Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 614: 614: Old treacherous cunning, treasure chest old dragon

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In chaos.

Where Lei Hai is.

Gu Ming stood on the edge of the sea of ​​thunder, watching the thunder flashing in it with deep eyes.

There was a burst of white light in his eyes, as if it could penetrate all the black holes that fell straight in the center of the divine thunder.

He opened his mouth and said: "It is indeed the Chaos Banner, and this breath is definitely the spirit master's right!"

"As expected of that woman, even if it is just a trace of her remnant soul, she can also provoke the protection of the chaotic **** thunder."

"It's just...can't stop me!"

There was a sneer on Gu Ming's face, and with a wave of his hand, a jade-white sailboat appeared in front of him, gleaming with dazzling brilliance, and the holy breath overflowed, obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

"Let's get on the boat together."

He spoke indifferently, with an arrogant tone.

Gu Yu and the others were respectful, and they boarded the ship cautiously without saying a word.

Gu Yu also reminded: "Master Gu Ming will take us through Leihai, everyone stand firm and support, otherwise don't blame us if you die!"

Gu Ming didn't speak, but with a light wave of his hand, the white jade boat immediately started and floated forward.

As soon as the white jade ship entered the thunder sea, he could feel the repulsive force from the black hole, which greatly slowed the speed of advancement, greatly prolonged the time that everyone stayed in the thunder sea, the pressure doubled, and the crisis rose sharply.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck straight towards the white jade boat.

At this moment, a white transparent shield emerged around the white jade ship. The halo was not strong, but it gave people an unbreakable feeling. The chaotic divine thunder bombarded the shield, just swaying a layer. Layers of ripples, the white jade boat didn't even shake it.

Seeing this situation, the people who were still a little worried at first suddenly felt relieved and boldly looked at this sea of ​​thunder.


Gu Yu frowned suddenly and looked in one direction.

There, there are several figures slowly coming, with a somewhat extraordinary breath.

"It's them again?!"

On the side, Zuo made Jiao Jiao's body trembled, his eyes widened, and his voice trembled, showing helplessness.

No way, no way...

What a coincidence?

Can you let me go!

The leader of the world alliance raised his brow slightly, "What's the matter? You know?"

"Back to the leader, that bald dog is the bald dog I told you."

Zuo Shi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and forcibly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and whispered: "This dog has an extraordinary background and a very evil family. The destruction of what our league has done is almost 100% related to it."

"Is it the dog?"

The eyes of the leader of the world alliance narrowed slightly, staring at Da Hei.

Although he had never seen Da Hei, he had heard a lot of legends about this dog from Zuo Shi's mouth.

This is the enemy of Jiemeng!

Could it be that this time you are planning to do our things wrong again?

Gu Ming's brows couldn't help but frowned, and he said with disdain, "It's just a dog, what's the nervousness? Shame!"

The leader of the Jiemeng said: "My lord, this dog is strong, and there is a master behind him. He has been fighting against our Jiemeng. I suspect... Behind him is also one of the nine supreme ones of the year! I am afraid that the person who came is not good. !"

"Hey, are the Nine Supremes again? It seems that they have not died completely enough."

Gu Ming had a cold tone and looked in the direction of Da Hei, "Then let me try whether this dog is deep or shallow!"

As soon as the voice fell, he already raised his hand and punched out with a random punch!

The horrible streamer is like a meteor rushing to the moon, rushing out of the chaos, breaking through the sea of ​​thunder in an instant, and heading straight for the dark!

Da Hei stood on the spot, his dog's eyes calm, his coldness was not much worse than Gu Ming.

A dog's paw lifted up slowly, and pressed forward slightly!

A silent breath has spread out, holding down the streamer, and then disappearing.

"It's kind of good." Gu Ming said pertinently.

Being able to block his punch so easily is not something an ordinary Heavenly Dao realm can do. It is rare for this dog to be able to cultivate this kind of strength, and I don't know what kind of breed in the chaos.

The leader of the world alliance said bitterly: "It is really interesting. If we are not in a hurry to find the spirit master now, we will definitely destroy it!"

This dog has ruined too many things in the world alliance, and it is really a heavy loss. With so many right-hand men around him, in the end only the left envoy survived by chance, which is heartbreaking.

