The Weapons Guy

Chapter 240: Test Your Might

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Fade in to reveal the Red Team, Rebels, and Feds driving towards the Desert Refueling Station. Cut to the Reds, dismounted on their warthog, huddled up. The Rebels, Feds, and Washington dismount from their warthogs as well.

Sarge: Now look, the fact of the matter is the ability to fly north, and only north, is just gonna lead to more problems than it solves.


Simmons: Thank you!

Grif: Whatever, this road trip sucks!

Sarge: Nonsense! Road trips are an inherent part of the Red Team experience. Enjoy the exotic sights and sounds of this beautiful, albeit wartorn, land.

Grif: It's a gas station... that we've been to before! Seriously, there's like three places to go on the whole planet!

Washington approaches the Reds.

Washington: Alright, almost time to hit the road again.

Simmons: Any word from the away team?

Washington: They found some sort of giant alien temple shooting pure energy into the sky.

Grif: (sighs) What'd I tell ya? Blue Team problems.

Washington: You know, I think it's really admirable that you all choose to stay and fight for the people of Chorus.

Simmons: Oh. Thanks, Wash.

Washington: When I first met you all, I honestly thought you'd never amount to anything but you've really proven me wrong.

Grif: Uhhhh, cool. Thanks, dude.

Washington: Sure, you may not be the most conventional soldiers but no matter the challenge you always manage to find a way to come out on top. And that's something really special.

Sarge: What's going on with you?

Washington: Me? Nothing.

Simmons: No, you're acting really weird.

Washington: I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you. (brief pause) That's it.


Washington: (quickly) No, I don't!

Grif: No, you do, you definitely do! You're getting all sentimental and shit!

Washington: Nooooo, guys. Come on, you'll be fine! I've got total faith in you. You're some of the best solders I ever knew.


Washington: Look, I just want you to know, I'm proud of you. I'm sure if you stick together, you'll be okay. What unit are you in?

Sarge: Volunteered for the front lines!

Washington: Oh...

Grif: YOU WHAT?!

Simmons: SARGE!

Washington: Well, look on the bright side!

Awkward beat.

Grif: You know, if you say that, you're supposed to follow it up with the bright side!

Washington: (solemnly) I know.

Cut to the Blues, Ash, and Dr. Grey at the Jungle Temple.


"A true warrior?" Church asks.

"Of physical strength and mental clarity." Dr. Grey states.

"Well it's a good thing I'm here." Tucker says.

"That's cute." Carolina says.

"If anything it'd be me." Ash says.

"No way!" Tucker says. "You may have the strength, but your mind is all fucked up."

"Oh, fuck you!" Ash yells.

"Obviously I'm a true warrior. Plus, I got the sword. That means I'm the chosen one."

"Finding a sword in a hole doesn't automatically make you an unstoppable badass." Church says.

"Oh, why don't you tell that to the last alien temple I lit up!" Tucker says.

"Tucker has a point." Dr. Grey says. "It's possible that merely carrying the sword through the portal will override the need to be strong and intelligent."

"Yeah! Wait, I'm strong and intelligent."

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"No, you are not." Ash says.

"Eh, you have your moments." Caboose says.

"Well, we're low on time and it's the best lead we've got." Church says.

"Fine." Carolina says and she turns to Tucker. "Just... be careful."

Tucker: Nothing to worry about baby. (lights up the sword) I am a true motherfucking warrior.

Tucker jumps into the portal screaming and is almost instantly thrown out of it, hitting a boulder.

Tucker: (stands up) Whoa! What happened?

Epsilon: Wow.

"Apparently, you're not a true warrior." Carolina says.

"Or maybe he's so good he passed the test super fast." Caboose says.

"Or it didn't like him and immediately kicked him out." Ash says.

"What did you see?" Dr. Grey asks. "Tell me about the other side. Did you make contact? Oh, and... how are you feeling?"

Tucker shakes his head. "I saw Felix."

"The mercenaries were already there?" Carolina asks.

"Well, I don't think it was really him. He showed up, then another Felix showed up. And the next thing I know there were a million fucking assholes all over me. Same thing with Locus, I couldn't fight them off!"

"You weren't strong enough." Dr. Grey says.

"My turn!" Ash yells. 

Ash reaches to the back of his head and takes out Xi's A.I. chip and hands it to Dr. Grey. 

"I'll be right back." Ash says and he jumps into the beam.

Ash looks around and he's in some sort of forest.

"Where am I?"

Alien Voice: WHO. ARE. YOU?

"I'm Cyprus Ash." Ash says. "Or am I, Agent Minnesota? I really don't know who I am really."

The alien voice hums.

"Ash?" A female voice says.

Ash tenses up and freezes. "Cal?"


Ash turns around and sees Cal, in her Spartan armor, laying on the ground.

"CAL!" Ash yells and he runs over to her.

Ash kneels down to her and sees her cracked helmet.

"Just gimme a sec." Ash says and he reaches for her helmet and takes it off and throws the damaged helmet to the side.

Ash looks down to his older sister.


"You're bleeding." Ash says in worry. "What happened?"

"Why weren't you there, Ash?" Cal asks.


"You weren't there, I died and you weren't there. I died all alone."

"No, no, no." Ash says and he starts to panic. "I couldn't, I-I was- I didn't-"

Ash grabs his head and holds it in pain. Ash takes a few deep breaths and he looks up and suddenly a Gravity Hammer hits him in the face and he goes flying and lands on the ground.

After a few seconds Ash groans and he looks up to see snow.

"Snow?" Ash asks. He stands up and looks around. "Woooow."


"This.... is familiar." Ash says.

Ash begins to walk towards the ship. 

"Why does everything feel a little heavier?" 

Ash makes it to the crashed ship.

"I've been here before, haven't I?"

Ash looks around and he spots Carolina unconscious at the side of a cliff.

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