They Are Not Human!

Chapter 17: 17

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TANH Chapter 17: Guide 17

4TH DEC 2022~SV

Ji Yu, that guy, he’s the worst one out of all of us.

【 The three-headed dog baby is very angry, and has decided to report to its father. 】

The system kindly repeated it twice.

Wen Qing was stunned.

Three-headed dog…… baby?

That two meter tall three headed dog was a baby?

And it was telling to its parent?

Would its parent be something like a five-headed dog or an eight-headed dog?

Just as Wen Qing was thinking wildly, low-pitched roars suddenly sounded out from behind the door.

It was very near. The three-headed dog seemed to be right outside the door.

Wen Qing shuddered with terror, afraid that it would break the door and enter.

Soon, the low growl quietened and disappeared.

The system once again spoke: 【 May all players be aware, the three-headed dog’s father has received its complaint.】

Wen Qing waited for a while, and didn’t wait for what would happen after the complaint. His heart was so nervous that it started violently beating faster.

He faced everyone else and stumblingly said: “I, I was the one who voted for the three-headed dog……”

“I’m sorry……”

He really suspected the three-headed dog……

Wen Qing was so anxious that he almost cried. He began to think wildly. The three-headed dog baby left when they shook hands, but it was uncertain for the three-headed dog father.

At that time, even if the system gave a solution, they might not be able to solve the puzzle successfully.

Maybe someone else would be eaten and bitten to death…

The more Wen Qing thought, the more afraid he got. His face was bloodless, and the tip of his nose tingled.

Seeing this, Ji Yu, who was sitting directly opposite of him, consoled warmly: “Wen Qing, don’t think too much. Since the system didn’t say anything after the complaint, nothing should happen for the time being.”

“Last time, before it let out the three-headed dog, it clearly let us know of the time.”

Wen Qing slowly nodded.

What Teacher Ji said was reasonable, yet he really couldn’t feel at ease. It was like there was a sword of Damocles[1] hanging above his head, and he didn’t know when it would fall.

Everything in his mind was shown on his face, and others could see it clearly. Ji Yu added, “Maybe that parent is very reasonable and won’t do anything, so the system didn’t say about anything ahead.”

Wen Qing was stunned: “Ah?”

The three-headed dog was sensible?

After thinking about it, if the three-headed dog baby could sue, and it didn’t seem impossible that the three-headed dog father was sensible?

Seeing Wen Qing’s blank expression while nodding, as if he really believed Ji Yu’s words, Yu Xing couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

He knocked on the table and casually said: “It’s also possible that the so-called parent is busy doing some shady stuff.”

Ji Yu side-eyed him, and smilingly nodded: “It seems like Yu Xing knows a little bit about the three-headed dog baby’s parent.”

Yu Xing’s face turned black.

Wen Qing looked at them in confusion and began to recall the last fairytale book, wondering if he had missed something about the three-headed dog’s father in its contents.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar gloomy gaze on him.

Wen Qing tilted his head. Li Si Wen was staring at him expressionlessly.

He pursed his lips. Chen Yiyi was dead, so Li Si Wen’s malice returned to him again.

After a while, the system spoke:【 Wrongly voted this round, wrongly voted this round, unable to find the guide. 】

【 Releasing clues now. 】

【 The three players with the god card have one chance to ask a question. 】

The system’s voice piqued Li Si Wen’s attention. Her eyes turned, staring straight into the air.

Ji Yu was the first to speak: “What does everyone want to ask?”

Wen Qing raised his eyes, stared into Ji Yu’s eyes, and slowly shook his head.

He didn’t know what should be asked.

Ji Yu waited for a while, but nobody spoke.

“If there are no suggestions, I’ll just ask.”

“System, is the guide one of the god players?”

【 No. 】

Ji Yu’s eyes swept over Zhou Zhou calmly, and he lightly said: “We can first rule out the people with god cards.”

Wen Qing quietly hummed.

He thought, this was also good.

The system’s answer would probably dissipate Zhou Zhou’s suspicions and let him sober up a little more.

Wen Qing looked towards Zhou Zhou. Zhou Zhou lowered his eyes. He couldn’t see his expression clearly.

Yu Xing suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

After everyone’s eyes were focused on him, he cupped his cheeks in his palms, stared at Wen Qing, and said in a friendly tone, “Hm…… then I’ll help our little idiot.”

Wen Qing startled.

Zhou Zhou lifted his eyebrows and coldly stared at Yu Xing.

Yu Xing casually asked: “System, is the guide a player in this game?”

【 Yes. 】

Yu Xing whistled and winked at Wen Qing, “Hear that? Don’t vote for non-players anymore.”

Wen Qing lowered his head and whispered, “Sorry.”

“No need to apologise to me,” Yu Xing curved his lips and slowly said, “I just don’t want to see you scare yourself after voting, it’s so pitiful.”

“I feel distressed when I see it.”

Wen Qing knew Yu Xing was saying nonsense again. He lowered his head and ignored him. 

Seeing this, Yu Xing’s eyebrows curved. He tilted his head to look at Zhou Zhou, raising his eyebrows.

Yu Xing was goading him……

Zhou Zhou’s face changed. He stared gloomily at him.

“There’s still the last question.” Si Kong spoke.

Li Si Wen knocked on the table and hoarsely said, “I want to know, is the guide an ordinary human being?”

Nobody objected. Si Kong repeated her question.

【 Yes. 】

“I get it.”

Li Si Wen pushed away her chair and staggeringly climbed up the staircase. She kept repeating “I get it, I get it.”

Wen Qing pursed his lips. He thought, Li Si Wen definitely suspected him.

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He slowly stood up and headed to the washroom to wash his face.

Now, there were a few clues:

One, the guide wasn’t an identity.

Two, the guide was one of the ordinary human beings.