"It's okay, it won't be too late for us to come out!" Gu Ming was expressionless, as if to say something sparse and ordinary.

Zuozhu hesitated for a moment, the shadow in his heart lingered, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Um... will they follow us in?"

"Hehe, this is absolutely impossible!"

Gu Ming shook his head and sneered, "In addition to the need to beware of the chaos divine thunder, we also have to endure the repulsive force from the center, and... the further inward, the stronger the power of the chaos divine thunder. If you enter, you will definitely die!"

"My ship is not easy to come by, do you think everyone has my abilities?"

The leader of the Jie Meng immediately smiled and said: "My lord, don't be angry. Zuo Zhi has never seen the world, so she has such a naive question."

Gu Yu also smiled and said, "You must be afraid of a loss, so you take this dog seriously. In front of Master Gu Ming, it is only worthy of barking."

Da Hei retracted his paw and frowned, "It's the other way around! That guy dared to make a shot at the dog master as soon as he came up, and he looked really awesome, I can't bear it!"

"Lao Long, I know your old cunning and cunning, quickly find a way to **** them!"

"The dog can't spit out ivory. Actually, I am pure, but I was forced to look like I am by this world. The method is indeed a little bit like that."

Lao Long snorted coldly, and then began to dig something in his arms.

Then took out an item and held it high, "Lightning rod!"

"You are familiar with this stuff too, know how to use it."

"Yes, Lao Long, I found that you are a treasure chest." Da Hei's eyes lit up suddenly, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Without further ado, he threw one end of the lightning rod out and hooked it to Gu Ming's white jade boat accurately.

Then took the lead and stepped into the thunder sea first, "Everyone follow me!"

The people of Jiemeng have been watching the movement on Da Hei's side all the time, one by one they don't know why.

"What does this mean, do you want us to give him a hand?"

"It's also possible that I want to use this rope to pull us back. The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry."

"Oh, that's not right, the dog has come in, and it has entered the Thunder Sea! What kind of look is this, there is still a needle floating on the head."

"Look, thunder is falling! Hahaha, it's going to be hacked!"

Although he knew that Da Hei wouldn't be hacked to death so easily, it was very refreshing to see it being hacked, one after another smiled and stared at it.

Under all eyes, the thunder fell accurately!

However, when he reached the top of Da Hei's head, he was attracted by that needle. Then, he followed the wire and went straight to the white jade boat where he was waiting!


The white jade ship trembled for a while, and the shield trembled several times.

"What's the situation? Then why did Ray suddenly strike us?"

"Damn, I haven't heard that the Chaos God Thunder will turn around!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

"Why is the point just to come at us? Avoid that dog deliberately."

Everyone shook their bodies, their faces stunned.

"Come on, look, another thunder has fallen!"

"I don't believe it will only hack us!"


This time, the Chaos God Thunder was stronger than the previous one, and it still went straight to Dahei. However, the same scene happened.

Thunder rushed into the silver needle like a silver snake, and instantly passed onto the white jade boat.

Bai Yuchuan had to withstand the hacking of the chaotic **** thunder, but now there are more **** thunder on the **** side, and the pressure is doubled by the second favor.

The numb electric current passed along the boat and led to the people of the world alliance, causing them to numb all over, and many people's hair turned up silently.

"It's evil, it's really coming!"

"It must be the needle. Quickly, cut this thread!"

"How could this happen, what is this magic weapon?"

"There is another thunder coming down! Why is there so much hiss?!"

Everyone looked at the top of Da Hei's head, only to realize that as Da Hei deepened, there were more and more thunders around him. Moreover, these thunders seemed to be attracted by something, and they rushed toward the lightning rod.


It turns out that this needle not only transmits thunder, but also absorbs thunder!

"Left, hurry up! Cut that thread!"

The leader of the Jie Meng hurriedly issued an order.

Zuo Shi didn't even think about it, and directly instructed a subordinate next to him, "Hurry up and cut that thread!"

At the same time, his body retreated some distance without a trace.

The man sighed solemnly, and without hesitation, he raised the sword in his hand and slashed at the iron wire!

At the same time, the third thunder fell!

This time, three Chaos God Thunder gathered.


The sound of thunder and lightning flashed by, and the man with the knife was electrocuted on the spot, and the three teammates around him were gasified at the same time, without even humming.

