Versatile Hero in Futuristic World

Chapter 25: Ch 24 – Highway Battle 1/2

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Ch 24 – Highway Battle 1/2

Our journey continued. Soon, the scenery changed once more. We entered a valley. There were more trees here. The sky above was hazy, probably because of the mountain range ahead. 

I felt excited and nervous at the same time about what's waiting ahead. The capital was bigger than Trexta. That city was more advanced, had more technology, and had more species from the galaxy.

I knew this from the books. They gave me a lot of information about this era. The spaceship, the aliens, and everything. And I could say--- I was interested in that. That information tickled my curiosity and adventure instinct. Especially since I realized... This time, I could explore more.

Not only Terra but also space and even other planets. And I decided to do that after I finished taking care of Shea's problems. Yep! I decided to discard my hero title and become a space traveler.

'Oh my God, I can't wait to see the space,' I tried to hide my excitement as best as I could. Yet my grin said otherwise.

"Axl, why are you grinning?" Shea suddenly said in a loud voice. I bet she saw me from the rear side mirror.

My grin faded.

"Nothing," I denied.

"Really?" she made sure. "Why did I spot your perverted smile before? You aren't getting worked up because you are touching me, right?" She made a wild guess.

"W-What?" I stammered. Indeed, she was the driver and I was the passenger. So I was the one who hugged her waist. I had to admit she had a good body and her tight clothes pressed her body. But that didn't mean I would be horny because of it.

"It was just a normal grin. I'm just too excited after I found out about the spaceship and such," I retorted.

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"You should let me drive if you don't trust me. So it will be you who hugs my waist," I complained.

"You can't drive!" she retorted.

"I can. I already used my Quick Learn at Ryder, remember?" I reminded her.

"You don't have a driving license," she replied.

"I have. I just got it," I reminded her.

Then a short pause followed. I was sure she was trying to get another reason but she didn't get it.

"No! Just sit tight like a good boy!" she demanded.

I cringed at her demand.

"I'm much older than you, ya know," I said in a much lower voice. She wouldn't be able to hear me.

"What did you say?" she asked me.

"Nothing! Just concentrated on the road," I said, turning my gaze to the left and looking at a river flowing along the valley.

Then we were silent.

We traveled for two hours until I heard a commotion from behind. I looked back and saw some cyborgs following us with their War Machines.

"Ugh, what a pain in the ass," I cursed. "Didn't they learn their lesson?"

"Probably not. They want you to be their free source of power," she said.

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"I know. They are desperate," I agreed. "So, shall we kick their ass?" I asked.

"With pleasure. I will leave them to you. I can't use my drones like this," she instructed.

"Aye, princess!" I joked.

She ignored that. I could see her face reddening behind her helmet. She had a calm look on her face but I knew that wasn't true. I bet it was because this was the first time I called her princess.

Since this would be a long-range battle, I decided to choose a suitable weapon for it.

'Create Weapon, Electron Phaser!' I commanded a laser gun. It appeared in my hand.

But before I could use it, the cyborgs started to shoot at us with their laser guns. Most of the shots missed us. However, a few of them almost reached our bodies.

'Mana Shield!' I chanted. Invisible mana energy appeared around us. The lasers bounced off it. Only the direct hits were absorbed by the shield.

I then raised my hand, pointing my laser gun at the nearest cyborg, and pulled the trigger. A beam of light struck the closest enemy. The cyborg's head exploded, then it fell with its War Machine.

"Hell yeah! Headshot!" I grinned excitedly. I always wanted to do that since I was a fan of First Person Shooter games.

The remaining four stopped firing at us. Instead, they rushed at us before their targeting system activated and shot at us. But before they managed to do so, I used my Earth skill.

'Earth Spike!'

The road in front of them suddenly turned into an array of huge spikes that sent the two of them flying. The other two got past but it made their shots miss.

[ Five Earth Spikes have been made!]

Without wasting time, I directed my gun to the flying cyborgs and shot them right in their chests. Their War Machines shattered on impact. Likewise with their bodies.

"Oops! Sorry!" I apologized. But my mocking tone indicated I wasn't. This meant two more cyborgs to go.

But before we could deal with them, I sensed something coming. It was a huge monster moving fast toward us. It was like a giant worm, but instead of legs, it had tentacles. On top of its head was a horn like a dragon's. It was like a cross between an octopus and a dragon.

"Right... another guest," I muttered. The worm creature attacked us. I pointed my laser gun at it and aimed.

But before I pulled the trigger, a single tentacle grabbed my laser gun. It was thin and flexible, but strong enough to hold my laser gun. I couldn't pull it away.

"Shit!" I yelled.

'Create Weapon! Plasma Bazooka!' I commanded. A bazooka appeared in my hand. It was made out of plasma energy. Once again, I aimed at the worm creature.

"Shea, get ready for the impact!" And I fired my bazooka. The explosion blew a half of the monster off. And when it fell on the ground, it exploded, sending disgusting green liquid everywhere.

"Gah!" I shielded myself with my Mana Shield. Thankfully, none of it managed to reach me. But the smell was horrible.

My battle wasn't over yet as I could catch two cyborgs chasing us. As my gaze was on them, an idea crossed my head. 

"Wait for a second... They have War Machines," I muttered. A wicked grin bloomed on my face. "Then I hope they won't mind if I take one."


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