Versatile Hero in Futuristic World

Chapter 20: Ch 19 – Hacker

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Ch 19 – Hacker

I raised both of my hands around my shoulders as a sign that I didn't want to argue with her.

"Don't be mad at me. I just want to show you my new skill," I quickly said.

She replied by pointing to her neck and glaring at me, a hard request to cancel my Silence skill.

"I will. But you need to chill, okay?" I reminded her. "Don't yell at me or other cyborgs will find us."

She nodded to answer me.

"Okay," I huffed and canceled my skill.

'Cancel Silence.'

[ Silence canceled!]

[ Shea can talk again!]

"What the hell have you done to my drone, Axl?" she hissed in anger. Her eyes stared at me as if she was a lioness and I was a rabbit.

"As I said, I just want to demonstrate my new skill. I used that skill to manipulate the cyborg and made it send the wrong information to its headquarters," I explained.

She frowned upon my answer.

"You can do that?" she asked. "Since when?"

"Just now. I just learned it," I stated.

"What?" she asked in disbelief and confusion.

"I can create a new skill, Shea," I gave her a short explanation.

Shea pressed her lips after she heard my explanation. Yet her confusion was clear from her gaze.

"I don't want to argue anymore." I flicked my finger to her and the drone flew to her side.

'Cancel Technology Manipulation: Guardian.'

[ You have been released Guardian from your control!]

"There. It's yours again," I declared. " If you want to ask more questions, we can continue in our room," I added before she said a word. My previous battle might lure other troubles. Like police or guards.

"Fine," she said.


After we went back to our room, I explained a lot of things about my skills, especially my Quick Learn skill and how I could create something or even a skill.

"Can you demonstrate it once again?" she asked me. We were sitting across from each other in our room.

"Sure. Just tell me what should I do," I accepted her challenge.

"Hmm..." She hummed and swept her gaze around the room until it stopped at something. "How about that computer," she suggested. Her eyes fell on a rectangular that looked like a white modern stem on the desk near us. It had two small lenses on the front and above it.

'Huh? That thing is a computer?' Even laptops or computer tablets of my original era were bigger than that.

"Fine." I got up and approached the computer. The same as before I used my Quick Learn talent first to understand all of it. But rather than using my Technology Manipulation, I created another skill.

'Create Skill! Hack!' I used my other skill.

[ Creation!]

[ Your skill points have decreased by 1 point.]

[ Name: Hack (Skill)]

[ Title: Hack (Skill)]

[ Description: Hack allows a user to gain access to any device, software, or network easily.]

[ Current Skill Level: 1 (Beginner)]

[ Range of effect: All technology within the user's touch]

[ Duration: 1 hour (can be extended with skill level)]

[ Effect: This skill allows the user to hack any machine, software, or network. This includes hacking an individual's brain.]

[ Limitations: Target must be connected to the internet for this skill to work.]

"Axl? Can you do it or not?" Shea's voice came from behind me.

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"Yeah." I sat down on the chair and turned on the computer. "Let's start with checking this hotel's CCTVs."

I tapped on the power button. The computer glowed and both of the small lenses let out a hologram of the screen and the keyboard. Then the computer began to boot up. Seconds later, the screen displayed the logo of the hotel.

─ Welcome! Please enter your password.

─ Password:

'Hack!' I used my skill.

[ Ability activated!]

[  Success! You have gained access to the computer.]

[ You have hacked the computer system!

[ Congratulations! You have acquired a new title level 1 Hacker!]

[ Congratulations! You have increased your Hack skill by 1!]

[ Your Hack skill is level 2!]

I simply moved my fingers on the keyboard as if I typed with a real one and the letters started to appear on the screen.

─ Password confirmed.

─ Please confirm your identity:

Yeah. I should need an ID to use a computer, but with my Hack skill, I didn't need one. I simply entered random numbers.

─ Welcome! You are logged in successfully.

"Wait... How do you understand all this?" said Shea curiously, approaching me.

I grinned proudly.

"You haven't seen all of it." I moved my fingers on the keyboard again. My eyes were on the screen. "Let's check the cameras."

I only needed around a couple of seconds to get it.

─ Please wait while accessing the camera feed.

─ Allow access.

─ Access granted.

─ Camera feed available.

─ Video Feed Available.

I quickly ran my fingers on the keys and selected the video option. The computer automatically focused on the camera that was closest to the lobby. It showed a hallway, but it didn't show anything special.

"Nothing. Let's look at some other cameras then," I mumbled and tapped again on the keyboard.

─ Please wait while accessing the camera feed.

─ Allow access.

─ Access granted.

─ Camera feed available.

─ Video Feed Available.

The screen showed another place.

"Still nothing. Maybe all of them went to sleep," I said. It was only around 08.00 PM now, so it was a bit early.

But Shea responded to me with something else. "Axl, your skills are terrifying. You can do anything..." she muttered beside me in a stammering voice.

"Thanks. I will take that as a compliment." My proud smile widened. My finger was selected from one camera to another.

Then I found an interesting camera.

─ Please wait while accessing the camera feed.

─ Allow access.

─ Access granted.

─ Camera feed available.

It showed the corridor outside our room. A group of people—humans and cyborgs alike—were walking together.


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