Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – The Gravity Chamber

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Prince Chronos's Personal Training Facility


We appeared in an expansive room made of some material that looked like exposed carbon fiber. The sleek metallic walls rose towards the ceiling only interrupted by the occasional panel projecting holographic screens. The floor was made of a transparent aluminum which lit up below us after each step we took.


Along the walls on the left of us were weapons of all shapes and sizes mounted in precise rows. It was an awe-inspiring sight. The barrage of long-ranged weapons ranging from bows to guns to futuristic weapons I don't even recognize. From massive, multi-barreled cannon that was almost double my three year old body, to intricately built laser rifles with high powered scopes, they were a artful mixture of sleek curves and sharp angles. 


Their metallic exteriors gleamed menacingly under the neon luminescent strips symbolic of Astralian technology. These were displayed floating on the wall held in place by a white light, beside each were small holographic displays which showcased their capabilities.


Below them cushioned against the metallic wall was an open shelf displaying a multitude of melee weapons. From swords with blades the width of my three year old body to long katanas and slick daggers; Long weapons from spears, pole arms and scythes; Blunt weapons like maces, sticks even knuckledusters. 


The shelf emanated its own domineering aura. It didn't need display lights, they sat menacingly with the familiar luminescent power strips of Astral lining different parts of each weapon.


While the walls of the room loomed over us with its emotionless metallic grey façade, straight ahead were two open brightly lighted rooms partitioned straight through the middle. Each had futuristic research apparatus and were lined with computer terminals and control panels.


Grandmama led the way toward one of the rooms, while walking she peeked at me through her peripheral and said,


"What do u think... this will be your personal training facility from now on baby boy..."


"You are so lucky! Mommy I want one too!" Princess Azure cut in, tugging on the dress of her mother Saint NuWa, beady puppy-dog eyes glistening with hope.


"Silly girl, you are the Princess of Dadirri of course you'll have your own training room, plus you have your brothers to train you! But if you start missing little Chronos, Daddy will bring you here anytime," Elder Saintess teased.


"Like hell I will!" The Herculean Saint grumbled under his thick white moustache beside her.


"Hmph! As if this Princess would ever miss this brat!" Princess Azure exclaimed with a haughty youthfulness, her initial shy demeanor no where to be seen.


I held my Grandmama's hand, refusing to even look back to the family of three,


"Meat ! Meat ! Meat! They cant eavesdrop on my thoughts if all i think about is MEEEAATTT!"


A duet of laughter echoed from behind me. Luckily in the few seconds this exchange transpired, we had already reached the entrance of the open room on the left. Sister Sophia and Athena were doing the final checks on the equipment when they noticed our arrival. They stopped what they were doing and gave the guests a polite curtsey.


"This is the Elder Saint FuXi and Elder Saintess NuWa of the Dadirri and this is their beloved daughter Princess Azure," Grandmama introduced.


"Welcome to Astral, it's an honor to be in your presence," Sophia greeted politely with an Astralian Salute.


"Oh this beautiful young lady must be Sophia!" Elder Saint Nuwa walked up to her and gave her a hug.


Turning her attention to Athena, she said lovingly, " and this must be Athena, you might not remember it but I held you in my arms when you were a little baby, your grandmama was so proud to have her first grandchild."


"I'm probably her least favorite now," Athena mumbled under her breath but smiled in response nevertheless.


"*Ahem* Lets get the tests started shall we? We can catch up after," Grandmama interjected.


Sophia nodded and proceeded to explain, " The kids will have to put on these calibration suits, this will record their biometric data and keep track of everything happening to their physical forms, both inside and out."


She tossed us the jet-black one piece suits and instructed us to push down the button on the sleeve area once we're in the suit. Sophia then pointed upward behind us and voiced,


"The suits are equipped with high-tech nano sensors and monitoring devices, allowing us to monitor your vital signs and track your movements in real-time through a series of remote control stations manned by the two leading Astralian researchers in our presence today."


