Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – What Is Your Goal?

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Royal Garden

It must have been a hilarious sight- a newborn with the glowing body of a three year old burying himself in a table of scrumptious food.


Sophia started to share the development of cultivation in this world. The first of which is the ‘Form Stage’, it encompasses the development of the physical form of a being and its mental acuity. It is also one’s introduction to Dimensional Energy. They are the energy particles that fuel the foundations of our world. By learning to control it, a cultivator is able to both channel it internally to augment their bodies, or manipulate it to form attacks.


The second stage is known as ‘Core Stage’. After a being is satisfied with the development of their physical n mental forms, cultivators as they are called, can choose to breakthrough to the Core Stage. The quality and potential of their cores are heavily impacted by the level of work put into during their ‘Form Stage’. 


Their augmented bodies form a metaphorical womb and with their mastery of dimensional energy, a cultivator bridges a connection from their metaphysical existence to materialize an existence core in the physical world. This is also when cultivators awaken dimensional sigils. These sigils are a mark that signifies a beings natural affinity to specific types of dimensional energy. This opens a path of specialisation for a cultivator.


Next, is the ‘Principle Stage’. This is where the majority of cultivators’ progress grinds to a halt. Principles are the profound laws that govern the workings of our world and the universe. Fully comprehending and gaining control over Principles allow cultivators to use and manipulate the Principles they control. 


This essentially gives them the ability to manipulate the very fabric of nature. It is because of this stage that Dimensional Sigils are such an important indicator of the path a cultivator should delve into. There are a multitude of different principles ranging from simpler ones like the Principle of the elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Wind) to more complex ones like the Principles of Life, Death, Space or Time etc etc.


“Both Sophia and I are at the Pinnacle of the Principle Stage, this happens to also be the ceiling of cultivation imposed upon the laws of Tertius! " Athena boasted.


I looked at Athena gleaming with pride, turned to Grandmama and looked back at her. I asked innocently, 

“But if you are at the peak, how did Grandmama freeze you so easily … and … is that it??”


“Why you little…. “ Athena retorted about to stand up. Grandmama swayed her magic finger and she was fixated mid-stride.


“Tell me baby boy… what do you mean by is that it?” Grandmama asked with a proud smile on a face before letting out a light cough.


I put my hand to my chin and pondered for awhile before replying,

“ Well… It’s just pretty strange that in a world of the super-natural that there are so few levels…”

“ I mean… as cool as affecting the fabrics of nature sounds… It seems… limited?”

“Back on Earth, more accurately, during my PBS most theistic Gods had myths of creation, whether its the world we live in, or the life we possess, where did it all come from?”

“Sister Athena can you create a world of your own? Or even create complex living beings from nothing?”


Sister Athena blinked her eyes, unable to move much less answer me. I turned to Sophia and looked at her curiously. She thought about for awhile and said, 

“ I’ve never thought of it like that before, but come to think of it I am more like a being with super-powers than a God.”


Grandmama nodded in approval and asked, “What else?”


“Well… Sister Athena mentioned that the Principle Stage was the ‘ceiling’ imposed upon by the laws of Tertius…”

“Firstly if dimensional energy and our cultivation are natural constructs, the idea of a ceiling seems extremely unnatural.”

“Secondly, if laws can be imposed, there must be a sentience that decided on the laws in the first place, this means that there is a higher level of power no?”


Sophia stared at me, her eyes wide-open, the expression on her face clearly showing a sudden realization.


Grandmama peered at me and after a moment of silence asked,

“ Let’s say the Principle stage isn’t the end, what do you think is next?”


“Me…? Isn’t that too profound for a three day old child to answer?” I replied pointing to my nose.


“Humor me…” Grandmama gave out a light chuckle.


“Hmm… well if the Principle Stage encompasses fully understanding specific types of foundational energy of our world and the ability to manipulate the building blocks of nature… then isn’t the next step to build something?” I muttered, deep in thought.


“Build what?” 

Sophia interjected, the gears in her brain perceptibly working in overdrive.


I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of the situation, I looked at Grandmama as innocently as I could. She let out a stifled laughter and waved her finger.




Athena fell back into her chair, by this point, it felt like she was already used to it. Grandmama proceeded to tease,

“Why dont you take a guess? Sophia, Athena, Little Chronos looks like he’s about to cry so why dont you try first?”


