Versatile Hero in Futuristic World

Chapter 26: Ch 25 – Highway Battle 2/2

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Ch 25 – Highway Battle 2/2

I pointed my Plasma Bazooka at the nearest cyborg.

"Shea, get ready for another impact!" I warned her. Different from the laser gun, Plasma Bazooka had stronger recoil although it wasn't as strong as a normal Bazooka. Still, I had to warn her. Besides, Plasma Bazooka wasn't as big as the normal one.

Then without waiting for her answer, I pulled the trigger. A beam of light struck the cyborg, melting its armor and destroying it. I quickly turned my attention to the other cyborg chasing me. It was just a few meters away from us.

Beams of lasers started to storm at us. I used my Mana Barrier to deflect them with my shield. Luckily, most of them missed us. However, one of them got through. It grazed my shoulder.

[ You have received minor damage!]

"Ouch! Damn it!" I groaned. Then I felt my arm getting numb.

"Axl!" Shea cried.

I ignored her and focused on the cyborgs pursuing us. Then I canceled my Bazooka and opened my wings. I knew I had to bring this into a close-range battle if I wanted to take the cyborg's War Machine.

"Keep going. I will be back in a minute!" I shouted before I flicked my wings and stormed to the cyborg, knocking it out from its War Machine.

The cyborg fell, but it didn't destroy. While I simply took over its War Machine. But it didn't work properly. Instead, it went back to its owner.

Using my Technology Manipulation, I took control of its wheels and steered it at the last cyborg.

[ Taking a W-678 into your manipulation is in progress]

[ W-678 has been taken into your control. For now, it will obey you.]

[ Time limit: 24 hours.]

[ Success rate: 100%]

[ Status: Normal]

[ Congratulations! You have acquired a new title level 4 Techno Mage!]

[ Congratulations! You have increased your Technology Manipulation skill by 1!]

[ Your Technology Manipulation skill is level 5!]

The cyborg tried to fire its laser gun at me but I moved faster than it could.

I took out my Electron Phaser and shot it in the chest. The blast blew a hole in its armor. Then it fell.

"Nice," I grinned in satisfaction. With this the victory was mine.

I drove the War Machine at Shea and showed my proud smile after I managed to reach beside her. With this, I had my own ride. I just needed to mod it here and there before I completely took over it and renamed it.

'Ha... I love free stuff.' Especially if it came from the enemy.

"Did you take it with your Technology Manipulation?" she asked me in a loud voice. Still, I could only hear it faintly due to the strong wind.

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"Yeah. It's mine now!" I said proudly. "So no more waist hugs."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" She snarled at me angrily.

"Nothing, nothing. Just joking," I assured her. "Anyway, wanna race?" I challenged her.

She looked at me suspiciously. "I'm not going to lose to you."

"Okay. Let's race. We'll see who wins!" I answered.

She nodded. Her eyes were narrowed as she stared at me. I could tell she was concentrating hard on the road ahead of her. I did the same.

We both accelerated at full speed and raced down the highway with our vehicles racing each other. My eyes widened when I saw the speedometer showing that we were going at a hundred miles per hour. That was way too fast for a highway. But it was so thrilling! I loved it.

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang behind me. It sounded like something exploded. I turned around and saw a huge cloud of smoke rising up from the area where I destroyed the last cyborg. I immediately slowed down. Then I checked my rearview mirror and saw a huge explosion. I wondered what happened.

"What was that?" Shea asked me.

"Dunno. Probably the last cyborg or something," I replied. "Should we check it out?"

"Nah. We are too far away. Besides, it could be a trap. Some cyborgs could self detonate so they are dangerous," she warned me. "Let's keep going until we arrive at the capital."

"Okay," I agreed. I was glad she was being cautious. I would have never thought of that due my lack of knowledge about cyborgs.

Unlike before, rather than speeding up, both of us slowed down and decided to enjoy the scenery. I had to admit that the view of the mountains and valleys in front of us was breathtaking.

It wasn't just the landscape. The air itself was different. It was cooler than before and it smelled better. I also noticed that the sun was shining brighter and warmer than before.

That was because we were at a higher altitude. I looked at the speedometer. It was still at 100 miles per hour. We should be able to reach the capital before night.

After another three hours of driving, we could see a city from a distance. It was huge and beautiful. It had buildings made of metal and glass. It also had a large dome with many towers surrounding it. It was surrounded by mountains on all sides except for one side which was facing the sea. I guessed it was the harbor. There were several ships docked there.

"Wow! It looks amazing!" I exclaimed. I was surprised by how beautiful it was. It was like a mix of advanced futuristic style and renaissance architecture. I liked it.

"It's even more amazing up close," Shea shouted.

"Let's get inside the city before the night falls."

"Yeah," she said.

We both sped up. I could feel my heart pounding faster than usual as we approached the capital. I estimated we should arrive in an hour.

As we got closer to the city, the sun was setting down. The sky was turning red and purple as the sun slowly disappeared. It was beautiful.

The city was also lit up with bright lights. All the buildings glowed brightly with their neon signs blinking. I could see Chaos Transport moving on the sky streets above the city sky. It was the name of futuristic flying buses and cars, although their shapes were completely different from modern transportation.

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