Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – I Want To Be A God

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Royal Garden

Grandmama said lovingly still crouched infront of me,

“I just want to you to know that it is perfectly ok to be an average Prince of Astral, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with leading a peaceful and exuberant existence without a worry in the world with us as your shield!”


I started recollecting my life in my PBS. I couldn’t remember all the details clearly but i remember living a very peaceful and uneventful life. Abstract pieces of memory, most of which eluded me, flashed in my mind. I distinctly remember reading a lot of novels and envying the protagonists in these mystical worlds. All of sudden, here I was. Head down, pondering what I would do, only this time without the ‘if’.


Grandmama sporadically stroked my hair but otherwise waited patiently, it was apparent that i was deep in thought.


A determination arose from within me, I looked up with fiery eyes, both hands clenched at my sides and declared:


“ I want to become a God ! “


The screech of chairs echoed, both my sisters stood up, looked at me both confused and shocked.


On the other hand a stern look came from Grandmama as she said, 

“ The journey to the top is a perilous one, amongst innumerable sentient beings in the universe, only a handful has managed to transcend to the realm of Supreme…”


“While it normally is too early to for us to even discuss this, I have faith in your talents baby boy… But the road to Supremacy comes with dangers you cant yet fathom, no matter how gifted you are … Even your mother… my baby girl…..”


A solemn look fell upon Grandmama’s face as she sighed and stood up to get back to her seat.


“What happened to mom? And where is dad?”


 I asked for the first time. The absence of my parents had been lingering at the back of my mind and even though i knew i had probably had to brace for bad news, I finally mustered the courage to ask.


“Ahem…. Mom was taken away to a place far away and Dad has gone to bring her back…” Sophia said solemnly snapping out of shock for the umpteenth time today.


I knew she had censored herself and that her ambiguous statement was made in good faith. However, it was apparent that there was much more that met the eye. I looked straight at Sophia, as serious as my babyish face could be,

“What’s the probability that they are still alive?”


Grandmama sighed and said, “ Your mother was one of the most gifted even within our Tai Kong tribe, so much so that she became a threat to certain higher powers that be.”


“There is so much about our world kept secret, it isn’t that I'm unwilling to share but the laws of Tertius prohibit any discussions regarding the matter.”


Sophia cut in, “ Is it related to why Dad rushed me to perfect the PBS System all of a sudden?”


Grandmama nodded and continued:

“All i can say is that your mother was forcefully sent into a higher realm… As for her safety, your Dad, Grandpapa and uncles broke in together to save her.”

“As long as they managed to find her in time, she should be ok…”


Athena chimed in, “Do the Technians have anything to do with this? What you said yesterday to Emperor Technia…..”


“Yesterday? After I fell asleep? What happened?” I asked curiously.


Athena briefly shared how she stood up for me by blasting at Zukun, how Grandmama crushed the mysterious veiled chuck of metal, threatening a DNSuit out of the Technian Emperor with her almighty black hole secret technique that Grandmama will teach her.


Grandmama rolled her eyes and answered, “ The Technians are but tools of different allied powers who are acting both for and against their interests.”


“That’s why I was contented leaving with the DNSuit, do not underestimate the Empire of Technia, even the Emperor of Technia is just a puppet!”


“I'm guessing that they are laying low in preparation for something bigger, while I am strong, the Principle Stage Ceiling applies to me too…”


“Every time i project powers above the Principle Stage there’ll be a backlash and once I undo my seal I will be exiled by Tertius…”


“But Grandmama, you crushed that veiled guy who clearly was above the Particle Stage and your Black Hole attack… Yet nothing happened?” Sophia asked sharply.


Grandmama shot her a look,


“ First, that wasn’t a guy, it was an android nonnative of Tertius; Secondly, I didn’t need to exceed the Particle Stage to crush it and as we discussed earlier, you girls and probably the whole of Tertius have some misconceptions of what the Pinnacle of Particle Stage actually is.”


“Lastly, who said nothing happened? The backlash was just minor because I shrouded the existence of the black hole with the Principle of Space and minimized the period of its existence by freezing the flow of time in that tiny area with the Principle of Time.”


“If I had actually unleashed the attack I’d have been expelled by the Laws of Tertius and probably end up half dead from the backlash, that’s why you girls need to train harder to protect your little brother! I am only a deterrence! A single use weapon of mass destruction! Hahaha…”


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Grandmama seemed proud of herself but i could grasp the severity of the situation. I hadn’t met my parents before so I haven’t figured out how to feel about them. However, just from these few days, it was apparent that Grandmama, Athena and Sophia were truly blood. It was at this moment that i swore to myself that I would do everything it took to protect this family.


