Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 63: Side Story I : Wu Zhang Wei X Li Xiu Ying

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The news of the former regent of the State of Zhou, which is formerly known as the South Empire, was spread all over the nation, including the State of Shu and the State of Zhou. Due to this piece of news, every time people from the State of Zhou went to other countries, they would look down upon too.

It is true it was not their fault for having a perverted regent but still other people won’t stop talking about it.

“If the regent himself was so lustful, what’s more, their people.”

“The regent cannot control himself, for sure all of the people every day indulged in promiscuous activities every day.”

“I bet if they are doing it in the daylight in the public, they won’t even be punished for it.”

It was really hard for all merchants to come and do business in other countries. They can’t even do business in Wu Empire as the people from Wu Empire were holding a grudge against them for what happened to their empress.

This kind of situation went on for more than a month. It won’t be solved until Wu Zhang Wei himself issuing a proclamation to ask citizens of the Wu Empire not to avoid doing business with people from the State of Zhou.

What happened to the Mother of the Nation has nothing to do with innocent people. Plus, the Wu Empire and the State of Zhou have been considered a family since the state has fallen under Wu Zhang Wei’s rule.

Only after this proclamation was made, people of the Wu Empire slowly started to accept the presence of the State of Zhou’s merchants and businessmen.

Meanwhile, in the State of Zhou, Regent Zhou has slowly recovered from his mystery illness with the help of Li Xiu Ying’s prescription.

A few trusted ministers and officers were appointed by Li Shizen and sent to help Regent Zhou rule the state. At the age of fifteen, Regent Zhou handled the huge state. At first, he was hesitant about whether he can do it or not. But in the end, there is no ‘can do or not’ but he must do it.

He was grateful Wu Zhang Wei let him acted as a regent even after what South Empire has done to him. From then on, he idolized and admired Wu Zhang Wei so much. And deep down in his heart, one day he could find someone like Xiu Ying by his side.

Someone who truly loves him and not because of his title or position. Someone who trusted him more than anyone in this world.

But for now, it wasn't the right time to think about a life partner. He needs to get back on his foot and grow stronger. With half of the Royal court members were fired and new ones were appointed, all administration affairs were handled in the most efficient way.

All the ministers and officers who were sided with Yu Zhougong or involved in any corruption were stripped off from their position and all of their wealth was confiscated and distributed among the poor people. All these were Wu Zhang Wei's ideas and Regent Zhou carried them out.

Just like in the State of Zhou, almost half of the Royal court members in the Wu Empire were dismissed. The "cleaning" process took almost two weeks. One by one who was charged guilty was immediately stripped off from their title.

Wu Zhang Wei gave them a choice. Stay alive but live like a normal citizen or be hanged to death. Of course, those cowards would choose to stay alive. They thought, even if their wealth were confiscated if they work hard, one day they could rise to the top again

However, they never thought, for people who used to live in luxury, striving to live was really hard if you got skills and real-life experience. Washing clothes on their own, making meals on their own, start up a new business but no sale even after a week. Even the once elegant-looking madam started to look like a servant and the smug minister now look like a beggar with heads hanging low.

Wu Zhang Wei could care less about what happened to them. If they dare to do something uncivilized, they need to face the consequences on their own.

As for now, Wu Zhang Wei is living a heaven every day. With the help of new Royal court members, he has more time to spend with his wife. Last week, Wu Zhang Wei brought Xiu Ying to the main hall and called over all the Royal court members.

He announced that they are expecting a baby and the empress is currently in his sixth month. Only three months left.

The royal court members were surprised but in a good way. They all congratulate the royal couple and pray for the health of the baby.

Xiu Ying always wears three layers of robe. He was skinny, to begin with so even he is already at the end of the second trimester, his bulging stomach could barely be seen. Only after he took off all those robes and left with his inner clothes the bump is visible.

Everyone in the palace knew, never disturbed the emperor before chén hours (7-8 am), between wǔ to wèi hours (12-2 pm) and after xū hours (7 pm).

In the morning, the emperor was hard to get off of the bed because his wife is clinging to him and he willingly let it happened. During lunch hour, he must have lunch with his wife so he could observe his wife's meals intake. In the evening, no more work is allowed and he will give all of his attention to his wife.

'What a henpecked husband.' All the people in the palace thought so.

Lately, Wu Zhang Wei got a serious problem. A problem that was really hard to cure and probably no cure.

The problem is he always got hard whenever he looked at his wife.

With the bump on his stomach, Xiu Ying emitted an alluring and seductive appearance. Smoother and glowing skin, sweet scent all the time, his chest also started to get swollen and makes his nipples slightly perk.

Wu Zhang Wei tried his best to restrain himself but day by day, Xiu Ying is getting even more seductive. After saw his wife getting out of the morning bath, Wu Zhang Wei immediately leaves the bedchamber and went to his study room.

He called over the Physician Chief.

Hearing the questions from the emperor, the Physician Chief bites his lips, restraining his smiles.

"Your Majesty, regarding your question, both His Majesty and Her Majesty can still consummate. Intercourse is allowed and won't harm the baby. But it is better not to do it when Her Majesty is already in his ninth month."

