They Are Not Human!

Chapter 16: 16

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The three-headed dog baby is very angry, and has decided to report to its father.

Wen Qing nervously stared at Si Kong.

Si Kong closed his eyes slightly. His eyelashes weren’t curled, they just drooped down, long enough to the point where they were almost down to his lower eyelashes. It inexplicably added a touch of softness to his sharp facial features, but his brows were still wrinkled, as if someone owed him a few millions.

Wen Qing patiently waited for a while, seeing that Si Kong had absolutely no intention of telling him his suspect.

He organised his words and said, “I, I’ve already told you my thoughts, should you……”

Si Kong raised his eyes, irritated. “Should what?”

Wen Qing shivered slightly, and quietly said: “Should, should show courtesy back……”

Hearing this, the corners of Si Kong’s mouth lifted, though his voice was indifferent. “Who told you to say that?”

It was unknown whether it was because he was a little angry already, but his voice was two degrees higher than earlier.

This voice paired with this tall figure scared Wen Qing into hurriedly apologising: “Sorry.”

Si Kong clicked his tongue in distaste. He stared at him for a while and question, “Are you going to cry again?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips. He was only a little flustered, but he couldn’t hold back right now.

“I’m not.”

Those two words were slightly shaky. Si Kong’s expression became worse: “If you’re going to cry about this little thing, what will you do in the future?”

Although Si Kong’s attitude wasn’t good, Wen Qing could hear the meaning in those words.

Si Kong was a little angry that he liked crying.

From childhood to adulthood, most of Wen Qing’s classmates and friends have said the same thing.

He knew those words weren’t malicious, but a kind of hatred over iron not becoming steel.[1]

Si Kong……didn’t seem that fierce?

Wen Qing quietly defended himself: “Crying is a normal physiological reaction that’s difficult to control.”

“And by crying, you can vent out your emotions.”

Wen Qing thought and slowly said: “If you want to cry, I won’t laugh at you either.”

Si Kong: “……”

“I don’t cry.”

Wen Qing seemed to see the planted flag[2] standing tall.

Of course, he couldn’t say this in front of Si Kong. He hesitated, then dryly told Si Kong: “Then you’re really amazing.”

Si Kong: “……”

Wen Qing thought he had misunderstood the meaning of his words, and hastily explained: “I don’t mean to be ironic, I’m simply praising——”

His voice abruptly stopped. In the blink of an eye, Si Kong had walked from the bedroom in front of him.

Wen Qing raised his hand to look at him. He thought Si Kong was going to carry him out again, and hurriedly grabbed his collar and consciously exited the bedroom.

In the next second, he saw Si Kong close the door and stand in the corridor.

The lighting in the corridor was very bright. Scattered on Wen Qing’s face, those big, light brown eyes were like a pair of clear and translucent glass pearls, indistinctly glistening with water.

Si Kong’s line of sight paused for a moment. The next second, he quickly looked away, and impatiently said: “I suspect you’re the guide.”

Wen Qing stared at him blankly. “What?”

Si Kong’s brows furrowed, spitting out four words: “Courtesy demands reciprocity.”

Wen Qing reacted this time, he even refused to say it just now……

He raised his head to stare at Si Kong’s side profile, and suddenly realised that it was a sour yet tsundere face.

Pretty cute……

Wen Qing’s fear of Si Kong gradually disappeared.

His college’s dorm leader was also this sort of tsundere. Wen Qing was scared at first, but after getting along for a long time, he could understand the other’s true meanings in his words, and Wen Qing started to stick to him.

Thinking about the dorm leader, Wen Qing suddenly felt that Si Kong was kinder.

He blinked, and quietly asked, “If you suspect me, then why didn’t you vote for me earlier?”

Si Kong tightly pursed his lips: “I’ve said it before, it’s because my one vote is unimportant.”

Wen Qing was at a loss. Si Kong had said this not long ago.

Did he mean that him voting alone would be useless?

Or did it have another meaning?

Wen Qing couldn’t think of it. After a while, he softly said, “That…… I’m really not the guide.”

The corners of Si Kong’s lips lifted. “If I say you are, you are.”

Wen Qing: “……”

I don’t want you to think, I want myself to think?

This was the first time Wen Qing had encountered such a scene. He didn’t know what he should say. After a while, he felt that the atmosphere was so strange that it was weird, so he dryly said, “Do you like watching variety shows too?”

Si Kong was expressionless. He raised his legs and walked towards the stairs.

Wen Qing hurriedly followed, jogging while pondering over the meaning of Si Kong’s words.

Though Si Kong had a long face, he’d always been helping him these past few days.

He had just said that he doubted that he himself was the guide. Could it be that he was saying nonsense on purpose?

After thinking about it, Wen Qing couldn’t figure it out. He only had an intuition that Si Kong must know something.

In short, he [Si Kong] definitely knew more than him [Wen Qing].

Wen Qing followed Si Kong and whispered: “Say, if the votes are tied tonight, can we not have to go open the door and even get three opportunities to ask questions?”

