Very Lucky?

Chapter 14: 14. Where is that thief Hu Weiqi?

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Shi Huizhong thanked the girl and took Weiqi out.

Weiqi was still shocked by the news. His first thought was. Are they accusing him of stealing this body? Do they even have a department for that? And who makes the complaint?

But then he remembered that the young boy's soul told him to live well, so it shouldn't have anything to do with that, but he was still confused.

He never stole anything, okay? But he does not know if the previous owner did, so he can't wholly refute those allegations.

What if it is true? Will he go to jail? That boy looked so innocent. Could he really have done something like theft?

Shi Huizhong called a cab and led Weiqi, who was still unresponsive, in. Then he pulled out a phone, dialed a number, and spoke.

"Ah, little Gao, have you been well?"

A voice could be barely heard on the phone responding.

The Shi Huizhong continues, supposedly answering the other party.

"Yes, I've been well, but I wonder if you can do me a big favor. Can you meet me downtown at the 5th District police station?"

An exclamation could be heard loud enough to show the other party's surprise.

"No, nothing is wrong with me. There is a situation with a younger one, and I want to see if it can be resolved." Responded Shi Huizhong.

Then after Shi Huizhong hung up, he looked at Weiqi and questioned. "Xiao Hu, what is going on? Is there something you didn't tell me?"

Weiqi slowly responded, shaking his head. "I don't know."

And then, watching the old man's face wrinkle slightly, he said.

"Grandpa Shi, to be honest, my memory is a little messed up. There was an accident, and I don't remember much from before two days ago."

King Yama told him he could not reveal he was from another world, so this excuse was the only one he could think of.

When Shi Huizhong heard that explanation, he believed it completely. A missing memory would fit this genius boy that had no common sense.

His brow furrowed deeper. "Maybe your parents or family are looking for you."

"Ah no, the parents are dead. Of that, I am sure of." Weiqi remembers the trio in the Underworld and knows that this body has no family. Then adds, "I am pretty sure I am an orphan."

Weiqi's tone was calm. No sadness could be felt, yet Shi Huizhong felt the boy was a bit pitiful.

He rubbed his forehead and asked. "What is the first thing you remember?"

Weiqi tried to be as truthful as possible without revealing too much and spoke.

"I woke up in the middle of a park. It was nighttime. Then I took a taxi to the address on My Contact card.

There I met Feng Chunhua, my ex-girlfriend, or roommate. I'm not even sure what she was.

Oh, and a young Master Tao said he would get me evicted the next day. That's why I only had a backpack with me.

After that, Heng Taio picked me up and brought me to you."

Shi Huizhong voiced the question that has been plaguing for a while now. "Why did a supervisor of the Underworld bring you to me? They don't get involved in human affairs. He even said it was a favor for King Yama."

Weiqi looked at Shi Huizhong, a little conflicted. Should he say that King Yama was a friend of his ancestor?

But Shi Huizhong, noticing that Weiqi's face looked reluctant, said. "Never mind, I understand that some things cannot be said."

"Wait, did you say Young Master Tao? As in Tao Fenhua of the Tao clan?” Shi Huizhong jolted upright, almost hitting the taxi car's roof.

"Tao clan?" Asked Weiqi, then remembered where he had heard that name before. Thanks to his sharp memory, he remembered every word.

And King Yama's punishment replayed in his head. Their souls were tortured while sleeping, and their memory of a precious treasure was erased.

Could that have anything to do with him? But he discarded that thought. He doesn't know what treasure they were talking about, and from his last conversation with that Tao Fenhua, there was no mention of anything being stolen.

"The Tao clan is one of the most powerful families in the city. How did you get involved with Tao Fenhua?" Questioned Shi Huizhong.

"When I got to the apartment, Tao Fenhua was there with Feng Chunhua. An argument broke out, and I told them to leave. The apartment was rented under my name, apparently."

When Shi Huizhong heard that, he picked up the phone again.

"Little Gao. I just wanted to warn you that this matter may involve the Tao clan. Just come prepared."

Then after hearing the person on the other side respond, Shi Huizhong hung up and leaned back tiredly.

