Very Lucky?

Chapter 16: 16. Who is this boy? he thought weakly for the hundredth time.

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Tao Haoran, the Patriarch of the Tao Clan and Tao Fenhhua's grandfather, had been feeling unwell lately.

The shock of losing the treasure, plus the nightmares that all family members seem to have whenever they close their eyes, sapped his vitality. He can't even calm himself to meditate, so his Qi has been restless.

The whole family had nightmares since losing the treasure, so they thought this must all be related. They do not know if the treasure they lost has such an effect or if this is an attack on the family, and no one can help with their questions.

They tried to contact the most powerful Divination and Formation masters they could find, but no one detected anything amiss in their family, which was even more terrifying. Something was obviously amiss, and yet no one could detect it.

"I apologize for my son's outburst." Said Tao Genghis, "but he is not wrong. We investigated Hu Weiqi while searching for him. We know he is from a small town; he was found on the orphanage's steps and has no family."

Tao Genghis leveled a look at Shi Huizhong.

"But now that our treasure has disappeared, he suddenly gets a grandfather. If this is not suspicious, then I do not know what is.

I also know that Master Shi has no family, so where did a grandson appear from?"

"Heh," harumphed Shi Huizhong. "Is that why you picked on him? Because you thought that no one could help him?

And why would Mr. Tao be aware of my business? Is my family matter something to report to you? It seems Mr. Tao believes everyone here in the city must answer to him."

Tao Genghis was infuriated at Shi Huizhong. Drawing a frustrated breath, he pushed on.

"The fact that Hu Weiqi is an orphan is well documented. He has always lived off government subsidies.

He also moved to this city less than two months ago and has never been in touch with you. Why have you never extended a helping hand if this is your beloved grandson? Master Shi, your claim holds no water, and you cannot involve yourself in this matter."

Hu Weiqi worried that he would trouble Shi Huizhong and whispered. "Grandpa Shi."

He wanted to try and get Shi Huizhong to leave and let him handle this. He didn't steal anything anyway, so he hoped there wouldn't be a problem.

But to the rest of the people, Weiqi's call sounded like he was just aggrieved.

"Hu Weiqi is my estranged grandson whom I just found. My daughter and her husband died long ago, and I wasn't aware they had a son. We had been estranged because I disapproved of her marriage. And because of my stubbornness Xiao Hu suffered." Shi Huizhang then patted Weiqi's head and said. "Don't worry, Xiao Hu, grandpa will never let anything happen to you again."

Weiqi was watching Shi Huizhong's performance with bright eyes. Ah, such great acting. He thought his Grandpa Shi could definitely be a movie King if he wanted. And he just gave out a silly smile.

Of course, this looked like a sentimental family moment to the outsiders.

The Gaos did not care about the explanation. In their eyes, Hu Weiqi was Shi Huizhong's grandson, regardless of how he came to be. If Shi Huizhong claimed Hu Weiqi as a grandson, then he was a grandson. That is all that mattered, so Gao Linxin interceded.

"How about us Mr. Tao? I am Hu Weiqi's lawyer. Will you also claim that I cannot be here?"

Tao Genghis was beyond frustrated. He had no way of making these people leave and simply leveled a stare, pondering how to get Hu Weiqi to reveal what he did and where their treasure was.

"Mr. Tao, make it clear to us. When did this alleged theft take place? Are there any witnesses? What was stolen?

As Hu Weiqi's lawyer, the information has to be presented to me. This is not a lawless world; your word does not constitute a guilty verdict."

Gao Linxin then continued. "We can step into a private room if you are afraid of others overhearing. But you cannot avoid giving me this information. If you still refuse to provide us with evidence, I can only assume this is a slanderous accusation and countersue."

Hu Weiqi thought Gao Linxin looked very handsome at that moment, all righteousness and furrowed eyebrows.

Tao Genghis finally relented and sat down, finally admitting what they had not told anyone yet.

"Hu Weiqi lured my son away, and he brought the Tao treasure along. After that, the treasure was taken by Hu Weiqi.

We know the timing to be sometime after 11:00 PM on 09/18, but we cannot provide exact evidence because Tao Fenhua's memory has been altered. He doesn't remember where he met Hu Weiqi, nor what happened after.

A big part of the evening is missing; after he woke up, he forgot the whole meeting.

But he is not the only one. Whatever Hu Weiqi did, the whole Tao clan was affected. No one in the clan remembers what the treasure is.

But thankfully, he could not completely erase the memories because we do remember that we had a treasure."

After the voice fell, all eyes turned to Hu Weiqi, who was staring wide-eyed at the scene.

All had the same thought, how this boy did not look powerful enough to do that, and the story sounded fake.

Even Tao Genghis had second thoughts about seeing this innocent boy.

"Mr. Tao, firstly, there is absolutely no proof of crime here. There is not even proof that the two actually met. You yourself said your son has no memories, so how is he sure that Hu Weiqi stole anything? What exactly are you hoping to accomplish here?

Secondly, your account of what transpired varies vastly from our account.

If what you claim is right and Hu Weiqi stole from Tao Fenhua, why would Hu Weiqi go back to his place that evening?

Why did Tao Fenhua not mention the theft when they met that night and just argued over a girl and an apartment.

We can get the girl that was there to testify and compare the events of the evening.

Nothing you said makes sense."

Tao Genghis looked confused. "What girl? What apartment? "

Captain Wei finally had an opening to speak and said.

"Here, Mr. Tao, this is the report from Hu Weiqi. It lists the events that happened on that evening."

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He then got up and handed over the report he had written earlier.

