Very Lucky?

Chapter 6: 06. What just happened? What bullying? He just wants directions, okay?

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After an indeterminate amount of time, Weiqi wakes up and notices that the car is currently stopped in front of an old building; he scratches his nose and says embarrassedly:

"Ah, sorry uncle driver, I was too tired, and your car is too comfortable. Have you been waiting long? You should have woken me up?"

 "No, no, it has not been long at all, no trouble, no trouble at all, young master." The driver responds and waits for Weiqi to leave the car.

Weiqi then realizes his predicament; he has no money on him.

He wonders if there is a cash app on his phone, but after a few searches, he doesn't see anything related to that.

He feels really embarrassed, he kept this poor taxi driver idle for so long, and now he has no money to pay. Ah, he never had to worry about money in his previous life; this is really too difficult, and he peeks at the driver.

He hardens his face and tells the taxi driver: "Uncle, I seem to have forgotten my wallet; if you can wait a bit, I can go upstairs and get some money."

Weiqi hopes that there must be some money in that house, or maybe he lives with someone and could borrow the money from them.

The driver waves his hand." Ah it's ok; take this as my good deed for karma today. You do not need to pay; I hope this young master has a good evening."

The driver responds and looks at the back door as if willing it to open.

Weiqi is shocked; he has never met such a friendly driver and hopes that not many people took advantage of such a good heart.

Since he came to this strange place, this is the only warmth he has received, and he does not want to treat this driver poorly. So, he clenches his fist and is determined to find a way to pay him.

"Uncle, how can I do that? I must pay. You wait here and I’ll be right back with the money. Do not let customers cheat you so easily; your family must depend on you."

Weiqi is too serious, and the driver gives him a strange look. Weiqi does not pay attention, still pondering how to pay. He believes in repaying kindness.

He always liked the saying: "Those that have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold. And those that treat me with injustice, well I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over."

He has a strong sense of righteousness, and this driver showed him kindness when he needed it the most. Weiqi couldn’t possibly cheat him; he would feel too guilty and miserable afterwards.

Once the driver realizes that Weiqi will not leave, he says: "Ok, if the young master insists, then you go and get the money; I will wait right here."

Then the driver gives Weiqi a smile that seems to tell him to leave quickly.

Weiqi figures the driver probably is tired and urges him to get his money fast; he really was a troublesome fare and silently apologizes to the driver, so he smiles and leaves the car.

 As soon as his back footsteps out of the car, the taxi driver takes off, the still opened back door swaying lightly, almost giving the illusion that it is waving goodbye.

 Weiqi stares blankly at the disappearing car until it is out of sight and thinks of the shadowed figure in the park, it makes him believe that it must be his face, maybe his face looks scary, and he shudders.

He slowly lifts his hands up to start examining his face tentatively. Hmm, nose, yup, there it is. Eyes, yup, there are two. Lips, they seem to be intact. Teeth, yup, he appears to have regular teeth, not fangs or missing teeth.

Ah, what was he expecting to find by touching his face? It is not like he can draw a portrait by touch alone, then his eyes light up thinking. Oh, wait, the phone has a camera.

Weiqi opens the front-facing camera and looks at himself.

It is a little dark outside, but the phone light provides adequate light; he inspects the face he sees.

He turns his head from side to side, thinking that the face looks a little like him; he would believe if someone told him that this was a very extended family member, like maybe a younger cousin, twice removed.

Weiqi then heaves a deep sigh. Oh forget this, this little face looks nothing like his own; no use lying to himself. Weiqi feels depressed.

The face staring back is fine-boned, his skin is fair with no pores visible, his lips are plump, and has a small straight nose with a tiny mole on the side of it, it gives a delicate and energetic feeling. I guess the face matches the hands, he thinks.

He remembers the birthdate he spotted on the phone and realizes that this body turned 18 just hours ago. The face reflects the young age, but Weiqi does not appreciate having such a young body; in a strange place; he would prefer a sturdier body, he does not know what the future holds.

He looks up at the eyes and is surprised; he zooms in closer. His bangs are a little low, and the fringes are falling down, partially obscuring the eyes; he pushes the hair back with his hand. These are his eyes, the eyes that were the cause of sadness and then of great pride in his life.

Somewhere in his family, on his maternal grandfather's side, a couple of great- great-greats- ago, there was a great-great-great grandmother with beautiful gray eyes. Every other generation would inherit them. His maternal grandfather had the eyes, and in his generation, he was the one to inherit them.

