Very Lucky?

Chapter 20: 20. He also wanted to avoid being cut down.

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Weiqi shuddered a little, but thinking about all the benefits he had received from The Underworld, he did not raise any objections and just nodded.

As he left the hall, he saw Heng Taio and Bo Yufei waiting, trailed by a third man in black.

For once, Heng Taio didn't look as serious. A small smile was perched on his lips, and his chest puffed up lightly. Weiqi noticed the broch on him and figured he must like it.

"Ah, this is the human that can visit the Underworld. He looks so normal." The third man in black suddenly stepped forward and poked Weiqi's arm, then smiled like a fool while he kept poking the arm.

Weiqi, by now, understood that these Supervisors could not touch living people, so he did not mind. He was used to being a novelty by now and just pretended he didn't notice.

"Heh, Yin Bolin, you are really acting like a child. What happened. Did you piss off Granny Meng again?" Heng Taio shot Yin Bolin a condescending look as if he never would poke a living human so foolishly.

Yin Bolin ignored that stern Heng Tai and lifted his hand for a handshake. "Hey there, kid. My name is Yin Bolin, and I am the fun Supervisor around here."

Weiqi shook his hand" Brother Bolin, nice to meet you. I am Hu Weiqi."

Yin Bolin always wanted to try the human ritual of shaking hands and was quite pleased by the result. He didn't even mind hearing the kid address him as "Brother Bolin."

"Ok, time to go." Hen Taio pulled Weiqi quickly and left as if afraid he would be infected by this troublemaker Yin Bolin.

But Yin Bolin didn't mind at all. He finally touched a living human, so he smiled and turned to leave.

Weiqi bade Granny Meng goodbye as he picked up another cup of hot milk tea for the trip home.

After passing through the gate, he turned back again and carefully inspected the carvings, then was sent back home.

"Ah, you're back." Exclaimed Shu Huizhong as soon as he felt the cold atmosphere. Then seeing the cup in Weiqi's hand, he admonished. "Dinner is ready, don't ruin your appetite; leave this for after."

But Weiqi quickly finished the milk tea and smiled innocently. "Ah, Grandpa Shi, I won't ruin my appetite. The milk tea goes in a different part of the stomach, so I won't get full." Then giggled and ran to the kitchen.

After dinner, Weiqi and Shi Huizhong went to their studios to practice and then headed to bed.

Weiqi was woken up by Shi Huizhong's knocking. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand and covering his yawn with the other, he shuffled slowly towards the door and opened it bleary-eyed. He stayed out too late practicing last night and didn't sleep well.

"Your Dean called this morning saying that classes are resumed. I made breakfast, so get ready and don't be late." Shi Huizhong's voice traveled slowly, and by the time Weiqi finally woke up, the hallway was already empty.

He quickly got ready and ran downstairs for breakfast. He didn't want to be late and decided to make a positive impact today and wipe out all the bad impressions from yesterday.

But everyone talked about him as soon as he got to school. Unless he could wipe everyone's memories, his first impression would stay with the whole school forever.

Weiqi walked into the classroom dejectedly, and everyone got quiet instantly. He smiled slightly and nodded, then went to sit in the back. All eyes followed him as if waiting for him to do something outrageous.

He thought that if he happened to yell Boo, the students would probably run out of the class.

Surprisingly, after just one day, the class looked brand new. Dong Bin walked into the room and lit up when he saw Weiqi.

"Ah, Big Brother Weiqi, I didn't know if you would come today. With the commotion yesterday, I didn't have a chance to exchange numbers." Then true to his word, he presented his QR code to be scanned and added.

Weiqi took out his new phone and added Dong Bin to his pitiful and lonely friend list. He hoped he could make more friends in the school, but with the way yesterday started, he doubted it.

"So, what happened yesterday?" Dong Bin asked what everyone wanted to know, and all the students picked up their ears to pay attention. The school didn't reveal anything, and they were all curious. Such a flavorful melon. Who wouldn't want to eat it?