They disappeared so fast, as if they never existed...


All of them took a breath together, their whole bodies trembling, and their bodies were soft.

The left envoy was even more scared, almost scared to pee.

Life and death were in a thought, and again, death passed me by.

Sure enough, this dog is synonymous with unknown, with great horror!

Everyone looked at Da Hei in horror, before they had time to calm their mood, they all took a breath.

But I saw that above Da Hei's head, a sky of thunder had formed, and too many Chaos God Thunder was attracted by that needle.

The people on the white jade boat were all stupid, their mouths wide open, and their chins all fell to the ground.

"My mother, how much thunder is this!"

"To die, to die!"

"I'm so panic, what should I do?"

I was shocked just by looking at it, and it was really hard to imagine how terrible it would be for so many Chaos God Thunder to fall together.

"Everyone quickly use the mana, don't hide it privately!"

At the critical moment, Gu Ming stood up, his eyes were solemn, and he opened his mouth and said: "Then...please ask yourself more blessings."


This wave of thunder crashed down, and a non-falling lightning rod was sucked by the lightning rod, and then it was transmitted to the white jade boat.

The entire iron wire was crossed with a layer of silvery white by the Chaos God Thunder, and the thunder jumped like sparks.

Like a violent wind passing through the border, it fell directly on the white jade boat.


The entire white jade ship was instantly shrouded in a layer of pure white thunder, and the devastating aura showed the horror of the chaotic **** thunder to the fullest, as if it could sweep everything away!

Soon, the white light dissipated and the dust settled.

The people on the white jade boat were emptied by more than half in an instant, and the place that was still a bit crowded became spacious.

As for the survivors on the boat, most of them had broken clothes, scorched faces, and straight hair upright, like super Saiyans.

With a mouth, there is still smoke wafting out.

Gu Ming's long purple hair was also powered off a lot, and he looked a little embarrassed.

However, he did not dare to delay a little bit, and tried his best to urge the Baiyu Ship, because the lightning rod began to attract Thunder again.

Speed ​​up, speed up!


On the other hand, Dahei and the others are enjoying their leisurely strolls in the thunder sea while watching the performance of Jiemeng.

"Who is that, in front of my dog, what kind of a cow are you?"

"You are very handsome in pretending to be forceful, but you are also very embarrassed when you were struck by lightning, hahaha..."

"Don't run so fast, play a little longer, come again~"

A series of thunders chased Bai Yuchuan's buttocks.

After finally entering the black hole in the center, this wave of people from the Jiemeng, and those below the realm of Heavenly Dao, were completely wiped out without any suspense, leaving only six people in total.

Gu Ming and Gu Yu, the leader and Zuo Shi of the Realm League, and the other two subordinates of the realm of Heavenly Dao.

It was not easy to walk all the way, the whole body was scorched black, the clothes were ragged, the hair was upside down, and the whole body was crisp and numb, exuding the smell of meat.

The unprecedented sense of embarrassment made them almost crazy.

So that after they entered the black hole, they no longer cared about the things inside, and directly fixed their gazes on Da Hei and the others, with murderous intent boiling with no concealment.

The leader of the world alliance has been heartbroken that he can't breathe.

Unknowingly, all the elite troops of the Jiemeng have all died...

This is the strong man he has recruited and cultivated for countless years. In this short period of time, after experiencing several changes, all are gone.

These are all rare powers, how can they die in pieces? Is there any reason?

His eyes were red, and he roared, "You are looking for death!"

Gu Ming's tone was extremely gloomy, and he roared anxiously: "I want to torture you a little bit, and make you regret everything you did today!"

Da Hei pointed at them with a dog's paw, "He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry."

Gu Yu sneered again and again, vigorously, "I don't know whether to live or die! Even if we are the only ones left, you have no chance of winning!"

Even if the leader of the realm alliance doesn’t make a move, they still have five great powers of heaven. On the side of Dahei, Dahei, Laolong, Nuwa and Taoist Junjun are in the realm of heaven. Others can be ignored, like ants. The presence.

Lao Long calculated his combat power and whispered: "Oh, what he said does make sense."

With a grinning face, Gu Ming took a step forward, already killing everyone, and said in a low voice: "Dog things that do not live or die, you are done!"

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