Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 613: 613: Chaos thunderstorm, the secret weapon of the ancients

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The depths of chaos.

A huge vortex emerged and turned into a deep black hole, devouring everything around it.


The chaotic divine thunder that ruined the heavens and the earth surrounded the surroundings, hitting the black hole, but could not rippling even a single ripple, and was swallowed in an instant.

Here, within a radius of thousands of miles, the chaos **** thunder kept falling like rain, causing the thunder light in this space to illuminate the surrounding chaos.

The devastating aura is overflowing, and the horror is to the extreme.

This movement is really too big, making the entire chaos tremble, and also attracting many strong people.

"Oh my god, what kind of treasure was born that was able to attract so many chaotic gods and thunders?"

"It's horrible. Could this be caused by man? It's also incredible."

"What is in the black hole? It is worthy of the protection of so many Chaos God Thunder."

"Opportunity, great opportunity!"

When everyone was shocked, a terrifying aura came quickly from a distance, instantly suppressing the audience with great momentum.

Gu Yu stepped forward, his eyes were like electricity, and his whole body was overwhelming, forming a terrifying storm, making everyone looking at him feel hot and afraid to look directly.

Behind him, the leader of the Realm League led a group of subordinates rushing forward, and the same tyrannical aura surged, causing the atmosphere of the audience to drop directly to the freezing point, and no one dared to block the way.

Seeing the Chaos God Thunder, the leader couldn't help but exclaim, "What a terrifying Thunder Sea!"

Immediately afterwards, his pupils suddenly widened, and he said in a condensed voice: "No, that's... the flag?!"

Others also discovered the anomaly and exclaimed.

"Look at the center of the black hole, there seems to be a flag moving with the wind!"

"It's really a flag, it's terrible, I look at it as if I see chaos!"

"It feels like an ancient behemoth, making my whole body tremble."

Gu Yu also squinted his eyes, staring at the center of the black hole, shining dangerously.

Suddenly he raised his hand without warning, stretched out directly into the crowd, and grabbed it suddenly!

The man was arrested by him in the air, and he couldn't resist at all.

Afterwards, the ancient jade threw it towards the center of the black hole like garbage!

"Oh no"

The man's eyes were splitting, and he floated helplessly among the many chaotic gods and thunders, trembling all over, his hair standing upright, and he was full of despair.

At this moment, amidst the chaos, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared, piercing the sky, and slashing straight towards him!

The man's whole body mana surged, displaying his whole body solution, all magic weapons flying out, protecting his whole body, and spraying a mouthful of blood, burning his own heritage, and maximizing his defense.

However, the thunder fell lightly, and in an instant, the person was flying away, and there was no scum left.


The people who rushed to join in the excitement unanimously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a chill at these terrifying thunders, and being full of jealousy at Gu Yu, their bodies began to retreat.

However, Gu Yu had already raised his hand again, raising another person.

"No, you can't kill me! I am the elder of Bi Yunzong, and my sect has great power!"

The ancient jade showed contempt and threw it out at will.

Then, he didn't stop, he raised his hand for the third time, and didn't care.

"Spare, spare me!"

"Oh no"

"You devil, you will suffer retribution!"

"It's crazy! Brothers, **** him together!"

"Ah, I was wrong..."

One by one, the ancient jade was thrown into the thunder sea like sandbags, and some people wanted to resist and were suppressed on the spot without any suspense. Others were scattered like birds and beasts, panicking.

As soon as these people enter the sea of ​​thunder, even if they resort to a variety of methods, their ultimate fate is all destruction and annihilation, without exception.

Gu Yu stared at the Chaos God Lei, purple hair flying, and purple-cyan eyes showed thought.

"The Chaos God Thunder cannot be evaded, and its power will not be weakened, it can only resist!"

For just so long, he was actually using his life to pile up experiments.

If it is the formation method, there should be a way to survive, walking in a special position, you can avoid the chaotic **** thunder, but there is no sign of a way out in the thunder sea.

Moreover, the power in the thunder sea continues to flow, and he is not afraid of being consumed at all. No matter how many people are killed, it will not weaken a bit.

The leader of the Realm League opened the mouth and said: "My lord, the power of this thunder can't hold up even the power of the ordinary heavenly realm."

Gu Yu groaned for a moment and frowned.

