Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 5: 5

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Virgin Mary and Prison

IicarriediAkane, whoihad immediately fainted, intoithe car and headedifor the garageiof my house.

Drivingionitheiroad in theimiddle of the night, I hurriedito myihouse without violatingiany traffic laws, speeding, or disregarding traffic signals. I wantedito touch Akane’s skiniat once. Toishare theisame room andithe sameimoment withiAkane atithe earliest opportunity. Suchithoughts wereiall that prevailed inimy mind.

By theitime I reachedihome, it wasiafter 3:00 a.m., andithe risk of beingiwitnessed by the neighborsiwas low.

When I parkedimy car in theigarage, Akane seemedito have regained consciousness, thoughionly vaguely and was shudderingias she starediat me with my faceiconcealed. It wasiunderstandable given theisudden abduction byia stranger.

I felt pityifor Akane, whoseimouth was sealed shut, andiuntied the towel aroundiher mouth.

Fromiheriquivering lips, a small, weakivoice leaked out.

“Saveime… if it’s money, I’ll payiyou. So…”

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Akane criediout for helpiin tears. Likeia frightened small animal, the frail Akaneiwas incrediblyivulnerable.

The factithat I wasimaking theiweak Akane terrifiediin this wayibrought pain toimy heart onceimore. Nevertheless, this was essential in orderito preserve Akane’s beauty. Pleaseipardon me forionly being ableito takeiyou out in this manner.

Only ourieyes could meet becauseimy face was covered, andishe tentatively asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

I did notianswer Akane’s question at all. After all, answeringiwasino longer a necessity.

Akaneideniedimy words at thatitime. Since I alreadyiestablished that Akaneicould not grasp myiwords, neitheridid I need to listen to heriquestions, nor did I needito giveiher answers.

I didinot need Akane’s empathyior concurrence. All I hadito doiwas to fulfill myirole inian unassuming and ruthlessimanner.

As longias youibecame my “ideal virgin mary,” thatiwas all thatimattered.

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