Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 611: 610: Attention everyone, the expert called everyone to have a dinner

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"Slow down, line up this group of game, don't be messy."

As he approached the courtyard, Taoist Junjun cautiously explained to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have cut off the intelligence of these game and controlled it well."

Seeing this, Daoist Junjun stepped forward to knock the door of the courtyard.

Xiaobai opened the door.

Taoist Junjun and others hurriedly saluted and said, "Master Shengjun, we are here again, we are bothering you."

"What's the trouble, you are a god, welcome."

Li Nianfan laughed, and showed a friendly smile at Nuwa and others.

But the next moment, he noticed the long line behind this group of people, his eyes widened suddenly, showing a look of surprise.

More surprises.

He said, "You came here, and you brought such a lot of game, it's really too polite."

There are so many rare and exotic animals in the world of cultivating immortals. I, Li, can read countless game dishes, and I don’t eat less dragons and unicorns, but...there are too many kinds of game here!

After eating one crop, another crop...

Endless to eat.

But after thinking about it, Li Nianfan was relieved.

I am not just staying in the world of eating, but eating out of the universe, there are naturally many kinds of game, such as chickens, there may be thousands of chickens...

It's cool, good fortune!

Li Nianfan looked at the wild game lined up, one by one, hundreds of ways of eating appeared in his mind instantly, and he was looking forward to it.

This pig has exquisite meat quality at first glance, especially its tail, which has chewy heads at the first glance, okay.

Oh, this is the Dapeng Bird, it's really brave enough, it's a good ingredient for stewing soup.

And the whole body seems to be on fire, the appearance is similar to the game of deer, it is very majestic, and it makes people appetite at first sight...

It's good to have many big guys around, and make the most of the importance of contacts.

Li Nianfan nodded in satisfaction and smiled and said, "Yes, not bad."

Seeing such a situation, Taoist Junjun and the others immediately let out a long sigh of relief and smiled.

The praise of the masters is their greatest motivation, and I feel honored.

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and said, "This group of wild game gathered in the crowd to make trouble, and it happened to be captured by us. It's good for Master Shengjun to be satisfied.

Li Nianfan looked at the crowd with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and said to himself, "Speaking of which, it hasn't been a while since we had dinner."

He has a thorough mind, and he always pays attention to one thing and not to be indecent when getting along with others.

Daoists Junjun captured game, and they can think of sending it to themselves. What is the picture?

Isn't it the cooking skills that show oneself?

Although they didn't say it clearly, they are probably embarrassed, but based on Li Nianfan's emotional intelligence, they must be invited to eat meat.

Moreover, in the interpersonal relationship of the previous life, the wine table culture is a big killer. A meal is a lot of contacts!

Mindful of this, he suggested, "Your Majesty, it's rare to have so much game, and you can't eat it with the courtyard house alone. I don't know if the big guy has time. Should I make an appointment to have a meal together?"


Daoist Junjun and the others immediately trembled, and their faces flushed.

Is an expert's dinner a dinner?

That was a great fortune!

This Nima has to have time for anything! If you die, you have to crawl out of the grave!

The Jade Emperor's voice trembled a little, and he hurriedly said, "If I have time, I can arrange it immediately. I'm going to bother Master Shengjun."

"It's just a matter of effort."

Li Nianfan waved his hand and said with a smile, "You are under a lot of pressure at work, with heavy tasks, and benefiting countless creatures. My ability is limited, so I can only invite you to dinner and do a little bit of effort."

Watching the news recently, Li Nianfan saw a lot of things and wanted to invite them to dinner from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone was moved and proud.

It is clear that the expert understands our hard work and is satisfied with our work. This is why we have specially given us this opportunity to have a dinner together!

Being able to meet an expert is really fortunate for the three lives, the blessing of all ages!

Taoist Junjun thought well and asked, "Master Shengjun, where is the better place to choose for this dinner?"

Li Nianfan couldn't help but raise his brows, revealing thoughts.

Since it's a dinner party, the many immortals in the Tiangong must have a lot of people. It is not good to be placed in a courtyard. It is too crowded.

Put it in the Yaochi where the flat peach meeting is held?