Three, the god card’s usage had close ties with the guide.

There were only three ordinary human beings left……

Wen Qing furrowed his brows. He always felt that the answer had already been given out.

They were missing a very important clue.

What was it?

Wen Qing began to remember what the system said, sentence by sentence. He walked out of the washroom, softly whispering: “This is a god-level instance, there is a guide among us, find the guide……”

He walked around the corner in a daze. Suddenly, Ji Yu’s face appeared in front of his eyes.

Wen Qing was so scared that he almost jumped. His heart beat wildly, as if it would jump out of his chest.

After a long while, only then did he stammer out: “Te-teacher.”

“Did I scare you?” Ji Yu asked.

Wen Qing quietly explained: “I was thinking about the situation, and I didn’t see you.”

Ji Yu smiled. “Sorry.”

“No need to apologise,” Wen Qing shook his head. He saw the empty living room and quietly asked, “Was teacher looking for me?”

Ji Yu nodded. He glanced down at Wen Qing’s pale face, and warmly asked: “How are you feeling now?”

“I’m a little worried about you.”

Wen Qing opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say that he was fine, but when he was about to say the words on his mind, it changed into his true thoughts: “Teacher, I’m really scared.”

Ji Yu gently caressed his head and asked: “What are you scared of?”

His voice was low and soothing, easily evoking Wen Qing’s emotions.

During this period of time, his fear and grievance was suddenly magnified several times, Wen Qing’s tears streamed down. His eyelashes were soaked with tears, and his cheeks and the tip of his nose slowly reddened.

“I’m really scared wuwu……”

He cried until he was out of breath, sobbing and saying: “I’m scared of this game, I’m scared I’ll die, I’m scared someone is purposefully playing tricks and not letting us clear the instance……”

“Why… why were we pulled into this game……”

Ji Yu lowered his eyes, quietly watching Wen Qing cry until his neck was red, his lips trembling uncontrollably.

He choked and cried. Every time he said a word, tears fell from his eyes. His whole face was covered with tears, seeming very pitiable, which made people feel a complex emotion; wanting to bully him, yet wanting to protect him even more.

Even at this sort of time, Wen Qing had no hatred for other players in his heart.

No wonder even Yu Xing became soft-hearted, Ji Yu thought.

His lips curled, and the smile faded from his lips.

Ji Yu took out a tissue. He raised his hand and wiped the tears on Wen Qing’s face.

“En, don’t be scared anymore.”

The words “don’t be scared” had some sort of strange effect. Wen Qing was suddenly not that scared anymore.

His sobs paused for a while. When he recovered, he suddenly noticed that Ji Yu was wiping his face.

Wen Qing hastily took the tissue and tearily said: “Sorry, teacher.”

Ji Yu half-closed his eyes and lightly said, “I should be saying that to you.”

Wen Qing blinked his tears away. The blurry world returned to clarity.

He raised his eyes and saw a strange emotion flash in Ji Yu’s eyes, as if someone had seen a special breed of cats and dogs on the roadside.

Indifferently, yet with a hint of interest.

It was not the way people looked at people.

Wen Qing was startled. In the next second, Ji Yu once again returned to his usual gentle appearance, and softly said, “If we stay here for one more day, it will be easier for us to be affected by this villa.”

“Now, we already know that the answer is within an ordinary human being,” Ji Yu paused, staring into Wen Qing’s eyes. “Who do you suspect now?”

Wen Qing silently shook his head.

Ji Yu asked: “Do you suspect Li Si Wen?”

Wen Qing shook his head.

Ji Yu’s lips slightly curved. He warmly asked, “Then you suspect Zhou Zhou?”

“I don’t,” Wen Qing shook his head again, and slowly said, “I don’t suspect them.”

“I feel like we’ve all forgotten a very important thing.”

Ji Yu quietly watched him. “What have we forgotten?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips: “I… I suddenly can’t think of it.”

“It should be a message that the system was deliberately vague about.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ji Yu and asked, “Teacher, do you suspect me?”

Ji Yu lightly said, “I don’t suspect you.”

Wen Qing sniffed, and couldn’t help but ask: “Why don’t you suspect me?”

Ji Yu gently smiled. “Maybe I have a natural affection for you.”

Wen Qing touched his face subconsciously, thinking that his face was rather approachable.

“Then who does teacher suspect?”

“I feel like the other two are both quite suspicious,” Ji Yu paused and casually said, “The system has already clearly said the gods cannot be the guide. If Zhou Zhou still votes for Yu Xing tomorrow night……”

Ji Yu didn’t say the rest, but Wen Qing understood.

Wen Qing whispered: “Then, is it possible that Zhou Zhou lost his mind because of this villa……”

The corners of Ji Yu’s mouth hooked up. He followed suit: “Even if their emotions were amplified by the villa, everyone’s first goal should be to clear the instance, not to kill people.”

“Look at Gong Yunyun, Li Si Wen, didn’t they kill others by mistake because they wanted to clear the instance?”


After separating from Ji Yu and walking to the second floor, Wen Qing was still thinking about Ji Yu’s words and expression.

He kept feeling that they were, inexplicably, kind of weird……

“What are you thinking about?”

Wen Qing blurted out: “Teacher Ji.”

He tilted his head and saw Yu Xing leaning against the staircase railing as if he was boneless.

Yu Xing tilted his head and drawled the end of his sentence lazily: “Poor thing. Since you cried so well just now, I’ll tell you something.”

Wen Qing was stunned. Just now?

Yu Xing was secretly watching him and Teacher Ji just now?

Yu Xing’s face had the same, unchanging, sloppy smile. He tapped the handrail with his fingertips, glanced across the living room on the first floor, and lightly said:

“Ji Yu, that guy, he’s the worst one out of all of us.”

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