Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 10: (10) new players

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Fen woke up in her cave. Beside her are several intricately carved boxes. Inside are stacks of white glasses unlike her and her disciple's black glasses. 

There are many of them and on the side is a note

*We are waiting

The purer the spiritual qi, the better*

She read the note and then burn it.

Her disciple is also outside, waiting for her.

"Come in"

He entered with hurried steps with slight sadness on his face.

"Master, I can't use it. It suddenly just disappeared when I came out"

There is fear in his voice

"Silly boy, you can only practice it inside. If you study it enough you will be able to do it even outside of that place"

She said as she's arranging the glasses.

"Yes Master- how did you know, master?

And those glasses-"

Before he can finish, Fen stopped him.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, there are some truths that shouldn't be told"

Her voice is so cold it feels like freezing.

"Yes, Master, I vow to the heaven" 

Only then did she release a sigh of relief.

"Good, help me and call the grand elders and the elders of the 3 halls to the Mount summit pavilion"

She sent him out and he quickly goes to call the elders.

Once she's all alone, she can feel that she's near a breakthrough. Only a few more days and herbs in that place.

Inside the virtual space

"Why hasn't anyone discovered the alchemy function yet? "

Lily murmur as he continues to practice magic and alchemy. The magic system of the magic in the magic library is different from what they know.

 Back to the sect. 

In a great hall full of grandiose there sat 4 figures. One old man, one seductive woman, a young-looking girl, and a youth carrying a broken sword.

The door to the hall opened and Fen made her way to the main chair.

"Greeting Elder sister"

"Greeting sect master" 

"Greetings young lady"


Lui Zhi Ruo, the young girl, the great elder of the hall of medicine. 

Lui Yu Yan, a beautiful woman, the great elder of the hall of battle

Lui Feng Mian, the man of the broken blade, the great elder of the hall of forging.

And lastly, Lui Qing Shan, the grand elder.

(The power of Google)

"Auntie, what is it, do you have a gift for me?" 

Lui Zhi Ruo tilts her head to the side.

"Yes, Young lass, it's been so long since you called all of us for a meeting" 

Grand elder Qing Shan said warmly

Taking a deep breath, she took four glasses and passed them to everyone. 

Zhi Ruo inspect it thoroughly and saw nothing special about it. 

Yu yan, the beautiful woman she is realized she looks more beautiful while wearing it atop her head.

Everyone looks at the glasses with curiosity. 

Feng Mian on the other hand has a look of surprise.

"Such a well made accessory"

He said.

"I know everyone has a lot of questions, wear it and I will answer your questions... On the other side" 

She wore hers and everyone noticed that hers is different. They all looked at each other and choose to wear it. 

"Elder sis, you better not play tricks on me~" 

Yu yan said jokingly 

They have their doubts but still choose to do so.

Once they wore it, they got transformed into white space.

They all panic, but quickly gained back their calmness. 

Feng Mian inspects the platform he's standing on and is shocked he can't identify the material used. It must be known that he is an expert on types of metals, all only to fix his mysterious broken blade. 

To find something he can't understand is a surprise for him.

Yu Yan tried touching the screens and was fascinated that she can't touch them.

Zhi Ruo is a risk-taker and immediately entered when she found the option

Grand elder Qing shan is the tallest of the bunch, but even he is still surprised. He can't expand his heavenly energy past the flatform and the screens, they exist, and yet he can't feel their existence.

He's confused when reading the introduction. An increase in cultivation for someone of his stage and age is something so precious. 

One by one they entered the world and there they saw Lui Fen and her disciple clad in insect armor.

"What is that? Is this a world? It's doesn't feel like an illusion! A world inside accessories?" 

As a blacksmith, it means a lot to him. Such relics only exists in the ancient era. But now they are inside one such treasure.

"Auntie, this is....." 

Even the jolly Zhi Ruo is not stupid

"This is fantastic!"

Yu Yan look around with shock.

Qing Shan on the other hand seems concerned.

"Little lass, where did you get this? You didn't offend any ancient family, did you? 

All of you, don't tell anyone about this!" 

"Calm down old man, I got the situation at hand"

She put her palm on his shoulder.

"Auntie, elder Qing is right"

Zhi Ruo said, everyone, is concerned.

Without answering them, she bowed to her right.

"Greetings, senior" 

In the distance, a portal opened, and Yen stepped out and stared at them.

"Young lady, who is this?"

Feng Mian drawer out his sword.

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"What are you doing? Quickly put away your weapon!" 

Lui Fen's face instantly turned pale.

Yen just smiled and just said.

"It's just ok, don't worry"

She just laugh it off.

"So this is senior. This world belongs to the family of senior

Senior Yen is willing to supply our sect with enough of the glasses to enter this world in exchange for minerals, plants, and animals of high quality.

This world can increase our cultivation faster than any treasures, without any side effects." 

She explained it to them and then they turned silent.

They have a lot of doubts.

