They Are Not Human!

Chapter 18: 18

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Chapter 18: Guide 18

11TH DEC 2022~SV

You caught something dirty here.

When Yu Xing finished, he leaned in front of Wen Qing, blinking. “Don’t let him eat you until nothing is left.”

Stunned, Wen Qing stared at Yu Xing. Both because of his words and the flash of seriousness in his eyes.

During this period of time, Yu Xing was always casual and slacking off. This was the first time Wen Qing had seen Yu Xing with some seriousness.

After a while, Wen Qing still didn’t respond.

Seeing this, Yu Xing chuckled, and slowly said, “You should give me a little bit.”

Wen Qing startled: “What?”

Yu Xing raised his hand, pinched his tender and delicate cheek, and repeated patiently, “At any rate, you’ll be eaten anyway. You shouldn’t let Ji Yu eat by himself.”

The cool temperature on his cheeks brought back Wen Qing’s consciousness, he came back to himself and slapped Yu Xing’s hand away.

Yu Xing withdrew his hand indifferently and added, “My skills are definitely better than that guy Ji Yu.”

Wen Qing: “……”

What nonsense was he saying again.

Seeing this, Wen Qing curled his lips, and asked, “What you meant just now……”

With an unchanging face, Yu Xing said, “What I meant just now was that I am alive and well.”

Wen Qing: “……”

Who asked you about this!

Wen Qing’s cheeks were slightly red. He angrily asked, “I want to ask you, did you know Teacher Ji before?”

Yu Xing glanced at him and casually said, “The two of us have…… worked together a few times.”

Worked together?

Wen Qing was stunned. Teacher Ji was a college teacher……

His eyes widened. He looked at Yu Xing’s bare chest and disbelievingly questioned: “You were a college teacher too?”

Yu Xing sneered and raised his eyebrows: “He said he was a college teacher and you just believed it?”

Wen Qing’s eyelids jumped. If Ji Yu wasn’t a college teacher, why would he say that he was a college teacher?

Because…… having the identity of a teacher was more convenient?

Easier to get closer to them?

Thinking about it, Wen Qing’s heart skipped a beat. Inexplicably, Ji Yu’s recent thought-provoking conversation popped into his mind.

But…… could Yu Xing’s words be believed?

Wen Qing couldn’t think clearly. Was Yu Xing deliberately letting him suspect the teacher?

His thoughts were written all over his face. Yu Xing quietly chuckled, and jokingly scolded. “Little heartless one.”

When he should be smart, he wasn’t smart. When he shouldn’t be smart, he was thinking nonsense.

Wen Qing pondered for a while. He looked at Yu Xing and asked in a low voice, “Do you know Si Kong?”

Yu Xing responded perfunctorily: “Forget it. Not familiar.”

Wen Qing was startled. Ji Yu and Si Kong knew each other, Yu Xing and Ji Yu worked together, and Si Kong……

Yu Xing’s long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. He asked in a drawling voice: “When you’re in front of me, do you still think of other men?”

Wen Qing: “……”

After a while of silence, he couldn’t help but ask, “Do the three of you know each other?”

Yu Xing’s nasal cavity emitted a single syllable, which was enough of an admission.

He raised his eyebrows and motioned for Wen Qing to continue.

Wen Qing touched his face subconsciously. He thought, was he acting too obvious?

How did Yu Xing know he still had something to say?

Wen Qing pursed his lips and methodically analysed: “So the reason you three are gods is because you know each other.”

“Otherwise, if you cooperate, you will be unfriendly to other players.”

Yu Xing’s expression froze for a second.

Wen Qing’s eyebrows slightly knitted together. He thought, wasn’t that the reason?

The corners of Yu Xing’s mouth lifted. “I let you think about the literal meaning last time. Didn’t you think about it at all?”

Wen Qing blinked, and solemnly said, “I thought about it.”

He just couldn’t understand.

The latter half of his words weren’t spoken, yet Yu Xing also guessed it.

He stared at Wen Qing, a faint smile in his tone: “You can’t even guess this?”

“Do you really want me to feed the answer into your mouth for you to understand?”

Wen Qing’s eyes brightened. He quietly asked, “Can I?”

He didn’t mind telling himself the answer directly.

He couldn’t understand those things with twists and turns.

“Of course you can.” Yu Xing smiled. He raised a hand and crooked a finger at Wen Qing.

Wen Qing took a step forward.

Yu Xing slowly leaned over and closer to his ear. In a low voice, he chuckled, “What will you give in exchange?”

When he finished speaking, he meanly blew wind into Wen Qing’s ear.

Wen Qing’s body trembled, and the back of his ear instantly turned red.

He thought about stepping back, but Yu Xing’s hand suddenly wrapped around his waist. Wen Qing couldn’t move at all.

Yu Xing deliberately pinched his waist, then brushed against the hem of his shirt and gradually descended.

“Little idiot. I’m afraid you won’t understand, so I’ll explain it to you more clearly.”

After his voice fell, Wen Qing felt Yu Xing’s hand rest on his butt and pinch it.

His eyes flew open, only to see Yu Xing crook his lips, pausing after every word as he said, “Quid pro quo.”