Children can often be cruel, and in his younger days was bullied because of it; he remembers telling his family that he hated his eyes. However, he came to really like his eyes during a weekend spent at his grandparents' house. They always made him feel special. Come to think of it, he cannot remember which story his grandfather told him, something about his ancestor being a celestial fairy. Still, he remembers his younger self listening in rapt attention. Then he was boasting about his eyes to anyone who would listen, those kids who bullied him just gave up as they felt their ears were going to fall off from all the bragging.

Weiqi smiles, reminiscing on his childhood; seeing his own eyes gives him a sense of comfort, and he takes a deep breath. He then looks up at the building and steels himself for what is to come, completely forgetting about the feeling cab in the distance.

He walks up four flights of stairs, he feels warmer but the exercise is making him even hungrier; he hopes there is food at his destination.

He reaches the 4th floor and sees the apartment in front of him, and his hands feel a little sweaty, so he wipes them on his pants.

He feels cold again and decides to just go for it; he hopes he lives with someone as he does not have anything other than the phone on him, there is no key, and he does not know how to pick a lock.

Weiqi knocks on the door, and the sound resounds in the hallways sounding a bit eerie. This late at night, people should be in their bed sleeping, he is about to knock again, louder, when the door opens suddenly, and a petite girl appears.

"Hu Weiqi?" She seems surprised to see him and exclaims loudly, her voice echoing in the empty hallway.

When he sees her surprised face, he thinks. Oh crap, it does not look like I live here.

 But before he can think of any excuse and say anything, he hears another voice.

"Heh, you actually came crawling back?"

The voice is coming from inside the apartment, and it sounds a bit familiar; then hears another set of footsteps coming from the apartment.

When the person steps out, Hu Weiqi is surprised. Isn't this the proud young master who he saw in the mountains? Tao Fenhua? Is this where he was sent to? he thinks to himself, and his eyes widen slightly.

From the ominous words Bo Youfei spoke to him before he made him disappear, he thought his fate would be much worse.

That person stares condescendingly at Weiqi, squinting his eyes, but the boy's sleepy countenance dispels his arrogant look.

The petite girl looked back at Tao Fenhua in surprise; whether it was surprising that he was woken up or surprised that he came to the door, Weiqi did not know.

"Didn't you leave quite decisively earlier? You were all puffed up in righteous indignation, but only hours later, you come back with your tail between your legs." Then he sneers:

"No matter how you beg, Chunhua will not return to you. Do you really think about competing against me? Dream on, loser."

Tao Fenhao then looks down at the petite girl uttering softly.

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"I don't blame you for your past mistake, but now you have me. You should clear things up with this waste; he doesn't understand the situation even when it's staring him in the eyes."

The girl looks up with watery eyes at Tao Fenhua and gives him a small smile; you can see two dimples appearing on her face, her long black hair accentuates her alabaster complexion, and she seems to shine.

Even Weiqi thinks that the girl is quite attractive.

The girl turns her head to Weiqi and says softly: "I'm sorry, Weiqi, I know you feel betrayed, but feelings cannot be forced; I truly like young master Tao." She shoots Fenhao another seductive smile and then beseeched: "Taking into account our former affection, I hope you won't make a scene and we can depart on good terms; we can still be friends."

Tao Fenhao hummed unhappily when she heard that last part, but before he could say anything, Weiqi inquired:

"Where do I live?"

Today has been too long and confusing; It is too late at night to get involved with this dog blood drama. he is hungry and just wants to find his home and maybe even sleep, things might be different once he wakes up. Since this is his supposed girlfriend, or maybe ex, she should hopefully point him in the right direction.

However, as soon as the question left his lips, the girl froze, then blinked at him with tears pooling in her eye, looking like a bullied fragile flower.

Aggrievedly she replies: " I never imagined you to be the sort of person who goes back on your word; I guess I never knew you at all."

Fenhao sneers: "A man who can't even keep his word is indeed trash."

Weiqi is confused and stunned in place, he thinks. What just happened? What bullying? He just wants directions, okay?

"First, you tell her that she can stay, and then come back in the middle of the night and tell her to move? Are you trying to give her a hard time or is this your scheme to get back together? Whichever it is, as long as I Tao Fenhao, stand here, you can forget it."

The girl gives Tao Fenhao an adoring look, her eyes still glistening with tears.

But hearing Tao Fehao saying that Weiqi finally understands, and finds that this indeed is quite the predicament. He apparently lives with his girlfriend, and now after they broke up, he is supposed to find a place to stay. He is dispirited; he never even had a girlfriend, yet he must deal with this drama; it is not fair. Relationships are indeed not for him.

