Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 612: 612: Chaosi, dusk and snow, sorrow forever

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A piece of barbecue was handed to Jiang Liu.

The scent of    soaring into the sky immediately entered his nasal cavity, making his pores stretched, refreshing, and even more greedy.

This barbecue has become golden brown, and there is still a layer of oil flowing outside, and it seems to be surrounded by a halo on the outside, with a sacred breath.

If you don’t know that this is a barbecue, you will definitely think this is a rare treasure!

Jiang Liu swallowed vigorously, and said blankly: "Give it to me?"


Li Nianfan nodded and said with a smile: "Your saliva is flowing out, you are welcome, eat."

"Thank you, thank you."

Jiang flu was constantly moving, tears welled up in both eyes.

The expert is really kind to me. Not only did he save my life, he gave me the sword of the great avenue, but he was also considerate to me in every possible way. Even if I die, it’s hard to repay me!

Li Nianfan saw Jiang Liu silently wiping his tears, he couldn't help but smile secretly and shook his head.

A young man with a miserable life experience, he is easy to move, and with a few small things, he has forged a big good relationship again, and he is stable.

Jiang Liu wiped the corners of his eyes, already unable to restrain his mood, opened his mouth impatiently, and bit down the barbecue in one bite!


"Okay... so delicious!!"

Jiang Liu just feels that he can’t breathe under this delicious taste. The smell of barbecue travels through his body, filling his mouth, nose, throat, stomach...

He couldn't describe this wonderful taste at all. He just felt that his whole person was about to take off, and an unprecedented sense of happiness enveloped his whole body.


Satisfaction from the bottom of my heart!

What is the point to be alive?

Being able to eat a bite of such delicacies, living is meaningful!

This is life, this is enjoyment.

The kind that the emperor doesn’t change!

But when he swallowed the barbecue, he was completely shocked.

The spiritual power in the barbecue and Dao Yun exploded like mountains and seas, rushing to his limbs and a hundred skeletons, breaking through his brain, making his perception of Dao clearer than ever.


His body trembled suddenly, stepping into the late Da Luo Jinxian!


A barbecue is not only a wonderful taste, but also a magical effect!

Although he already knows that Gao Ren is powerful, he has once again refreshed his understanding, making him tremble, and he can't wait to worship him.

"Brother, I want too, I want too!"

"Give it to me, give it to me."

囡囡 and Long Er saw that Jiang Liu had eaten the barbecue, where they could not wait, they shouted loudly, with long shining threads hanging from the corners of their mouths.

"Hahaha, don't worry, it's almost done, eat slowly."

Li Nianfan laughed and began to distribute food to everyone.

"Da Hei, come, your favorite bunny head."

"囡囡, this is pig ears, in fact, pig head meat is also very good, you can try it."

"Long Er, pick it up, the lamb chops can be eaten while it's hot."

At the beginning, there was enough food. Everyone ate happily at the beginning, with greasy mouths, and a face of enjoyment.

At the same time, I am very tacitly silent, so as to save time for eating.

After all, if you say one more sentence, others may eat a piece of meat more than you...

Everyone has a huge appetite, and coupled with such a rare meal, the eyes start to turn red after eating.

This is anxious.

Hate not to have a long head out, and to eat more.

evolved to the end, silently began to grab food.

"Damn, Ye Liuyun, are you still shameless? I said why you kept chatting with me in my ears, and the feelings used a clone to interfere with my meal!"

"Worri! Yang Jian, you are too much, you actually have three heads and six arms to eat!"

"Giant Spirit God, don't be too arrogant, if you don't shrink back, don't blame us for doing it to you."

"Is there any unclean bottom of the pot, let me lick it!"


Li Nianfan looked at this scene and couldn't help smiling.

is really a group of unpretentious, down-to-earth gods.


A melodious piano sound rang, and rows of fairy ribbons fluttered. Their slender body seemed to have no weight. They floated to the stage with the wind, and began to dance with the sound of the piano.

This can be regarded as an after-dinner performance. Whether it is a fairy or a show, the quality is very high. The breeze is blowing, and there are countless petals flying, spreading the fragrance of flowers.

Singing and dancing first, naturally there must be wine to add to the fun.

Li Nianfan beckoned and laughed loudly: "Xiao Bai, serve wine!"

Xiaobai should shout: "Here, my dear master."

