Unnamed – Gvanii

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: A Troublesome Encounter

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With Caspian ready in position, they prepare themselves for Montana and Leonhardt’s retreat. The soldiers take their stance while being anxious, hearing the loud shrieks of the monsters. Dain worries because of their lack of sight, talking and trying to calm himself. But then, he heard a static noise before hearing of someone ragged breathing. With no hesitation he quickly wears his mask, entering the mist.

Dain: LEO! Leo!

Where are you?!

Leo: hah… I can...h-hear you

Dain: Where?! Where?

He asked, as he looked at every direction. After thinking of an idea, he lights a flare and waves it around hoping that the Knight would see it. But to his surprise, Leo’s voice was cut, disconnected due to the mist. Seeing that the flare would soon be extinguished, he sighs in disappointment and continues to wave around his sword, moving the mist. Later on he hears another static sound before hearing Caspian’s voice.

Cas: On your left

He said, as a demon came up exactly where he said, shrieking at him. But before it could come close to Dain, it was hit by a bullet which he believed came from Caspian. With Dain back on his feet, and his men finally catching up to him. He thanks the young man and continues running. While doing so, an idea came to his mind, as he asked for Caspians help. But to his surprise, Caspian was silent as he continued to call out his name.

On the other side was Caspian calling out to him, only to hear the static noise which annoyed him. After removing the earpiece, he continues to search for them and later on sees a silhouette of what looked like a demon which was the direction Dain was going. With his finger on the trigger, he breathes deeply as he fixed his aim. But just before he shot, his vision went clearer seeing a man as he carried a woman and someone on his back. Seconds later he sees a large demon behind them swinging its clawed hands. Without a hesitation, he shoots the demon after fixing his aim. After gaining back their line of communication, Leo heard the young man as he and his men came to them, hearing Yvonne’s voice who guided them as she shouted knowing Leo no longer could.

A few moments after, while Caspian was going down the tower, Dain and his men exits the mist, quickly heading towards the medication camp. The young man chuckles as he sees Dain who seemed to be taking his role seriously as their leader. As they were being transported, Leo regains his consciousness and sees as Sara and their Lance came to him. He smiles back at them, hoping they would get the message. Sara was shocked, as the medics blocked them, telling them to stop and follow protocol.

To Caspians surprise, as he was heading back to the camp, he sees who he did not know was the Princess being transported and a girl who followed behind her. She had two horns pointing from her forehead and two other sets of them surrounding her head. He felt disgusted seeing another demon, thinking that Dain took another one for testing. He then follows behind them, and later on enters the tent silently moving. After moving places from left to right, he finally reaches the she-demons room where he leans to see Dain and two others were taking care of her.

Cas: Tchh…

Dain: ….Did you hear something?

Scientist: Im glad to see shes- Sorry?

Cas: Step away from the demon

He said as he took his gun, aiming at the bed where the girl laid. To his surprise, the scientist with Dain unhesitantingly went and blocked his view. He then watches as the woman’s legs shake in fear. His mood then changes as he cocks his gun, shouting back at them.

Cas: You… Insolent fool!

You’re afraid, but still choose to protect a beast, Do you not know who I am?!

 Scientist: Sh-shes not some beast!

Dain: Stop! Everyone just calm down for a second…

Cas: Do you not see? Such a repulsive appearance…

Step away and I shall end it myself

Said the man angrily, while gripping his gun tightly. He then becomes even more annoyed, seeing that neither of the three was backing down. One of them then rushes towards him, only to be knocked back after taking a hit by him on the stomach. This made Dain and the other two leave their places, which made Caspian grin in joy, aiming back at the girl who still was unconscious. But just as he was about to shoot, his hand was hit upwards by a kick which came from behind, making his shot miss. He then looks back furiously, only to see a woman he could barely recognize.

Montana: You Dare!

The princess said, with fire burning in her eyes. She then kicks him, only to be blocked by his hand.

Cas: You lil bi-

The two continued to fight, as the security personnel finally came, holding the two back as they furiously try to take each other. After a few hours, Dain was finally finished and came out. He then searches for the annoyed Caspian, who was sitting alone. He laughed slightly after seeing some of the men as they try to come close to him, only to give in to his aura. He comes closer and sits right beside him after moving his weapons away.

