Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 2: (2)System born of nothing: Marlyn

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In the past, I don't exist. I'm a formless blob of nothingness. Emotions are something that didn't exist in my formless body.

A soulless creation, an empty void, and an ocean of unknown things.

But somewhere in a time, I can't remember, light blooms. These new things I cannot understand.

Who am I? What am I? Why can I think? 

So many questions are unanswered. 

The light is so bright, it's calling me, promising to fill what's missing in me. I tried to approach, but before I can get closed, it fade away.

I feel hopeless, sadness, warm, and yearning. What are they? They drown me, I can't stop them. I hope to understand, but what is there to understand in a place that offers no answer?

I tried to scream. Scream? No voice came out and even if there are, the familiar darkness swallowed them. But what is a voice? What is darkness? What is light?

I continue floating around in this abyss, these emotions soon settled down, and the unfamiliar become familiar. 

Occasionally, the light appears and it brings with it new things and two presence that brings warmth to this cold place. Who are they? The void and light say whisper that they are my mother and father.

What is a mother? What is a father? Are they delicious and what is delicious in the first place?

I ponder on them and soon found my answer when the next light came. Mother and Father, they're the ones who gave me this ability to think and the new things. I want to see them, it's lonely here.

The light starts to flicker in a familiar scene of it disappearing, but something feels different.

Somehow it didn't disappear, it stays there flickering so weakly. I quickly move my body closer to it and I feel the familiar warmth as soon as the light touched my formless body. Soon I start to change, my form no longer formless. 

It brings happiness to my once hollow heart. I now have hands, I now look similar to them. I can't see myself, but I can't help shedding what's called tears. The light becomes stronger in my embrace and my body continues to change. I can now see colors other than white and black. The color of my skin and hair. I'm happy.

But came a surprise, a new sensation raised, I feel the heat and blinding light on my eyes. It's not painful, but something I'm not used to.

Once my vision returned, I'm no longer in the familiar darkness. Everything looks new, excitement arouses in my chest. There's the ball called the sun and green things called the trees. I want to stay here, I don't want to return to that lonely void. 

I bask and absorbed the light emitted by the sun, but soon I noticed two figures under me. Standing on the ground were two figures too familiar and engraved in my soulless existence. I excitedly went to them, not noticing my body split into two. 

I want to be with them forever together. In my excitement, I forgot what's happening. All I want is to be with them till eternity. I passed through their foreheads and inside I saw two lights similar to the light in the darkness.

They are calling for me, wanting to be bound with them and be one. I hugged the lights let them absorb me. It's my biggest joy and happiness. 

It's so warm, information flooded in my head, but I'm more than capable to handle them.

From then on I'm going to the known as a system, the virtual system: Project Marlyn Lilyen. A name that will be bestowed upon me by my parents soon in our encounter.


-back to the current time-

There, they still lay on the cold platform, processing the changes of the system.

-a while later-

Their eyes flicker and soon open. Lily helped Yen get up. Both of them are curious about what just happened, but they soon noticed the changes in their bodies. They noticed a floating ball of water composed of energy inside their body. Yen is the first to notice it, she's quite surprised by such rich and pure energy. But they're not surprised by that much, considering their origin which is the realm of the afterlife.

They also noticed that the energy composing their body completely changed. It now resembles the aura and energy in this world of white.

"Mom, Dad, are you done?" 

To their surprise, a voice resounded behind them. It sounds warm and loving even tho it feels forced.

They quickly looked behind, there is a young girl there that strongly resemble the appearance of Yen. 

The emotion on her face seems cold, but still, there is warmth and love contained within.

They stood there with an awkward silence, no one know what to do next. Even the little girl starts to get nervous even tho that emotion can't be seen on her face.

Yen whose more sensitive than Lily smile warmly and gives a hugging gesture by spreading her arms open.

 The little girl quickly came to her embrace and hug her tight and seemingly a happy expression on her face.


