To Live Again (For a Harem)

Chapter 8: Chapter 3: Death is for the Weak

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Well I guess I got another thing over on people. I don't know anyone who can claim to have died twice in ten hours.

Although the last time I died, it wasn't like this. Well this time I won't have Pyra, or any of my memories. 

Or so I thought.

For the third time in ten hours I awoke to an unfamiliar place. In this case on a bed with a roof over my head.

Sitting up I quickly realized many things were wrong, the first being I was naked. The only thing covering my little guy was a tiny blanket.

The second thing being I didn't have my full field of view. My entire right side was dark, even after making sure my right eye was open.

And the last thing was I was completely healed of my wounds.

When I tried to lift myself from the bed I quickly realized I couldn't put any strength into my legs and face planted straight into the dirt. Surprisingly enough despite there being a roof and a single wall that curved all the way around, there was no flooring.

"Ma'am he is awake." A feminine voice called out from outside my little room.

"Whomph fere?" As it turns out trying to speak with a mouthful of dirt both tasted, and sounded, wrong.

Groaning through the pain I tried lifting myself off the ground, to no avail, before finally hearing the sound of heavy steps approaching me. I could have sworn I heard a slight chuckle as well which reminded me of my nakedness.

Whoever this person was raised my head, by the hair I might add, and looked me in the eyes, or well eye.

The stranger in question was none other than a woman who's beauty rivaled Pyra's own. She had healthy olive skin that contrasted her golden eyes extraordinarily well, and short white hair that was perfectly kempt, and small pale lips to boot.

Putting on my best smile, which I hoped contained all of my teeth, I tried my best to seduce my way out of this situation. "Hey there beautiful, you wouldn't happen to let me wear your clothes would you? I seemed to have lost mine." I signaled downwards with my eyes, to which her eyes followed. Although due to the awkward positioning she couldn't see below my ribcage.

She stood up, still holding me by the hair, and dragged me back to the bed from which I awoke. Then she turned and walked away. I would have looked at her ass if it weren't for the fact it was covered by shiny silver armor. 

Matter of fact her entire body, save for her face, was covered in this shiny silver armor with red accents. Really brought back memories of... something.

The girl poked her head out of the curtain, that was acting as my door, said something and walked back inside carrying a slightly larger piece of cloth.

The knight woman covered my member with the cloth then stepped back.

"We'll speak when Elise gets here."

"Elise is a cute name, ah speaking of names you never gave me yours." I said, propping myself up into a seated position.

Seeing how I got no response after a few seconds I spoke again.

"So how does a beautiful girl like you end up in a place like this?"

This time she spoke, "I go out on patrols, killing monsters here, saving weaklings there, and so on." Despite the "hidden" meaning to her words she smiled at me a bit.

I, of course, took it in stride and played it cool. "You mean to say I'm not dead? And you are the reason for it?"

She must not have liked it when I completely disregarded her insult, because her brow twitched slightly.

"We will speak when Elise gets-"

"I'm here!" Suddenly a blonde girl rushed into the room with her hands on her knees breathing heavily as she bent forward, giving me an excellent view of the second largest pair of melons I had ever seen.

'Yours are still bigger. Also you've been quiet. Are you mad at me?' after getting no response by the time the new girl caught her breath I gave up on the subject.

The blonde girl finally looked up at me and I got to see her face. If I only had one word to describe it, it would be "innocent" or perhaps "angel". She had big blue eyes, a tiny nose to match her tiny lips, and flawless skin. Her clothes were a bright white with blue and gold accents that hugged her body beautifully. She was nothing short of adorable.

"Hello I am Elise Rosewell an apprentice cleric!" Elise practically yelled out, bowing forward again, giving me another look at her swaying melons. Although this time I felt kinda bad for looking.

"We will explain the situation to you, and escort you back to the closest town, after that you are on your own." The knight girl said.

"Fine. Where do we start?"

