Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – Princess Azure

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Royal Garden

A deep resounding voice echoed from the skies,


“HAHAHA, Sister Tai Sui come pay respects to big brother…”


Just as the four of us looked up, we saw a long colossal shadow approaching our direction above the canopy of clouds. As the figure got within the circumference of the Royal Castle, It dipped toward us, the clouds seemingly retreated in fear of blocking it’s path. 


A huge head came in to sight, it looked like a hybrid of a behemoth snake’s head and the façade of an elderly man. As it slithered down toward us, a long golden body shone brightly even amidst the morning sunlight. It had gigantic scales that looked like vast pieces of armor of an inter-galactic space craft.


‘What a ginormous snake!” I wondered to myself.


“Hmph!” A loud exclamation followed. A wave of energy shook the ground below us as the behemoth snake disappeared, transforming into a muscular bearded old man. His muscles were bulging out threateningly, a coat of invisible energy pulsed around his exposed upper-body as though struggling to break free. In his arms was an middle-aged lady cradling a young girl. He levitated slowly down in front of us and placed the two gently on the ground.


“Why the bad temper old snake!” Grandmama joked as she walked toward the lady.


“Hmph! Like grandmother like grandson! Is this how you greet an old friend?”


I gasped and pondered, ‘Did i say that out loud?’


“No you didn’t little brat but we Saints can sense your thoughts…” the muscular man quipped.


Ignoring the old man’s displeasure, Grandmama walked up to the middle aged lady and gave her a hug, “So nice to see you again Sister Nuwa! “


“Oh? And is this cute little one Princess Azure? Your mom’s been speaking of nothing but her dearest princess for the past year!” Grandmama smiled warmly toward the little girl hiding coyly behind Nuwa. She gave Grandmama a shy nod and a vibrant smile with her thumb and index finger pinching the edge of her mother’s dress.


Princess Azure looked like she was a 3-year old. She was the epitome of a beautiful doll, my gaze flicked over her, taking in the picturesque sight of her almost ethereal beauty. She had a head of turquoise hair which glistened under the sunlight. Neat curls fell all the way down her back, not a strand out of place. Her complexion was beaming with youthful vibrancy and had an impeccable porcelain hue.


What really caught my attention were her two beady eyes. One of which was an emerald-green of the most pristine of jades, the other was the blue of every dancing sky, infinite hues illuminated by newborn light. 


Her heterochronic eyes and beguiling oyster-white smile lit up the subtle beige dress she was adorning, the matching bonnet placed lovingly sideways on her head unable to shade their iridescent glow. On her neck was a string of adult fist-sized pearls which shone under the vibrancy of her smile.


‘Wow… what a beauty…’ I thought in privately, or so I assumed.


The family of three turned their gaze sharply toward me as if i had screamed my appreciation. All I could do was return an awkward smile of embarrassment. Princess Azure giggled as the muscular man swept swiftly in front of them like a protective father bear.


“Don’t get any funny ideas little brat, my precious princess is off limits to anyone!” He growled with an arm stretched out to the side.


I meekly raised one arm like an obedient student and muttered,


“Umm… I’m only three days old…”


Grandmama let out a joyous laughter and pulled me beside her, “Don’t scare my baby boy Fuxi! Besides, it isn’t a bad idea to finally become in-laws.”


“Hmph! Didn’t hear you saying this when my second son had his eyes on little Shi Kong…”


“Hey! That’s unfair, you know that by that time that brat Aion had already…. Anyways, better late than never!”


“It’s precisely because I know what Aion did that I need to protect my precious girl from his spawn!”


“Fuxi don’t be so petty you old snake its been more than 200years!”


“Don't call me that you all hag!”


Just as the two elderly looking people were about to start fighting, Nuwa pulled Fuxi to her side and planted her gaze onto me, “So this is the wonder boy who’s caused so much commotion these past few days…”


Her clear emerald eyes fixated upon me as if she were scrutinizing my soul,


“Interesting …” she mumbled before she turned to look at her daughter Azure.


“You two would make a great match!” Nuwa let out an entrancing smile.


Azure’s doll-like face flushed crimson, she cutely stomped her foot on the ground and with a clear high pitched voice claimed, “Mom! As if I’d be interested in a snotty-faced boy like him.”


The princess looked at me proudly with her chin in the air.


‘Bleh, let’s see how proud you are when we’re older and I'm 10times… no… 100times more powerful than you’


Just as I was scoffing in my mind, I immediately looked up at the visiting couple, covering my mouth with both hands. I looked at Grandmama pleadingly.

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“Don’t look at me, The Elder Saint and Saintess of Dadirri can hear the thoughts of almost anyone in Tertius”


Grandmama chuckled.


“I’m curious, our princess is pretty talented herself you know… what gives you the confidence to claim that your abilities will surpass her” Elder Saintess Nuwa questioned, amused at my thought.


“Hmph the little boy is just talking crazy” Azure added.


“Why would I compare myself to a spoiled princess when I will become Su….” my proud poise was immediately deflated as i remembered the scene that had transpired moments ago.


“*Ahem* I will be come the strongest of all to protect Grandmama and my sisters!”