Weiqi was sitting in the back of the cab quietly. It has only been a day, and he already troubled Shi Huizhong. He was afraid to even move and stood there in the corner, breathing softly.

He really liked the place he lived in now; he couldn't imagine being tossed back into this strange world.

It is only now he realized how much he didn't want to lose such a nice place, and such a kind host.

Shi Huzhong saw Hu Weiqi sit quietly in a corner, looking at him with big eyes, as if he was a stray puppy begging not to be kicked out, and his face softened.

"It's ok Xiao Hu. We'll find out what is going on. Grandpa Shi believes in you."

Weiqi hugged Shi Huizhong's arm. A choke could be heard in his voice.

"Grandpa Shi, I really am a good person. Thank you for believing in me." He then thought silently, I really hope this body's soul was also a good person. Otherwise, he doesn't know how he could get ever explain.

After fifteen more minutes, the cab arrives at the police station.

The two got out, and Weiqi was ready to walk in, when he was stopped by Shi Huizhong.

"Let's wait for my friend first. He is a lawyer and could help in case things get tricky."

He then patted his head and advised.

"Let my friend do the talking, and only answer the questions that he lets you answer."

Weiqi nodded, picked a piece of invisible lint from his sleeve, then tried to adjust his lapels.

His nervousness was plain for all to see. He had never even spoken to a policeman in his previous life, and now he is about to be questioned? This world really is a roller coaster ride.

After another ten more minutes, a voice traveled from behind.

"Old Shi, over here."

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When Weiqi turned around, he was a little surprised, he heard Grandpa Shi call this man little Gao on the phone, but the person in front of him was a man who looked to be in his 80s.

The old man had thin gray hair, kind eyes, and a clean-shaven face. He walked slowly toward them, a cane taping along with each step.

"Ah, Little Gao, sorry for troubling you." Shi Huizhong reached and shook the old man's hand.

"No trouble, no trouble at all. I always looked forward to helping my benefactor." Then that old man pointed to a younger man who just walked up behind him.

"This is Gao Linxin, my grandson. He took over the firm and is the brightest in his generation. He won't let you feel wronged." Then patting his grandson on the shoulder and beamed. "He is even better than I was at his age. Ah, the future sure belongs to the young."

Gao Linxin shot a doting smile to the old man, then extended his hand in greeting.

"It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Shi. My Grandfather always talked about you."

Shi Huizhong smiled warmly and shook his hand. "Please, call me Old Shi or Grandpa Shi. Let's not stand on ceremonies."

"Then please call me Xiao Gao." Replied Gao Linxin.

Shi Huizhong turned to Weiqi and introduced.

"This is my grandson Hu Weiqi. He had just moved here, and we were about to register his residency when we were told he was flagged by the police. He is a good boy and doesn;t know what is going on."

When Weiqi heard Shi Huizhong introduce him as his grandson, he teared up again.

He understood that in such a situation, he was giving him a family backing, that way, he was not alone.

And in this strange world where everything is cold and unknown, Shi Huizhong's kindness is like a bright flame beckoning him to a safe place.

He felt comforted and heard Shi Huizhong continue.

"He seemed to have run young master Tao, and the two had an argument, Tao Fenhua swore to get him evicted, so this might be one of their maneuvers."

When Old Man Gao looked at Weiqi, he saw a pair of wide eyes brimming with tears that looked at Shi Huizhong with affection and gratefulness.

"I am really sorry to have caused problems. Thank you for coming to help. I will make sure to repay this favor in the future." Weiqi bowed deeply and spoke a little nasally from the unshed tears.

Weiqi felt embarrassed at his voice and his appearance. He was never such a crybaby in his past life, but now in this new world. Every little piece of kindness makes him emotional.

But when old man Gao heard the voice, he thought, ah, such a cute grandchild. They can't let him get bullied by the Tao Clan.

The Tao clan was one of the top families in the city. And because of that, they tended to use oberbearing means when not agreeing with someone. Of course, they only preyed on the weak. They never tried to fight with anyone on their level.

“Ah Xiao Hu, get up, get up. Don't be aggrieved. Grandpa Gao will get justice for you." He then remembered to introduce himself.

