The World Of Zodiac

Chapter 6: Ch 6. Portal

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After walking through several turns, Dr. Plum finally stopped near a huge gate. The guards near the gate were more armed than the other palace guards. And this guards seemed to be more strong and disciplined.

'Still I can't get enough of watching their wings. Just like a butterfly. The pattern of wings are beautiful as well.'

Glade on his way noticed everything in the palace. Better to know something than nothing.

"Glade.... Glade!"


"Why are you daydreaming here? I called you multiple times. *Sigh * Well, rather than that, I have informed the guard who will notify Her Majesty about our arrival. He is gone to inform the Queen. You better get ready."


After a while, a male guard came out and just behind him was a young lady. The lady was holding a register on her hands and was somehow giving off a secretary vibe.

And her looks were also on point. With the looks even surpassing some of celebs in Glade's world. Her ruby coloured eyes and ruby hair matched with her looks very well. Her body figure was perfect. With perfect curves and D - cup bust, she gave an image of perfect girl. Any boy would definitely like to fall for her. And at this moment before Glade was allured by this ruby haired girl, he noticed that all fairies were naturally beautiful. Even guards, who were a bit buffed were not average. All of them had very good looks. 

Though the ruby girl was beautiful, Glade wasn't much attracted towards her. After all, he already has someone he loves. The ruby girl who saw no interest in Glade's eyes was surprised for a bit. But she quickly composed herself.

"Sorry for not introducing. My name is Amoura. I am the secretary of the Queen. Pleasure to meet you."

The ruby girl introduced herself and stretched her hands as a token of friendship.

'So, she is really a secretary!'

"My name is Glade. Nice to meet you as well."

Glade shakes his hand with Amoura. And then she gestured the guard in front of the door. The guard listened her orders and nodded.

"I have informed the guard to not disturb during our meeting. Let's go inside. Her majesty is waiting for you. And Dr. Plum, thanks for guiding him to her majesty's office."

"No need for it. It's just a small request. Well, I have other patients, so I need to return quickly. Well take care Lady Amoura and Glade as well."

Dr. Plum after guiding Glade returned as she has more work as a head doctor. Glade who was with Amoura was a bit nervous. Even though he seemed pretty calm from apperance, inside he was freaking out. After all, even though he met many presidents in his previous world, monarchy is a total different thing. Who knows how is the queen's personality? If he irritates her, then she can easily behead him.

And even he want to fight, his opponent is going to be the whole country. And the country is filled with fairies which is absurd enough but what more absurd is that they can use magic.

Glade isn't afraid of death. It's just he has a desire, which he needs to acquired it at any costs. Just like people say, "Desire = Justice". Human breaks their limits because they have a desire. Desire is a drive which makes humans move to attain unimaginable heights.

Glade is afraid that if something goes wrong, then before his wish, he may die. Which was totally unacceptable by him!

But at the current situation, there was no option other than to meet the queen. Glade composed himself and got ready to meet queen.

"Follow me."

Amoura gestured Glade to follow behind her. Glade followed her and then they entered the room.

Inside the room was fully empty with nothing in it. Glade who prepared himself, somehow seemed like a joke. Amoura who saw his expression, giggled a little. After hearing her giggle, Glade glared her with anger.

"Ha! Ha! Don't be angry. This room is only portal to go to her majesty's office."

Amoura said while wiping tears coming out from the corner of her eyes.


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Glade somehow understood what Amoura was implying. He himself built a gate, to travel into the fantasy world. But still, for him it is going to be first magic experience.

"Portal are items that are engraved with teleportation magic for a specific location. And the carpet over there, is the only entrance to her majesty's room."

Glade then looked at the carpet on the ground. Some sort of letters were on it. Then he walked near it and found that the letters were in english! Then he quickly noticed something which made him feel weird.

'Huh! How I can communicate with fairies? And what type of language I am speaking with them ?'

Glade doubted for a while but didn't got any answer with his logical reasoning.

'This is a fantasy world. Everything is possible here. Better not fret over it. By the way the words written on carpet are "Teleport". It seems in this world, english is an ancient language. Better ask Amoura.'

"Hey, Amoura. What is this letters are?"

Amoura saw Glade pointing over the engraving on the carpet.

"Oh! Those are the language of ancients. This helps specially in enchanting field of magic."

Glade who heard her was a bit happy. After all as a human of Earth, how he couldn't know English? 

'Looks like I have to learn to enchant magic.'

Then Glade saw several blue coloured stones on the wall. And to his surprise, he could see, some blue coloured waves in air flowing towards to carpet from the stones.

"Amoura, what are these stones?"

"Those are Magic stones. They contain mana within them. To use the portal multiple times, we have to supply supple amount to mana to the carpet through these stones."

Glade who heard her explanation still had some doubts.

'Mana? A foreign word. Seems like I have to learn more. But the first and foremost objective is to meet the queen. Better go quickly.'

"Amoura, let's go."

Amoura nodded and then stood on the carpet. Glade also took a step and stood on the center of the carpet. Then Amoura started to chant. As she commanded for teleportation.

"Switch on!"

The blue particles which were flowing in air moved towards carpet in a very extreme manner. And then the engraved words glowed blue and then in a instant both - Glade and Amoura vanished from the empty room.


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