Very Lucky?

Chapter 13: 13. Who said only yesterday that he would be no trouble? It hasn’t even been 24 hours.

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Weiqi walked back into the house, followed by Shi Huizhong, unaware of the latter's inquisitive stare.

They headed to the back of the store, and Shi Huizhong took out a talisman from his pocket. Weiqi watched in awe as the talisman caught fire.

Then Shi Huizhong warned as he dropped the talisman in the bowl.

"Never let others have your blood and your Qi. It could be used to cripple or even kill you."

Weiqi watched as the flame danced and eventually went out, thinking, ah, such a pretty fire talisman. I want to learn that next.

Shi Huizhong washed the askes out of the bowl and then motioned for them to go out.

As their steps reverberated across the sidewalk, Shi Huizhong gave a lecture.

"It is best not to use blood when making formations or talismans. If you come across a more powerful cultivator, and he breaks your formation, the backlash could seriously damage your Qi.

Like me, some people would use their blood to protect important treasures or their homes. That is because they are willing to risk backlash to protect something important.

If a person's home falls, it most likely means their death anyway, so they do not worry when using blood."

Weiqi was listening intently and nodding along. He liked Grandpa Shi's teachings, and everything he taught was very useful.

"Also, do not use blood when breaking formations. If the person who set the formation is stronger than you, you will also suffer a backlash."

Shi Huizhong continued his lecture.

"Blood is the easiest of all ingredients when breaking formations, but it is also the most dangerous, and no one ever suggests using it." Then added

"I recommend not to use blood unless it is a life and death situation."

Shi Huizhong said that sentence because, for Weiqi, blood is a good alternative if he finds himself trapped in a formation he cannot break.

Shi Huizhong does not think there is anyone whose blood is more potent than this boy's. But he drops a warning, nonetheless.

Weiqi nodded his accession. He doesn't want to repeat the pin cushion experience from earlier and wouldn't want to use blood anyway.

Then Weiqi exclaims, "But didn't I use my blood in the formation earlier? Is that ok?"

Shi Huizhong then shook his head sadly. "The formation was originally made with my blood, and I was the owner. Adding you as a co-owner was for the formation's protection, and it shouldn't have added you to the core." Then he sighed. "But I think that with your blood's potency, it became the core, and I the co-owner. I really did not expect that." He said apologetically.

"Ah, that is ok Grandpa Shi. I would also like to protect my home." Weiqi thought, that in this new and strange world, this home was his safe space. He definitely wanted to protect it.

The two reached the store, and Weiqi started shopping for overnight necessities.

There were some unusual items, and he grabbed a few snacks labeled, Qi-promoting.

He noticed a lit-up glass cabinet in a corner had three fruits labeled spirit peaches.

When Shi Huizhong saw Weiqi staring curiously at the cabinet, he again wondered at the missing common sense of this boy but still explained.

"Spirit fruit is costly and only useful when consumed within a day of picking them. After that, they lose their potency. That is why most stores would not stock up on them and only stock what they think they can sell in a day. These fruits look like they would expire at noon tomorrow."

And knowing this boy's voracious appetite, he bought all three. He really had a good impression for this genius with no common sense.

As the old man at the counter was checking out Weiqi's items, when Shi Huizhong walked over and completed the payment. The old man then exclaimed.

"Ah, Old Man Shi, long time no see." Then noticing the toothbrush and pajamas, added, "Who is this? A relative?"

"Ah yes, the younger generation came to stay with me for a while." Responded Shi Huizhong. And Weiqi, who became the younger generation, smiled sweetly at the old man.

"Ah, such a handsome young man. I can see why you spoil him." The old man said as he saw the three fruits.

"He must be here for school. My young one is also moving back in a month. School starts in two months, and he is still having fun outside." Continued the old man shaking his head.

"That's ok, Old Man Dong. They are only young once. Once school starts, the fun will end." Replied Shi Huizhong, then they bade the old man goodbye and left.

On the way back, Shi Huizhing said. "I forgot about school. Tomorrow morning, let's register your new address and then register you for school as well." Then asked, "Do you have a school you are interested in?"

Weiqi asked unwillingly, "Do I have to go to school?"

"Of course, especially with your special Qi. I can only teach you so much at home. The school is a better environment for you, and school is a requirement to get a job later in life." Shi Huizhong was acting his role as an elder very seriously.

Weiqi then thought about how it might take him 100 years to cultivate enough Qi to return to his world and replied dispiritedly. "Okay."

Then Weiqi looked around curiously. This was the first time he used his legs to see the outside world, not counting the cab ride.

Everything was normal. People were walking around, cars driving on the road, and stores were lined up on the street. As they passed a BBQ stand, Weiqi felt like he was back home.

Weiqi was melancholic when they arrived home, and after they walked in, they both sighed.

The bags were a little heavy, but as soon as they stepped into the house, peaceful and tranquil energy settled on them, ridding them of their fatigue.

Weiqi's melancholy was wiped away fast, and he was again in a good mood. When he noticed the change, he was pleased that he got to live in a house with such good Qi, but Shi Huzhong had a startled look on his face.