"I am Gao Junfeng, an old friend of your grandpa's, so you can call me Grandpa Gao. Here, this is my grandson, and you can call him Big Brother Linxin."

Both the old and the young Gao shot a kind smile to Weiqi, and Weiqi couldn't help but tear up again. He seemed to have gained more family.

"Thank You, Grandpa Gao, Big Brother Linxin." He bowed his head and furtively wiped his tears, feeling a little embarrassed.

Shi Huizhong couldn't stand to see this bright boy so dejected. He patted his head and coaxed softly with the only weakness he knew this glutton boy had.

"Once this is over, I will take you to a very special place. They have ice cream made out of spirit fruits. Today you get to have a treat."

When Weiqi heard that there was spirit fruit ice cream, his eyes shone, and a smile shot up his face, chasing away the earlier sadness.

He was a bit of a foodie, but who can blame him. The spirit fruit was very delicious. He cannot imagine how the ice cream will be.

Gao Junfeng and Gao Lixin both knew of the ice cream place. It was a very extravagant place with outrageous prices. So they quickly understood that this little grandson was to be protected in the palm of their hands and vowed to get everything straightened up.

Shi Huizhong was their benefactor. When Gao Junfeng was younger, he ran into a malevolent spirit, and because Gao Junfeng had very low Qi, he almost died.

Shi Huizhong saved him, and thus he became the Gao's family benefactor. It has been 50 years since then, and this is the first time Shi Huizhong has asked them for a favor, so of course, they must perform their duty well.

"Ok, before we go in, tell Grandpa Gao the situation so we can be prepared."

And so Weiqi told the edited version of events.

He only skipped that he was from another world and the meeting with King Yama a secret, everything else he told as accurately as possible.

"What shameless couple expecting you to leave when the place was leased under your name? But you did well. There is nothing in the story that they could find fault with, so if the Tao family wants to come to find trouble, they need to ask if I, Shi Huizhong, let them."

Shi Huizhong's eyes flashed with anger. He knew this boy was sweet and a little naïve, so this shameless couple probably tried to take advantage of him.

This Tao family was so rich. Why would Tao Fenhua want to take a little apartment from Hu Weiqi? If not because Tao Fenhua was petty and shameless, why else.

Both the old and young Goa thought the same.

"This Tao Fenhua, he first takes your girlfriend, then attacks and evicts you. And now they still try and pin a theft on you. Truly shameless."

Said Gao Linxin. He truly couldn't believe how the Tao family raised their youngest to be so audacious, aren't they afraid the Tao clan would be ruined in such hands?

Then once the whole story was told, the group of four walked inside the police station as if marching toward battle.

The young policeman at the desk noticed a group of four people walk toward him.

The two old men in front exuded a bloody aura making him think that maybe these people have committed murder and were here to turn themselves in. He shivered a little.

Then a younger man walked from behind them, but his aura was not any better. What did these people do? Commit mass murder?

"My name is Gao Linxin, I am a lawyer at the Gao Legal Firm, and I am here representing my client, Hu Weiqi. He is apparently wanted in the questioning of a theft. I would like to talk to whoever is in charge about these fabricated allegations."

When the young policeman heard the name Gao Legal Firm he paled a little. This firm was very famous for its prestige and for their ruthlessness. But as soon as he heard Hu Weiqi's name, he sprung to his feet, knocking the chair down.

Wasn't this the boy that the Tao clan had been searching for the last two days? This seems like a more complicated matter, and he declared.

"I will get the captain right now." He scampered away faster than a rabbit. When giants fight, the little people get trampled. And he has no desire to be a pancake today.

The young policeman was so scared that when he knocked on the captain's door, he only had time to say that Hu Weiqi was there. The captain quickly jumped to his feet when he heard that and rushed out.

The Tao family called him every hour, demanding that they catch Hu Weiqi and complaining about the police's incompetence. But what could they do? Even their Divination department could not pinpoint the boy's location. He was already starting to go bald.

And like that, not even a minute passed when an older man in his 40s walked into the waiting room and boomed.

"Where is that thief, Hu Weiqi?"

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