Very Lucky?

Chapter 19: 19. I’m looking for Little Yan.

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After Hao Zihan checked on Master Liu, he turned to Hu Weiqi with a complicated expression. "This student. What did you use to attack Master Liu? It seems quite serious, and it would help if we knew what was used."

Weiqi was still patting his chest and, hearing Hao Zihan speak, turned his head, his furrowed brows revealing his confusion.

"I didn't use anything. I warned Master Liu about my amulet. I can't be held responsible for this damage." Weiqi did not want to spend money on something that was not his fault.

At the moment his talisman failed, Weiqi felt a warm embrace envelop him. He could visually see the tide of Qi that headed his way and felt his ears pop from the pressure. Yet he only felt warm and safe.

He understood that this was the "Echoing jade of fate" amulet left to him by Wang Yingyue.

However, he was just as confused as the others about how Master Liu was hurt this badly. He literally just stood in place, so they cannot pin this on him.

The Healing department arrived and were shocked at the damage. They checked on Master Liu quickly and carried him to the Infirmary.

The Dean was also notified, and since Master Liu was still unconscious, he could only try to get an answer from the students present.

When questioning Hao Zihan, the latter could only say that Master Liu decided to test the boy, and an accident happened. Hao Zihan also mentioned that Master Liu used his full power, and even he, Hao Zihan, sustained injuries from the Qi pressure while protecting the students.

The Dean also questioned Weiqi but was still unable to piece what happened. Weiqi said his amulet protected him and had never attacked Master Liu. No one could explain how the Master was this injured.

All the Dean could do was wait for Mater Liu to wake up if he wanted to get answers. He really wanted to find out what had transpired, but no answers could be provided at this time, so he dismissed the class and sent them all early today to recuperate.

The school exhausted many means and treasures to convince Liu Muchen to become a teacher at the Academy.

Therefore, Weiqi's fame doubled in school in less than a day. First, he was someone who dared provoke Tao Fenhua. Now he was someone who actually hurt Master Liu and destroyed half his classroom. His fame was renowned.

As Weiqi was heading home after not even an hour spent in school, he morosely contacted King Yama to ascertain the amulet's actual use.

King Yama laughed uproariously again as he heard the story and finally answered Weiqi's question.

The "Echoing jade of fate" amulet was indeed a defense amulet. But it had another name first, "Reflecting Karma Amulet." Wang Yingyue was always a vengeful little troublemaker and added a bit of bite to her amulet. She won't just passively defend herself if someone dared to attack her. She felt people needed to be taught a lesson.

The amulet not only protected but also reflected attacks. So, the power of the attack was simply reflected back to the attacker, with a little bit of her own Qi added to make her point.

In other words, what actually hurt Liu Muchen was his own attack reflected back at him. The fact that he was grievously injured just indicates how strong the attack was.

When Weiqi heard that explanation that he stopped feeling guilty and laughed instead. It seems like his Grandma Yue had the same personality as he did. He believed that Grandam Yue would also like his motto, "Those that have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold. And those that treat me with injustice, well then I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over."

"Ah, King Yama. I wish I also knew my Grandma Yue." Weiqi lamented, then brightened up, remembering something. "Oh, it has been two months since I went there last. Can I come to visit? My class ended early, so I have lots of time now."

"All right, I'll send Heng Taio to pick you up later. And I know. I'll let Granny Meng know to prepare some of your milk tea." King Yama replied.

He was then interrupted by the taxi driver. Weiqi opened his eyes and saw the taxi driver stare at him, who then trembled and whispered. "Ah, we arrived at your destination, Sir."

Weiqi paid the driver and got out, rubbing his arms, thinking how these taxis all seemed to like running the AC on high.

"Ah, Xiao Hu. The school just contacted me. Are you ok? You were not hurt, were you?" Shi Huizhong quickly came out when he noticed Weiqi at the door.

The school contacted Shi Huizhong and explained the situation. They also respected Shi Huizhong and did not want to cause any trouble.

However, because Liu Muchen was still unconscious, they questioned Shi Huizhong on whether he made any attack treasures for his grandson that could cause this kind of damage. They still needed to ascertain what sort of damage Master Liu had received so they could provide a better treatment course.

