Very Lucky?

Chapter 5: 05. What a nice taxi driver.

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Unaware of the upcoming crisis, Hu Weiqi is striding along the path towards his destination. The trees are finally thinning out and the path opens up giving him a much wider view.

The path ahead is lighted, lampposts are illuminating the path ahead giving the surroundings an ethereal golden glow. On the left, a small is nestled in the middle of a couple of pavilions, the stone path is winding through a beautiful flower field the surrounding view is breathtaking, and Weiqi could see how this view would be even more dazzling bathed in the glow sunrise.

Far in the distance, Weiqi can see buildings, lighted like Christmas trees, peeking through. It looks like a prosperous city and Weiqi feels more relaxed the closer he gets to civilization.

Suddenly he notices movement, under a tree to his left, it is not far away. He can barely discern a shadowed figure underneath that tree gazing at him, goosebumps are making his hair stand up like obedient little soldiers saluting, and his foot is suspended in place.

Weiqi tries to tell himself that this is a park and is normal to run into some people, even if it is the middle of the night.

“Look aren’t I a person, walking in this park?” He thinks to himself

But imediately, he rethinks that, because he is not sure, is he a person? He seems to have died, and is currently possible possessing another body, so based on that thought, is he a ghost? Weiqi shudders at that thought.

He remembers that both Bo Youfei and Heng Taio told him he has the breath of life in him, and he is a warm human, they even did a poke test to verify. Weiqi is amused with then realizes that the poke test is quite universal, he remembers that one night, as him and his friend were coming back from a drinking party, they saw an old man passed out on a bench. His friend then grabbed a tree branch from the ground and poked that guy lightly, when the old man mumbled some drunken nonsense, they realized he is alive, thankfully that was just a drunk he does not know what they would have done if they came across a dead body.

Remembering his silly friend, Weiqi calms down, he is not a ghost at all, he passed the poke test by what should be considered professionals. I mean those two introduced themselves as supervisor of the Underworld, so they should know if he is a ghost.

So, thanks to his friends back there he is now sure he is alive, and he I also aware of the existence of the Underworld. But on that thought, if there is an underworld there are souls, if there are souls then there should logically be ghosts (Though using logically and ghosts in the same sentence is not something Weigi ever thought he would do). He is sure he is not a ghost, but how about the friend that just appeared under that tree, can he be certain that they are not a ghost? Should he try the poke test? Weiqi immediately disregarded that stupid thought, that test should be done by professionals, and he isn’t even qualified as an intern.

But wait, those two supervisors told him that they CANNOT collect his soul, so King Yama should not be able to either. Does that mean that he cannot die? Does that make him immortal? Is he a vampire? Or maybe a zombie? Ah, now he kind of regrets not going with those two guys earlier, they disappeared suddenly, therefore their mode of transportation would have been much faster, and maybe he could have even gotten some answers, and a jacket. Ah, regret, it is quite bittersweet, and slightly cold.

While all these crazy ideas go through Weiqi’s head, he notices that that shadowed person is still standing under the tree, staring vigilantly at him, almost waiting for him to move. Weiqi feels anxious and decides that he will just walk away and just pretend not to see anything, which he knows is ridiculous since he has been staring at that figure for the past couple of minutes, but he bites the bullet, makes up his mind and sets is foot down again.

The moment his foot touched the ground the shadowed figured tensed, then in the blink of an eye the figure dashed forward. Weiqi looked dumbfounded at the figure slowly disappearing into the distance, as if it’s being chased, Weiqi could almost feel it’s fright.

He really is not that scary, is he? I mean yes, he is walking alone, in the middle of the night, in a deserted park, in a body that does not seem to be his own. Hmm, now that he thinks about it that does seem a little scary and he chuckles.

Weiqi finally snapped out of his musings and continued walking. He finally made it to the exit of the park without any mishaps, he felt very accomplished.

After exiting the park, he looks around and the area is silent and the buildings look normal, maybe this is another area of Shanghai that he never visited.