Wu Zhang Wei heaves a sigh of relief and his corners of lips curved.

"However, Your Majesty must not do it t- too hard. Afraid that it might strain Her Majesty too much. Pregnant people tend to get tired easily so..."

"Zhen knows." Wu Zhang Wei immediately understood. However, how can a hungry wolf hold himself back when his meal was served on a silver platter.

In the night, Wu Zhang Wei thought he wants to discuss with Xiu Ying first. But all his words of discussion were gone when he saw his wife's stepping out of the bathroom. Inner robe loose tied, hair still wet, skin turned pinkish after soaked in warm water.

While dying his hair, Xiu Ying approached his dazing husband.

"Wei-er? What's wrong?"

Wu Zhang Wei is leaning on the bedhead, Xiu Ying takes a seat beside him. "Wei-er? Wei-er?"

Xiu Ying waves his hand in front of Wu Zhang Wei, making the latter flinched.

"What's wrong? You were dazing. Is there any problem?"

Wu Zhang Wei shakes his head. He leans forward and lands his head on Xiu Ying's shoulder. He slanted his head and inhale his wife's scent.

His face was hidden but his low groans still could be heard by Xiu Ying. It's been a while since they did it. Plus, with his current condition, he always feels horny but he never told his husband. He held himself back and did it himself in the bath.

So now, when Wu Zhang Wei showed his desire, Xiu Ying almost lost control.

"Ying-er... I have asked the Physician Chief. He said it is fine to do it even if you're pregnant. So... can we do it? I miss you so bad..."

Wu Zhang Wei whispers and his lips pecking on Xiu Ying's clavicle.

Xiu Ying didn't answer. He pushed Wu Zhang Wei, create a distance between them. He cupped his face and cover the lips with his.

Only a second of surprise. After that, Wu Zhang Wei pulls the back of Xiu Ying's head. He lifts Xiu Ying's head and deepens the kiss. His tongue licks on the pink lips, asking permission to enter and Xiu Ying gladly opens his mouth.

The soft kiss turned intense. They are basically eating each other's faces.

Wu Zhang Wei carefully lifts his wife and puts him on the bed. Being stared down by his husband, Xiu Ying unconsciously pulls his inner robe, hiding his big bump.

"What's wrong?"

"It's...em- embarrassing. My stomach is big. Looks ugly." Xiu Ying hides his face.

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles. He leans down, removes the hands on the inner robe then he puts his lips on the big bump. "You're beautiful, baobei. There are no ugly sides in you. You're always beautiful and become more mesmerizing day by day. Don't ever say yourself is ugly. My wife is gorgeous. Got it?"

Xiu Ying shyly nods.

He lets Wu Zhang Wei untie his robe, exposing his fair smooth skin and his swollen breast. Wu Zhang Wei swallows his saliva.

He started by kissing on the lips and slowly moving down to his neck and collarbone. He sucks on the skin leaving red marks all over.

He moves even lower until his eyes parallel with the pink nipples. He stares at it for a few seconds before hungrily sucked it.

Xiu Ying gasped when the sudden pleasure hits him. Wu Zhang Wei sucks on his breast hard and pinches on the other nipple. He sucked as if hoping milk will come out from it.

"Hubby... n- not too hard..."

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Wu Zhang Wei moves back upward and kisses his lips. The two kiss intensely and Xiu Ying's little brother leaked with pre-cum. Without Xiu Ying realized, his legs have been widespread by his husband.

Wu Zhang Wei licked the tip, rolling his tongue all over and then engulf Xiu Ying's little brother. It wasn't that big so Wu Zhang Wei easily deep-throated him.

"Ahh! G- g- good..."

Using his tongue, he teases Xiu Ying's front, swirls around it, heads moving up and down.

"H- Hubby... I'm co- coming...arghh!"

Xiu Ying released Wu Zhang Wei's mouth. Without any hesitation, the cum moves down Wu Zhang Wei's throat.

The inner robe was only untied but hasn't been removed totally. It hangs on Xiu Ying's shoulders. His face is flushed and his lips were slightly swollen after being sucked before.

This scene is such a killer for Wu Zhang Wei. The beast inside him is begging to go out but he holds it back (barely).

Wu Zhang Wei peppering the bump with kisses and at the same time, his hand tried to pry open his back entrance. Xiu Ying didn't know when Wu Zhang Wei already smeared an ointment that acts as a lubricant on his palm.

Xiu Ying jolted when he feels a cold sensation poking his back.

It's been a while so Xiu Ying was quite tight. As soon as Wu Zhang Wei's finger entered Xiu Ying, the feeling of being sucked into a wet hole almost made Wu Zhang Wei forget to hold himself back and roughly thrust into Xiu Ying instead.

But his sanity managed to hold his whole body and his d*ck from doing so.

"W- Wei-er... that's e- enough... You can come in now..." Xiu Ying said in a low voice. He wanted his husband so much but asking something like that is just too embarrassing.

