Unloved Grand Duke Daughter Shatters the Skies

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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I had to leave before Desmond woke up because I would be meeting with Aiden today. I left Nina with the boy to explain everything to him, and he was not afraid that I was not around. I would never have come here if I had a choice, but I didn't have one. A dangerous man like Aiden was something to be reckoned with. The book said that he was the most powerful magician in the last hundred years.

Aiden has already participated in two wars and easily brought victory to the empire. The magic tower belonged to him. He did not allow ordinary people to enter. To my knowledge, even Bella never went inside it. The tower was the height of a ten-story building. Its scale was simply amazing. I got out of the carriage and went straight to her. The massive doors to the tower suddenly opened. Aiden came out to meet me. He was wearing a white shirt and black leather pants.

"Princess, welcome." He bowed his head.

"Good morning, Aiden. How did you know that I had already arrived?"

"I can feel it." He smiled enigmatically.

"You can feel it?" I looked at him sceptically.

"Exactly. The barrier told me."

"Is there a magical barrier around the tower?"

"Yes. It helps to distinguish which guests have come to me."

"But I don't see anything." I looked around with interest. Still, the novel's fantasy world and the real world were fundamentally different.

"You won't see it. The average person will never notice it." He held out his hand to me. Let's continue our conversation inside.

"Good." I took his hand.

For a moment, a flash of red blinded me. I opened my eyes and saw that we were inside a huge room with a massive chandelier with candles, a variety of books and scrolls, and a dark wood desk. Two large sofas and a coffee table were between them. I thought this was his office.

"Sit down, princess. I'll bring us tea and snacks." He led me to one of the sofas.

"Thank you. Sorry for the intrusion."

"This is not an intrusion. I invited you myself." He gave me a dazzling smile and went into another room.

I sat down on the couch and looked around. Behind the desk was a balcony. Aiden transported us with magic. Wow! I already saw him disappear into the circle when we saw each other in the bookshop. I would never have thought that after living twenty years on Earth, I would see a world where there was magic. After a minute, Aiden came out with a tray in his hands. He put it on the table and sat down across from me.

"Princess, let me tell you that you look even more beautiful than the last time we met." He handed me a cup of tea.

"Thank you." I took the cup from his hands and saw that the tea was purple, like my dress. Its scent was somewhat reminiscent of jasmine.

"I grow this tea myself, it is made from special flowers in my garden. Try it princess, I'm sure he will not disappoint you." Apparently, Aiden noticed my confusion, so he decided to explain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"I'm not offended. I think any person would be embarrassed by such a colour of tea." He smiled.

Smiling back at him, I took a sip of the fragrant drink. It tasted sweet-sour with apple and raspberry flavours, although the smell was quite different. Overall, the taste was unusual and delicious.

"Amazing taste."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"You wanted me to help you with the text. Where is it?"

"So you're in a hurry to get away from me?"

"What do you mean?" I quickly shook my head.

"You have such a cute reaction that I want to tease you forever." He smiled slyly at me.

"I thought you had a serious translation problem, and you were just having fun."

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"My feelings are not as easy to hurt as you think." I smiled at him.

"It's true. You are the princess from the house of Valmont, after all."

"Why are you calling me princess?"

"Isn't that so? You never leave the duke's mansion, and I only know you from rumours."

"Do you believe these rumours?"

"Princess, I only believe my eyes. But at the ball everyone was just talking about you, I became interested in what you really are." Aiden leaned back on the couch. "Previously, you were described as a cold and impregnable girl."

"And now?" I arched an eyebrow.

He closed his eyes and laughed. He has the sweetest laugh I've ever heard. All the male characters in this novel were very handsome, but Aiden's appearance was the most unusual for me, with hair as orange as a sunset in the sky and eyes as scarlet as blood. He looked to be twenty-six years old, although his exact age was never mentioned in the novel.

"You really are an interesting person, princess. Although I even like your simplicity and naivete." Aiden ran a hand through his hair.

"Simplicity and naivete?"

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"Yes, they make you charming."

I looked at him carefully. What was he striving for? Why did he put on this whole show?

"Do not look with such a look, I am clean in front of you, like a white sheet." Aiden smiled. "I really need your help in translating the text."


"It is very ancient and almost all worn out."

"Let me see."

Aiden snapped his fingers, and a scroll appeared in his hands. He calmly handed it to me. I carefully unfolded the package and saw almost faded letters. It really was ancient. I could only read snippets.

"Did you understand what is written there?" Aiden got up from the couch and sat next to me.

"A dark goddess, an ancient dagger, the blood of a pure girl, and something about a red moon." I didn't understand anything. Half of the letters were faded. "What does it mean?"

Aiden did not answer my question. He only looked thoughtfully out the window. What the hell was I reading right now? Who wrote all this? It looked like the book I read in the shop.

"Princess, what is the religion of this country?" Aiden calmly addressed me.

"Everyone worships the god of light, Lumiel." But to be honest, I didn't even know what it was all about. It didn't exist in my world.

"Correct. But a few centuries ago, according to history, the so-called church of light appeared."

"Church of the Light?"

"Yes. They worshiped the dark goddess Ether. They were led by a bishop who believed that we should change religion and worship only her, not Lumiel."

"And how many people believed it?"

"About a third of the empire. And most importantly, they did not consider themselves heretics. But it was difficult to call it a church with their mass suicides, torture, and bloody rites."

"What a nightmare." In my world, this was called a cult.

"It all ended thanks to the ancestor of our emperor and Archmage Thaddeus. After the execution of the bishop, the people who followed him came to their senses. It was as if they were under a magical influence." Aiden took a cigarette out of his pocket. It was no wonder that this rubbish even existed in this world. He snapped his fingers again, and a small flame appeared. It was amazing how he could do it.

"Why did they do these atrocities?"

"Because they believed that they could let the goddess Ether into this world."

"Aiden, why are you telling me all of this?"

"I do everything I want." He laughed again.

"But seriously?" I looked at him carefully.

"Everyone considers it fairy tales. No one believes in it anymore." He blew a cloud of smoke from his mouth.

"But you asked me to translate the scroll."

"As the archmage of the empire, I feel any magical fluctuations in this country. And I don't like what's happening now."

"Magic fluctuations?"

"Don't fill your pretty head with that. These are my problems, not yours." Aiden smiled. "But thanks to you, princess, I was able to learn useful information, so I am very grateful to you."

"I'm glad I could help you." I smiled at him. It was very unusual and interesting.

"Please accept this as a token of my gratitude." He snapped his fingers, just like last time. He had a bouquet of purple roses in his hands.

"Is there anything you don't know how to do?" I looked at his hands in surprise.

"These hands are not capable of such a thing. Believe it, princess." Aiden winked at me and smiled slyly.

"I think it's time for me to go home." I looked towards the window and saw that it was already dark. But why?

"Time passes much faster in the tower." He handed me the bouquet. "I have already sent your coachman home."

"What for?" I looked at him in surprise and accepted the flowers.

"With my help, you will be home much faster, princess."

"If you say so."

"Goodnight Princess." He took a strand of my hair and kissed it. "See you at the competition."

The bright red light reappeared. I opened my eyes and saw that I was already standing in front of the manor's door. It was raining heavily behind me. Why didn't I see or hear him when I was in the tower? It looked like time didn't just go faster there.

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