Wen Qing forcefully pushed Yu Xing away. Embarrassed and annoyed, he turned around and took two steps, then paused. With a flushed face, he turned to Yu Xing and asked, “Where’s the exchange?”

Yu Xing was a little surprised. This little idiot sometimes reacted quite quickly.

He deliberately pretended not to understand: “What?”

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Wen Qing was ashamed and angry: “You- you groped me just now!”

Yu Xing hummed, and lazily said: “I just took it as a reward for telling you that your answer is wrong.”

Wen Qing was speechless. This person was too shameless!

He pursed his lips, and walked towards the study without turning back.

There were 24 hours until the next voting session.

He could definitely figure it out.

Yu Xing lazily leaned against the wall, watching Wen Qing’s angry back, rubbing his fingertips.

The meat on the little idiot’s body seemed to all be in his butt. It was pretty good to pinch.


Wen Qing jogged into the study. There was no one in the study.

He sighed and quickly walked to the side of the table, starting to look for the book that Si Kong had left behind before.

There were a lot of books scattered on the table. Wen Qing checked each book one by one, but he didn’t see Si Kong’s book.

Wen Qing frowned. He had no choice but to pick up “Greek Mythology” and look for anything related to the three-headed dog.

He turned it over carefully. Except for the small story last time, there was no other content about the three-headed dog.

But Teacher Ji and Yu Xing’s words just now…… they definitely knew something related to the three-headed dog’s father.

Wen Qing stared at the page and read it again, word by word.

【 The three-headed dog Cerberus lives on the banks of the River Styx, guarding the gates of the underworld for Hades, the king of the underworld…】

Wen Qing’s line of sight paused. Guarding the gates for the king of the underworld……

Could the three-headed dog’s father be the king of the underworld?

Wen Qing hurriedly began to search for anything about the king of the underworld, and finally found a sentence.

【 The king of the underworld, the god of the underworld, is in charge of the underworld with a three-headed dog by his side.】

Wen Qing’s face paled. He remembered Gong Yunyun’s words. In most mythologies, the three-headed dog was responsible for guarding the gates of the underworld and hell.

He didn’t understand Greek mythology, but he understood Chinese mythology.

In other words, Hades was King Yama!

If the three-headed dog’s father was the king of hell……

If he was angry, he would probably come to take his life.

Wen Qing anxiously clenched his palms, silently praying that the three-headed dog’s father was a sensible god.

The more he thought, the more terrified he became, the more he wanted to cry.

Wen Qing hurriedly closed the book. He needed to quickly find the clue and clear the instance before the three-headed dog’s father could come.

He sniffed, then began to find a different book.

Wen Qing remembered the book had a pure white back cover with no words. It was special amongst all the books.

But no matter where he searched, he couldn’t find it. It wasn’t on the table, it wasn’t in the Chinese section of the bookshelves……

After half an hour, Wen Qing was so tired that he sat on the floor, head raised to look for other bookshelves.

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded above his head: “What are you finding?”

“Finding a completely white book.” Wen Qing blurted out.

The next second, his face gradually paled.

He heard the voice of the person behind him.

It was Zhou Zhou.

Wen Qing swallowed nervously. He shrank to the side of the bookshelves, his back against the bookshelves, barely feeling safe at all.

Zhou Zhou lowered his head and stared deeply at him.

His face was panic-stricken, and the rims of his eyes were a little red.

Zhou Zhou’s face darkened, realising something.

Wen Qing was scared of him……

“I’ll rest on the third floor tonight.”

“You can head back to the bedroom to sleep. You shouldn’t sleep in the study, the blanket can fall off easily.”

Wen Qing froze for a moment. Blanket?

How did Zhou Zhou know that he had a blanket on him the last time he was in the study?

The last time he was in the study, he only saw Teacher Ji……

Thinking of Yu Xing’s words, Wen Qing hesitated for a short while, before gathering his courage. He stammeringly asked, “That bla- blanket, did you give it to me?”

Zhou Zhou: “Or else?”

Wen Qing was stupefied. He assumed it was teacher who covered him with it.

And when he thanked the teacher at that time, teacher didn’t explain……

Seeing him stunned, Zhou Zhou’s expression darkened even more: “Who did you think it was?”

“Was it Yu Xing?”

Wen Qing came back to his senses and raised his head in confusion.

Zhou Zhou thought he had acquiesced. His expression changed, blue veins appearing on his forehead, “It was Yu Xing?”

“You will just believe whatever he says?!”

“How can he care about you when he bullies you all day long!”

The sharply raised voice made Wen Qing tremble with fright. Subconsciously, he wanted to step back, but there was a bookshelf behind him. He couldn’t step back any further.

Him curling up lifted the corners of his shirt, revealing a thin waist.

There was a light fingerprint on the side of his waist.

Zhou Zhou’s eyes paused. He firmly stared at that part.

He walked up to Wen Qing, squatted down, and gently lifted the corner of the white t-shirt.

The fingerprint was a little red. It seemed like someone had pinched this place not long ago……

Zhou Zhou’s eyes clouded over. His Adam’s apple pressed down.

He bent his index finger, caressed Wen Qing’s waist, and slowly wiped the fingerprint with his fingertips, gradually increasing his force.

“You caught something dirty here.”

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