Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 26: Chap 2 rewrite: trade

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Not far from the forest a budding sect is taking form.

It's called the Chilly Rain Sect

Headed by Lui Fen and Lui Qing Shan.

The 3 elders, Lui Zhi Ruo, Lui Yu Yan, and Lui Feng Mian

There are also the others and the disciples.

( the power of Google)

"Little lass, do you think this place is safe?"

Lui Qing Shan looks concerned, there have been reports of unusual creatures living in the forest, and few know the core area other than people who frequently visit the area when it was only a normal forest.

"We don't have a choice"

That's her only response

A lot of people shunned their presence and don't want them close to them.

"Elder sister, those people always bully us now that the family is destroyed"

Lui Zhi Ruo looked down

"Don't protect the family, they deserve it" 

Lui Fen clenched her fist

The Lui family has always been evil, they are just a branch of the Lui family that got involved when others are destroying the family.

This so-called cursed forest is the only place they can build a sect without the great sects bullying them.

"Let's go"

She said before leading them further until they found a good location near a river and just in the middle of two village locations.

They then dispersed to go to villages to gather talents.

'So what if we have to start from scratch? We will grow!'

She thought as she stands near the river.

Weeks passed and they quickly gathered the villages that they can find.

Soon the construction of the sect began, but they soon found a problem. They can't cut trees from the cursed forest properly because of the tough barks and weird and strange creatures come out of the forest to watch them every time they go near. They can kill them, but there are so many of them.

"So this is the creatures of the cursed forest" 

Lui Qing Shan observed one of the creatures, a spider with the abdomen of a snake. 

It stared at him with its many eyes before going back into the forest.

"This doesn't feel right" 

He murmured

"Anything wrong, old man?" 

Lui Feng Mian asked and Lui Qing Shan replied

"This creatures, they don't feel right at all"

Lui Feng Mian drank his wine before saying

"You can feel it too?"

Lui Qing Shan simply nodded

"We have to hold a meeting about this"

Both men then left.

A few days later on a meeting

Everyone is on their sits.

"According to what I have gathered, the forest started changing years ago, but the great sects think that it is just a low-level beast domain and didn't investigate further.

According to the villagers, together with the strange occurrence, two creatures were also spotted. The villagers hold only one description of the two creatures. A ball like a creature made up of plants and wearing clothing of weird design

Some villagers said that it goes alone while some said that the second creature accompanies it. They described it as a bird of unimaginable beauty, but there are a lot of conflicting reports on its appearance and it is the one seen the fewest

Some said they are spirits of nature here for revenge while some stated they are creatures of worship"

Lui Yu Yan said before drinking a tea to wash down her throat

"These creatures, I don't know any creature with such appearance"

Lui Feng Mian said with a troubled expression

"Lui Zhi Ruo, you're the most knowledgeable here about plants and creatures

"Do you know anything?"

There is nothing more terrifying than a threat you don't know

"From what I know, the first one might be a herb that managed to gain sentience

But some things don't point that way, why will a herb have a robe?

The second creature might be a bird that has some sentience

From the information, it's obvious that those two are connected

It is known that every good herb has a protector, but why would the bird let the herb just wander around?"

She is also very confused, her little head can't think of any scenario where a protector will let its treasure just wander around 

Everyone turned silent

They can't wrap their heads around the situation

"What should we do? "

Lui Yu Yan asked

"Let's observe, for now, report immediately if they are spotted

Increase the guards and increase the training for the disciples.

We have to be ready"

Lui Fen replied

This is a serious matter 

She then left her chair and goes to the window, but soon someone knocked on the door

"This is a meeting, who would be so rude as to disturb?"

Lui Qing Shan can feel displeasure on his tongue and same with the others


Lui Fen said

The door opened and a disciple walked in with a well designed and intricate box

"Disciple apologize for the disturbance, but this has been dropped by a white bird outside of the sect"

The disciple bowed respectfully before putting the box on the table

"Did you just say white bird?

