Very Lucky?

Chapter 17: 17. Ah, I will never get used to them doing that.

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Weiqi closed his eyes and conversed with King Yama, not noticing the fearful expression of Shi Huizhong.

"Why are you so angry?" chuckled King Yama "is that how you talk about me when I am not around?"

"In this case, you are to blame." Then Weiqi told the story of what happened at the police station and ended with an aggrieved sigh, "Thank goodness for Grandpa Shi, Grandpa Gao, and Big Brother Linxin. Otherwise, I might actually be in jail. Those Taos are so unreasonable."

After he finished the story, King Yama laughed. He seemed to have found the situation too amusing.

Feeling Weiqi's displeasure, King Yama soothed. "All right, I'll stop. But it seems like you have already made some friends. This world is not as bad as you thought, right?"

"I admit that it is not bad. And I really must thank Heng Taio for finding Grandpa Shi. I couldn't ask for a better place. Oh, and thank him for the money. Otherwise, life would have been so much harder." Responded Weiqi with a smile.

"What money?" Inquired King Yama.

Weiqi then figured that Heng Taio gave him the money without King Yama's knowledge and said. "Heng Taio gave Grandpa Shi a pouch filled with gold and jade. Thanks to that, today we went shopping, and I bought many nice things. I must register for school soon, so I must also buy supplies. Ah, but tell Heng Taio that I will pay him back as soon as I can earn money."

Then Weiqi praised Heng Taio a little more, hoping he could be employee of the month.

"Can I stop by and visit one of these days?" Asked Weiqi after finishing the rainbow farts.

"As I mentioned, the Underworld blocks Qi, so it is not suitable to come here often. But if you want to stop by every two months for a couple of hours, that should be ok." Then King Yama continued with a laugh. "I will let Granny Meng know to prepare your milk tea."

Weiqi laughed in embarrassment when his thoughts were seen through, but thinking about the milk tea, he still responded with "Ok."

Then the two ended their conversation. Weiqi opened his eyes only to be met with Shi Huizhong's inquiring gaze.

He looked around and noticed they were already stopped in front of the house. The taxi driver was rubbing his arms and kept shooting fearful looks in the back.

Weiqi coughed and said. "I didn't know we arrived Grandpa Shi; you should have told me." He then shivered a little. "Ah, the AC in here was too strong."

The taxi cab gave the boy an accusing glare. What AC? I even had to turn up the heat, you know. And it's summer.

Shi Huizhong ignored the cab driver and then opened the door. His gaze roamed over Weiqi for a moment. "It's ok, we have not been waiting long, and I wanted to let you finish-- your meditation."

When Shi Huizhing first noticed the Underworld aura, he first thought that a Supervisor would visit, then seeing the aura emitted from Weiqi, he felt the boy might be a Supervisor himself. But he quickly discarded that idea. The boy's vital Qi was proof that he was a living being.

But then the last thought was even scarier. The boy seemed connected to the Underworld. And remembering the boy's previous question about contacting Heng Taio, he then had a startling revelation that the boy was communicating with the Underworld, and the aura of whoever was communicating with him was leaking a little and creating the Underworld aura around Weiqi.

After stepping through the house, the formation worked miracles again, and the two felt revitalized.

"Are you hungry, Xiao Hu? Let grandpa prepare his famous dish." Shi Huizhong didn't care much about the origin of the boy. Even though troubles were following him, the boy seemed well-behaved and sweet. And as of today, he was his official grandson, so he would dote on him a little.

"Thank You, grandpa. I can't wait to taste it." Then with a dazzling smile rushed up the stairs to put away his belongings.

Shi Huizhong smiled at his new gluttonous grandson and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

When Weiqi arrived in his room, he contacted King Yama again quickly.

"What now?" asked King Yama, but he was not irritated. Sometimes he would get a little bored in the Underworld, and this boy was fun to talk to. No human stood his seal, so he never made a contract with anyone other than Wang Yingyue. He saw a lot of his old friend in this boy and wanted to treat him well. He wondered if this was what having a son was like.