A large barrel of white wine was pushed out by it, and then naturally a fairy came forward, pouring everyone respectfully.

"Wow, Master Shengjun even prepared wine for us."

"This taste... really fragrant! Good wine, really good wine!"

"It's so fragrant, Master Shengjun's wine is really frightening."

"Thank you Lord Shengjun, we all, respect Lord Shengjun together!"

Li Nian Van raised the wine glass high and laughed: "Hahaha, everyone drink together, just be happy."

Everyone was tasting white wine and was full of excitement. After a short while, the complexion was already reddish, and it was obviously a little bit on the top.

However, through drunkenness, the atmosphere rose even more.

Li Nianfan enjoys a happy time, and his mood is also agitated. It is rare to have such a happy time in a peaceful life.

couldn't help but smile, slowly stood up, and came to the edge of Nu Chao River.

Looking at the surging raging river, feeling the strong river breeze, the boundless surging emotion suddenly surged.

Blurred eyes, he said: "Situ Qin, you have followed me to learn calligraphy for so long. Today, I will teach you a poem!"

A poem?

The slightly drunk people all looked shocked and looked at Li Nianfan, not daring to interrupt.

"Little Bai, bring a pot of wine!"

Li Nianfan stretched out his hand, took a jug of wine from Xiaobai's hand, raised it to pour it into his mouth, and then slowly spoke.

"You can't see you... The water of the Yellow River is coming up from the sky and rushing to the sea without returning."

"You don’t see...Gao Tang Ming Jing has white hair in sorrow, and the morning is like a blue silk."



Sent a line of poems, everyone’s heads roared, as if countless electric currents shuttled through their minds, making them stop all their thinking ability and just immerse themselves in the poems!

They seem to see the passing of time and the changes in the world!

Let you be magnificent, suppress the ages, and eventually pass away. In the endless years, at most only a light or heavy stroke will be left, and there will be no other traces.

A strange rhythm envelops this place, the river is still rushing, but it flashes a halo, like a river of time.

Stay in it, time seems to be much faster, Chao Si Mu Xue!

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Everyone has entered a wonderful artistic conception, and a moment of insight is worth a hundred years and thousands of years!

"I am born with my talents to be useful, and I will come back when my money is gone."


"The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, only the drinker keeps his name."


"Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you."

Everyone was frozen in place, the blood qi in the body seemed to be boiled and surged, and a wave of heat went straight to the heavenly spirit cover, as if to lift it up.

Jiang Liu looked at Li Nianfan’s back, only feeling that it was integrated with the angry river, the unspeakable stalwart, muttered to himself: "The master wants us to be proud and have fun, not to be immersed in the sadness of the past. , Grasp the present, display your ambitions!"


His breath flowed, and his mana rushed like a sea, instantly increasing by several times.

Break through the barriers of Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop to reach the early stage of the quasi-sage, and then to the quasi-sage mid-stage!

It was only when he was eating to break through to the late Daluo Jinxian, and in a blink of an eye he broke through two realms, and this... is just the beginning.

He can feel that there is still endless potential in his body!

Daoist Junjun's eyes gradually lit up, and he said: "The expert is telling us that everyone has his own value, and he is affirming our role. Even if we are the chess pieces in the hands of the expert, we will be sure. To show your greatest value!"

Hoda in his heart, suddenly heroic, he didn't dare to face the barriers of the realm of heaven, and felt that it was an insurmountable mountain, but at this time he is striding forward and crossing easily!

The law of his whole body is rolling, and the whole person seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth. He is the law, and he is the law!

Heavenly realm, success!

"The ancient saints are lonely..."

"Sell the eternal sorrow with you..."

"My son, how much do you bear on your shoulders? Let us share a little for you."

Daji and Huo Fengju have tears in their eyes, looking at Li Nianfan at this time, a little confused.

It turned out that the son was arbitrarily determined forever, but in the endless years, he was also lonely and sad.

Is it because no one is qualified to share the worries?

He is free and unrestrained on the surface, but in the depths of his heart, he is lonely and bitter.

The reason why you consider yourself to be a mortal, is it because you have no alternative, or are you carefully planning something?

In short, we...will not let you down!

The pure white light enveloped Daji, making her like a fairy in the painting, enveloping her holy, and the fiery halo enveloping the phoenix, just like the fire of burning the sky, proud and domineering.

The power of the powerful law swept like the wind, distorting this space!