He thought he was struggling, and he could still enter the black hole with the Chaos God Thunder, but...just he went in alone, a little bit of money is not guaranteed, and he can't make fun of his life.

But if you want to bring people in with you, it's much more difficult.

He looked at the leader of the world alliance and snorted coldly: "You can't make a move yet?"

The leader said bitterly: "This nourishing grass is gone, I... really can't help it."


Gu Yu yelled, staring at the chaos flag in the black hole for a long time, and said coldly: "This matter is too serious. It seems that we must use our secret weapon buried in the chaos!"

The secret weapon?

The leader of the world alliance moved slightly, silently following Gu Yu, heading straight for a certain direction of the chaos.

Along the way, Gu Yu stopped and stopped, seeming to be sensing something, and finally led the leader into a small world hidden in the chaos.

The world on this side is extremely vast, vibrant, beautiful, with countless creatures, and it looks like it should be a powerful world.

However, the spiritual power of this world is already extremely thin, the Taoist rhyme is dim, the law is weak, and there are very few practitioners.

"This, this is... God, God Realm?"

The leader of the world alliance suddenly moved his heart, bringing back memories from eternal years ago.

God's Domain is a well-deserved first world bred out of chaos. There was naturally God's Domain before eternity, and there are many records about God's Domain.

Back then, he was a follower of the Nine Supremes, who had also stayed in the realm of God.

However, as the nine supreme lords fell one after another, God's Domain has also lost its whereabouts since then. The original leader of the world alliance thought it was destroyed during the battle, but unexpectedly, he was hidden here by the ancients.

However, how could the glorious God's Domain in the prosperous age become like this?

But at this moment, the ancient jade aura next to him suddenly rose up, and his body was enveloped in a layer of light, the red-golden skin burned like fire, and the whole person seemed to have become a small sun in the sky.

Many visions surround it.

"An ancient clan of ancient jade, I took the liberty to come, only because of major changes, I had no choice but to dare to wake up seniors!"

A respectful voice came from Gu Yu's mouth, and he bowed at the same time.


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As his voice fell, a strange rhythm gradually emerged, seeming to be responding to the old saying, the cloudless sky instantly became gloomy and plunged into darkness.

On the earth, whether it is the plants, animals or the green mountains and green waters, they are losing their vitality and... their spirituality!

The emerald green grass withered in an instant, the delicate flowers withered in a blink of an eye, and the young life quickly grew old...

This is not the end, in the end, it becomes a corpse, which is scattered with the wind like gravel!

This vast world, under the gaze of everyone, lost everything, and finally became a huge waste star floating in the chaos...

At the same time, the leader of the realm alliance could faintly feel that under this dead star, an extremely terrifying force is slowly awakening.

The leader took a deep breath and tremblingly said, "Big...sir, this is the God's Domain back then?"

Gu Yu nodded and shook his head again.

Sneered and said: "Accurately speaking, it was part of God's Domain at the beginning. The God's Domain is far higher than the average small world, and it represents sufficient nutrients!"

God's Domain can bred powerful human race experts, and the ancient race would naturally not allow such unstable factors to exist.

He cut the God's realm, and at the same time allowed people from the ancient clan to enter it, absorbing the nourishment of the God's realm.

In this way, not only can the ancient people become stronger, but also the nails are buried in the chaos. When the right time is right, they can wake up at any time and set off a **** storm in the chaos!


Suddenly, a huge crack appeared above the stars, and then began to split rapidly.


The whole star instantly turned into fragments, surging away in the chaos.

In the center position, an upright ancient tribe is floating there, his eyes are like torches, looking in the direction of the ancient jade.

At this moment, the chaos around Gu Yu and the others was split apart by this gaze, and a powerful sense of oppression poured over!

"Did you wake me up?"

The figure didn't see any movement, it already appeared in front of Gu Yu, and spoke indifferently.

Gu Yu hurriedly said: "Junior ancient jade, pay homage to the ancient elders."

The figure opened his mouth and said: "It made me wake up early, let's talk, what's the matter?"

Gu Yu opened the mouth and said: "The spirit master's life origin has not been completely wiped out. I feel the breath of it, but I can't get close. In order to prevent nights and dreams, I have to ask the seniors to come out of the mountain and forgive me.

"Spirit Lord?"

There was a sudden burst of light in the eyes of the figure, the breathing was obviously rapid, and the corner of the mouth raised a smile, "Are you sure?"