The Saints Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other then my Grandmama.


“So the divine wrath we sensed moments ago… came from here?”


Grandmama lightly shook her head with a worried smile, “Supreme Chronos Astral… He called himself…”


"What?! You know that we are forbidden to speak of this to the Tertiuns! “


“Don’t look at me, it slipped out my tongue once when I warned him of the dangers of the road to Supremacy, plus the boy had already inferred on his own that the Principle Stage was not the limit.” Grandmama replied the slightly flustered Nuwa.


“HAHAHAHA… I like this kid already!” the Elder Saint FuXi stretched out his muscular arm, almost the size of my torso, and ruffled my hair.


I struggled to keep my balance as his huge hand rocked me back and forth.


‘Didn’t he dislike me a moments ago?’


“Stay away from my baby girl and we’re good.”


Fu Xi shot me a smile and a veiled scoff.


“Let’s all just head to the training room first, no sense standing out here for so long,” Grandmama interjected with a smile.


With a snap of her fingers, a portal to the training facility opened.


Author’s Notes:

In this chapter I introduced the Dadirri royalty and … you guessed it… the protagonist’s cliché childhood love interest, or at least one of them. I told myself I wanted to try to stay away from these clichés, I already have a very isekai-ish start to the whole novel. However, I needed a way to get the Royalty of the Dadirri invested in the MCs potential for future city-building purposes and getting the two empires ready for the big war.


In retrospect, Im sure I could've come up with a more interesting first meeting, but i figured ill have them briefly have a innocent first impression and only meet up when they’re older.


Anyways character creation!


In Chinese creation mythology, PanGu(盘古) was the creator of the world. When he died out of exhaustion after holding up the skies for 18,000 years, his body collapsed to form the earth we know, also leaving a supreme-goddess HuaXu(华胥). She gave birth to 2 children, FuXi(伏羲) (Azure’s Father) and NuWa (女娲) (Azure’s Mother).


They were known to be the first beings who got married and the ancient Chinese people credited them for the invention of marriage. NuWa was also the Goddess who invented humankind. FuXi introduced a variety of technology so his wife’s creations could live better. Besides the obvious Adam and Eve parallels, NuWa created human life from mud or clay or ‘earth’, same as many ancient cultures like Zeus in Greek philosophy.


Interestingly, ancient depictions of the couple were a couple with human upper bodies but snake tails intertwined in the shape of a double helix - yes, alike the ancient Egyptian's depiction of our DNA structure. If this isn’t proof that ancient civilisations knew something we didn’t, the 2 of them were known to have survived a world ending calamity - a disastrous flood. (Noah’s Arc??) Also an important part of the novel, in terms of separating the different timelines(we’ll prolly get to this much later on). Fun fact, due to this flood, its said that NuWa’s creation, humanity, was actually incomplete.


The flood was caused by a war between the gods of water and fire. NuWa betrayed her own kind and sacrificed herself in attempt to save her children(humanity)(again another detail which will be a major part in future chapters and also why Grandmama Tai Sui berated Sophia for doubting her). Ancient literature also states that despite NuWa’s best efforts, she was unable to get the sky and earth to align exactly as they were before the disaster (And scientists only quite recently figured out that the earth rotates on a slanted axis… how freaky is that?).


Lastly, is Azure(The Color blue+green). She is actually designed after a blue-green dragon. In many instances, FuXi and NuWa were described with half-dragon features and the growth of humanity was supposed to be down the metaphysical path of evolution by way of the Dragon(which is why i make reference to bridge a connection to the metaphysical ‘existence’ of a cultivator during the Core Stage). Contrary to popular belief this isn’t only within Chinese mythology, ancient mythology of several cultures, even biblical doctrine points to this.


I chose the color’s blue and green because out of the 9 legendary dragons, the blue-green dragon was known to symbolize the approaching of spring, new life and plant growth. I found this rather fitting to the definition of Dadirri (check notes in previous chapters) Also, female dragons are depicted by some ancient scripture to not possess horns, instead they have a string of pearls as a necklace(and hence Princess Azure’s character design).


Final thoughts, it’s really amazing how ancient mythology spread across the entire world have many parallels with each other. Another point of consideration is the restrictions of the vocabulary of people from these ancient civilizations. Egyptian hieroglyphs for example have a lot in common with archaic Chinese characters in that they were basically drawings describing what they saw.


This is basically apparent for almost all ancient languages that managed to survive until our time. This means that anything flying can be described with the picture of a bird for example.


As a thought exercise, if you were an ancient human from 10,000years ago. How would you describe an alien spacecraft? Shiny metal body(snake scales?) exhausts spitting out fire (beast that breaths fire?) and it flies too?! Yall can probably see where Im going with this, connect the lines with the multitude of mythos that claim humans should evolve by way of the dragon…. Pretty interesting eh?


Pretty long notes once again, re-read the author’s notes of [Chapter 6 - Did He Just… Teleport?], there are certain links to the characters that’s pretty interesting. I will probably remove all of these notes and save it for my future patreons when we are further into the story! Anyways, thanks for supporting, leave a like/comment/subscribe.


Much Love,


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