Time After Death : Chronicles of A Tyrant Prince

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – The Awakening

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I couldn't decide which was worse, the disorientating nausea of clashing realities, the pulsating pain that entailed or the excruciating sensation of my lungs being torn apart from within itself as it screamed for air. Drowning amidst shattered light, I thrashed inside this glassed prison of fluids in desperation. The glass walls of the encasement felt like a tightening noose, claustrophobia now added to my already long list of afflictions.


Suddenly, the agony my consciousness felt was met by a wave of warmth. My first reaction was that I had died. I felt a momentary sense of serenity sweep throughout my body which was now limp in relief. Just as I had accepted this familiar embrace of death, the warmth amalgamated slowly in between my eyebrows. I could feel a pattern being seared onto my forehead but just as i was about to investigate - an energy from deep within me pulsed outward, shattering the glass which encased me. I shot outward, amidst an aura of silver and purple.


Everything felt so surreal, the anguish that plagued me just seconds ago completely vanished as if it were a fleeting hallucination. I had eluded death's door and was suddenly propelling through the roof of the building, the particles of silver and purple were like a loyal knight, protecting his lord as i blasted through the rubble.


I was entranced by the power coursing through my veins and before i knew it, I had levitated to the skies above an unknown city. Scanning the vicinity to orient myself, I noticed that the wave of silver-purple energy particles that pulsated outward froze everything in its midst. I marveled at the inexplicable display of omnipotence. It felt like the very fabric of space and time bowed down in my presence. I didn't know how far the silver-purple particles stretched out to, I had lost all concept of space and time; and yet contradictorily, I've never felt so close and appreciative of its existence. I lifted my hands to grasp at what i could only describe as tiny orbs of silver purple light. They were fluttering around me in a kind of jubilance, inviting me to dance alongside them in their silent serenade. A smile surfaced as i tried to make contact with one of the innumerable orbs of silver-purple but as soon as i was about to touch it...


A single menacing vein of crimson lightning blazed out in the stifling stillness of this world, writhing and wriggling with the pain of its existence - it skewered straight down to me as if i were the cause. The heavens exacted divine retribution and my existence, the most contemptful of blasphemies. Pregnant with malice and damnation, the crimson bolt of lightning surged into me through the pattern i had felt on my forehead. An unbearable pain pierced the core of my existence; It felt as if i were being stabbed and sliced open by a million daggers dead set on leaving no inch unscathed. The comfort i had felt earlier was replaced by a convulsion of torment and anguish. My brain, my consciousness itself started to tear apart, millions of lacerations testament to the indescribable torture, forcing me to sporadically blackout.


I was suddenly a rebel fighter, with a few companions shuffling in the shadows of what seemed like a junkyard. We were running for our lives. As i turned my head backward, i saw an army of red dots on my tail. Their ominous, soulless gaze made even more spine-chilling by echoes of resonant clatter.


"AHHH SAVE..." A gut wrenching scream came from my left. All i saw was a humanoid android the likes of the terminator, cleanly ripping my companion into two.


"ARGHHH NOOO!!!" Shrieks of pain n desperation continued to bellow around me.


Distracted by the nightmarish situation, I tripped and fell. A swarm of what could only be described as metallic rodents piled onto me, each taking a bite of flesh off. I was being devoured piece by piece at alarming speed. I could feel every bit of the excruciating pain as i was reduced to a pool of blood.


"ARRGGHHH!!" I was awakened from the desolation of death once again by the pulsating agony the crimson lightning bore. Just as i reached the precipice of doom an imperious voice resonated in the frozen surroundings.


" Vorta, have you stooped so low as to break the rules over a lesser!"


" He is a variable that brings me discomfort and it is his own awakening that has allowed me to cross boundaries..." A monotone soulless rebuttal reverberated.


" My useless minion may have failed and I may not be able to eradicate this boy directly but he shall be cursed with a thousand deaths ..." The being called Vorta sneered.


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The foreign energy from the crimson lightning imploded within me but just as my crackling body was about to tear apart, a white translucent figure appeared in front of me and placed a finger on my forehead. At that moment, the terawatts of red fell into submission as white light held me in a warm embrace. The holy light consumed the lightning with overbearing calmness then seeped into my body.


"Sigh, Vorta has gotten even stronger... I am unable to fully eradicate her divine energy so i've synthesized what was left into your being."


"Unfortunately, her curse remains and you will have to endure a multitude of deaths alike the one you just experienced... Although they may seem like just dreams, the damage to your consciousness and psyche is real, all I can do is to bestow upon you a cerebral healing sigil that will mend the scars and hopefully keep you from falling apart."


The white figure carved a small cross on my forehead and it dissolved beneath my skin, I had so many questions but I was barely staying conscious, not to mention able to speak.


"Your memories of our encounter will be sealed until you've broken past the Principle Stage, blessings be with you..." the ethereal figure caressed my cheeks with an outstretched hand as she slowly dissipated...


Before i came out of my daze, the silver and purple energy particles that had burst out of me earlier started to return at an unimaginable speed. As if i were a beacon, the waves of silver and purple were sucked back into me. Time and space reverted to the status quo.




I opened my eyes and mouth wide to let out a scream as my entire being was flooded with this mysterious mixture of energies and particles. My skin started flashing between a regal white light and an imperious translucence, a mixture of silver and purple visibly coursed through my veins and nervous system. I could feel the fibers of my very existence pulsating with power unbeknownst to man; Evolving, breaking down and reshaping the very essence of my being. I could feel my newborn body grow into that of a three year old, a full head of deep purple hair and white highlights swayed in the nights breeze. Innately, i felt a newly bridged connection A ray of light burst out of my gaping eyes, mouth and the symbol on my forehead, shooting into space as i arched my head upward as if to signal the end of my transformation.


Fatigue instantly struck me. My eyes slowly closed as i started pummeling downward at the mercy of gravity. 'I need to do something.. before I....' My consciousness exclaimed as i faintly remembered that i was mid-air and was now falling to my demise. Just as my panic was about to climax, i felt a warm embrace of energy surrounding me, cushioning my downward momentum and with the last bit of consciousness i had left, i saw myself floating into the cradled arms of an elderly woman. Struggling to keep my lethargic eyes open, i saw the loving smile of a wrinkled face, the last i heard was: "Don't worry... Grandmama's got you."



Author's Notes:

Descriptive writing is extremely difficult for a layman like me, who tbh doesn't even really read English books. Feel free to drop me some tips, my game plan as of now is just to imagine the scene and depict as much emotions as I am able? Also, deciding where and when to split a long scene into different chapters is an art of its own. Chapter 1 and 2 were originally one single piece but my notes on the naming of characters in chapter one was a little too long. What do you guys think about the Author Notes? I just think that its cool to have a little interaction and a behind the scenes peek at certain details. Does it take too much of a chapter? Haha I know I'm asking loads of questions but that's the quickest way to get better no?

In this chapter, i mainly wanted to give a sneak peak of the antagonist - Vorta. Her name was inspired by the goddess of the future in ancient Roman religion - Antevorta. (Sticking to the set up of different timelines, Past, Present and Future)

While considering the persona of the antagonist, i had initially wanted her to a maniacal crazed personality, but it seemed unbefitting of a goddess. The whole concept of the curse, while honestly a little corny to me, was a tool to express a veiled sadism. Also, it will give the MC another excuse for having strong mental prowess. More importantly though, It injects more complexity to his character, experiencing torture and death every time he sleeps gives him a tint of insanity.

These are the insights for this chapter, thank you for the support yall.

MrB the Novelist

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