He notices an empty taxi with th service light on up front and walks quickly to it, he opens the door and sit in the back. The taxi driver’s face turned around as he sat down, and the chilling look on the driver’s face made Weiqi pause, he feels really cold and his heart is in his throat, he fells the inexplicable urge to run so he grabs the door handle and almost gives in to that urge. In the blink on an eye , the taxi driver’s demeanor changes really fast, his eyes widen and he puts an ingratiating smile on his face speaking almost fawningly.

“This young master, do you need help? Where are you going? I promise to take you there as fast as possible and not delay your business.”

Weiqi thinks that he might have startled the driver when he opened the door, but now that he noticed he is a customer the driver is trying very hard to please him, even calling him young master.

“This taxi driver probably has a hard time picking customers at this time.”

Thinks Weiqi, forgetting his earlier fear, he feels tired after the day he had. Weiqi then reports to the taxi driver his home address.

The driver looks blanky at Weiqi then says:

 “Young master, I apologize; I do not know that address at all and I am familiar with this whole city.”

When Weiqi hears that he furrows his brows, sure enough, he is not in Shanghai anymore, the intersection he reported was the busiest in Shanghai and every taxi driver should know it.

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When the taxi driver noticed Weiqi’s furrowed brows he panics are replies quicky:

“I can try to ask some friends, maybe… maybe they know where that is.”

Weiq does not want to give this nice taxi driver a hard time, he sees how hard he works to try and please his customer and replies with a smile:

“No worries, I think I was mistaken, but give me a moment to think.”

Then Weiqi is trying to think where to go while he is rubbing his arms, it really seems like it is colder in here than outside, and he is debating stepping outside the taxi.

As the taxi driver notices his movement, he quickly turns the heat at full blast in the back and says:

“Ah, it’s ok young master, you go ahead and think. I will just sit here and not bother you.”

And then, true to his word, the taxi driver turns around and ignores him.

“What a nice taxi driver” Weiqi thinks, and is very pleased, the warmth is enveloping him, and he feels comfortable enough to sleep, he feels he finally ran into a nice person and lets go of his tense shoulders.

Weiqi is struggling to think, he feels he is still that petal, struggling in the wind, looking for a home to land on. He still does not want to think too deeply at the fact that he was hit by a truck, and he opens the phone again and opens up the Connections app, he needs a new goals to concentrate on, and that goal is find a place to stay.

At the top of Connections he notices that it says My Card and clicks on it, and it opens up a contact card, reading the name up top stuns him, it reads Hu Weiqi.

“How did my name appear in here, is this really his phone?” he thinks.

 But as he continues reading, he realizes that other than the name, nothing else is familiar to him, he takes a deep breath and feels like he is on a roller coaster of emptions.

There is string of numbers underneath the name, which he assumes is the phone nr, then there is a birthday which reads 09/18/2099, he looks up top and sees today’s date displayed 09/19 but he does not see a year.

“If his date of birth is 2099 what year is it be now? Did he travel in the future? What strange place is he in?” He thinks.

“The year is 2117” Weiqi hears the driver respond, and he realizes he must have asked the question out loud. The driver looks in the rearview mirror and quickly averts his eyes looking up front again.

Weiqi smiles and thanks the driver, but the driver is still facing the front, he never turned back after he said he won’t disturb him. Weiqi really thinks this driver is nice and understanding, he doesn’t complain one bit even when all Weiqi does is sit there and waste his time, he must give him a nice tip. He wishes the drivers in Shanghai were just as nice.

So Weiqi goes back looking at this phone and notices an address at the bottom of the contact

“That is it.” Exclaims out loud.

The driver jumbed a little when he heard him, but Weiqi was still looking at his phone and did not notice. He decided that this must be this body’s home and wants to go there, this person’s relatives should recognize him and maybe let him sleep there, and eat as he is starting to get hungry.

With that decision in mind Weiqi tells the driver:

“Uncle, I found where I want to go” and shows the driver the address on his phone.

The driver trembles a little when Weiqi approaches him, he then nods and starts driving. The car is silent, and the warmth and road noise are lulling Weiqi to sleep, so he closes his eyes, and really falls asleep.

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