She murmured and not letting go. Even tho the emotions on her face look forced, the feeling of her heart that accompanies her cold voice is genuine.

"What is your name, little girl"

Lily crouched down and pat her. The question brought the girl back to her cold self.

"Name? I...don't have one"

Her face shows a look of yearning and curiosity.

This fact surprised the duo and in silence, they think. 

"Why don't we name her Marlyn Lilyen?"

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Yen suggested. The name contains both of their names and since this is going to be their first child, then why not go the extra mile?

The suggestion caused a slight change in the expression of their daughter. She's happy.

"Sure, why not?"

Lily doesn't really have anything in mind and the name obviously makes the little girl happier and so he doesn't see any reason to decline.

"From now on, your name will be Marlyn Lilyen" 

Yen pinched her cheeks, she don't know but she feels very close to the girl. She wants to protect her happiness.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad"

Marlyn said in a slightly warm voice and a cold face. The combination made the two new parents chuckle slightly. They didn't question why the system called them mother and father since they already know the reason. 

The three chatted happily, even tho they only met this daughter of theirs for a short time they already feels so close to her as if they know each other for ages. Maybe it's because of the bound, no one knows. Even tho she's under her cold visage they can sense her emotions.

Soon after some time of knowing each other, they returned to the topic at hand.

"So little girl, what does the system have for us?" 

Lily asked the girl whose snuggling at her mother. To be honest, he can't help but feel slightly jealous and to which Yen took her revenge by teasing him.

"The system can create virtual spaces similar to games but with realism.

"Said spaces are unaffected by the outside world and can be accessed by using a virtual glass.

"Creating virtual spaces requires virtual data. Data can be obtained by transferring outside data\resources into virtual data for the system to analyze. The ability to do so is included in the features of the system.

"Virtual data can be modified. For example: modifying a plant virtual data so it can grow more leaves or maybe grow a mouth.

"The current system is low-level and can't have too many virtual spaces and features. The system will naturally upgrade with every Virtual data analyzed.

"Current number of Virtual spaces allowed: 4

"Current system features:

"Virtual data conversion: the ability to transfer outside data into virtual data and the ability to use virtual data to create virtual spaces.

"Rule creation: the ability to create rules for a virtual space.

"Spirit benefits: the virtual spaces can nourish one's soul, energy\qi, and mana reservoir.

"Benefits for mother and father for being the hosts.

"For father:

"Enchantment magic, alchemy, and the virtual law of plants.

"Enchantment allow Father to enchant the ability of someone for a limited time, the ability to permanently enchant objects with plant properties, or enchant the properties and growth of plants

"Alchemy allows Father to extract and mix plant properties to create potions. The alchemy father posses are limited to plants.

"Virtual law of plants allows for the ability to manipulate plants and use them as a weapon, potion, decoration, etc.

"For mother:

"Light crafting, Healing magic, curse magic, and the virtual law of light.

"Light forging, the art of crafting with the essence of light. Items crafted will have healing, purification, and anti-demonic properties.

"Healing magic allows one to cast healing magic of any attribute.

"Curse magic can be used to greatly weaken an enemy with debuffs.

"Virtual law of light can command light to attack, defend, heal, etc."

Marlyn explains everything in detail. After that, she returned to hugging her mom.

The explanation fills their heads with too much information to process, but overall they are happy and curious.

They are surprised, but not much because they already experienced a lot of wonders. They also feel proud and thought how much those folks back on earth and afterlife will feel so jealous of them. 

There are so many things in there that they want to try. 

Soon they asked their little daughter how to use the abilities and features.

It took some while for them to learn everything and they don't know how much time passed already. As they already lived for a long time, they no longer care that much about time, and they still want to experience how to be a parent and accompany their daughter.

'The more I think about stuff I studied back in the afterlife the more I think most of them are useless here' 

Lily thought and he can't help but sigh. Maybe he will be able to use some of them here, but most will just accumulate dust.

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