His Qi-enhancing formation was not this strong. Is this another effect of the defensive formation? He gives the boy another deep look. It seems the Underworld dropped a gem in his lap. He needed to make sure to care for it and protect it carefully.

Others might take advantage of his naivete. He knows nothing, and the boy would be sold while helping them to count the money. His blood-infused Qi can be considered a treasure, and he might even be in danger from the greedy ones if the wrong people found out.

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While walking up the stair he reminded.

“Don’t forget what I said earlier. Do not use your blood and Qi. And do not let anyone else have it.”

Weiqi nodded his head like a well-behaved little boy.

Shi Huizhong then smiled and helped the boy set up his room and said good night but turned around and added before closing the door.

"Oh, there is food downstairs in the refrigerator. But don't eat too late at night or you might get an upset stomach. I will wake you in the morning so we can register your housing first. After that, we can register you for school, then go shopping. It will be a long day so sleep early."

Shi Huizhong already fell into the role of an elder quite smoothly.

"Ok, thank you, Grandpa Shi. Good night" Weiqi felt the warm intentions and responded with a smile. He really liked this place and was in a good mood even with the thought of school looming over his head.

Weiqi fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow and had a dreamless night.

When the knock sounded at his door in the morning, he was a little disoriented and didn't know where he was.

Then all the memories came rushing at once, chasing all the signs of sleep from his face.

"Xiao Hu, are you awake?" came a voice from the door.

"I'm up, Grandpa Shi. I'll come down in a moment." Weiqi got out of bed and got ready for the day.

He doesn't know if it was because he was too tired or the Qi-enhancing formation in the house, but he had never slept so deep in his past life.

He felt refreshed and ready to take on the day.

He walked downstairs, where a warm breakfast was waiting for him, and he sat down. Then he took a bite out of the warm dough stick, and his eyes welled up. The petal finally stopped floating in the wind and found a place to call home.

He bowed his head, hoping Grandpa Shi did not see his eyes, but he was not quick enough.

"What is wrong Xiao Hu? Are you in pain? Do you not like the breakfast?" Asked Shi Huizhong with a worried frown.

"No Grandpa Shi, the breakfast is so delicious that it made me tear up." Said Weiqi sniffling softly.

Shi Huizhong observed the boy, then noticing nothing was wrong, he assumed the boy really was sentimental about the food. Sure enough, he thought, half of the pouch's money must be for this little glutton, then smiled.

When Weiqi saw Grandpa Shi's warm smile, he teared up again, then whispered. "Thank you, Grandpa Shi for letting me stay here. You are so nice."

Shi Huizhong, noticing that Weiqi was still sentimental, did not want to embarrass him and spoke. "Ok, finish your breakfast now. We have a long day ahead." Then patted his head affectionately.

Weiqi smiled and continued eating, the food seemingly even more delicious. He was very happy.

"These must be eaten by noon, so let's have some." Shi Huizhong then hands Weiqi a spirit fruit.

Weiqi took a bite out of the juicy peach and was instantly refreshed. He felt his Qi swirl up joyously, and even his hair felt energized.

He decided he really liked spirit fruits and must always have some.

Shi Huizhong was unaware of the extravagant thoughts running through Weiqi's head and continued eating.

Weiqi on the other hand enjoyed his breakfast, looking forward to exploring more of the world today.

But, Weiqi, this obstacle course competitor, who overcame hurdles left and right since he came here, was unaware of another obstacle heading his way.

The two finished their breakfast, cleaned up, and headed to meet their next obstacle, errr, went out to register Weiqi's new address.

Shi Huizhong took Weiqi to the Residence Registration Bureau and stood in line patiently. Thankfully, the line was not long, and they soon arrived at the front.

Weiqi was still energized from the spirit fruit, and said to the girl in front of the desk, while handing over his ID, in a bright voice.

"Hi, I would like to register my residence." Then shot her a sweet smile.

The girl blushed and thought, such a handsome little brother, while taking his ID card.

Shi Huizhong looked at the blushing girl and then at Weiqi's smile thinking, some people are just born lucky. This boy must have had a good life to be reincarnated with such good fortune and profound Qi.

But he soon noticed the girl's eyes widened, and her smile froze.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked aware of the girl’s change in expression.

This boy was dropped off on this doorstep by the Underworld. He knew nothing of his background. Could there be a problem? Was he some rich young master who ran away from home?

The girl then looked at Weiqi's bright smile and clear eyes, then at the respectable old man standing next to him. She made up her mind and leaned in close, whispering.

"This little brother, you see, your ID card has been flagged by the police. It states that you are a person of interest in a theft case. As soon as your ID card entered my system, the police were flagged.

I recommend you go directly to the police yourself if there is some misunderstanding. It would look better than if they come in here and apprehend you."

She then leaned back and looked back at her computer as if she didn't just deliver mind-blowing news.

Shi Huizhong's face slacked and shot a look at Weiqi, whose eyes and mouth were wide, each as if competing with the other on who was rounder.

He thought, who said only yesterday that he would be no trouble? It hasn't even been 24 hours. The police is considered trouble, okay?

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