To Be a Bride

To Be a Bride

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To Be a Bride

Review: 7.3/10 from 17 ratings

Cyan had always taken guilty pleasure in reading romantic novels, especially those with a cliché premise such as a runaway bride and a stand-in who must take her place and pretend to be her. There were always two outcomes to these types of novels. A: The male lead falls in love with the impostor or B: The male lead finds out and yearns for the female lead who has gotten together with their rival that may or may not be related to them. The plots were always the same and were never much of a surprise, but they had always been a guilty pleasure for her to consume after a hard days work.

That's all they had ever been for Cyan Donaghy before, just a guilty pleasure that she hid from others. That is until she had transmigrated into such a novel as the titular character: Zhao Yan Lin.

Hi, author here! This is going to be a mini novella-type novel. There will only be around 10 or so chapters of this series depending on how editing goes. It's pretty fast-paced so if you're expecting a slow burn this isn't it. I wrote it as a quick one-shot/story outline but maybe I'll try to expand it into a full story one day.

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