Vamp in incest world

Chapter 10: 12 bath time*

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Olivia "Then let's talk about the 'Supreme' ones now." said. After Aiden nodded, Olivia began to explain.

"First of all, these people's magic core level is rank 9, so they have a Silver core. The royal family of each race is supreme."

"The king of humans, the queen of the Vampires, the queen of the Witches, the king of the Angels and the queen of the Demons, the king and queen of the Elves, the king and queen of the Dragon race, and lastly the beastkin race they have most Supreme. but the weakest of ones."

"There is a Supreme for almost each species. Apart from these, there are also secret Supremes, but these people do not interfere in world affairs."

"Supremes meet for a meeting every few years. More about this you can learn from Majesty later. That's all I had to tell you. Is there anything you want to ask?" Olivia finished.

Aiden thought about it, and when he realized there was nothing he didn't understand, he nodded and "No, teacher, I have no questions." said.

Olivia nodded, "Then that's enough for today. We'll have our lesson again tomorrow." said.

Olivia decided to finish early today because she knew that Aiden needed to reflect on what he learned today and ask questions of his mother.

Aiden nodded too and "Thank you for the lesson, teacher. See you tomorrow." said.

Olivia went back to her house, as she did yesterday and Aiden went out into the hallway as well.

As Aiden stepped out into the hallway, he felt the warmth he felt yesterday on his back and chest again.

Then he heard a gentle voice in his ears "Your class finished early today, honey. Is there a problem?" Aiden turned around before looking at his mother's beautiful face with a warm smile.

Then he kissed her on the lips, after the kiss, "Mama let's go to your room I have a few things to ask you." said.

Almira nodded in understanding, and soon after, they appeared in their room.

Aiden didn't start talking right away, but as his mother immediately naked him and herself, he began to drink milk from her already visible breast and gather his thoughts.

Almira didn't rush her son in and gently patted the back of his head as he drank her milk and relaxed.

After enjoying his mother's time, Aiden looked at his mother with relief and said to his mother, "Mama, do you want me to ask you the questions first or do you want me to tell you the lesson?"

Almira looked at her son and even though she had listened to what he had already heard in the lesson with him from afar, because she liked her son's narration, she looked at her son with a teasing smile and "I would like to hear how my hubby's class went." said.

Aiden blushed a little, but nodded meekly and began describing his day.

When Aiden finished telling his day, he looked at his mother and "Mama, can you tell me a little more about Unique skills?" he asked.

Knowing that her son was more curious about this than talking about his mother's strength, Almira smiled and said, "Of course, honey, let me tell you a few facts that your teacher didn't mention."

"As the Unique skills teacher said, they don't have to follow the rules of this world and nobody knows how they started to appear in this world. Even if the way to get it from someone is to kill them completely, it is not the only way of transmission."

"If the Unique skill possessed is a type that is passed on by bloodlind, this Unique skill can be passed from mother to any child. It may or may not pass."

"Another thing is that people who have a unique skill from birth are people who have pioneered great developments throughout history.

"For example, the pioneer of today's technology had a Unique skill, and the first person to advance in art had a Unique skill."

"This is why people born with unique skill are seen as 'chosen'. But of course, the person with the Unique skill does not have to be a good person or lucky people." she finished.

Aiden nodded and began to think as he lay on his mother's beautiful chest.

Almira let her son think, and while he was thinking, she started stroking the back of his head.

Aiden 'Hmm, the last part my mom said is very suspicious. These sentences officially shout that reincarnated people have Unique skills. But why did my mother specifically say that? Does she know that I am reincarnated, but if she did, she would tell me something about it, right?'

Aiden turned to look at his mother, who caressed him tenderly, and after seeing his mother looking at him tenderly 'Sigh, I really shouldn't doubt that when my mother is looking at me like that. But I hope my mother doesn't disown me because I've been reincarnated.' he thought.

Almira didn't know why her son was looking at her with concern, but she refused to read her son's mind just to find out.

Even though she could read people's minds as she wanted, she didn't want to read the minds of her own babies, she wanted to respect their privacy.

She knew that if Aiden wanted to talk to her about his anxiety, she knew he would, so she decided not to say anything.