But... I've had dinner there before. The world is so big that Li Nianfan wants to see it. He doesn't want to put the dinner together in the same place.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Last time I watched the news, I learned that the Giant Spirit God led a team to move the mountain to suppress the three mountains on the Nuchao River in order to calm the local floods. Is it true?"

The Jade Emperor hurriedly said, "Naturally it is true, and I will never dare to fake it."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said, "I heard that the Nu Chao River is dangerous and is the main water vein of the Northern Territory. It stretches out thousands of lake veins. I really want to see it."

Daoist Junjun naturally heard the implication of the expert, his body was shocked, and he said without thinking, "Holy Lord, this is also a coincidence. I was just thinking about putting the dining place there."

The Jade Emperor also hurriedly said, "It is indeed suitable for gatherings, and I just want to see how the giant spirit god's water-saving effect is."

Li Nianfan was pleasantly surprised, "Then the relationship is good, that's all, I will prepare the materials and go over."

"Master Shengjun, then we should also prepare now."

Taoist Junjun and the others greeted them, and they were ready to go.

Supreme invites everyone to dinner!

As soon as this news came out, the entire Tiangong was exploded!

"Great chance! The expert is here to give us the chance again!"

"So nervous, so excited, so exciting, so nervous..."

"Everyone is ready for Lao Tzu to perform well at the party. Whoever loses the chain must at least go to the underworld!"

"Hurry up and invite Fairy Chang'e, and let the crowd perform well. The show must be exciting!"

"Giant Spirit God, Giant Spirit God!"

Taibai Jinxing was already too busy to be dizzy, shouting in the crowd of gods.

The giant spirit **** was a rousing spirit, and then he recovered from his stupefaction.

The expert is going to the Nu Chao River, where is my place to manage the flood! The expert is going to inspect my work!

The expert is paying attention to me!

Ahhhhh, I'm so excited!

Taibai Jinxing panted and said anxiously, "At this time, you still have free time to be in a daze here?"

The giant spirit **** said blankly, "Old officer, what's the matter? I'm really too excited."

"This is not the time for excitement!"

Taibai Jinxing said with a solemn tone, and said, "Your Majesty specially asked me to inform you, so hurry up and take a look at the Nu Chao River, but don't make any mistakes, especially the security work, you have to do your job!"

The giant spirit god's heart suddenly mentioned, and he nodded hurriedly, "Yes, I have to go and see!"

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If there is any mistake in Nu Chao River, or something that causes the master to be unhappy, then I will die hard!

"Yang Jian, Xiao Chengfeng, Ye Liuyun, brothers, please follow me to the Nu Chao River for a check, but you must be careful!"

"Send more people."

"Clear the field, clear the wave field!"


In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan brought all the pots, pans, and seasonings, as well as a lot of fruits and wine, and he greeted everyone and set off.

This time, the entire courtyard came out, and even Xiaobai took it with him.

After all, a lot of work can be shared.

Li Nianfan drove the clouds of merit, carrying the crowd, and went straight to the Rage River.

When he accidentally saw the lonely wood-cutting river at the foot of the mountain, he thought for a moment, and took him along the way, just to get some firewood.

This made Jiang Liu flattered and moved.

When they reached the Nu Chao River, many gods had already arrived, and they immediately looked in Li Nianfan's direction cautiously, showing respectful smiles.

Li Nianfan didn't know that the Nu Chao River was guarded by one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers within a radius of 100,000 li, and there were many ghosts on patrolling uninterruptedly.

The big monsters nearby also received warnings and were not allowed to go out!

One by one stayed in the cave and shivered, wondering in their hearts which monstrous person came here.

The giant spirit **** and other acquaintances immediately greeted him and said, "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan smiled and said hello, "Everyone, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Fairies Chang'e, Seven Fairies, Black and White Impermanence, and Bull Head Horse Noodles are all old friends.

Let Li Nianfan's heart feel kind.

The crowd exchanged greetings.

Li Nianfan looked at the surrounding environment from time to time, and couldn't help feeling slightly, that the layout of the Tiangong was really extravagant.

The Nuchao River, as its name suggests, is full of raging waves all day long. The waterfalls are even more exaggerated than the Milky Way. The water comes from a very high point. The river water flows like a tireless stream, and is extremely turbulent.

The turbulent waves hit the shore, and the turbid waves emptied, like a thousand horses and horses galloping, people have to feel the power and beauty of nature.