"I advised Master Liu that I have a defensive amulet, but he did not take heed. My amulet is inherited from an ancestor, and it reflects all attacks. So, Master Liu's attack was just reflected back." Weiqi took the chance to explain himself. He was thankful for Dong Bin's question. This way, the students will know he didn't purposely harm a teacher, and hopefully, they will stop being scared of him.

"So you mean Master Liu just harmed himself?" Came the shy voice of a girl, and Weiqi turned in that direction and nodded.

"Yes, I would never harm a teacher. And the school knows, so they told me to return once they investigated."

"I heard Master Liu is still unconscious. Just what sort of anonymity do you have with him that he would use such a powerful attack?" Asked another boy.

The classmates all surrounded him, and most stopped being afraid.

"I have never met Master Liu. And if he did this on purpose or by accident, we can only find out when he recovers." Weiqi sighed sadly.

Of course, Grandpa Shi told him it was likely because of the Tao family. And after finally knowing the truth about their deeds, he felt no pity. They would kill and imprison Underworld Supervisors without any qualms. Why should he feel sorry for such people?

The classroom door opened, and all the students dashed to their seats. Hao Zihan walked in, and the atmosphere warmed up when no one else showed up.

"Ok class, I will review some fundamentals with you today." He looked at Hu Weiqi and quickly averted his gaze continuing. "The school is looking for a replacement teacher for you, and you should be assigned one in about a week. In the meantime, I will lead this class. As a senior, I can help answer any questions you might have."

None of the students protested, and Hao Zihan let out a quiet sigh. He only signed up as a TA for the extra credits. He never thought he would end up teaching a class.

The class flew by quickly, and no unexpected surprises cropped up.

The day flew by, and they finished all their classes. As all the students missed the first day due to yesterday's accident. Today was just getting to know the teachers and the course overviews.

A week passed in a blur, and Weiqi took to school well and even made two new friends.

A shy girl, who once getting to know you was anything other than shy, was called Yan Lanfen. And her childhood friend, a taciturn young man named Cheng Haoyu.

It was Friday, and they had self-study, so Yan Lanfen proposed to go and check out the Library after getting permission from the teacher.

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The Library was octagonal and had 4 entrances. As they headed toward the Fire/South entrance, they noticed commotion to their right.

A tall young man came out of the Thunder/East entrance with purposeful strides. His raven hair was longer than fashionable and was partially tied up, with a few strands mischievously dancing in the wind. The scabbard on his hip revealed he was from the martial arts department. Weiqi only caught a glimpse of his face and could not see much, but he could feel from even this distance that radiated power.

A couple of feet behind him followed a group of students. From their sturdy physiques and scattered weapons, they were from the martial arts department as well.

The road parted before the student in front as if a sword had split the land. Every student watched as he walked past them with awe and fear.

"Ahh!" Exclaimed Yan Lanfen, and all 3 boys jumped at her scream.

"I can't believe I get to see the cold God today. Today must be my lucky day." Then she took out her phone and snapped pictures of the retreating group. However, all the pictures of that boy were blurry, and she sighed in disappointment.

"Who is that?" Asked Dong Bin, and Weiqi was curious as well, so he also leaned in to listen.

"That is the cold God Ming Lingyun. He is the youngest son of the Ming Family and is known to be a prodigy." Then she lowered her voice and whispered, "Actually, he is a year older and was supposed to have started school last year, but the Ming Family opposed it. He is believed to be the reincarnation of a great king, and the Karma on his soul is too imposing. I heard if people get close to him and touch him, their souls will tremble, and most just end up kowtowing unconsciously. Only powerful Masters can resist that, but even then, it is uncomfortable. So everyone tends to avoid him."

She then sighs. "But he is too charming, and you just can't help but want to get close."