Si Kong’s footsteps paused. He slowly said: “The game’s rules don’t mention anything about tied votes.”

Wen Qing asked: “That means nothing will happen?”

Si Kong sneered: “That means the system can have free rein.”

“They[3] don’t like things that break away from the rules of the game.”

Wen Qing was stunned, and couldn’t hope but ask: “Are you an old player?”

Why did it sound like you’ve been through a lot?

Si Kong frowned and no longer paid attention to him, indifferently heading downstairs.

He didn’t want to say it, and Wen Qing didn’t ask any further questions. He followed behind Si Kong and continued muttering: “I think everyone doesn’t seem like a guide, but the system says that there is one guide among us, it won’t deceive us……”

“Could the guide be the three-headed dog? It’s embossed in the villa, and it’s considered among us when rounded off. Plus, when it appears, it will eat people, and it doesn’t want us to leave this place.”

The more Wen Qing spoke, the more sure he felt that the answer was the three-headed dog. Without noticing, Si Kong had stopped, and his head slammed into his back.

Wen Qing’s nose was sore from the pain, and his eyes instantly became red.

“You talk a lot.”

Si King turned around. When he saw Wen Qing’s face, the impatience on his face stiffened and disappeared.

He cried again……


Wen Qing had tears in his eyes. His vision was blurred, and he didn’t see Si Kong’s face changing.

Si Kong’s brows furrowed, and he coldly spat out two words: “Continue.”

Wen Qing was lost: “Ah?”

Si Kong: “Continue speaking.”

Puzzled, Wen Qing nodded and continued speaking: “And, and, there will be singing when the three-headed dog appears. The nursery rhyme sung by the system definitely has a meaning. It might be the real guide dog.”

“The system could’ve deliberately used the word ‘guide’ to confuse us, but it was actually a guide dog……”

Walking to the second floor, Wen Qing’s steps paused, and he turned to look at Zhou Zhou’s bedroom.

The study’s door was closed shut. Nothing could be seen nor heard.

Si Kong followed his gaze. He stared for a moment, and his brows furrowed tighter.

Wen Qing was a little worried about the teacher and Zhou Zhou. He wondered if he should go over to take a look.

Si Kong noticed his thoughts and spoke: “Go downstairs.”

“Uh huh.” Wen Qing nodded and followed Si Kong downstairs.

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“Tonight, vote Chen Yiyi.”

Zhou Zhou slowly turned his head, staring deeply at Ji Yu, who stood at the doorway.

Ji Yu smiled, as if he hadn’t spoken that sentence.

Zhou Zhou’s voice was hoarse: “You clearly know that she isn’t.”

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Ji Yu curved his lips and lightly said: “Yu Xing isn’t either, so why do you want to vote for him?”

Zhou Zhou kept a blank face and didn’t speak.

Ji Yu lowered his eyes and looked into Zhou Zhou’s shadowy eyes.

After admiring for a moment, he opened his mouth to say: “You want to let him go die because of Wen Qing.”

“I also want to let Chen Yiyi do the same thing,” he paused, and lightly said: “Just think of it for Li Si Wen.”

Zhou Zhou’s expression changed: “You’re still a teacher.”

Ji Yu warmly said: “I only want to give student Li Si Wen a valuable lesson.”

In this way, he was also a dedicated life mentor.

“Tonight vote for Chen Yiyi and I’ll vote Yu Xing with you tomorrow night.”

Zhou Zhou’s expression slightly softened. “Why should I trust you?”

Ji Yu lightly laughed: “You can only trust me.”

Zhou Zhou’s face suddenly sank.

“As a reward, teacher will advise you. Wen Qing doesn’t like the way you are now.”

After speaking, Ji Yu opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.


The waiting time was very long, but at 8:30, it felt like time had flown quickly.

Wen Qing stared at the clock ticking minute by minute. Ten minutes before the vote, there were footsteps on the stairs one after another.

Zhou Zhou, Li Si Wen, Chen Yiyi went downstairs in turn.

Wen Qing peeked at Zhou Zhou from the corner of his eye. His face was stern; although His face was still a little gloomy, he looked calmer than he did this morning.

He thought, the teacher’s persuasion probably succeeded.

Worried that Zhou Zhou would turn crazy again when he sat with Zhou Zhou, Wen Qing did not sit in his original position, but changed seats and stayed away from Zhou Zhou.

Luckily, Zhou Zhou didn’t follow him, and still sat in his previous position.

Wen Qing sighed in relief.

Suddenly, a female voice rang out beside his ear: “Wen Qing, have you decided already?”

Wen Qing turned his head. At some point, Li Si Wen had walked up behind him, and was closely staring at him. “Have you made up your mind?”

“We’re about to vote soon.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips and ducked backwards: “I’ve made up my mind.”

“Then that’s good,” Li Si Wen smiled and vowed solemnly, “Tonight will be the last time.”