"What is the best material for someone in the Creation and Refinement path? I want to give Grandpa Shi a present, but I don't know what is appropriate."

King Yama thought a little. "It should be Primordial jadeite. It is scarce, but I can inquire for you."

"Ah, then please do. You are the best." Then ended the communication and started putting the belongings away.

They bought a lot of stuff today, and after registering for school tomorrow, they will buy the rest of his school supplies.

While Grandpa Shi was cooking and Weiqi was organizing his new purchases, King Yama held a small meeting in the Underworld.

The only people present were King Yama, Heng Taio, and Bo Yufei.

"Did you give Hu Weiqi money?" Questions King Yama.

When Heng Taio heard that, he was surprised. He was quickly summoned to the hall and thought something urgent had happened. But now, hearing the question, he calmed down.

"Yes, I gave him about a year's wages. The living world has more expenses than we do, and the boy seemed to have nothing."

As King Yama was about to reward Heng Taio for his excellent thinking, Bo Yufei interrupted. "Only a year? It might not be enough. After spending so much time with the Tao family, I could also observe their expenses. That much money would probably be gone in about a month." Estimated Bo Youfei shaking his head, then added. "I have quite a lot saved up; I'll gather some more for him."

King Yama and Heng Taio thought that Bo Yufei made sense. Out of all supervisors, he spent the most time in the living world, albeit as a prisoner, but he still observed things.

So the three decided to gather some treasures to send Hu Weiqi, never realizing that the Tao family could hardly be considered the average spending model.

Shi Huizhong and Hu Weiqi were just about to finish their dinner. Weiqi would exclaim every time he tried a dish, and Shi Huizhong's chest puffed up so much it almost obscured his vision.

Cold air suddenly invaded this warm atmosphere, and Shi Huizhong thought it came from the boy for a moment. But noticing the boy's confused reaction, he quickly realized that his time it's an actual Supervisor. He wondered if there was a job tonight. And both headed to the front of the store.

When Weiqi noticed the two men, he was momentarily surprised but seeing a big steaming cup in Bo Yufei's hand, he trotted forward and called out excitedly. "Brother Yufei."

Bo Youfei ruffled the boy's head and handed him the cup." When Granny Meng heard we were coming up here, she sent this."

Weiqi took a big sip and sighed contentedly.

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"What, you only see your brother Yufei here?" came a displeased voice.

Weiqi turned his head and saw Heng Taio holding a big sack and staring at Weiqi.

"Ah, Sorry, Brother Taio." Weiqi shot a sweet smile, hoping to appease the man.

He knew he was rude, especially after the latter even gave him his money. But when he noticed the milk tea, his mind just zeroed in on it.

The words indeed placated Heng Taio. If Bo Yufei was "Brother Yufei," he wasn't unhappy to become "Brother Taio."

The three were chatting, not paying attention to the old man staring in shock at the sight ahead, especially at the hand that the Supervisor had on Weiqi's head.

Shi Huizhong's mind was racing with thoughts such as how can a Supervisor just touch a living person? And did they say that Meng Po sent milk tea up to the boy? Who exactly is this boy? Could he be King Yama's son?

"Administrator Shi Huizhong greets the Supervisors." Shi Huzhong bowed to both men. His heart was in turmoil, but he felt he couldn't ignore etiquette. He almost felt like he should also bow to this Weiqi. What sort of human can be touched by a Supervisor and not have his soul fly out? He, for one, has never heard of such a thing.

"Is there a matter that needs to be taken care of?" Asked Shi Huzhong, still in a daze.

"Ah, no matter." Heng Taio then cleared his throat. "We just brought by some things for Hu Weiqi. King Yama remembered that school is starting school and a lot of things might be needed."

Weiqi stared at the sack on the ground and remembered the pouch filled with riches. Is this also full of riches?

Because his family doted on him and gave him anything he needed in his past life, his friend joked that piles of money always rushed up to find him. Looking at the sack on the ground, it sure seemed the pile of money rushed up all the way to this world to find him. Ah, it worked hard.