Dain: You don’t mind do you?

Cas: You… Why? Why do you keep insisting on keeping them

Dain: You really do hate demons huh?

I know, I know… I shouldn’t pry too mu-

Cas: Those beasts killed my father…

He was the bravest man I know

You are reading story Unnamed – Gvanii at novel35.com

Dain: Sorry… I didn’t know…

The two went silent as the fire crackled right in front of them. Dain then stares at his guns, which seemed to be made with advanced technology. He felt extremely curious as one of his hands unconsciously went to the gun. After noticing this, he stops himself and looks back at the man who was looking at him.

Dain: A-ahh… Eherm… I see you’ve met my sister…

Our leader… isn’t very good at controlling herself

Cas: Sister? Leader? Arent you a prince?

Was the woman with you the princess?

Dain: No—no, that was a subordinate of mine…

The one who came from behind you

Cas: Her? That’s the…

The two continued to chat, as Dain began to explain the situation. Caspian couldn’t believe him as he spoke the words. Hearing of a controlled and peaceful demon didn’t make sense. But hours later, he regained his composure and mind as he leaves his tent, and decided to watch which Dain asked him to. He went closer to the tent and with a little difficulty managed to enter as he heads towards the she-demons room once again. Upon reaching its corridor, he sees the tall man who he covered earlier and came close to him.

Cas: Greetings… I believe youre Leo

Leo: A-ahh… Pleasure… You are?

Montana: Don’t worry im just gonna go and….


The Princess said as she was turning around, about to leave the room. Leo then watched as the mood of the entire tent changes as Montana glares at the man beside him. Caspian knew what she was thinking, and was thinking of how to continue. But to his surprise, Montana takes him by his shirt and forces him to look at her bloodlusted eyes. Leo then stopped her as she surprisingly takes her hand off. Leo was shocked to see this, but just as he was about to speak Montana raised her finger, causing him to stop.

Leo: Pri-

Montana: ….Leave

Cas (Bow): I-I believe we got of the wrong foot earlier…

Please… Forgive my actions, I was merely…

Yve: Big Sis? Weren’t you about to leave?

Caspian was surprised, as he looked forward and sees the demon as she spoke their language. His gaze was then cut when Montana sighed deeply, thinking that she would land another hit on him.

Montana: Ive heard of you…

Consider yourself lucky… Ruin her mood and ill kill you

Leo: P-princess!!

The three then entered as Montana carefully made sure that Caspian wouldn’t do anything reckless. Knowing that this was an opportunity to gain her trust, Cas controls himself as he came closer to the girl who sat at her bed eating her meal. Caspian was too distracted, shocked to see a demon eating something else rather than humans and their soul. Yve then watches and notices as he was gazing right at her. She felt uncomfortable for he was getting too close, with his eyes widened surprised after having a closer look at her.

Yve: U-uhhm… Mister?

Caspian (gulped):  A-ahh… Sorry… How extraordinary…

Yve: S-sorry?

The young girl said, anxiously thinking of why he said that. Seconds later a thought came to her mind as she quickly took both her hands up, which made Caspian flinch thinking she was about to attack him. To his surprise, she took her hands up further, and tried to cover her horns before blushing thinking it was bothering the man in front of her.

Yve: I-uhh… erm…

Caspian was surprised by this, it felt weird that it made his heart beat convincing himself that it was because she surprised him with her move. He then tries to comfort her, after hearing of Montanas sarcastic cough. Hours later he was given the opportunity to be of her presence. Montana felt guilty, knowing well of her actions. Only then did she realize that he was the one who helped them return safely. As the meeting continued, he told them his duty which was to rinse the world of the Abnormalities they called the Rift. Montana then understood that he was also the man Gabriel told them about. While discussing, she confirmed this by asking The Second after whispering out his name. After the meeting, while on the carriages, the two chatted in attempt to fix their impression to one another.

The day ends as they head back to the Palace with Caspian, who was given the pleasure of staying with them. Montana knew of his capabilities having tested him in a duel. So she insisted in making him stay, also because of their plan given by Gabriel. The Princess then heads back to their room, after taking Yve back to Dains care, then sleeps after asking The Second to inform Gabriel and Sophie of the news.

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