"We will start from the beginning. When we found you, you were more than half dead surrounded by a small group of goblins. After neutralizing them Elise healed you to the best of her abilities." The knight said.

I didn't like how she emphasized 'small' when talking about the nine man team that wrecked my shit, but I kept quiet.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save your eye. If only I was stronger..." Elise looked down a tear threatening to break free from her eyes.


She looked up at me and I could see how terrible about the situation she felt, even though she was quite literally the only reason I was alive.

"Thank you. If not for you I would be dead right now. So thank you truly." This time I bowed my head to her. I wasn't above giving credit where credit was due. And I could earn brownie points.

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Elise brought her hands up and opened her mouth, but the knight spoke before she did.

"Enough we don't have anymore time to waste." 

"Alexandra..." Elise trailed off when the knight, Alexandra, looked at her.

I made a mental note of her name.

"Speaking of, how long was I out for?" I hadn't thought about it until Alexandra brought up wasting time.

"Six days, fourteen hours, twenty seven minutes." She said, which, might I add, was oddly specific. "Now it's my turn to ask questions. What is your name and age, and so you have any form of identification to confirm?"

"Well Alex, I can call you Alex right?" I received a sigh, but no form of rejection. "My name is Damian Solace and I am eighteen years old." I sent a wink towards Alex before continuing on, "As for identification, I unfortunately seemed to leave my wallet with my clothes."

"We have already examined your clothes and found no form of identification or this 'wallet' you speak of."

Well talk about a pickle.

Releasing a sigh I told the truth, "It's a fancy way of saying I don't have my identification on me where I come from."

"And where do you come from exactly. To be truthful I have never heard of such a phrase."

"Alexa, please, he just woke up." Elise cut in after having been silent since she was previously shut down.

"Thank you Elise, but I understand why Alex is suspicious of me, and I am happy to answer her questions." After sending a smile towards Elise, who looked downcast, I answered Alex's question.

"I'm from a place that is very far from here. That is all I can say for now."

Alex was obviously dissatisfied by my answer but decided not to push it and just asked her next question.

"Do you have any affinity in magic or special talents?" Alex was trying to guage my current strength. If I turned out to be a danger to her or Elise I would no doubt be kicked out of wherever I was. Although considering she had saved me from a small group of goblins, I figured the answer should have been obvious.

After a moment of silent debate, which most certainly didn't go unnoticed by miss detective, I decided to tell part of the truth.

"I know a bit of martial arts, and I am fairly certain I have an affinity for fire, but I have never used magic. I'm also great in bed."

Alex's brow twitched slightly at my last remark, whereas Elise looked confused. 

'She's as innocent as seventy-five percent of her body looks.' chuckling to myself I shook my thoughts away.

"Any other questions I can answer milady?"

After a brief moment of silence Alex spoke again, "What were you doing in those woods?"

'Well shit. Time to seduce bluff my way out.'

"Hmm to be honest I don't know. I seemed to have fallen I'll to a form of amnesia and the only cure is a kiss from a beautiful knight..."

"Kiss?" Elise said putting a finger to her cheek and looking upwards, as if trying to remember something.

Alex on the other hand looked towards Elise and said, "Elise can you give us some time to speak alone?"

Elise looked towards me, to which I gave my best smile to assure her all would be okay. Needing no further assurance Elise left my tent room thing.

Now that we were alone Alex spoke, "I don't know who you are really, or why you were in those woods, but I do know this; if you try anything against anyone in our camp I will personally ensure that it is your last mistake. Do I make myself clear?"

Suddenly Alex had a much darker tone to her otherwise curt voice but, despite myself, I cracked a smile.

"You think someone who got bested by some goblins could do anything to anyone?"

Alex stood and walked to the curtain door thing, before turning he head to look at me.

"I am not so easily fooled. I know there is more to you than you have let on. I will keep a close watch on you. For now rest, your strength will return to you in the morning."

And with that she left. I probably would have pissed my pants if I had any. 

Suddenly my stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten in, supposedly, almost a week.

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