Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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The number of people at this time was even greater. It was probably due to the fact that today was the last day of the festival. Until the evening, Keane and I walked around the city. They ate cotton candy and looked at the musicians, at various performances. A group of girls were dancing in the centre of the town square, and judging by how contemptuously the aristocrats looked at them, they were from the common people.

The dance looked very cheerful and somewhat reminiscent of the polka. I smiled and clapped for them. A girl with curly blond hair approached me and offered her hand. It was not welcome for the aristocracy to dance with the common people in this world. But I was out of this world, and I didn't care about idiotic rules. So I gladly accepted the invitation. Keane looked at me in surprise as I danced with the other girls to the cheerful sounds of the violin. With Ariana's skills, it wasn't difficult at all. I liked such dances much more than boring and formal dances at balls. When the music stopped, I returned to Kain.

"Lady, you have turned my world upside down again." He draped it over my shoulders and put on the hood, taking off his cloak.

"Why?" I asked, surprised.

"You are the daughter of a duke, but you danced with common people."

"It doesn't matter to me what a person's title is, I think it's all stupidity."

"Lady." Keane got down on one knee and took my hand. "If everyone in this world thought like you, it would be a much better place."

People began to whisper and carefully examine us. We've attracted too much attention.

"Sir Keane, please stand up." I pulled the guy's hand to get him up. Panic and embarrassment grew in me like a snowball.

"Is something wrong?" he asked calmly.

"People are looking at us."

"Excuse me, lady. I didn't mean to embarrass you." The man really looked upset.

"You apologise too often."

"Sorry." Keane frowned and shook his head.

This person would never change. I laughed and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you for everything." Thanks to Kain, I was able to distract myself and calm down. Today he made me a little happier.

"My lady." I shuddered at his words. The brown-haired man raised my hand to his lips and kissed it in the palm. What was he doing?

I felt my cheeks begin to blush rapidly. Keane ran his lips over my wrist. Even though my actual age was twenty, I was a complete zero in a relationship. I never had a boyfriend because I had no time for that, but as I heard, such kisses always have an intimate connotation. Keane never took his green eyes off me.

"You don't like my touch?"

"No, I'm ticklish." I looked at him, embarrassed. Keane was too persistent today and behaved a little differently.

"I think we should stop there. The fireworks are about to start." He smiled and led me to the fountain.

We silently looked at the dark sky, holding hands. A few seconds later, loud pops were heard, and the sky was adorned with multi-coloured lights. Just like at home for the New Year. I instantly smiled as soon as I remembered that.

"Young lady, there you are. We have been looking for you everywhere." The knights of the Valmont family surrounded me, but Keane was not by my side. "Please come back with us."

"Is this an order from my father?" I sighed wearily.

"Yes, he said if you don't come back with us, he will kick us all out." The knights were genuinely afraid of the duke. They were all forced to follow orders strictly and could be severely reprimanded.

I grabbed my head, as I was tired of it.


"Thank you, ma'am."

I touched the cloak on my shoulders and turned back. In the crowd, I noticed Kain. He smiled at me and left.


After my objection, there was complete silence in the manor. I thought the duke would punish me for my escape, but only a worried Nina met me. It was amazing that I didn't get scolded again. Although this man never cared about his own daughter. Looking back, I should not have reacted in the morning either.

"My lady, where have you been for so long?" my maid asked in a trembling voice.

"I was out for a walk. The manor is too stuffy."

"They have been looking for you since dinner. How did you get to the city? Have you been kidnapped?"


"By who?"

My cheeks began to glow as soon as I remembered Keane and his hot lips in my hand.

"Lady, why are you blushing? Are you feeling well?" She seemed to be getting more worried.

"No, I'm fine."

I went up to my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. The accumulated fatigue made itself felt. On this day, I was really exhausted.

"My lady, you need to warm yourself in hot water quickly."

"I don't want to." I desired to go to bed as soon as possible.