Aiden looked at his mother again and asked something he was curious about. "Mama if a person has Unique skill what should they do to awaken it?"

Almira looked at her son and said, "Honey, as I said, Unique skill doesn't follow world laws, so it doesn't have a wake-up condition. For example, if a person is not affinity to fire, but the Unique skill allows him to cast fire-related magic, that person can cast fire spells whenever they wants, even if they hasn't awakend they core." she explained.

Aiden nodded his head at his mother's words and thought 'Then I don't have the Unique skill? Or do I know how to use it? Or, the Unique skill may not have a relevance with reincarnated people, after all, it can be transmitted through bloodline. Sigh, it's too complicated.'

Almira looked at her son, who lost in thought, and kissed his forehead, freeing him from his confusion.

Aiden looked at his mother, who was staring at him, and waited for her to speak. Almira said, "Baby, having Unique skill is not a loss even if it causes a privileged situation."

"Think of it as various items that can help you in the battle or in your life. Now you are training with your sister and I'm sure you will get stronger in the future so don't worry too much about it, honey or you're going to upset this old woman." said

Aiden nodded at his mother's words and thought 'Yes, my mother is right. I love my current life, and It would be nice if I had a Unique skill, but it's not like it's going to be a bad thing since I don't have it.'

Almira looked at her son who clears his mind and was happy to see that she had cleared his mind. She wanted nothing but her son's happiness, and the Unique skill is not really necessary something her son should have.

Aiden looked at his smiling mother and felt warm inside as he could sense her concern for him.

Then he stroked her mother's cheek and said, "You're not an old woman, you're a beautiful young woman, Mama." he kissed her lips passionately.

Although Almira was surprised by her son's sudden attack, she happily returned the kiss and was happy that she could feel his son's affection.

After the kiss, Almira looked at her son and laughed teasingly, said. "Thank you, hubby. Your words made me happy."

Aiden still couldn't get used to his mother calling him husband, and he knew she only said that when she wanted to make fun of him.

He didn't hate it so he didn't say anything and just blushed. Almira looked at her blushing son and laughed.

Aiden moved to his mother's other untouched breast and drank some milk from her and began to calm down.




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Aiden looked at his mother, "Are you going to say something about the Supreme ones, Mama?" he asked.

Almira looked at her son and shook her head then said, "Frankly, I can't tell you any different. Our meeting happens every 20 years. It might be better to call it a tea party than a meeting."

"As the rulers of our races, we discuss the course of society and talk to our friends."

"Sometimes the new Supreme appears and we gather to celebrate it. Or, if this person is a 'spoiled' person, we teach them a little lesson. After all, this meeting is just a little fun for us immortals." said.

Aiden listened calmly to his mother's words and nodded. Aiden looked at his mother, "Mama I'm feeling a little tired. How about we take a bath and sleep?" he asked.

Almira nodded to her son, "Of course baby whatever you want." she said and after hugging him they went to the shower together.

Almira was going to send her son to the tub after she washed him, but Aiden looked at his mother and said, "Mama, Can I wash you today."

Almira smiled at her son and "Of course honey, I'd be happy." said.

Aiden began to wash his mother. He wash her blood-red hair first and began to shampoo it, rubbing it gently. 'My mom's hair is really soft and silky,'

Aiden thought while washing his mom's hair. 'Her hair looks beautiful despite the wild look of.' he thought.

Then, while still washing her hair, "Mama, your hair is really beautiful." he said. While enjoying her son's careful washing, Almira heard his words and happily said, "Thank you, honey. Your hair will be as red as Mama's in the future."

Aiden then passed in front of his mother and stared at her beautiful breasts. Then he lathered the soap in his hand and began to clean her breasts with it.

It took a time as his hands were small for her big boobs, but he didn't complain while he was enjoying her breasts.

Almira watched her son washs her breasts with pleasure and enjoyed what he was doing.

After thoroughly washing her breasts, Aiden bent down to drink some milk and drank it by sucking on her nipple.

Then he looked at her mother and "Mama, can you lie down a bit, it'll be easier to wash your legs that way." said.

Almira nodded, smiling at her son's words, and lay down with her back to the floor and spread her legs in an M shape.