Weiqi then inquires carefully: "How is the rent split? Maybe we can work something out?"

He is new to this world and doesn't even know where to find a place, but maybe he has money somewhere in the bank and can get this girl to move if he pays her. She already has a new admirer, so it should not be any trouble.

 But single man Weiqi strikes again, he doesn't know what part of that sentence was wrong since the waterworks start again, and Chunhua starts sobbing big crocodile tears.

If he was an outsider that came across this scene, he too would think this girl was bullied based on her reaction.

"Chunhua just moved to this city and doesn't know anyone. You offered to let her stay with you because you sympathized with her, and now what? You are asking her for money? How much more shameless can you get? Were you just spouting empty words to take advantage of her?" Fenhao is indignant on behalf of Chunhua, his eyes emitting sparks.

"Wait? So, you are telling me that I alone am paying for rent? And I also must be the one to find a new place? Am I crazy, or are you crazy? This sound ridiculous." Weiqi is outraged at the stupidity of this body's previous owner.

“If you guys like each other now, why doesn’t she stay with you?” Weiqi never heard a more ridiculous and shameless thing, what sort of absurd world did he come to?

Chunhua dashed into the apartment after he spoke, her loud sobs following her closely.

Fenhao takes out his phone with a dark look and dials someone. "The apartment building on XX Street. I want to buy it tomorrow. All the tenants will be evicted." He spoke in the phone, and after hearing an affirmative sound, he hung up.

"How dare you embarrass Chunhua this way? I will make it so that nobody in this city will ever rent to you; let me see how you enjoy living on the streets. I truly do not understand how she was fooled by your nice guy act." And Fenhao moved to close the door.

Weiqi stopped the door from closing with his foot; it seems this young master has people at his beck and call at all hours of the night and thinks. Is Fenhao going to buy all the buildings Weiqi tries to rent in? This young master must have money to burn and Weiqi feels a little jealous. He also had his own building, okay?

He truly misses his old life, and he feels tired; and since this bridge is burned, he might as well go ahead and salt the earth while at it, so he says.

"Until you buy this building, this is still my place and not yours; you get out-- "

Weiqi didn't finish his sentence as a punch flew straight into his face. He quickly tried to dodge, but his body did not fully cooperate and the fist grazed his jaw; Fenhao glowered and slammed the door in his face.

Weiqi is livid and yells: "Get. The. Fuck. Out. This. Is. My. Place." kicking the door after every word.

He died, woke up in a strange body, the Underworld is real, he is cold, hungry, and his fucking pants are soo tight that he can't even kick this door properly. His grievances pile up, and he just vents on the door.

His leg starts going numb and he stops, he then listens to the door, but no sound can be heard inside. He thinks that the people inside are really shameless.

But looking at this weak body, he will surely get pummeled if he continues making trouble; these twig arms will probably break at the first scuffle. But you can't blame him for snapping after the day he had.

He squats down and takes a deep breath. He needs to get his thoughts in order; he needs a new goal.

He closes his eyes and starts thinking of his options, but sadly nothing comes up, so he just leans on the wall with his eyes closed; he misses the warm taxi and the kind taxi driver that let him nap in the car, still feeling a twinge of guilt when he thinks he never paid.

After a long time, he hears the door opening and swiftly stands; his legs feel soft, but he pretends nothing is wrong. If that Fenhao came out to fight again, he needed to be vigilant; with this body, he has no chance.

Fenhao comes out holding two suitcases; Chunhua follows behind, peeks at Weiqi like a frightened rabbit, and then swiftly hides behind Fenhao again.

I guess my show made an impression, he thinks amusedly.

"There, now you can go in, you maniac. Enjoy it while you still can. As soon as I sign the papers tomorrow, your ass is evicted, you psycho." Fenhao sneers and walks away. He does not try to hit Weiqi again; maybe the crazy display of him kicking the door lets Fenhao know he isn’t a pushover. He can also bite when cornered.

Chunhua shuffles behind Fehao while holding on to the corner of his shirt. She never even looks back, but Weiqi doesn't care as he strolls into his apartment and locks the door.

He looks around the living room and sees that although the apartment is sparsely decorated, it is tastefully done and does not look too empty.

He is satisfied, walks to the kitchen, and opens the fridge; he notices an intact sandwich in a box and grabs it.

He is delighted as he sits at the coffee table; he smiles widely, thinking. Goal accomplished.

However, his happiness does not last long as he notices the surroundings dim and feels a gust of cold wind. As soon as a black figure appears before him, Weiqi thinks. Fuck!!!






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