"Rejection is not an option. Let's go soon." Sometimes she could be quite persistent.

Nina helped me undress. I climbed into the huge tub and closed my eyes. Why did Keane do this? This was our third meeting, but he looked at me like that. I quickly shook my head. I had never been in a relationship, so I decided to ask the only person I trusted.

"Nina, tell me, have you ever been kissed by a man?" The question itself flew from my lips.

"Did a man kiss you?" She quickly pushed back the screen. There was shock on her face.

"No, that is, not on the lips, but on the palm and wrist." I turned away.

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"My lady, this is a very open kiss. It means that this man…" Nina broke off abruptly.


"He is interested in you as a woman. Did anyone see you when he did it. Questions rained down on me one after another." I could swear Nina was on the verge of a nervous breakdown right now.

"I do not know. I had a raincoat on."

"My lady, did you refuse the duke because of this man?"

"Not. I shook my head." I didn't want to compete for a place next to the prince; I didn't need it.

"And the man who kissed you. Is he attractive?" She sat down next to the tub and smiled slyly.

"Well, he has very strong arms and a strong body." What was I even saying? I could just say that he has beautiful eyes.

"Gods, how did you find out about this?" She covered her mouth with her hand.

"When we rode the horse, I hugged him so as not to fall."

"So it was you who fled to the city with him."

"Yes." I nodded briefly.

"How did he get here?"

"To be honest, I don't know myself. Said he was passing by." His face at that moment was so funny. Keane was completely incapable of lying.

"And you believed it?" Nina arched an eyebrow.

"Of course not."

"My lady, you have grown so much."

"Don't talk like an old lady." I frowned.

"But I am five years older than you, my lady."

"Do not forget that you are not only my personal maid, but also a close friend." I smiled at Nina. I thought these were the words Ariana would like to say to her.

Nina jumped up and turned away from me. Her shoulders shook a little. And then she spoke softly.

"I will always be by your side. You are my dear person, whom I promised to take care of."

"I know, and thank you for everything you do for me." Even though I was not your lady, I would take care of you as she would.

"It's time for you to get out. The water is almost cold." Nina took a towel and handed it to me.

I got out of the bathroom, put on my nightgown, and lay down on the bed. Today was such a crazy day, with so many events. Would the duke back down from his plan? I said I didn't want to be the prince's bride. But if the emperor ordered me to, there would be no choice. This world was terribly lacking in equality. I heard soft footsteps outside the door and got out of bed. The door slowly opened, and Desmond stood in the doorway, holding a large stuffed rabbit.

"Desi, what are you doing here?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Ria, can I sleep with you?" The boy was very sad.

"Certainly. But aren't you afraid of me?" In the dining room, he looked terrified. I have to be a little more restrained, if only for the sake of this child.

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

"Because today I said a lot of bad words and behaved badly."

"No. Father is the one at fault." Desmond stamped his small foot. "I told him you didn't want to get married, but he didn't listen to me."

Did he try to dissuade his father? I got up from the bed and walked over to him. I wanted to hug Desmond as tightly as possible. He tried to protect me from the duke, an act that even adults did not dare to do.

"Yes. I don't want you to leave me. But my father ordered me and Alex and my mother to be silent."

"Where do you get the idea that I'm leaving?"

"Riya, please don't leave me." He wrapped his arms around me.

"I thought you wouldn't come near me again." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Come on to bed, or you'll catch a cold."


I closed the door, put Desmond to bed, and then lay down next. He immediately grabbed my hand.

"Close your eyes." I whispered, smiling.

"But I didn't want to sleep." The boy muttered in a sleepy voice.

"It needs to be midnight already."

"I cannot sleep." This kid was so stubborn. I chuckled.

"Do you want your sister to sing you a song?"


I took a deep breath and began to sing. My voice echoed throughout the vast room. I sang to him until he fell asleep, and then I fell asleep too.

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