What does it look like?"

Lui Fen's face suddenly turned serious

The disciple trembles, but he gulped down and described the bird.

"I understand"

He quickly described the appearance of Yen

The others turned silent

"Did you manage to catch it?"

Lui Qing Shan asked


When we tried to catch it, our movements suddenly turned slow, and our cultivation weakened for a short while

When everything returned to normal, the bird is nowhere to be seen"

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

"Slowing down? Cultivation suddenly being weakened?"

Lui Zhi Ruo murmured

"Is there anything more?"

Lui Qing Shan asked again

"Yes, grand elder

Before we got slowed down, unknown symbols appeared on the top of the bird"

The disciple hurriedly replied

"You can go now"

Lui Qing Shan

The disciple bowed down before leaving

"We have to catch it as soon as possible"

Lui Fen said

"But how? We don't know its nest and there is no guarantee that it wouldn't do the same to us and escape"

Lui Feng Mian said

"Such a mysterious creature"

Lui Fen murmured

"We have to, we will lure it out

Didn't Little Ruo say that a protector will protect its treasure? We just have to catch the herb and lure it out"

Lui Fen replied

"That's a good idea, but there are a lot of risks involved"

Lui Yu Yan said while shaking her head

"But they are a bigger risk, it's more likely that they can control those creatures in the forest"

Lui Qing Shan said

"But they might just be innocent creatures trying to protect their territory"

Lui Zhi Ruo said


Lui Fen glared at them

"Open the box"

She said


Lui Feng Mian tried to retort, but Lui Fen just stared him down

Moving to the box, he cautiously opens it, and the content surprised them.

There are 6 wooden bottles inside and a board with weird symbols written on it, but strangely they can understand it.

"We are willing to trade Potions with you, but endanger us and we will retaliate

I don't know if you know what Potions are, but this 6 can be applied on wounds to heal or drink it if the wound is serious

Remember, we are not fools and know you're targeting us

If you do, it will not end well

If you wish to trade, place the empty box on the other side of the river 

We will give you a week 

Test the potions

Not placing the box after a week will be fine and we will not attack you, but we will not trade with you after that "

Lui Yu Yan read it for them.

They all stayed silent

Outside in the forest

"Do we have to do it? They look dangerous"

Lily asked Yen

"Sadly we don't have choices, we need resources to continue our work"

She sighs helplessly

"You're right, let's just kill all those bold enough to attack if they do"

He also understands the situation.

They now only need to do the very last symbol and they will be done, but for that, they need something they don't need for the previous symbols, energy from this world. Energy from the surrounding will not be enough and they will need something full of the energy they need.

Back to the room

"How arrogant!"

Lui Feng Mian smashed the table with his fist

"Elder sister, what should we do?"

Lui Zhi Rou looked at the calm Lui Fen with eyes full of uncertainties

They all looked at her

She took a deep breath before saying

"We will trade with them"


Lui Feng Mian tried to say something, but Lui Fen didn't let him finish.

"But what? What do you think we can do? Fight? 

We already have so much enemy, we can't add more, and we don't know what they have"

This turned him silent

"I side with the sect leader"

Lui Yu Yan raised her hands

"Well, she's right"

Lui Qing Shan sighed

"It is settled then, go and take a pig or something, we will test just how effective this potion of theirs js"

She said before leaving

Lui Zhi Ruo pats the back of Lui Feng Mian.

"It's alright, big brother Feng" 

She smiled at him

Seeing this, he can't help but smile too

"I guess I'm too serious, let's go"

He then carries the little girl on his back.

"It's alright, I know big brother only want to protect the sect"

She praised him

"Ohhh what am I seeing? The great Feng was defeated by a little girl"

Lui Fen peeked from the door before running away

"You brat"

He shouted

The tense atmosphere was then gone and replaced by a bit joyous one.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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