The Weapons Guy

Chapter 239: Locus of Control

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At the Jungle Temple, Locus and Felix meet up with one of the scientists and a Space Pirate serving as escort.

Locus: What has your team found?

Scientist: This is... huh well, where do I even begin?

Felix: Well, you could start with what it is.

Scientist: A central hub. Some sort of...device connected to the rest of the temples on the planet, that's our best guess at least, but this energy source in the center is...something else.

Felix: Can it be weaponized?

Scientist: No, no no no no. The energy here is reminiscent of the teleportation devices we studied to make the cubes. We think it's a gateway.

Locus: To where?

Scientist: Well, that is the question of the day, now isn't it?

Felix: So... anyone care to take the first step?

Scientist: I would... not advise that. We've been doing our best to decipher the text inscribed on the temple walls. It's all very biblical in tone. Lots of symbolism, but it does seem this gateway has some... well, rules.

Locus: Rules?

Scientist: The text is very specific. "Only a true warrior may enter; a being of great strength and mental clarity."

Locus: And what would happen to a man, who failed these requirements?

Scientist: We don't know.

Felix kicks the escorting Space Pirate into the beam. He is gone with a flash.

Felix: Guess we'll find out.

Cut to the interior of a tower. Sharkface is gearing up and talking with the Counselor. A number of spraypaint cans are on the desk. Sharkface's armor has spraypainted red trim on it.

Counselor: Are you finished?

Sharkface: Almost. (stretches out arm) But you can't rush art, Counselor. (picks up a can, shakes it and starts spraying paint on the helmet)

Counselor: You find working with tools to be therapeutic?

Sharkface: Therapeutic?

Counselor: Relaxing. Does it help to cope-

Sharkface: I know what "therapeutic" means. And no, not really. (keeps spray painting)

Counselor: Let's change the subject. I trust you've reviewed the reports on Agents Washington and Carolina?

Sharkface: Yup.

Counselor: Excellent. Did you have any questions?

Sharkface: No.

Counselor: (sighs) Good. Then why don't we go over the mission briefing again?

Sharkface: The mercs want the Freelancers dead, so they got me to do it. Briefing over.

Counselor: There is no need for hostility.

Sharkface: (turns around to face the Counselor) I beg to differ. See, those super-soldier freaks dropped a building on me. They left me for dead, and then they killed my friends. They took away the only family I ever had while I was in physical fucking therapy. There's plenty of need for hostility here, Counselor.

Counselor: Then perhaps you should do your best to channel that energy.

Sharkface: (turns around, walking back to the desk, snorting on the way. He picks up his helmet but puts it back down quickly) You know, I do have a question. (turns around again and points to the Counselor) How did you end up on a ship full of killers? You don't look like a criminal to me.

Counselor: (hesitantly) Let's not get off topic.

Sharkface: I wanna know.

Counselor: I believed in the wrong people. By the time I realized it, the damage was already done.

Sharkface: And what would you do, if those people were here now? Would you kill 'em?

Counselor: If it meant getting my life back, I would.

Sharkface: Hmpf. Well then... (puts on his helmet) I guess you belong here after all.

The Counselor looks somewhat upset. Sharkface meanwhile pulls up his Assault Rifle in front of him on the desk. Cut back to the Jungle Temple. With a flash, the Space Pirate kicked into the beam returns.

Space Pirate: Oh God! I'm back! I'm back!!

Felix: (to the scientist) Guess I owe you fifty bucks.

Locus: (walks up to the Pirate) What happened?

Space Pirate: (breathing heavily) I saw... terrible things... people I've killed...

Felix: Oh man, if we're gonna meet every person we've wronged or some bullshit, it's gonna take forever.

Locus: Quiet.

Felix: Seriously dude, I'm talking weeks!

Scientist: (scans the Pirate) Well, aside from his scares his vitals seem perfectly normal.

Locus: Then I'm going in.

Felix: What, now?

Locus: We're already low on time. I can get what we came for.

Felix: Oh, bullshit! I know what this is about! Why do you know I'm not the true warrior.

Locus: Because you're you.

Felix: Yeah, and being me is awesome(Locus is silent, not convinced) (sighs) Alright, look, why don't we both go in and let the giant alien thing decide?

Locus: Fine. (walks into the beam with Felix)

Felix: Good. Just don't cry to me, when ya lose.

Locus: I won't. (Felix looks at him, Locus hastily corrects himself) Lose. I-I won't lose.