"I want to touch him just to see if it is all true, but I hear he is very indifferent and brutal, so I'm afraid he'll just cut me down." She chuckled.

Weiqi was curious and wanted to meet the other person and see if he could affect his soul. But after hearing Yan Lanfen's last sentence, he changed his mind. He also wanted to avoid being cut down.

The four people went into the Library, and each found books they were interested in. As books could not be checked out, they read in the Library until the hour passed then they went home.

When Weiqi arrived, Shi Huizhong was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"I'll go and change, then come down to help." Said Weiqi and stomped up the stairs in a hurry.

Shi Huizhong shook his head in amusement and continued cooking. This grandson of his was no good at cooking and always wanted to help so he could steal food. But he let him have his way.

Weiqi returned quickly and continued to "help" Shi Huizhong until the latter hit his hand with a wooden spoon and sent him to set the table.

Once the food was out and the duo sat down at the table, a familiar cold air enveloped the room, and Weiqi quickly stuffed his face.

Heng Taio appeared in the room and looked at Weiqi's bulging cheeks. "Administrator Shi Huizhong, Administrator Hu Weiqi, this evening, your services are required."

"Wait, I'm an Administrator too?" Both Weiqi and Shi Huizhong were surprised at the name.

"All humans who have the Underworld seal are Administrators. It's just that Shi Huizhong is my Administrator, as for you. You are technically King Yama's Administrator." Heng Taio explained.

Shi Huizhong was stunned at the revelation that Weiqi had King Yama's seal but quickly adjusted his mindset. Many more surprising things happened, and he can quickly adapt these days.

"Can we finish dinner first?" Asked Weiqi, and he quickly resigned himself to being an Administrator. He already knew he would have to hunt down souls; now, he just had a title to go with it.

Heng Taio remembered his first meeting with the boy when he asked if he could bring the fridge and gave a small smile. He thought this boy hadn't changed one bit, shaking his head.

"Go ahead, but don't take too long. I don't want to miss the trail of this malevolent spirit."

"Great, come sit down. Join us" Weiqi patted the chair next to him, then asked, "Can Supervisor eat human food?"

Looking at the boy's wide eyes, Heng Taio sat down and replied, "Supervisors do not need to eat, but we can eat."

"Then you have to try my grandpa's cooking. It is the best I ever had." The Weiqi added a mountain of dishes to Heng Taio's plate. The latter took a couple of bites, and he agreed that the cooking was palpable and praised Shi Huizhong.

Shi Huizhong was too nervous initially to eat, especially with the Underworld air swirling around, but then he slowly got used to it, and the trio had a pleasant dinner.

"Ok, I'm ready. I'll do the dishes when we get back, grandpa." The Weiqi got up, took one last bite of the meat, and ran upstairs to grab his talisman supplies.

Shi Huizhong quickly cleaned the table, and he also prepared.

Usually, when Heng Taio summons him for a job, he barely has time to gather his supplies, but now it seems that even dinner can be had.

The Underworld seems to have a soft spot for Weiqi, and Shi Huizhong voiced his thanks.

"Thank you, Supervisor, for bringing Weiqi to me."

Heng Taio could see how well the two got along and was pleased with his choice as well. Even King Yama rewarded him for picking such a great human to take care of Weiqi, which led him to understand how valuable Weiqi was to King Yama.

"Hu Weiqi is unique, and King Yama will reward you well for taking care of him." Heng Taio voiced out.

"Having him as a grandson is reward enough. I always preferred solitude, but I can't imagine my life without that little troublemaker now."

Both Heng Taio and Shi Huizhong smiled. Weiqi had a way of growing on people, whether they were living or immortal.

Weiqi came back down, and his heart imitated a hummingbird trying to escape the confines of its cage. And since the cage was actually his ribcage. Weiqi decided he should try to calm down before the scene became messy.

The trio disappeared in search of the malevolent soul, and Weiqi's first exorcism experience was about to begin.

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