"Duchess Isis Daimona and one of our most trusted lead researchers Dr. Aerial Daimona will be analyzing the data and keep track of their conditions from up on the observation deck."


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Following her finger, i saw a room fully encased in glass extruding from above the entrance of the facility. In it were the Mother-Daughter pair,


It seemed like they had just finished fiddling with the projected holographic screens in front of them. The metallic gleam of the computer terminals, flashing sensors and the reflection off the holographic displays gave the room a sense of futuristic sophistication.


Duchess Isis had a pixie cut of brown hair, a pair of virility-brown eyes with a hawk-like sharpness I could notice even from a distance. She was wearing a white laboratory coat but it did little to cover her voluptuous figure. With a finger on what i assumed was the intercom button, a sensuous voice echoed in the facility,


"My respects to the Astral Royal Family and esteemed guests, the preliminary preparations are complete, we are ready when you are."


Grandmama nodded and with a wave of her arm, I was caged within a purple dome.


"Don't fret, this is just a barrier so that the two of you can change into your calibration suits in privacy, just walk out when you're done"


I climbed into the oversized suit, zipped it up and proceeded to push down on the button as instructed.






In a blink of an eye, the suit contracted like a deflated balloon, I could feel millions of tiny suction cups latching themselves onto my skin. After a momentary ticklish sensation, I found myself in the tight embrace of the now skin-tight futuristic suit. It was made of a sleek flexible material that seemed to shimmer and lightly change color in response to every movement.


Every seam, every joint, every component seemed to have been molded specifically for me. Fortunately, there were parts of the suit shielded by a foam-like pad, namely the shoulders, elbows, knees, chest and luckily the crotch area. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe, if this suit was at all an indication of the level of technology of this civilization, I really have to re-assess my preconceptions of human civilization.


I soon found myself stood a few arms length away from Azure. She was stretching and trying to swiftly get accustomed to the body suit. Ahead of me was the once open entrance to this compartment of space, there was now a translucent blueish force-field separating us from our family members. A familiar sultry voice, which I guessed belonged to Duchess Isis echoed across the room,


"This is the Gravity Chamber, through the Gravitational Simulation System, we will be able to manipulate the force of gravity within the chamber."


"The test is simple, the base gravity of Tertius is measured as G1, every sixty seconds the gravity in the room will increase by 1 measure, G2 being 2x base gravity, G3 being 3x and so forth."


"All you two have to do is to bear the pressure of the escalating gravitational force for as long as you can, your calibration suits will send us the necessary data,"


"Phase 1 of the test will be based on your physical form's capacity to withstand pressure without any external augmentation so refrain from using any sort of powers until absolutely necessary."


"Phase 2 will start as soon as the calibration suit senses any form of external energy, I'm unsure of your individual cultivation progress but do not push yourselves beyond your limits! Once you've decided to end the test, call out to us and we will have the calibration suit automatically eject you from the chamber,"


Duchess Isis warned sternly.


I turned to check on Princess Azure and was met with a set of determined eyes, she smirked and challenged provocatively in her childish high-pitched voice, "Ready to bow in the greatness of this Princess?"


' Sigh... what a troublesome kid, but as much as I don't want to concede, I haven't trained 1 second of this life...'


I groaned silently in my thoughts.


Princess Azure's eyes suddenly brightened, " How about we make a bet, the loser will have to do one thing the winner asks whenever, wherever!"


'How do I reject her without losing face? Hmm...'


"Or... are you the first chicken in the Astral Family?" Princess Azure pressed, her doll-like appearance and child-like innocence made her taunt seem more cute than malicious.


I frowned, I was not about to start my life in cowardice and I had the Royal name to uphold, plus she's just a little kid, even if I lose it shouldn't be that bad. Letting out a heavy sigh, I eventually conceded, "Fine... but nothing too preposterous!"


Princess Azure jumped for joy and shouted, "Lets go!!!"

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