The World Of Zodiac

Chapter 7: Ch 7. Beautiful just like Blossom

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Glade and Amoura in a flash appeared in a room which was not much different from the previous one. The room's dimensions were same, the positioning of mana stones on walls were same and the engraved big carpet was also in the middle of the room. Glade and Amoura were standing on the carpet which was a sort of teleportation pod.

"So, are you sure that we teleported?"

Glade who saw the exact same room, somehow had doubts if they actually teleported or not.

"*Giggles* Yes. The teleportation rooms have exact same designs. It is to give a symbol like people can identify it as a teleportation room."

"But then, wouldn't everybody would use it without permission."

"It's impossible. Before entering the room, there is a mana door which is pretty much invisible. It detects the mana of individual and allows to use the carpet. Though you might not have seen it."

'That's why I saw the small particles just before entering the room. But just Amoura said that it is invisible. But I saw it pretty clearly. And during the travel as well I saw these colourful particles. It seems my eyes have probably mutated.'

Glade thought as he summed up the facts. As he came to new world, his body probably started to adapted and during this his eyes must have gone through some change.

"And to use carpet, an authorised ring from her majesty is needed."

Glade who heard her looked at her right hand to find a ring on her small finger. The ring was made from the wood. From, the way is looks and from fairy antics, it is better to say that it is made from sacred wood. And the gem embedded on it was pure green. The green gem was lustrous. It was a bit shiny but not that eye-catching like diamond.

"Amoura, that gem and that small figure in white on that ring..."

Amoura glanced at her ring and then understood what Glade was asking.

"The gem is really not a gem. It is the crystallization of Sacred Tree's sap. The sap of tree is very difficult to obtain. And after hardening it, it becomes a lustrous green gem. And the figure on it is the symbol of country. It is made up of a tree with a crown with fairy wings behind it.

The tree represents the Sacred tree, the crown represents royalty and the wings represents the fairies."

Glade understood about the ring. The ring is a sign that royalty trusts you and allows you to use these specific items. And Amoura said that it is very hard to obtain because of Sacred Tree's sap, then the ring must be passed from generation to generation.

"Well, if you understood everything, how about go for meeting?"

Glade who heard got out of his head and nodded. Both of them walked towards the door where again they passed through the mana door. Glade felt a very uncomfortable for a moment.

As she opened the door, suddenly a huge gush of wind slammed into Glade. The smooth wind with a tinge of smell of nature. As he opened his eyes, he found that he was forest! He heard chirping of birds clearly. The trees which stood up tall giving cool shade on him. He gazed upwards only to see the sky was not blue but light green. Small countless green crystal were on the sky, giving off light just like sun. But this light instead of hot, was very comfortable and soothing.

Glade then quickly remembered that they were inside the Sacred tree. After all, Avalon is carved in the tree.

"T-This... How there is a forest inside a tree?"

"*Giggles!* You really got shocked. It's because you haven't seen the sacred tree from the outside. The Sacred tree is that big that it can contain the palace and different rooms as well."

'It seems I have underestimated this fantasy world. A tree and inside it is another biosphere. It is very shocking for me. And those crystals above, how the hell they are emitting light?'

Amoura was walking as Glade followed her. Amoura entered the forest started walking from a tree to tree. Glade who was following her also had some difficulty in following her. The trees are like a maze. For some reason, everything seems same from all directions. He got the feeling, he felt before coming to this country, in the forest where he survived for many years.

But he could the light, just like before. He followed the blaze red particles, which lead him to Amoura.

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After 10 minutes, both of them came out of the maze forest. Amoura didn't even check once if Glade is following her or not. When she turned behind and saw Glade behind her, she was surprised. For some reason, she was sure that Glade was going to lost in these woods.

'To think he passed through this.... Maybe that's why her majesty wants to meet him.'

Amoura smiled and gestured Glade to follow her. Glade nodded and again both of them started walking through the outskirts of the forest. Glade ran upto her and asked about the crystals which very intrigued him.

"By the way, Amoura?"


"I wanted to ask about those crystals on the sky."

"Oh! Those are same as my ring - Sacred Tree's Sap."

"But didn't you say it that it is precious and can't be obtained. But here there are countless solid sap."

"Those crystals are indeed Sacred Tree's Sap. But the concertration of sap in those crystals is very high. And that's why they are very hard. And they embedded in the trunk of Sacred tree. Pulling one out of it, is impossible. Because of high concentration, they are much purer and are very good material for mana conductivity. The tree's mana is converted into light due to crystals which slowly gave birth to these trees inside it. And animals were bought from outside to maintain a sort of ecosystem."

Glade nodded at her explaination and didn't asked her anything new. Though there are many foreign words, he thought to study about it after meeting.

Finally Amoura stopped. Glade who was glancing here and there noticed that Amoura stopped. He peeked over her to see the sight in front of her.

"Is t-this Queen's palace?"

Glade just couldn't believe the sight he was watching. Just in front of him, the forest was divided into two parts. And a beautiful rocky bridge was leading to center of it. 

A huge tree. 

A huge tree was in center but that's was not all. Beneath the tree was a beautiful palace. And a waterfall was flowing from above and the canopy of tree sheltered the palace. The scene he saw breathtaking. He couldn't believe that there is something so beautiful.

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Glade was always in rush because of his search for Blossom. Not matter what it is, he was always thinking about Blossom.

But today... he stopped because he saw a wonder. A wonder of nature.

A genuine and beautiful smile crept up his face and he just couldn't help but say -

"Beautiful just like Blossom...."

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