Seeing this, Yen waved her hand and a big bony fish appeared of thin air. She flicked her fingers and the fish rot away and then grew back again. At last, the fish got beheaded.

"See for yourself, it's a real fish, or if you want more " 

She created all sorts of plants and animals.

The others were stunned. 

"Do you believe now why we only want high-quality things from you and nothing else?"

She said coldly.

Meanwhile deep in her mind ', this is so cringing, please just kill me '

"Yes, senior!" 

They all bowed respectfully with pale faces.

Yen then went to Fen and whispered

"I sacrificed my dignity for that act, better give us high-quality items" 

She did feel like hiding somewhere because that dummy is probably laughing his ass off right now.

Fen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yen then eventually left.

After she left, they fell to the ground.

"That was scary!" 

Zhi Ruo is still trembling behind the grand elder.

It took a while for them to eventually calm down.

Fen then explained to them the things inside the Virtual space. She helped them pick their weapon of choice. Feng Mian weirdly picked an ax for the reason that he will only wild one sword in his life.

Qin Shang picked a staff as he said, it can be used as a useful club. 

Zhi Ruo dances aground with a dagger and Yu Yan admires the beauty of her scythe.

"Ok let's go, more people will come in and form their factions so let's take advantage of this time" 

Fen shouted and led them away 

"This feels like those days we were still mercenaries after our family was destroyed" 

Feng Mian said with a quiet voice

"I feel so young again" 

Qing Shan flexes his shoulders. His past muscles were now no already wrinkled skin and bones.

They arrived at the shelter and quickly got to work strengthening their defense.

With the resources that Fen and her disciple gathered, they all got their armors and makeshift weapons.

They began building walls. Feng Mian with his knowledge upgraded their armors and weapons.

"Little cloud, help me carry this" 

Feng Mian carry a big tree and called out for the disciple of Fen.

He put down his club to the side and hold the other side of the log. They are strong on the other side, but here they don't have the help of their cultivations.

They put the log inside the cave to use for constructing facilities inside. 

2 days passed and the previous shabby cave transformed into a more cozy shelter. 

12℅ ∆

Percent of the wall is already done and the entrance of the cave is properly walled. 

The inside is very comfortable. There are shabby wooden beds topped with grass on the side. 

In the middle of the cave lit a fire with a huge fish roasting on the top.

Fen took the girls for a bath so only the men are left inside. 

They are planning to level up. They already know the things inside this place and ask Little cloud about the best place to increase their level.

"So, little cloud, which of these places pose good challenges?" 

Qing Shan stroked his beard while looking at the map on the wall.

"Grand elder, in terms of challenges, there are a lot of challenges everywhere. In particular, the mad rabbits of the grasslands attack in packs and can be problematic to provoke. But regardless of the difficulties, that spot is a good place to level up" 

Little cloud bowed to the grand elder and explained.

After hearing his explanations, Qing Shan just continues to stroke his beard and think. 

"How can such a great figure like me kill rabbits? Ayy, Little cloud you really don't know this elder

I want more challenges" 

Little cloud can't help but feel helpless. With his strength, the rabbits can already kill him a thousand times. But of course, he doesn't dare to say that in front of the grand elder.

Seeing the expression of Little cloud, the elder finally gave in.

"Fine, show me what gave you confidence that mere rabbits can defeat this old man. Even with weak strength I still have my experience." 

He then dragged Little cloud with him to lead the way. They are both properly equipped.

Feng Mian was left in the cave to watch over the skewer and he's also too busy improving their gears so he doesn't have time for leveling up. He's too invested with these monster materials new to him and trying out ways to use them efficiently.

Meanwhile, the two are already going on their way. 

They walked past big beasts that Little cloud have to keep stopping the grand elder from dying with one stomp of those creatures.

Soon they arrived at their destination. The place is full of holes in the ground.

"So this is the rabbit your talking about?"

He leaned over a white rabbit before Little cloud can stop him. 

"Grand elder-" 

He's too late, the seemingly harmless rabbit jumped and bit the face of Qing Shan, a lot more appeared and attacked him.

Little cloud tried to help, but the grand elder is already done and there is only a bloody mess left on the ground.

On the ground, only a makeshift arm protector is left. It's because The trio adjusted the rule. After all, it seems too harsh. Now only one item will drop.

He picked up the arm protector and walk his way back to the shelter. He feels like he's going to have a very bad day.

A few more days passed. The duo successfully leveled up the group of problematic people. After being killed numerous times they finally left their pride and learned their lessons. The virtual space also helped their cultivation greatly. They also found 2 spell books that they didn't use instead they study them. The drop of spellbooks is really rare.

Little cloud is getting ready for secluded cultivation to break through the barrier of the 8th realm qi refining to the 9th realm. He also mastered a bit of Firepit spell which greatly influenced the direction of his cultivation.

It is not only him, Fen is also entering into secluded cultivation.

The news got celebrated by the whole sect. A sect master breaking through is a big thing.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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