“I’m not going to…. “

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Sophia interrupted me, deep in thought,

“ I’ve found it strange too… I am at the supposed peak of cultivation but I still have very little control over my gift of foresight… My Principles are Space, mainly gravitational control which I think I have reached the Pinnacle of and Time, but the Principle of Time is so profound.”

“Honestly, I feel like I barely broke through into the Principle Stage for Time more so due to natural-born talent than actual mastery”

“I had always assumed that the next steps are to prefect every Principle, but little Chronos makes sense… Build what… hmmm”


Athena cut in, “ You’re blabbering off your own train of thoughts AGAIN… well unlike you freaks I only have one Principle - Space.”

“I’ve always focused on teleportation for combat purposes, I worked on my martial skills and body augmentation to deal damage but have always envied other Sigil owners for being able to form various attacks and spells.”

“For the longest time I thought that there was no way the Principle of Space could be used as a direct form of attack…. until I saw Grandmama creating a black hole in her palm the other day…”

“So maybe the next stage is to build some sort of attack or weapon?”


Athena hugged Grandmama’s arm, batted her long eyelashes and acting as cute as she could, “ Am I right? Will the bestest grandmama in the world teach her cute granddaughter her cool black hole skill?”


Grandmama rolled her eyes, 

“I wonder how you even managed to reach the Principle Stage, even Core stage cultivators can form attack skills and weapons with dimensional energy, just because the Sigil of Space and Time are unique, dont overlook common sense!”


Athena was about to ask another question when Grandmama chided,

“I’ll teach you when you give me a great-grandchild!”


Athena deflated onto the table mumbling under her breath.


“Building blocks … controlling dimensional energy… foundations… I GOT IT!” Sophia slammed the table, completely in her own world.

“A Zone! If Principles are building blocks then using them to build an area around me I control should be the next step!” Sophia grinned proudly as she looked back and forth between Grandmama and I."


Grandmama lightly nodded and asked me, “ What do you think?”


“Sophia makes a lot of sense but the zone she described seems to still be within the constrains of the Principle Stage, perhaps that should signify the Pinnacle instead?”

Sophia whipped her head in my direction, opening her mouth to argue, but the thread eluded her. Athena started showing interest in the conversation and blurted out:

“ What? I'm at the Pinnacle but have never heard of a zone before!”


Grandmama sat nodding with approval with a bright smile,

“ Explain to your sister why you think that that’s still within the Principle Stage”


“Well… a zone seems to be still manipulating Principles just to a greater degree, seems to me like its more arranging and expanding than building something new?”


A spark shone from Grandmama’s eyes, she praised:

“Well said my dear! Now if zone isn’t the answer what do you think is the next step?”


I pinched my chin lightly with my thumb and index finger and elaborated:

“ If Principles are the mastery of a type of building block, the biggest clue to what’s next then is what the building block is already a part of, not what it can possibly build…”


Sophia audibly gasped.


Just as I was about to continue, Grandmama stood up and walked toward me. She bent down so that we were in eye level. Patting my head, she peered deeply into my eyes. For the first time, I noticed that we had the same bi-coloured eyes. She shot me a caring smile and posed:

“ That’s enough about that for today, i know it might be too early to ask this but you seem to be a very smart boy, so I’m curious… what’s your goal in life?”


Author's Notes:
This chapter was dedicated to introducing the starting few stages of cultivation within Tertius.  Where do you think the MC falls in the mix? Don't worry... the MC's path wont be as simple as laid out, I just wanted to give you guys an idea of the power structure within the world.  


Wow! Its been a week since I started my journey as a novelist and we're already at Chapter 10! 


I know that I'm not the best of writers at this point and it will probably get more apparent as the series goes on...  But I will continue pushing on! Hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far ~ I know it might be a little slow-paced but I have the storyline planned out to potentially exceed 500+ chapters.


Big words especially since I've only written till Chapter 17 xD but ey, Im uploading daily and have dedicated a full year to my online novelist journey! So welcome onboard the Time After Death (TAD) train, lets see together how far this takes us.



Thanks for all those who have shown support to this new novelist so far! I sincerely appreciate each and every single read/like/subscribe/comment.


Much Love and Appreciation,

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