Tao Genghis took the report and started reading. The more he read, the more his fists clenched, and the paper was making little crinkling noises as if protesting the rough treatment.

Pah, the paper hit the table with a slap, and Tao Genghis turned and looked at his good-for-nothing son. He didn't even need to ask if the statement was true. Tao Fenhua's pallor told him all he needed to know.

Tao Fenhua knew that he was in trouble, and his back ached in anticipation of the whipping he would receive again. He spat out through gritted teeth. "You would even involve Chunhua, Hu Weiqi. You are truly too hateful."

Weiqi gave a placid look and said. "I did not involve anyone. I simply stated the facts of the evening. You seem to be the one who likes making accusations and spinning lies. I just simply told the truth."

None of the faces of the three men of the Tao family looked right. All seemed to be competing to see who would win the "muse of tragedy mask" look alike.

"Mr. Tao, to me, it sounds like your son took your Tao treasure out without permission, then lost it. And rather than admit that he fabricated a story accusing Hu Weiqi. Due to the two's anonymity and Hu Weiqi's seeming like he had no baking, he was the perfect scapegoat.

So what Mr. Tao said at the beginning was correct. This is indeed your family matter.

But it is just your family matter and no one else's, do not drag innocent people in it."

Then getting up, Gao Linxin said, "This is a slanderous accusation, and I will be filing a suit. He should be compensated for mental damage for dragging Hu Weiqi through all of this. Thankfully he is not as alone as you had hoped. Otherwise, he would be oppressed under your Tao family's thumb."

Gao Linxin patted Hu Weiqi's head and spoke. "Xiao Hu, let's go. Don't pay attention to these people."

Shi Huizhong stood with Hu Weqi, then they all made a beeline for the door.

Tao Genghis wanted to stop them, but before he could speak, Gao Linxin added.

"If there is any other issue, address it to my office. Do not approach Hu Weiqi again, or I will file a suit for intimidation and coercion.

The lawsuit for slandering his reputation will be served to you tomorrow."

The group of four walked out the door, and no one dared to stop them anymore.

Tao Genghis was now unsure of Hu Weiqi's involvement and needed to get home and beat the truth out of this unfilial son. Such a significant matter of the missing Tao treasure, and his son was still hiding things. He needed to be taught a lesson.

So Tao Genghis took his sons out without even glancing at the captain.

But Captain Wei's only thought was, good riddance, and he slumped in his chair, the shirt on his back completely drenched in sweat.

Once they reached outside, Weiqi could finally breathe. The atmosphere in there was incredibly scary, and he was very tense.

He was also a little master who owned his own building in his previous life. And he understands that the story playing inside would have been different without any power backing him.

He felt his head being patted and looked up, meeting Shi Huizhong's eyes.

"Xiao Hu, it's ok. Grandpa is here, and that Tao family should think twice before causing trouble." Then Shi Huizhong turned to the men and bowed.

"Thank you for your assistance now. I will remember this favor."

Gao Junfeng quickly said. "Master Shi, ah, don't bow. Old friend, it is I who owes you, and I will help anytime you need it."

Then patted Gao Linxin on the shoulder and said. "Linxin, you have made grandfather proud. Oh, how you put those Taos in their place. I wanted to laugh so much." And then started laughing out loud, the sound making the passers-by look at this happy old man and smile.

Tao Linxin's smile cracked his serious countenance, and he finally seemed approachable. "Thank you, grandpa. But this was really too easy. "then added, "and fun."

Hu Weiqi bowed deeply and spoke. "Thank You, Grandpa Shi, Grandpa Gao, Big Brother Linxin. I am sorry I have caused trouble, but I know that without you, I might not have had a chance to defend myself."

Shi Huizhong replied with a smile, "Xiao Hu, do you still want to go and register your address? I think the sooner we do that and add you to my household, the better. Lest those Taos still claim that you have no family."

Weiqi smiled, his eyes glistening with the trace of tears. "Ok, Grandpa, let's go." Then he blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to stop the tears, but it just looked like two butterflies attempting to take off.

The men all laughed and parted ways.

After passing this hurdle, the rest of the day was indeed very pleasant. They registered his new address, went next door, and Hu Weiqi was added to Shi Huizhong's family book. It was all surprisingly simple. And Weiqi thanked Shi Huizhong again, making the latter blush from all the gratitude.

They even stopped at the mall and went shopping, but the place was closed when they arrived at the ice cream place. Shi Huizhong promised to take Weiqi another day just to cheer the boy up again. He was really a dotting grandfather.

After a long day, they finally took a taxi back home.

"Ah, Grandpa. How do you usually contact Heng Taio? I want to speak with him."

Weiqi's voice interrupted the quiet car, and Shi Huizhong fell silent.

"Xiao Hu. We, administrators, don't contact the Supervisors. They are the ones who contact us when they need help." His voice was a bit strange. Shi Huizhong could not think of a reason why Weiqi needed to contact the Underworld. And added cautiously. "Did you see a malevolent soul? But I did not observe any. Just the regular souls here in there."

"What? There were souls? Where?" Weiqi was having fun and did not notice anything, then trembled. Ah, he needed to get used to this.

But then, thinking about how King Yama told him that the seal was used for communication, he pouted.

What communication? Just you one sided-ly talking to me is not communication. What if I want to ask something?

And so Weiqi continued to badmouth King Yama in his head until he felt his forehead turn cold, and a low chuckle resounded through his head.

Shi Huizhong watched with trepidation as the air around Weiqi turned cold, and the distinctive power belonging to the Underworld enveloped him. Who is this boy? he thought weakly for the hundredth time.

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