Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 7: 6. Profitable bad habits

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On a sunny morning in Gehena City, adorning the morning scene there are many people who have started various activities, the city streets are full of various people who are ready to take a quest or go to the market to shop or sell merchandise.

Because public works in the city are full of adventure, morning is the busiest time to be active

The average adventurer will leave in the morning to take quests and return in the afternoon or evening

Entering deeper into the city right in the aristocratic district, the view of the lined up houses makes for a beautiful sight

There isn't much activity in the aristocratic area except for a few horse carriages that are seen with knight guards by their side

Right in the middle of the city is the house of the city owner, it is the house of the helium duke who is in charge of guarding the empire's borders from the invasion of monsters and other kingdoms.

The descendants of the helium dukes have a characteristic that makes them different from the others, namely white hair and the element of ice. It's very rare for people to have rare elements unless they are blood related to people who possess rare elements

And seen behind the window at the duke helium mansion was a man around 19 years old with white hair and red eyes sitting on a study chair looking angry at the person in front of him after reading the report he had just received.

"What do you mean the whole army undercover outside the gate is dead?" -???

"Sorry young master, the troops led by Stanis were found dead by the reconnaissance squad, it is presumed they died yesterday morning and the cause of death has not been found." -???

"Why is the cause of death still unknown?" -???

"The reconnaissance team can't determine the method used by the perpetrators besides that our troops' money was also taken, that's all that can be found at the crime scene" -???

"Continue and expand the scope of the investigation immediately let me know if you find anything" -???

"Both young master and have you heard about the topic of conversation lately?" -???

"You mean the pretty girl who just entered the city? everyone is talking about it no way I don't know" -???

“As expected of young master Roel so what are you going to do?” -???

"I've seen it from the footage I got from the reconnaissance squad she is really beautiful even my sister Eterna can't compare to her, I will make her mine after I kill my sister and become the successor of the family" -Roel

"Good plan young master I totally agree that your partner should be as beautiful as she is but I heard she came to town with a man" -???

"Then make him disappear no one can take what I want" -Roel

"According to your orders young master" -???

Meanwhile, at an inn called restkuy which is located on the outskirts of the city, a beautiful girl is shown who just woke up from her sleep.

The girl tilted her body and yawned looking for the right position to continue her sleep

*Knock Knock*

The girl was distracted by a knock on the door which she wanted to ignore but the knocking got louder which finally made her give up

"Wait a minute..." -Ezra

Ezra opened the door and saw the inn reception girl standing in front of his room, the girl's name was Grace, she had brown hair and bright yellow eyes making her look beautiful, she was in her mid twenties. he got acquainted with Ezra when she walked her to the room

"G-good morning" -Grace

"Ummm.. good morning what are you doing here? I don't remember calling you earlier" -Ezra

"I deliver food and prepare warm water for bathing" -Grace

"Hmm.. wait I remember I didn't order food beforehand, I just booked a room" -Ezra

"It's true you didn't order food but everyone was worried about you because yesterday you looked really tired" -Grace

"Everyone is worried about me?" -Ezra

"Yeah calm down now you won't suffer anymore we will all protect you from evil influences how can someone be so rotten like that I really want to kill him hehe" -Grace

Ezra was shocked by what Grace was talking about, he didn't know what Grace meant by evil influence or about her being tortured

'There seems to be a misunderstanding here'

"Okay then please eat this and I will prepare warm water for bathing after you finish eating, don't worry you don't have to pay this is just a form of our concern" -Grace

'It seems pointless if I ask, I'll leave it for now and find out what happened'

"Umm well thank you very much I really appreciate your kindness" -Ezra

"Keughh.. it's not a big problem I'm very happy to help you, if there is a problem just say it I will immediately help, even though this is how I am very strong you know" -Grace

'Indeed I feel the aura that is very much gathered within her body'

"Then what will you do today Ezra?" -Grace

"Ohh I'm going to the adventurer's guild to join and try some quests" -Ezra

"Is that so.. do you already know about the rules and systems run by the guild?" -Grace

"Umm no I don't know anything do you know something?" -Ezra

"Ok I will tell you the basics you need to know, adventurers have 7 levels from F is the lowest level and S is the highest level, a person's level is determined by how much aura one has, having rare elements can also make one level up