The place for the dinner was chosen on the edge of the Nu Chao River. Li Nianfan was standing here, with water vapor slapped on his face, and the power of the water could be faintly felt from it.

Looking around, it is amazing that such a turbulent current can't see the edge!

But at this time, the yellow land on the shore was actually full of colorful flowers, and the garlands were so beautiful that they spread out along the ground.

In addition, a magnificent stage was built...

It can be seen that many small flower fairies with butterfly wings are flying among the flowers, frolicking and taking care of them carefully.

Obviously, these are the handwritings of Tiangong.

Immortals are luxury.

Have strength and willfulness.

The Giant Spirit God came over, enduring his excitement and said, "Master Shengjun, we moved the three mountains over there."

These three mountains are not hills. Each of them is more than a thousand meters high and has a huge foundation. It can be said that they are huge mountains in a region with constant pressure.

Li Nianfan nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, very professional."

These three mountains not only suppressed the flood, but also provided different scenery to the landscape belt here, forming a spectacular scene of several waterfalls dropping from the mountain at the same time.

"Master Xie Shengjun praises."

The giant spirit **** is energetic, his face is full of smiles, proud.

Continued, "Master Shengjun, the mountain in the middle was originally in a small mountain village, which hindered the lives of local residents. I saw that they were struggling to dig the mountain, and the leader was an old man, so I moved here to help."

Li Nianfan's face suddenly became a little weird.

Why is this story so familiar?

I couldn't help but praised, "Great, kill two birds with one stone, I have to give you a compliment, and you can drink more when you wait.

The Giant Spirit God was overjoyed and quickly said excitedly, "Master Xie Shengjun."

Li Nianfan looked at the time, "Okay, start the pot... make a fire!"

Immediately, there was a group of busy people on the bank of Nu Chao River.

The three chefs, Li Nianfan, Xiaobai, and the God of Cookery, began to organize the ingredients, while the others helped to lay hands, set the pot, burn the fire, and run errands...

I was very busy and happy for a while.

Li Nianfan looked at the nunnery, Long Er and the others around him, and smiled and said, "What you want to eat, pick it yourself, and bring it over and I will make it for you."

"Yeah~ Brother is great!"

They cheered and couldn't wait to choose the food.

After a while, she brought back two fan-like pig ears, "Brother, I want to eat the ears, they will be crispy and delicious!"

Ryuuji also ran back, carrying the ingredients in her hand, expecting to say, "Brother, Ryuuji really wants to eat beef tongue, tender, chewy, and lamb chops, delicious, can you eat both? "

I have cultivated two snack foods, so I know how to eat them.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Of course."

Da Hei ran over too, still biting a rabbit head in his mouth, "Master, Master, I want to eat rabbit head, this is the most delicious!"

Daji and Huofeng also walked over, relatively reserved, and said, "My son, we haven't eaten this kind of mountain beast yet. I want to try it."

"Don't worry, take your time, there will be good food."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, his cooking skills can bring everyone happiness, he is also very happy, but also very contented.

In the crowd, Jiang Liu silently followed Li Nianfan, already full of shock, staring blankly at the so-called "game" in everyone's mouth.

It is not difficult to see from the breath that these game meats are at least the power of the Golden Fairy Realm of the Yuan Dynasty!

In addition, there are two great powers in the realm of heaven!

So many powerhouses are just used for... dinner?

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an expert.

During this time, he also heard that the masters like to eat game.

I originally thought that the last time the old dragon brought the Southern Shadow Guard to the expert just coincided with the meeting, it was only then that he discovered that the monster beast at the realm of the gods eating heaven was just a normal operation...

How can I be qualified to participate in such high-end dinner parties!

I opened my eyes, and my Nima's vision was directly blown out!

Suddenly, his nose twitched slightly, and then he sucked vigorously involuntarily.

Unprepared, a large amount of saliva secreted directly from the mouth, dripping down.

Huh Huh

"I'll go, it smells good! This is too good!"

Jiang Liu's pores opened all over his body, and all the cells were trembling, all expressing a meaning...want to eat!

How can there be such delicious food in the world?

No matter how firm the will is, Daoxin will instantly collapse in the face of such delicacies!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, I am so hungry, I really want to eat!

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