Felix: (chuckling) Too late, fucked it up.

Felix walks into the beam and disappears with a flash. Locus follows and teleports.

Locus: Felix, come in.

Locus ends up on some form of space platform. He is alone. He tries to cloak, but the module malfunctions and he is thrown out of stealth. Locus walks down a nearby ramp.

Locus: Felix, I've made it through the gateway, equipment is malfunctioning. If you can hear this-

Locus is interrupted by a booming alien voice.


Locus: I-don't-understand.

Alien Voice: WHO. ARE. YOU?

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Locus is suddenly surrounded by a squad of four UNSC soldiers wearing Aviator, Warrior, Recruit and Scanner helmets respectively. All four have their guns pointed at him.

Aviator Soldier: Freeze!

Locus: What?!

Aviator Soldier: Don't move!

Warrior Soldier: Don't you fucking move!

Recruit Soldier: Lower your weapon or we will shoot!

Warrior Soldier: Put the weapon down!

Locus lowers his shotgun. Another UNSC soldier walks into view.

Captain: What do we have here, men?

Aviator Soldier: Caught us a monster, captain. I think it understands what we're saying.

Captain: Really? Then how about you tell us what you're doing here?

Locus: I... came through the gateway.

Warrior Soldier: Speak English, motherfucker!

Locus: What? ...Wait... I know you.

Warrior Soldier: (distraught) Why is it lookin' at me?!

Past Felix: (mockingly) Maybe you're just its type.

Locus: No... Felix...

Felix shows up, wearing the tan and green armor the mercs wore back during the Great War.

Past Felix: I say we blow its brains out.

Past Locus: That's your answer to everything.

Locus: (mutters) Impossible...

Captain: Hey! You quit eyeballing my men and give me some answers. Are you alone?

Locus: I- I don't understand. You're all supposed to be dead...

Aviator Soldier: What's it saying?

Locus: (to his past self) You're me.

Past Locus: Sir, I think it's trying to surrender.

Past Felix: Bullshit, I think it's stalling. Sir, this feels like a trap.

Locus: Why don't you recognize me?

Captain: Private, I did not ask you for your opinion-

Locus: Listen to me!!

Warrior Soldier: Hey, watch it!

Aviator Soldier: It's gettin' hostile!

Past Felix: Sir, this thing's wastin' our time and we're in no position to start taking prisoners.

Captain: (sighs) Fine. (to Felix and Locus) You two, move into one of these buildings and take it out. Quietly.

Locus: What...?!

Past Locus: Sir, it's scared...

Captain: If it's smart, it should be.

Past Locus: If we could restrain it, we could-

Captain: (interrupts) Son, you listen here!

Locus: No...

Captain: You're a soldier! In this war, you are nothing but a suit of armor and a gun! So when I give you an order you damn well follow it! Do I make myself clear?!

Locus: (raises gun) NO!

Past Felix: Drop 'em! Drop 'em!

All soldiers open fire on Locus. A bright flash and Locus is back at the Temple.

Felix: Locus! It's about goddamn- Hey!

Locus holds Felix at gunpoint, Felix raises back his DMR at him.

Locus: What'd you see!?

Felix: Calm down, asshole, you're fine. It was an illusion. Ya know, a trick?

Locus: What-did-you-see?

Felix: Hmpf. Well, if you must know, I didn't see a thing. I passed the test. Turns out I'm a true warrior.

Locus: (lowers shotgun, disbelieving) What?

Felix: (lowers DMR) Kidding. It was fucked. Saw shit straight out of my nightmares.

Locus: Do you think this is a joke...?!

Felix: No, but intel says we're out of time, so you can bitch about this later. Right now we need to move to Plan B. (turns to the two Space Pirates and the scientist behind him) Everyone, pack it up! Leave no trace we were here. I mean it, if I catch one thing left behind, someone's gettin' thrown out of the Pelican!

As the Pirates walk away, Locus turns to the energy beam. Felix snaps him back to attention.

Felix: (to Locus) Hey! (Locus turns to face him) Get it together. (walks away and snorts mockingly) True warrior.

Locus is silent and turns to look at the beam one last time, before walking away. View of Locus fades. Suddenly Carolina,  Ash, Dr. Grey and the Blues minus Wash walk forward to the beam.


Tucker: Holy shit!


Epsilon: I think it's safe to say we're here.

Carolina: And not a moment too soon.

"It's... bright." Ash says.



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