Versatile Hero in Futuristic World

Chapter 23: Ch 22 – Heading to The Capital

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Ch 22 – Heading to The Capital 

With that simple order, the hologram started to make me an ID, complete with the address, family, status, and everything. I even asked him to make me some licenses. Driving licenses to be exact. Like for a spaceship, War Machine like Ryder, a motorcycle, and everything I could get here. I might use them in the future.

An hour had passed. But we hadn't finished it yet. According to Shea, we should only need a couple of minutes to make an ID. But since I applied for a lot of licenses, it took more time.

"We should get out of here. Fast," Shea, who sat beside me, whispered.

"I know. We just need to wait for one more," I answered her in a low voice. The two human staff behind the counter keep glancing at us in suspicion. It was about the time before one of them came to us.

"Done," the hologram announced.

"Thank you very much," I said and took it. Then I gave him my thumbprint and let it scan my retina to verify my identity.

But when we were about to go, the older staff stood behind us. "Wait a minute," he said.

"What is it, sir?" I asked, hoping he didn't suspect me.

He narrowed his eyes on me and Shea.

"Are you from this city?" he asked me.

"No, sir. I just arrived yesterday," I tried to sound as innocent as possible. I didn't want to get into trouble.

"Then why are you applying for your ID? How did you get past the border guards without it?" he asked me again. He was a suspicious old man. I really hated people like him. They always try to find fault with others and blame them for everything.

"Uhm..." I thought hard. "I lost it right after I arrived. A robber took it." Then I lifted my wrist, showing it to him. "See? He took my device," I reasoned. "If it weren't for this kind young lady, I would have been stranded on the street."

"Oh. Sorry, son. I didn't notice," the old man said apologetically. "Have you reported it to the police?"

"I have, sir. And they asked me to wait." I shrugged. "They said it might take a long time so I decided to make my ID first."

"Well, it's just like that," the old man accepted my explanation. Then he left us alone.

I didn't like being interrogated by people like him. Oh well, at least he wasn't that bad.

"That was close," Shea whispered in relief. "Let's get out of here."

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"Yeah," I nodded and followed her to the exit.

When we reached the entrance, I canceled my Technology Manipulation and got out of there as soon as possible. Our next stop was the convenience store. We decided to buy some food and water supplies to prepare for our next journey. There would be nothing after we got out of the city so we had to prepare ourselves.

After a short shopping trip, we hit the road again and went straight to the capital. I had asked Shea before if we had a better choice than using Ryder to travel. Especially since I knew this era had a much faster plane.

Sadly, we couldn't take it since the plane's inspection was much-much tighter than the border inspection. They also would check the passenger's family's background to make sure he/she was clean. And since I didn't have it, we couldn't take it. I had tried to convince her that I could pass it, but she was against it. She even gave me a death glare since one mistake would turn us into international criminals.

So we decided to take the longer route by taking the highway. It was also much cheaper compared to using the starship and had fewer problems.

It was almost noon when we finally got out of the city. The highway led straight to the capital. We followed it until it turned north toward a mountain range. The highway was wide enough for several cars to drive side by side.

But inversely proportional to the modern highway, beautiful mountains and forests were on our side. It was a green sight to behold. Trees of different species stood tall and proud. Some of them were already flowering red and yellow flowers.

On our right side was a river running through the valley. On the other side was a steep cliff of rock. It was breathtaking.

Yet I also could see the monsters between them. They weren't as savage as before, but still, we needed to be cautious.

Before, I thought the monsters were extinct. Especially since I didn't encounter any in the blue forest. But I was wrong. Monsters still exist in this world. It was just... they had evolved. So their shape was different from what I remembered. They were more like aliens than medieval-type monsters.

As for why we didn't encounter one before, it was because the blue forest was filled with Cybernetic pollution and the cyborgs also didn't like any dangerous creatures in their territory.

As we drove, the temperature dropped. It wasn't cold enough to feel my nose getting numb, but extra clothes sounded like a good idea.

Soon, the scenery and the trees changed. They became darker and denser. Their leaves started to change to a deep purple color. This was the edge of the forest. Most likely, we were entering another forest.

Since our journey was still far, we stopped and ate our lunch. Something similar to canned sandwiches. A bit tasteless, but still edible.

"Hey! Watch out!" I shouted as I noticed one of the monsters trying to sneak up on us. Its sharp claws dug into the ground. It was about three meters tall. It looked like a mutant gorilla crossed with an alien lizard. It had long arms and legs, a small head, and its skin was dark brown.

It roared at us.

I was just prepared to kill him, but Shea's drones took over my job.

The drones shot and killed the monster with ease. It was fast and precise. I watched it as it perforated the monster's neck. Blood squirted out, staining the ground red. The monster's body fell down in a puddle of blood.

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