Shi Huizhong was angered by the Dean and just hung up. He was worried and was waiting at the door for Weiqi to arrive to ensure he was unharmed.

"Oh, Grandpa Shi. I'm ok. But that Master Liu isn't." Then he laughed and told Shi Huizhong the sequence of events, explaining the amulet's effects.

When Shi Huizhong heard that he was livid, he knew of Liu Muchen's association with the patriarch of the Tao clan, so he understood how these events came to be.

"This Tao Family is truly unbridled. Daring to even move inside the school," Shi Huizhong gritted his teeth and picked up the phone.

He then called Gao Junfeng and told him what had happened. Old man, Gao was also angry. He could not believe these shameless people who couldn't leave a poor boy alone.

So that afternoon, while the Dean was still stressing about how to deal with the situation, he received a lawsuit letter from the Gao Legal Firm.

He tried his best to call Shi Huizhong and mediate, but once hearing that the reason Liu Muchen was badly hurt was due to his own attack being reflected. He had to acquiesce. A teacher tried to hit a student, only to hit himself instead. How could they have the face to ask any more questions?

So they had to agree that the school would pay Hu Weiqi for mental damages, and Liu Muchen would be fired. It was stated that he was a danger to the students, and seeing how Master Liu was still unconscious due to his own attack, he could not refute that.

Therefore, the School lost the teacher they had paid and chased after for such a long time. In the end, the Dean was furious, and he couldn't wait for Liu Muchen to wake up, get some answers, and make up for his losses.

After Shi Huizhong ended the call with Gao Junfeng, coldness suddenly permeated the air. By now, he was used to it and watched calmly as a person appeared in the room.

"Ah, Bo Yufei. King Yama said he's sending Heng Taio over." Weiqi grabbed his jacket and backpack and quickly ran to the figure in white.

"Brother Taio still had matter to attend to, so I came over. Are you ready?" Bo Yufei smiled and patted Weiqi's head.

Weiqi turned to Shi Huizhong and waved. "Grandpa Shi. I'm going to visit some friends really quickly. I'll be back in a couple of hours." Then waved, and the two quickly disappeared.

Shi Huizhing calmly waved back and then went to the kitchen to start dinner. He stopped being surprised at this extraordinary grandson and knew he would be safe. He is just going to visit The Underworld. No reason to be alarmed, he thought with a chuckle.

Weiqi and Bo Yufei quickly arrived in The Underworld. As they approached the Bridge of Helplessness, Weiqi flashed a huge grin and called out. "Ah, Xiao Meng. I have missed you. How have you been?"

Granny Meng already had a cup of steaming milk tea and smiled mischievously. "Qiqi is as handsome as ever."

But Weiqi did not reach for the milk tea yet. He searched through his backpack and handed Granny Meng a small box.

Granny Meng opened it quickly and exclaimed. "Sure enough, Qiqi likes me best."

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Inside the box was an exquisite hairpin carved out of Primordial Jadeite. The carving was of a beautiful flower, and it seemed very life-like. Granny Meng immediately pinned it to her hair and laughed with joy.

Weiqi and Bo Yufei complimented her, and her broad laugh reached her eyes, spreading small lines outwards.

"Here, give this to that Handsome Yan. I am in such a good mood that I must show off my pin to everyone." She handed Weiqi another cup of cold boba tea. Then true to her word, she packed up the stall for the first time in decades and went to find people, or souls, to show off her hairpin.

As they approached the hall, Weiqi quickly handed the two cups to Bo Yufei, saying, "Here, hold this for a moment."

Then Weiqi searched through the bag and pulled out two more small boxes.

"This is for you and Brother Taio. You have always been nice to me, and I wanted to give you something." Bo Yufei then exchanged the cups for those two boxes, his eyes holding anticipation. They rarely receive gifts, and he was excited.

Inside the boxes laid two brooches. They were made out of Primordial Jadeite but were slightly different, one inlaid with blue topaz and the other with amethyst.

"Xiao Qi, this is so beautiful. I like it very much, and I know Brother Taio will too. They are so exquisite. How were they made?" Bo Yufei pinned the broch inlaid with blue on his chest and stroked it gently.

"Ah, I asked Grandpa Shi to make them for me. He is a very excellent crafter."