Chen Yiyi went straight for Wen Qing’s right, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Seeing this, Li Si Wen briskly walked away.

Wen Qing looked at Chen Yiyi’s appearance. She had lost a lot of weight. There was no flesh on her face, her cheekbones were high and bulging, and there were large, dark circles under her eyes.

Wen Qing opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, yet didn’t know what he should say.

In the end, he closed his mouth and began counting the votes for Chen Yiyi.

Firstly, he excluded himself.

Next up was Si Kong, Zhou Zhou and Teacher. Zhou Zhou was targeting Yu Xing, Si Kong wasn’t following him in voting for the three-headed dog or maybe voting for Yu Xing, the teacher probably wouldn’t vote for Chen Yiyi.

That only left Li Si Wen and Yu Xing……

All in all, only Li Si Wen’s vote was certain. Even if Yu Xing voted for Chen Yiyi, there would only be two votes.

There was a good chance that there would be a tie tonight.

While he thought about it, nine o’clock arrived,

When the clock ticked, white paper and a pen appeared beside everyone’s hands.

Wen Qing tightly gripped his pen and wrote down the words ‘three-headed dog’.

After writing, he was afraid that it wasn’t specific enough, and quickly added a few more words in front.

【 The three-headed dog that killed Wang Jing and left after shaking hands. 】

Wen Qing exhaled and placed down the pen. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chen Yiyi on his right slowly writing the word ‘abstention’.

He was stunned. He wasn’t surprised about Chen Yiyi’s abstention, but rather surprised that they could peek at other people’s answers.

The first few times, Wen Qing didn’t have the energy to peek at others. Moreover, he felt that the system wouldn’t let them look at other people’s votes……

While thinking about it, his fingertips felt warm.

Wen Qing lowered his head. The white paper in his hand had burned to nothing.

“Tick, tick, tick……”

The sound of the second hand turning echoed in the living room, exceedingly clear.

【 Voting has ended. The votes will now be counted. 】

【 Player Yu Xing, two votes. 】

【 Player Chen Yiyi, three votes. 】

Wen Qing’s eyelids jumped and he looked up in disbelief. Why did Chen Yiyi have three votes?

Who else voted for Chen Yiyi?

Si Kong? Zhou Zhou? Or the teacher?

He slowly looked at the others. Their expressions were the same as before, without any change.

Wen Qing couldn’t make out anything. He only saw Li Si Wen’s face full of excitement. Her eyes glowed, and she stared at Chen Yiyi excitedly. She seemed to be saying it’s the end, it’s the end.

【 May player Chen Yiyi open the door. 】

Hearing her own name, Chen Yiyi shuddered. Her body trembled slightly.

【 May player Chen Yiyi open the door. 】

Chen Yiyi numbly stood up and slowly walked towards the big door.

She stood before the door, lowering her head to stare at the round door knocker. She couldn’t help but let out a whimper.

Wen Qing could clearly hear her sobs. His heart shivered.

【 May player Chen Yiyi open the door! 】

Chen Yiyi raised her hand tremblingly and grasped the door knocker.

The crisp sound of the crash sounded out, and the living room was once again permeated with the disgusting smell of blood.

The smile on Li Si Wen’s face froze, and the taut strings in her mind snapped.

“It can’t be, it can’t be……”

“Why isn’t it…… why isn’t it her!”

“I… I……”

Her cheeks twitched, her expression gradually became dazed, and she murmured, “It can’t be, how could it be wrong, it can’t be wrong…”

Wen Qing clenched his palm tightly. His back felt cold.

Suddenly, he noticed a pattern.

Every night, somebody would die, and somebody else would go crazy……

It couldn’t have been done by the system. The system obscured important information.

The players were dying and going crazy, as if someone was maliciously manipulating this game.…..

Who was it?

Wen Qing’s hands and feet were stiff. There were only three clear-headed people left.

Si Kong, Yu Xing, or Teacher Ji?

Suddenly, the cold voice of the system sounded in the air again.

【 Attention to all players, attention to all players. 】

【 A player voted for the three-headed dog, a player voted for the three-headed dog. 】

【 The three-headed dog baby is very angry, and has decided to report to its father. 】

The author has something to say:

Three-headed dog: I’m still only a baby


[1] – “hating iron for not becoming steel” means to hate someone for not meeting expectations/improving

[2] – flag is slang for making a statement only to find out it was wrong later on. like foreshadowing?? shrug

[3] – not sure if this is a typo or a foreshadowing kind of thing? but basically there’s three different versions of referral pronouns in mandarin: ‘she’, ‘he/they’ (they used in plural situations), and ‘it’. the system is usually referred to as ‘it’, except in this particular case of the ‘he/they’ character. just thought it’d be worth mentioning? i’ll probably change this later if it really is a typo.

SV: OH…… yikes. but also…… baby doggo… little pupper……

We are nearing the end of this arc, though! if only i can translate faster,,, (not excited for the 8k & 9k character chapters…)

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