I stood up on my chair, looked upon 3 pairs of confused gazes, I pat my chest twice and asserted,

“ Don’t worry! Ill protect all of you one day! "


Athena broke out in laughter,

“HAHAHA… Big words for a tiny baby! Do you think you’d think be able to surpass your two genius sisters who have 100 years on you?”


“Hmph! speak for yourself…. I’m only 21 !” Sophia grunted.


I jumped off my chair before the fight between my sisters broke out. I struck a pose and snorted,


“ The weight of a man is measured by what he pursues! Don’t really know what it means yet, but one day soon enough, I will be Supreme Chronos Astral! "


As soon as my voice trailed off, the world fell into a shrine-still silence. I looked up toward the sky, like a tightening noose, it was coiling in on itself, purring with a suppressed rage. Dark-grey clouds pregnant with malice glared back onto me balefully, threatening impending doom. Splayed lightning writhed through the moiling sky like the ruinous cracks on crumbling mortar.


A single pronounced vein of arcane lightning, blazed out in the sky, a blinding flash made my heart skip a beat. Following was a sonic boom which ruptured the eerie silence, I raised my arms in defense just as a gold spear of the Apocalypse shot straight at me.




A deafening blast followed, I closed my eyes beneath my outstretched arms as if they were of any use. I peeked with a single eye and saw a whirlwind of dust and rubble surrounding me,

‘I'm… Fine??’


Grandmama, Sophia and Athena rushed forward to see if I was okay. I was lucky Grandmama foresaw what would happen and projected a force-field of dimensional energy around me just in time. I fell down on my butt and I heaved a sigh of relief.


Grandmama embraced me and glared at the sky like a protective mother bear. She warned sternly,


“Beware of the claims you make, especially when you are weak… "


I gritted my teeth refusing to concede. I glared up toward the sky, a burning determination swept me. This would be the incident that planted the seeds of my morbid obsession for revenge. I knew not who to enact my vengeance on but what became clear was that I needed to be stronger. The doom-black clouds rumbled one last time before dissipating as if to warn me against my newly set target.


Grandmama put me down and wiped off the excess dirt that clung onto me, my disheveled exterior taunting proof of my weakness and vulnerability. She patted me down and gave me a profound smile,

“ I wasn't joking when I said that it would be a perilous journey.”


“ Baby brother, are you alright?” Sophia pulled me into her warm embrace.


“ Woah, I know you’re talented and all, but to actually be struck by lightning……” Athena gasped.


“The path you are taking challenges ….” Grandmama looked upward and pointed to the sky.


“It is evident how petty they can be, you almost lost your life at the slip of the tongue, are you sure?”


I took a deep breath, more sure than ever I said,

“ I don’t really know how to feel about mom and dad yet, I mean… I’ve never even met them, but as the only man left in the house, it’s my duty to become strong enough to protect our family”


Athena rubbed the top of my head and said,

“Attaboy! Though that’s sexist and we don’t really need your protection, It’s always better to be strong rather than weak!”


“My suitors can form a line stretching all the way to the Kingdom of Dadirri and I can probably beat them all with one hand! Nothing’s more unattractive than a weak man…. “ Athena abruptly cut herself off when she noticed Grandmama scowling at her.


“Speaking of the Dadirri, I have managed to invite an old friend of mine, Elder Saintess NuWa, to help us figure out exactly Chronos’s condition …” Grandmama added.


Sophia inquired warily, “Grandmama is it really wise to expose little Chronos to powers of another Empire? Especially someone we’ve never even met before… I’ve already summoned Duchess Daimona to help, her Principle of Life should be more than enough to… "


“Nonsense! Elder Saintess NuWa and her family are one of the very few left from the ancient times, you’d be shocked beyond your wits if you even knew a small fraction of her contributions to Tertius!”


“Plus, do not insult the people of our time with your petty politics and fears!” Grandmama snapped back at Sophia while all she could do was lower her head in acknowledgement.


“The only reason I was able to get that grumpy relic to leave Dadirri is because NuWa recently invited an interesting daughter into the world as well and she wanted us to do some tests on her in our Institute… I presume you have prepared a comprehensive program of tests for your little brother? The two kids will go through it together.”


“ Yes Grandmama, Aerial has moved the necessary infrastructure into the training room we set aside for little brother and Duke TianGong completed the arrays for the room a week ago, we have it all prepared,” Sophia said proudly.


“Great why don’t you and Athena head over and get things prepared and I’ll bring them over when they’re here.”

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