Before you join a guild you will take a test measuring how much aura you have to determine the level you will get, you will also get a ring to show what level you have, The quest level is the same as the adventurer level, when searching for quests you can take quests one level above you

You can also make a party with other people or go alone, there are many advantages and disadvantages of each of the 2 options so I hope you can choose the best

Oh yes when you receive the adventurer ring it will be different color according to what you get, level F is red, level E is orange, level D is yellow, level C is green, level B is blue, level A is indigo, level S is purple" -Grace

"There are so many levels, by the way have you ever been on an adventure Grace?" -Ezra

"Yes I had an adventure before I became a receptionist, I also had time to join a party do you want to see my adventurer ring?" -Grace

"Yes please.. " -Ezra

Grace reached into her pockets to retrieve the things she had stored away for a long time and took them out followed by Ezra's room glowing green. After the light died down it showed Grace carrying a ring with a sword and shield engraved in green

"This is my adventurer ring, i was previously a level C adventurer, the average adventurer here is level D, and level E you know" -Grace

"How to level up adventurer?" -Ezra

"It's easy enough you just need to increase your aura the more your aura then your adventurer level will go up, but having rare elements can also make you level up for example like me" -Grace

Grace stretched out her right hand followed by a pool of red liquid slowly forming a large scythe in her palm, it was bigger than Ezra's height and was dark red like blood.

"I have rare blood element, this got me up to level C at the time, the more aura you have, the easier what you will manifest but you can only advance to level S if you have made big achievements" -Grace

"Woaahh thank you sister grace you are so cool and strong" -Ezra

"Keughh2×..sis..ter" -Grace

Ezra called Grace Sister because Grace's appearance matched the caring and reliable older sister character she read about in the novel, Ezra actually wanted to have an older sister-like figure while on earth but he never got it

"Uhh sorry for calling you si.." -Ezra

Ezra wanted to apologize after seeing how Grace reacted after being called by her older sister but before Ezra finished his sentence she was hugged by Grace who now looked happy.

"Yes you are my sweet sister, my most beautiful sister in the world ehehe" -Grace

"...." -Ezra

"From now on call me sister okay? I will take care of you forever my dear sister" -Grace

"Uhh.. I can take care of myself but why are you here if you become an adventurer" -Ezra

"Oh that my party was killed while running the quest and only i survived but everyone thought i killed them all" -Grace

"That's impossible, how can the beautiful Grace kill her own party members" -Ezra

Although ezra is very intelligent and reliable in any situation, she has a bad habit when dealing with women, she cannot be prejudiced against all women because of her ingrained respect. but this selfishness sometimes brings happiness like the current situation

Grace was touched by Ezra's trust even though she only met him last night, it was not only a word to comfort her but Ezra's words were very sincere and there was no tone of doubt

Grace was confused and happy with Ezra's reaction which was different from the others but she had tears in her eyes when she saw Ezra's face, it was an expression of affection not an expression of fear that she received every day.

"You believe me..?" -Grace

"I will trust you who treat me well than others who spread nonsense about you killing your own party

I also don't feel any ill will from you, on the contrary the person who slandered you is a bad person

I will trust you even if the whole world doesn't accept you I will be the only one who supports you till the end" -Ezra

'How can someone so beautiful as grace be slandered like that, what a curse'

"Huaaa.. thank you..sobs.. really..sobs" -Grace

Grace is very happy to hear that Ezra trusts her, she doesn't feel empty like before this is the feeling of someone who believes in you

"It's okay I'm here.. " -Ezra

Ezra hugged Grace who was crying and won her over, it took a few minutes for Grace to calm down who now looked embarrassed to have cried like a child

"Feeling better?" -Ezra

"Yes..thank you" -Grace

"Fine then I'll go take a shower and have a warm bath" -Ezra

"Ohh no the water is cold, wait a minute I'll replace it with new hot water" -Grace

"Looks like we talked too much fufufu" -Ezra

"Looks like that hahaha.." -Grace

After Grace changed the hot water Ezra immediately got ready to take a shower, Grace intended to help her but she was immediately called by the innkeeper to immediately serve the visitors who came so she immediately said goodbye and headed downstairs leaving Ezra alone.