"Does King Yama want me to buy a school? Or bribe teachers?" Weiqi grumbled, "I may not have been good at learning in the past, but now I am sure I can be a top student." He pouted. "You guys need to have more faith in me."

"No, Weiqi, we just know that the living world is expensive, and we just didn't want you to feel slighted. I spent a long time here, and I know how expensive things can be." Bo Yufei reassured Weiqi.

Shi Huizhong was still standing there, deciding not to interrupt these three big shots. What sort of misunderstanding do these people from the Underworld have about the Living world?

"We must go now; I still have to catch up on work." Bo Yufei pated Weiqi's head again.

"Mm, me too." And Heng Taio also patted Weiqi's head. All the other Supervisors always accused him of being too cold and even heard Bo Yufei agree once, so he decided to copy Bo Yufei and change his personality a little.

Weiqi was very happy and let them pat his head as they pleased. Back in his world when he was still a teenager, he remembered his elders often liked patting his head. It made them happy, and he didn't feel averse to it.

"Oh, King Yama said that he found what you asked him for earlier. It is on the very top of the things." Then both men disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

"Ah, I will never get used to them doing that." Weiqi then turned back to Shi Huizhong, still standing there with a blank look.

Was the person who Weiqi communicated with earlier in the cab King Yama? Shi Huizhong felt his views skew a little.

"Grandpa Shi, are you ok? Did it also surprise you when they disappeared like that?" He cocked his head to the side inquiringly.

"Mmm, Grandpa Shi was just surprised." He then approached Weiqi and tentatively touched him. Sure enough, the boy was still very much alive.

Then both men looked at the sack on the ground, thinking about where to put this heavy thing.

Weiqi opened the sack curiously, it was too heavy anyway, and they will have to move the things in batches.

“Primordial Jadeite!” Weiqi heard an exclamation and turned to look at Shi Huizhong. The latter's eyes were shining. "I saw a small piece long ago, but it was so expensive that I could not afford it."

The primordial jadeite in front of him was as big as a baby's head. The jade was white and black with gold veins intertwined; the abundant Qi trapped in it made it glow. It was exquisite. 

Shi Huizhong wondered again at the identity of this boy who could acquire such a priceless treasure so easily.

He thought maybe he could be lucky enough to craft something for Weiqi. He had never worked with such high-quality material.

“Ah, this is primordial jade? Wow, King Yama sure was fast." Weiqi reached out to take it, then looking at it closely, he realized the amulet left by Wang Yingyue was made from this same material.

The jade was warm, and he felt content just standing there and holding it. Sure enough, this is good quality material.

Weiqi then turns to Shi Huizhong and says with a smile. "Here, Grandpa Shi, this is for you. This is my present to show respect to my elders. Now that you are my grandfather, I wanted to find something special to show how much I appreciate your kindness."

"Xiao Hu, I can't accept that. That is too precious and was given to you by King Yama. I wouldn't dare."

"Grandpa Shi, if you don't accept it, then I will think you do not want to accept my good feelings. And King Yama knew that it was for you. He wouldn't mind." Weiqi convinced Shi Huizhong, and the latter eventually relented. How can he ever repay this boy?

As Shi Huizhong was thinking about repaying the boy. Weiqi was thinking about how to repay King Yama.

It seems that he must really work hard in the future. He will even catch all the malevolent souls he finds. This is just too heavy of debt, he thinks as he is carrying parts of the riches in the bag, then adds, literally.

After that last surprise, things settled down in the Shi household.

Weiqi registered for school at the Dao Academy and then learned everything he could about the world and cultivation. He promised to be a top student, so he needs to know everything considered common sense.

So, for the next two months, Shi Huizhong taught Hu Weiqi everything he knew.

King Yama also had conversations with Weiqi and served as a backup tutor. So, within that time, Weiqi learned as much as possible about the world.

The start of the school year was just around the corner, and Weiqi was prepared with a new goal in mind. Become the top student.

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