thrown out on the spot.

Father and son managed to persuade the anxious mother. In the end, they only took some daily necessities and a servant on the road.

Sympathies for the parents who are so devoted to their children. Grand Duke Ji Ting personally took Ji Ling to the military headquarters to make sure he was safe.

The atmosphere in the military headquarters was very solemn. Everyone came and went in a hurry, because they were about to set off soon. There was an empress leading the enemy troops, and it would definitely not be an easy battle. Fortunately, His Majesty and Marshal Brandon were here.

Brandon was in his command room. Under his dark red hair, his gray pupils glowed coldly, and his brows were knitted. He was in the middle of giving orders in an organized fashion. When everyone was ready, they would prepare their warp technology and travel to Nadeau Galaxy. At this moment, he heard a knock on the door outside. He said in a low voice: "Come in."

Grand Duke Ji Ting pushed the door and entered with Ji Ling in tow. Smiling, he greeted politely: "Sir Brandon, I'm sorry for bothering you now."

Brandon originally looked serious, but when he saw that the visitors were Grand Duke Ji Ting and Ji Ling, his eyes glanced over the boy’s face, and his features softened a lot. He also replied politely, "You are too polite, Grand Duke Ji Ting. May I ask what you have come here for?” 

Although he asked this question out loud, he actually knew full well why Grand Duke Ji Ting had come. This had already happened last life, so he didn’t seem very surprised. At the time, Ji Ling had also begged his father to let him accompany the army. 

Grand Duke Ji Ting paused and said seriously: “I have a presumptuous request. I hope Sir Brandon can agree to it.”

Brandon gave a smile: “Please tell me, Your Grace. If it’s something in my power, I certainly won’t refuse.”

Grand Duke Ji Ting pulled Ji Ling out from behind him and said: "This child has never been out of the empire before, and he wants to go out with the army this time to see the world. After thinking about it, I thought it’d be best to entrust him to you, Marshal. Only then, can I rest assured."

After he finished speaking, he waited for Brandon's reply. Although he believed Brandon shouldn’t refuse such a small little request,  he couldn’t say for sure… After all, Brandon didn’t like imperial rich kids, and quite frankly, Ji Ling was just a burden. It was possible Brandon wouldn’t give him face and refuse to accept.  

He still hadn’t come back to himself yet, and his voice had just fallen, when he heard Brandon agree in a low voice: "Don't worry, Your Grace. I will guard him with my life!"

Grand Duke Ji Ting: "..."

Ji Ling: "..."

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Ji Ling avoided his gaze awkwardly. He really couldn’t look at him.

Grand Duke Ji Ting was rarely startled, but he looked on dumbfounded at the tall man in front of him with a cold and solemn face. He saw how serious Brandon looked… I just asked you to take care of my undeserving child on the side. Was it necessary to go so far as to say you’ll protect him with your life...

Wasn’t this battle not very dangerous? And it’s not like I’m entrusting you with my only son before I die..

But Brandon didn't think there was any problem with what he’d said. Again, he recalled what had happened last life when he was caught in the empress’ trap. Everyone around him had died. Just when he was struggling in a hopeless situation with overwhelming numbers of arthropods on all sides, it was the youth who had risked his life to come save him.

However, because of his negligence, he had let the boy get captured by the cruel rebel leader on their way back, and Ji Ling had almost lost his life.

Even if he’d come back safely in the end, Brandon was full of guilt and self-blame every time he thought of this matter. There was no way he could forgive himself. He should’ve protected the youth properly, so that he wouldn’t have had to go through that… but he’d failed in doing so.

It was all his fault.

This time, I will definitely protect you from facing any danger. I will take good care of you.

But Grand Duke Ji Ting didn't know any of that. He was just trying to suppress his surprise and said with a dry laugh: “Then I’ll have to trouble you, Marshal. When you come back victorious, you must come to my residence and let me properly thank you."

Brandon said with a heavy voice: “It’s nothing. You need not be so courteous, Your Grace.” 

Grand Duke Ji Ting: "..."

What was up today? Brandon was so nice. But why do I feel like we shouldn’t talk anymore today?

Ji Ling finally couldn't help tugging on his father's sleeve. He whispered: "Dad, don't worry. Since the marshal has promised, he’ll take good care of me. Why don’t you go back first. I’ll be fine."

Grand Duke Ji Ting also felt it was a bit awkward here. He nodded and coughed lightly, deciding to end the conversation. Smiling, he said: "Then I won't bother you any more, Marshal. I entrust Xiao Ling to you."

He turned back and urged Ji Ling: “You must listen to the marshal here, understand? You can't be as willful as you are at home.”

Ji Ling nodded like a chicken pecking rice, ensuring that he’d carefully listen to instructions. Only then did Grand Duke Ji Ting finally leave reluctantly.

Although Grand Duke Ji Ting had repeatedly refused, Brandon still went to send him out personally. The tall and cold-blooeded man didn't have much expression on his face, but his eyes were extremely serious. He emphasized again: "I will definitely bring him back safe and sound.”

Grand Duke Ji Ting smiled gratefully but uncomfortably, saying: “Good, good. I believe in you, Marshal! You don’t need to send me off, return to your work! "

When Brandon returned to his room, he found Ji Ling sitting in a chair by the window. The boy’s hands were on the sides of the chair, and his upper body was sitting straight, with his legs swaying gently. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Brandon. His eyes were bold and he tilted his head as he asked in a clear voice: "When are we leaving? I’ve been waiting half the day.”

Brandon looked at the young man's bright and arrogant eyes. Even after hearing those unbridled words, he wasn’t bothered by the boy’s rudeness. Instead, his eyes softened, as a trace of nostalgia emerged. He said: “Now.”

Ji Ling jumped off the chair lightly and looked up, saying: "Let's go then!"

Brandon gave a slight nod. He raised his hand and touched the youth’s soft blond hair, saying in a low voice: "Come with me."

After he spoke, he turned and walked out the front.

Ji Ling followed behind him.

Although it was his second time deploying with the army, Ji Ling was a young man from modern-day earth. Seeing  the spectacular sight before him, he still couldn't help but look in amazement and shock. The technology of the future was truly terrific. The huge starship loomed in front of him like a steel behemoth in the starry sky. Its cold body inspired fear and trembling in all creatures. 

At times like this, I really feel, once again, how truly insignificant I am.

And suddenly, it makes me want to go home even more.

Ji Ling came back to himself after the awe of the sight in from of him sunk in. Now, it was time for his stage and he could show his true self. Don't you all want to make things up to me? Don’t you think you’ve wronged me last life?

Well then, let me see just how much you can tolerate.

He followed by Brandon’s side, and didn't care about the inquiring eyes of other people anymore. He watched arrogantly as row upon row of soldiers clad in black uniforms passed by. Suddenly, his line of sight froze. He glanced across the masses, and saw a young man dressed as a major. Under the edges of his hat, a handsome and outstanding face revealed itself. A pair of jade green eyes looked at him coolly.

Ji Ling smirked, and stood behind Brandon. From far away, he sent a provocative look over!

Oh, you just watch and wait. Soon they’ll know that you’re their true love!

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