Ezra immediately went to the bathroom and saw that there was a pretty big bathtub

"Okay the bathroom is clean and the bathtub is enough for 2 people" -Ezra

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Ezra took a few minutes to undress, she is now naked revealing her beautiful body without any protection

"I've gotten a bit used to looking at my own body and looking pretty as usual" -Ezra

Ezra takes care of her beauty every day taking care of her with her neutral magic replacing dead skin with new skin or casting healing magic all the time to keep her in the best condition she really values ​​her own body

'Yeahh beauty is justice, with beauty you can do anything'

After cleaning and admiring her own beauty, she came out of the bathroom. used neutral magic to dry her hair and put her clothes back on to get ready for her new activity

"Ok everything is ready.. " -Ezra

Ezra opened the door and walked out of his room towards Kenzo's room which was at the end of the room

*Knock Knock*

Ezra knocked on the door and didn't hear any reaction from inside kenzo's room

There was no reaction even though she had knocked for 5 minutes, Ezra felt a presence in the room but no action made her a little worried

Ezra prepared to break down the bedroom door to see what was really going on, she clenched her right hand behind her back releasing a bit of her aura that made her hand glow like a rainbow and hit the door with as little force as possible so as not to break the door.

Ezra immediately entered the room when the door opened and saw the condition of the room filled with stones everywhere. Kenzo looks scared in the corner of the room

"Kenzo what's going on here?" -Ezra

"I feel uncomfortable since entering this city and yes I was stoned through the bedroom window when I was about to sleep it kept me up all night" -Kenzo

'What kind of situation is this, I never thought of MC isekai like him being terrorized all night'

"Did you offend someone while entering the city?" -Ezra

"No, I didn't offend anyone except when we killed the knight disguised as a bandit back then" -Kenzo

'Do they know who killed the bandits? looks like they still don't know who did it'

"Looks like they still don't know the culprit, there's no way they'll take revenge on the culprit by throwing stones you know" -Ezra

Kenzo agreed with Ezra's thinking that it couldn't be them who caused all this, he thought of any deed since he entered the city that could offend others but couldn't find it.

"By the way where is the slime you brought when you entered the city? " -Ezra

"Ohh I told them to call Yummy who was outside the gate to go inside the gate and take her place" -Kenzo

"Then who will manage the thousands of slimes outside the gate?" -Ezra

"They can manage everything on their own, you know, they're growing really fast these days" -Kenzo

"A bit scary but congratulations on developing your slime squad, did you make it out today? I want to go to the adventurer's guild" -Ezra

"Thank you I can go out today I also want to go to the adventurer guild but I will wait to leave when Yummy arrives here" -Kenzo

"Alright I'll be waiting for you, don't forget to eat and take a shower you smell so bad" -Ezra

"i...smell...? " -Kenzo

Ezra came out of the room and closed the door leaving Kenzo frozen because his goddess called him stinky

Ezra walked down the hall to the downstairs dining area, intending to meet Grace while waiting for Kenzo to finish preparing

When going down the stairs Ezra saw a lot of people below, Grace also seemed busy serving the visitors who were waiting in line

"The announcement that the innkeeper agreed to increase the price to stay here because the goddess had blessed this inn with her presence" -Grace

"It's too expensive" -Visitors A

"That's right, it doesn't make sense, I'm sure this inn will go bankrupt if the price is like this" -Visitors B

Ezra is grateful that she came early to the inn because the price of staying now is 3 times the price of yesterday

Ezra ignored the protesting patrons and walked to an empty table intending to order coffee and relax enjoying the sunny morning

Everyone's attention was diverted as Ezra walked towards the empty seat, all eyes turned to her which made Ezra a little uncomfortable and ignored all attention.

The atmosphere was still quiet leaving Ezra sitting alone waiting for the waiter to prepare his order

'Damn don't pay attention to me and continue your activities idiot'

The silence was broken when Grace began to approach and speak to Ezra

"What are you doing here Ezra do you need anything?" -Grace

Hearing what Grace was talking about made Ezra puff out his cheeks in annoyance because she was considered like a child who couldn't do anything.