Aiden now looked at his mother's beautiful appearance and was fascinated. Almira looked very attractive right now. The cunt that looks like it's never been touched. Her pussy looked so sweet and beautiful in pink and red tones.

The separation of her legs in this way also revealed her mother's attractive legs and made this scene even more fascinating.

Aiden stood there a little dazed because it was the first time he had seen his mother like this.

Despite being fascinated, he still didn't feel any lust, just fascinated by her mother's charms.

Almira couldn't help laughing when she saw the way her son was looking at her with a dazed face.

Then she, "Honey, are you going to just stand there and watch? You can watch me for as long as you want later but right now It's not good to keep a lady waiting like this." said.

Aiden blushed at his mother's words and "I'm sorry." said. Almira "No need to apologize. I'm happy that my Hubby finds me attractive." she said sarcastically.

Aiden blushed again and continued to wash his mother.

First, he gently washed her slender and pale beautiful legs. This washing part took a long time again because her mother was tall, but no one complained as both sides enjoyed it.

After Aiden finished washing his mother's legs, he came to his mother's cunt and looked at her.

Then confused, "Mama, how am I supposed to wash this place?" he asked. He knew that his mother had cleaned his sister's cunt with magic, and he didn't know how to wash her cunt as he couldn't use magic himself.

Almira looked at her son, and after realizing the problem, she began to think. Then an idea came to her mind and she decided to try it.

She sat up and looked at his son then, "Do you want to use your tongue?" she asked.

Aiden looked at his mother innocently and "How do I do it with my tongue, Mama?" he asked.

After Almira straightened a little, she brought one hand closer to her pussy. Then, using her fingers, she delicately opened her pussy lips, revealing the hole in the middle.

Turning to Aiden, "See this space and inside, honey? You can clean it up with your tongue." said.

Aiden was again amazed by his mother's beauty, and after hearing his mother's words, he nodded and moved closer his mother's cunt.

He slowly sticks out his tongue then slowly licks her cunt cheeks. He then went to her clit, kissed her and started sucking.

"Hmmmm~" Almira couldn't stand her son's movements and moaned. After hearing his mothers moan, Aiden stopped playing with her clit and looked at his mother. "Mama are you okay?" he asked.

Almira looked at her son, "I'm fine honey, it's just because Mama is feeling good, don't worry." said.

Aiden smiled at that and went back to his mother's pussy.

After slowly licking the outside of her cunt again, he began to slowly insert her tongue. Her mother was so tight-lipped that he thought she was a virgin.

Then his tongue hit a barrier and he looked at his mother in surprise. Because he knew it was her mother's hymen, and it surprised him.

Seeing her son's confused face, Almira just laughed and "Fufu~ don't mind it honey, just keep cleaning your mother right now. We can talk it later with more detail." said.

Meanwhile, she was enjoying her son's work, and slight redness began to appear on her pale face. Aiden innocently nodded and continued to lick his mother.

After a while, after exploring everywhere with him tongue, her mother's juice began to flow and he drank his mother's juice instantly.

After enjoying it for a while, he found its taste very sweet and dizzying. After a while of messing up her mother's inside of pussy with his tongue, Almira, "Mama is about to exude a lot of juice sweety, do you want to swallow them all?" asked.

Aiden looked at his mother and nodded his head as because he found his mother's taste was so sweet. Almira smiled at her son's gesture, then grabbed him head and brought him close to her pussy and moaned, "I'm coming, honey." and began to draining.

Aiden drank his mother's juice for half a minute and lifted his head to breathe.

Gathering his breath, he thought, 'Wow, I actually didn't expect my mom to be able to orgasm herself using my mouth. My mom is really crazy but it's okay with me if I get a chance to sleep with her in the future I'm sure I will.'

Almira watched her son keeping his breath with a happy face and relieved expression on her face.

Then she brought her face close to him and started kissing him passionately. After tasting her own juice during the kiss and having the same thoughts as her son, she broke the kiss and "Thank you honey, that was great." said.

Aiden also looked at his mother and "You're welcome, Mama." said. After washing the two of them, Almira took them to bed and they both fell asleep with a relaxed expression.

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