The two entered the realm of heaven in one fell swoop!

Everyone, under the envelope of this artistic conception, the aura grows with it, and everything seems to be a matter of course.

At the same time, outside the distant sky, lightning flashes constantly, seeming to come from far away, somewhere in the chaos, it looks like there are thundering stars in the sky beating.

Daoist Junjun's chest was hot for a while, and then a shadow rushed out and hovered in front of him, shining with extreme brilliance.

"This...this is!"

Daoist Junjun suddenly shrank his pupils, squinting at the place of the thunder in the distance, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart.

Spirit Lord, that is where the Spirit Lord is!

is worthy of being an expert, a poem that traverses the ages and awakens the ancient sages!

A good one, "Hu'er will exchange fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you." Is this an invitation from the master to the spiritual master?


Li Nianfan finished reading happily, and then he raised the flask and poured it into his mouth.

Slightly closed eyes revealed a slight gap, and he glanced at the people secretly, and saw that they were all demented and shocked, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It seems that this wave of being handsome is quite successful.

Everyone is a cultural person, and culture has no boundaries.

"The money is gone and come back, and the wine is the same!"

Li Nianfan laughed and was so bold, he raised his hand and threw the hip flask in his hand towards the Nu Chao River.

At this time, the raging tide is in the middle of the river.

Under the turbulent currents, many water monsters gathered, all shrinking to the bottom of the water, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Everyone stared at each other with big eyes, and occasionally exchanged a few words, but didn't dare to make any noise.

They naturally received a serious warning before.

This place has been booked by the Temple of Heaven, and there are huge figures here, but if you don’t want to die, you don’t dare to die. Obviously, the situation this time is very serious, and they can't afford it at all.

However, even if they exercised restraint, they couldn't control their stomachs at all.

The sound of "coococoo" one after another, like the sound of thunder, intertwined into a symphony under the water.

I haven’t felt hungry for many years, let alone screaming.

But... the smell floating from the shore is really fragrant, which makes people hungry.

Want to leave but reluctant to leave, even if you can't eat it, smelling it is also a kind of happiness.

"Hey, it's so torturous, I can't smell it."

"The happiness of the boss, we really can't imagine..."

"Which big person is it, this food alone is really amazing. If I can eat one bite, I am willing to lose my life by ten years!"

"Only ten years? You are too depressed. As long as I have a sip of soup, I am willing to lose a hundred years of life!"

"Don't say it, perform well, maybe you can get a little bit of cold reward."

"The fool is still dreaming, as witty as I am, and has started to eat fish with this fragrance, um, it's so fragrant."

But at this moment.

A falling water "click" sounded into their ears.

They were all taken aback for a moment. When they saw the hip flask, tears filled their eyes together, and their whole bodies trembled with excitement.

"Wine...wine, wine?!"

"Ah, it smells good, there is still a lot of wine in this jug!"

"Fuck, this wine is too good! I feel my bottleneck loosened just by smelling it."

"God wine, this is definitely a good wine! Who is so generous in the end, thank you so much, a good person will live a safe life!"

"Don’t grab, get out of the way! Let me take one bite, just one bite! Ah ah ah—"

"Ah, so cool, I am drunk, I feel my life has been sublimated..."

at the same time.

is still above the red star of Jiemeng.

After this period of recuperation, Gu Yu’s injury has been recovered, but his face is even more gloomy.

He was full of anger and murder, and said: "What a human supreme, even if he is dead, he will not forget to be an enemy of my ancient clan!"

The leader of the    world alliance showed awe in his eyes, and analyzed: "The corpse can be so strong, I am afraid it is also related to the death of the corpse by the corpse world."

The realm of   Dadao Supreme is really terrible and so desirable.


Gu Yu glanced at him and let out a cold snort, dissatisfied with the leader of the world alliance.

This is a coercion!

So that I even used the Supreme phantom, but returned to no avail!

It hurts to think about it!


At this moment, somewhere in the chaos far away, there suddenly bursts of thunder, tearing apart the dark chaos, emitting bursts of strong light.

The powerful breath permeated, rippling ripples in the chaotic lake, like the call of the dust in the endless years.

And the great pressure contained in it made Gu Yu’s eyes flash with light, and he breathed shortly, saying: “Another breath of the supreme avenue! And it can cause the chaos to sing together, and only the Spirit Lord’s chaotic flag!”

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