"Hmph.. I just want to order coffee" -Ezra

Everyone who saw Ezra's cute reaction received quite serious injuries, uniting everyone's opinion downstairs

'Very cute'

"Ahhh then wait a moment the order will come soon" -Grace

Grace once again broke the silence and walked into the kitchen to take Ezra's order, but she was stopped by a queue of customers.

"I will book a room please! " -Visitors C

"I will pay whatever the bill is as long as I can live under the same roof with my goddess" -Visitors D

"I will exchange my family property for a room please take care of me first" -Visitors E

Ezra who saw this moment felt nostalgic about the incident of the bandits, and was confused about what really happened to the goddess who blessed the inn.

She was still unaware of his own popularity, she was aware that her current form was that of a beautiful woman but imagining her becoming popular overnight never crossed his mind.

Ezra waited for her coffee and thought about what she would do when she joined the guild, she still couldn't find a clue about her extraordinary background. Is she the duke helium's daughter? Or what does God mean when she will find out when she visits this city

She doesn't seem like the hidden daughter of the helium duke because white hair is the hallmark of their family, so who are my real family? is there any great family here other than duke helium?

Ezra's thoughts stopped when Grace placed her coffee on the table and sat across from him

"Hey what are you thinking, but your expression when you think hard is cute too" -Grace

"You surprised me, I was just thinking about my friend, I found him in terror yesterday all night, do you know something?" -Ezra

"Terror? ahh that I don't know anything about that, maybe he's cursed?" -Grace

"That sounds scary.. " -Ezra

"Haha don't worry I won't let this cute little sister happen to you" -Grace

Ezra was embarrassed and happy to have found a reliable older sister but she was confused this went too fast, not even 1 day had passed when she met Grace but he became this close in just a short time

"Isn't it too fast to call like that.. " -Ezra

Ezra braced himself asking Grace to make sure something held back her embarrassment which ended up covering her red face with her hands

Everyone below had reached their limit and lost their sanity except for Grace who was now still surviving the deadly attack she just received, Grace thought if she didn't answer her question now then there wouldn't be another chance. She steeled all his muscles releasing all the aura she had saved for emergencies

"Time doesn't determine how close someone is to you Ezra, if you consider her special then the relationship between the two will be stronger" -Grace

Ezra was surprised by Grace's answer she never thought like that, Grace really looks like a reliable older sister which makes Ezra admire her even more.

"Alright then thank you sister Grace you are the best! " -Ezra

Ezra answered with a big smile coupled with the sunlight that passed through the window shining on her hair adding to the beauty she had

Grace couldn't withstand the attacks anymore and ended up falling with the others, everyone downstairs passed out sitting or fainting standing leaving Ezra alone drinking his coffee with a big smile.

Just as the coffee she was drinking was almost finished, she saw someone coming down the stairs with purple slime on his right shoulder

"Kenzo are you done getting ready?" -Ezra

"Yes I was ready but what happened here everyone looks like a statue that doesn't move" -Kenzo

"Umm I don't know maybe they are cursed?" -Ezra

"That sounds terrible.. " -Kenzo

"Right that sounds scary by the way how are you Yummy are you okay?" -Ezra

"Blurgg Blurgg"

"Ehh wait where is Silber is he not coming with you?" -Kenzo

"Ohh I left him in my room told him to make swords, I asked him yesterday while walking around town and saw the blacksmith's workshop it turns out he can make his own sword it's amazing" -Ezra

"As expected of the slime I subjugated he is very useful" -Kenzo

"Alright let's go to the adventurer's guild" -Ezra

"Wait are you going to leave them like that" -Kenzo

"Yeah that's okay, they've done that 2 times before" -Ezra

"I seem to feel something familiar with that incident" -Kenzo

Kenzo remembers the moment he first met Ezra which made him almost die if he wasn't saved by her

"Come on I will explain about the mechanics of the adventurer guild while walking to the destination" -Ezra

"Wait for me.. " -Kenzo

Kenzo caught up with Ezra who was already walking and stopped on his right listening to his explanation about the adventurer's guild and left the inn still petrified. leaving a big question in Kenzo's head

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