Weiqi didn't really admit that Shi Huizhong was practicing crafting with Primordial Jadeite, and they decided to make some test items. The items were still exquisite, but they were not considered a success because Shi Huizhong could not properly infuse the Jadeite with Qi. But since the Underworld blocked Qi anyway, these pieces were perfect for his Underworld friends.

They finally arrived at the hall. Weiqi bade Bo Yufei goodbye and walked in with a smile.

On the throne sat a young man in his 20s. He was wearing a white and red Hanfu robe, and his long inky black hair was lying softly on his shoulder. His obsidian eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled.

"Ah, Weiqi, welcome." A pleasant voice rang out.

Weiqi's smile slipped, this was not King Yama, and his eyes darted around the room, looking for the familiar figure.

"Hello." Uttered Weiqi, still scanning the room carefully, he inquired, "I was supposed to meet with King Yama. Is he here?"

Laughter broke Weiqi out of his examination, and an amused voice replied. "I am King Yama."

Weiqi's eyes widened, remembering that there were indeed supposed to be ten kings. Looking at the man up front, he realized he was one of the figures carved in the gate.

"Ah yes. I was looking for the other King Yama." Then remembering how Granny Meng addressed him, he blurted." I'm looking for Little Yan."

King Yama let out a chuckle that echoed through the great room, and he seemed he couldn't stand straight from amusement.

"Ah, you truly are her descendant. Just as audacious as she was." Then King Yama stood up and sat at the table in the corner where Weiqi sat last time.

Weiqi also sat down and, remembering Granny Meng's request to give the tea to "that Handsome Yan" he realized that he was the recipient of the boba tea. He then pushed the tea over.

King Yama's eyes glinted joyfully as he took a sip, and Weiqi thought that at least they all had a love of tea in common.

"I can see your confusion. King Yama explained that there are ten of us, but he never went into details. That young kind is always unreliable like that. There are Ten Kings, and there is only One King Yama." King Yama smiled and played with the rim of the cup.

So, this King Yama explained to Weiqi the background of the Ten Kings.

When King Yama first came into being, he was alone for thousands of years and talked to himself quite often. That eventually lasted until the Ten Kings were created. More precisely, that created his ten personalities.

Each personality is unique and has a powerful sense of self; unless the personality wishes it, they can't even access each other's memories. Because of their strong identities, they even mold their bodies according to their identity.

The King Yama Weiqi met was a more innocent and mischievous one. As he shared his memories with all the other Ten Kings, all the Kings knew about Weiqi and his connection with their dear departed friend Wang Yingyue. Therefore all Kings feel a certain affection towards him, as her descendant.

As Weiqi was still absorbing that information, a hand appeared in front of him, and Weiqi looked up inquiringly.

"You gave all the others presents. Where is mine?" King Yama asked.

Weiqi scratched his head awkwardly. "Umm, the previous King Yama didn't explain much, and I only got him a present. But now that I know, I will definitely prepare nine more."

King Yama laughed but didn't retract his hand. "Let me see what you got the little one then. I will pass it to him."

Weiqi handed the little box, thinking it won't have to be passed on far since you all share one body.

Inside the box lay a delicate earring. It was also carved out of Primordial Jadeite and sparkled softly.

"The little one really likes this. He is already clamoring to try it on." King Yama smiled.

They chatted some more, and King Yama eventually told Weiqi how the Tao Family imprisoned Bo Yufei and why they were severely punished.

"Such an unkind family. Everyone eventually goes to the Underworld in this world. Were they not afraid of overturning their car when that happens?" Weiqi questioned righteously.

"That is a good question. The fact that they have no fear is another reason we are trying to find the ones behind it. But no matter how we torture the souls, none have the answer we want. No one remembers who gave them the formation.

And that means we are dealing with someone who knows how to circumvent the Underworld." King Yama's brows were furrowed, and he stroked his chin lightly.

But I will find a trail. No one undermines My Palace and lives an easy life." Then King Yama stood up. "Ok, any longer, and it will not be good for you."

He walked towards the throne and his voice trailing behind.

"The little one wanted to ensure you get used to the world, so he didn't bother you much. But now that things are familiar to you, it is time to start collecting malevolent souls. During this time, we even gave Shi Huizhong some free time. Heng Taio will contact you next time there is a need."

Weiqi thought it was time to start exorcising ghosts, and then he shivered.

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