In a flash, his clothes and pants were thrown to the floor. Wu Zhang Wei hovering Xiu Ying, showing his fined-toned eight packs and his bulging crotch. Xiu Ying feels a little bit excited.

'Damn! This hormone making me feels like a h*rny sl*t!" Xiu Ying thought.

Wu Zhang Wei leans down and whispers, "What did you call me, baobei? And what do you want? Say it properly." His warm breath hits Xiu Ying's earlobe and it tickled him.

Xiu Ying bit his lips. He cast a shy glance and says, "Hu- Hubby... Put it in now. I want hu- hubby's hard length inside me. Please..."

RIP Wu Zhang Wei's last bit of sanity.

Wu Zhang Wei squeezes Xiu Ying's cheek and bites his lips. He explores inside Xiu Ying's mouth. At the same time, his hardened shaft already knocks on the backdoor.

Xiu Ying hugs his husband's neck and so Wu Zhang Wei thrusts in one go.


The usual Xiu Ying who would feel shy whenever his husband did PDA in front of the servants now won't have time to care whether the imperial guards or the servants would hear him.

Wu Zhang Wei moved in and out vigorously. All the pent-up from the past few months is being let out at this moment.

"Nghnn...ahh...h- slower...ahh... too fast..."

Too bad, Xiu Ying's voice can't be heard. Wu Zhang Wei was too immersed in his moves. The pleasure can't be stopped. It was unstoppable.

The intense movements keep going on until both of them released.

Xiu Ying came was squirt on his tummy and some on Wu Zhang Wei's abs. Wu Zhang Wei buried his head in the crook of Xiu Ying's neck. He thrust deeply and groans.

"Ughhh..." He came inside Xiu Ying.

That low and manly groan makes Xiu Ying's heart beating so fast. It has been a while ever since Xiu Ying saw his husband so turned as of just now.

After came once, Wu Zhang Wei slowly regained his sanity back. He calmed down and gently licks on Xiu Ying's lips.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? I- I can't stop myself. Sorry, baobei." He keeps showering Xiu Ying's face with soft kisses.

While panting heavily, Xiu Ying shakes his head. His lips curved and put his arms around Wu Zhang Wei's neck. "No, hubby. It feels good. It's just... too fast. We might hurt our baby." Xiu Ying caresses his tummy.

Wu Zhang Wei went down and kiss on the bump. "Sorry, baby. You must be frightened. But father missed mother so much. Can't help it."

Xiu Ying chuckles. He can't believe his husband tried to resonate with their unborn baby.

"Baby, father still not satisfied so just stay still okay? Don't make it hard for mother. Even if you feel something touched you, just ignore it."

Xiu Ying lightly hits his arm. "Stop talking nonsense to our baby."

"What's there to be embarrassed, baobei? He already witness whatever we did tonight. Instead of keeping him in the dark, it is better to tell him directly."


Xiu Ying covers his tummy with his palms as if it could prevent the baby from hearing the father's dirty words.

Wu Zhang Wei just laughs. He clasped his hands with Xiu Ying and put them above Xiu Ying's head. "Baobei, I want more. Hmm? Please..."

Xiu Ying instantly melted with his husband's seductive plead.

"Th- then... be gentle. Not too rough."

"Alright, baobei."

And so, the night activity of the royal couple continues until the eighth round. Wu Zhang Wei wanted to do some more but his wife has passed out. He was not that crazy to f*ck an unconscious person.

Nevertheless, Xiu Ying's sleepless night didn't stop last night. Wu Zhang Wei keeps asking for it, almost every night. And sometimes in the daylight.

There is one day where Xiu Ying just returned from the walk in the garden, he loosen his hair and let it down. But suddenly he was pounced from behind.

Xiu Ying was about to ask what happened but his words were swallowed back when he feels the hard thing poking his back. Xiu Ying tried to remove the hands on his waist and make an escape but he was pulled back into a tight embrace.

"Wifey... don't run away."

Xiu Ying rolls his eyes. "Didn't you use to say I was annoying and ugly? Then, stay away."

"Wifey, that was a long time ago. Are you still holding a grudge against me? Now, you no longer wear that ten inches powder."

"............." 'Damn this insatiable beast!'

"Wifey, your hubby is turned on. Take responsibility."

"I just untied my hair. Which part of it makes you turned on?!"

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles. "Even if you just stay still, you can still turn me on. Your just whole being is too beautiful, too ethereal. I can never get enough of you."

Wu Zhang Wei's expression suddenly turned grim and his smiles ceased. "If one day you suddenly decide to leave me, I will tie you to my bed and you can never leave this room. You understand?"

His deep low voice makes Xiu Ying flinches. He knows how serious Wu Zhang Wei's words are just now. And he realized how deep his husband's love for him.

Xiu Ying turns around, facing his husband. Hand circling the latter's neck. "Don't you know, people used to call me an annoying concubine? So I will keep cling to you and won't be far from you until you feel annoyed with me."

Wu Zhang Wei squeezes his cheeks. "That will never happen. Your place is always beside me and no one or nothing could change that."

Xiu Ying smiles, "I love you, hubby."

"Love you more, baobei."

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