Gu Yu said, "Senior can follow me now."

"Okay, not bad!"

The smile on the figure's face was enlarged, and the eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance, "If it really allows me to get the spirit lord, I will definitely benefit from you, Gu Ming!"

These words made no secret of his own desire to possess the spirit master.

In the Great Tribulation that year, his cultivation base was far worse than it is now, and he was simply not enough to fight against the Nine Supremes, but because of this, when he saw the spirit master's heroic power, it left an indelible impression on him.

At the same time he was afraid, but also fascinated.

Although he is not a human race, he is still attracted by the spirit of the spirit master, intoxicated by its beauty, and wants to conquer this kind of woman.

Now, with the passing of years, there is only a breath of life left in the spirit master, and his cultivation base has greatly increased. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

It's really a blessing!

"I heard that the human race is born with the concept of chastity. When the woman at the top of the human race is conquered by me, what will they use to fight our ancient race! Hahaha"

Thinking of what he was proud of, Gu Ming had already laughed out of himself.

"Senior Gu Ming, not long ago, we found the corpse chasing world. There is also a corpse of the supreme human race hidden in it, and the strength is extremely powerful!"

"Also, in the chaos, another divine realm bred out!"

Gu Yu respectfully reported the situation.

Gu Ming smiled proudly, "God's Domain? Good things will eventually become the nourishment of my ancient race!"

"However, it seems that the chaotic change is really not small, is there still an intention to resist my ancient clan? Wait for me to obliterate one by one!"

"Just start with the Spirit Lord and take me over!"

at the same time.

In the realm of God.

The dinner party ended successfully, with happy smiles on everyone's faces, and respectfully bid farewell to Li Nianfan.

"By the way, Nuwa Empress and so on."

At the time of parting, Li Nianfan woke up sober, suddenly thinking of something, and shouting at Empress Nuwa.

Nu Wa hurriedly said, "I wonder what Lord Shengjun has to order?"

"Don't dare to be commanded."

Li Nianfan waved his hand quickly, and then said: "Recently, a snack has just been developed. The taste should be okay. I'm going to give everyone a point."

Hearing that there was a new snack, everyone's steps were a meal, their hearts beating wildly, and they looked at Li Nianfan with great expectation.

Nuan and Long'er were already eager to surround themselves, and said excitedly: "Brother, what is it, what is it? I want it, I want it~"

"It's the chocolate made from the cocoa beans brought back by the God of Cookery last time. It's okay for you, but just don't eat it again when you are full."

While talking, Li Nianfan took out the chocolate, and shared it with everyone, "It's not a baby, just eat and play."

As soon as Li Nianfan said, "It's not a good thing," everyone knew that the wave had stabilized.

Although the chocolate is dark, it's just a thin slice, it has no fragrance, and it looks ordinary, but no one dares to look down upon it.

Taoist Junjun quickly accepted it cautiously, and said excitedly, "Thank you Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan smiled and waved his hand, "Okay, let's all leave and go back to each house. By the way, the bank of the Raging Tide River should be cleaned up, so don't pollute the environment."

"Master Shengjun, don't worry, we will naturally clean up."

"Master Shengjun, goodbye."

Everyone gradually dispersed.

Li Nianfan also picked up auspicious clouds and flew straight to the courtyard with Daji Huofeng and others.

As for Taoist Junjun, Nu Wa and others, they gathered again, looking solemnly at the thundering star beyond the sky.

"The spirit master was born. Since she asked us to find her, she must be very important. We must hurry to pass."

"This is for sure, you know, this is what the expert called it out, and its intention is naturally self-evident, we can't let the expert down."

"Such a big movement, I'm afraid the ancient people will also notice it, but you can't be careless."

"Hahaha, isn't this just right? The dinner was very rewarding, and it just happened to be able to show its strength."

Taoist Junjun stroked his beard, and said: "Tsk tusk, this wave, I have directly stepped into the way of heaven! Don't get me wrong, I'm not showing off, I'm just motivating you to work hard."

Nu Wa proudly said: "Cut, it sounds like who is not in the realm of Heavenly Dao?"

On the side, Yang Jian and others' originally beautiful mood was directly shocked.

It’s enough for you two local tyrants to talk. Is this deliberately stimulating us poor people?

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