Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 27: Chap 3 rewrite: success

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The next day

On a secret place in the newly built sect

There are the rest with a big pig on the front of them.

Lui Feng Mian took a blade and slashed at the big


"Quickly, pour the Potion" 

He said as he hold down the pig

Lui Zhi Ruo is not here since she probably will hate them

Lui Fen poured the content of the potion on the deep wound.

When the green liquid poured over the wound, it quickly healed and the pig is back to normal in no time. Tho it's shivering.

Lui Feng Mian then cut himself and poured a Potion on his wound, it starts healing, and soon not even a scar is left.


Lui Yu Yan checked his hand and saw that there is no difference

"Let's do more testing"

Lui Qing Shan watch from the side

"I wonder what this is made of"

Lui Fen checks it closely, but the energy inside is not the same energy they are used to. It seems to repel energies other than itself, so why is it that it heals instead of repealing? Strange.

She's deep on her train of thoughts examining the Potion.

She looked around

"Tell Lui Zhi Ruo to examine this so-called Potion"

She put it down

The result is beyond expectations if they discover how to make it, then their pill making techniques can improve by leaps and bounds

Back to the forest

"It hurts my alchemist heart to sell half-assed products"

He feels like crying while making more potions

The original potion has more than healing purposes, it can also replenish energy and repel poisons. Usually, a potion like this is considered a failed product in the afterlife.

"Shut up, I'm concentrating"

Yen from the side smacked him, but swiftly dodged

"Hah, I won't let myself always be smacked"

Sadly he can't dodge the other incoming one

He just rubbed the spot and laugh

'Looks like I need to practice dodging more '

He thought.

Some days later 

Lui Feng Mian row a boat to the other side of the boat with the box

Eyes glowed from the forest and watching them

Two figures that looked like spiders walked out from the trees.

One is carrying 6 wooden bottles while the other is holding a board with ***, please put the item you wished to trade with next to the box**

"Hiding huh"

He put the box down

A voice was then heard

"If we appeared, what are the chances that you will want to capture us?"

It is spoken in a language they don't know, but strangely they can understand every word

"You don't trust us?"

Lui Feng Mian asked 

"Ask that to yourself

Trust is a rare commodity nowadays"

The voice replied

Of course, it is Yen, Lily is just enchanting her so her voice is louder and can't be traced. Talking to people in this situation is not exactly his forte.

"A tough nut to crack

Is this enough?" 

Lui Feng Mian took a pouch and pulled out 3 white stones and they emit a big amount of energy.

"That's enough, don't play tricks with us"

The two spiders then moved

"Shouldn't you show yourself first?"

He put them back down


Two additional figures appeared from the forest

They are small, but it's easy to notice them.

"Feeling happy?"

Yen asked

"People here are too troublesome"

Lily said with a sigh

"It's sentient, both of them are sentient"

Lui Zhi Ruo is feeling excited, it is known that sentient creatures and herbs hide deep where no one can reach.

"Calling spirits as non-sentient is kinda rude, little girl" 

Yen smiled gently


Everyone is surprised if they are spirits, then it is explainable why they do things their way.

"You're brave to show your self"

Lui Fen smiled

"You won't be able to stop us if we want to escape"

Yen smiled

"Let's talk about trading, there are more you can trade with us, right?"

Lui Fen said

Lily and Yen looked at each other before nodding

"We have, but it depends on how our trading will turn out" 

"Uncle Feng, give them 10 spirit stones"

"Are you sure, sect leader?"

He asked

"Yeah, maybe it's worth it, isn't it?"

He looked at the two

"Find out for yourself"

Yen replied

Lui Feng Mian then passed the spirit stones to one of the spiders and took the 6 potions

After that, Yen took out 3 arrows made by her and enchanted by Lily

Lily took the arrows and said

"These three arrows are special in their rights. Test it out and see if you want to trade with them"

Then if he has a mouth he will be grinning

Yen feel bad for these people

He added

"One arrow cost 10 of those stones

Test it first so you can decide, they can slow your target for 2 seconds. Given the right conditions, they can be priceless"

She guessed it right, he's going to go over the price.

"That's extortion!"

Said, Lui Feng Mian

"We don't sell anything that's not worth it"

He smiled

"I expect great things"

Lui Fen took the arrow

"That's great, I think it's time to leave"

Yen said before leaving leaving

Lily also followed him.

"They are not normal"

Lui Qing Shan squint his eyes and stroke his beard

"I can feel too, they feel like they don't belong here

It's like they belong somewhere else"

Lui Yu Yan said

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

"Let's go back"

Lui Fen said to them before leading them away.

"10 spirit stones for an arrow?"

Lui Feng Mian murmur to himself

"Don't always be too serious, it's only 10 spirit stones"

Lui Qing Shan smacked him on the shoulder.

"But still"

Before he can finish his sentence, he was dragged away.

"Elder sister Yu, why is the elder brother always serious?"

Lui Zhi Ruo followed Lui Yu Ya

"I also don't know"

She pats her head before continuing

"A spirit?"

Lui Zhi Ruo thought to herself

Back to the cave

Spirit stones are scrambled on the floor while they are being slowly drained by a symbol on the wall.

"This should be enough with just starting the system"

Lily said as he sit on a stone.


Beside him is Yen leaning towards him gently

"You know, when you're not smacking me, you're sweet" 

He teases her

Her face darkened

"Are you saying I'm not sweet?"

She poked him and glared at him

"Of course not, you're the sweetest ever. Look, it's starting soon"

He pointed at the symbols shining on the wall 

They looked with amazement and anticipation.

Their bodies started floating in the air and the symbols rotating around them like a ball made of glowing symbols

The symbols then flew and fused with them

After that, everything settled down and they fell back to the ground. On their head are symbols always shifting

"Ugh, been so long since I had a headache"

Lily rub his head before going to Yen and helping her out

"That was anticlimactic"

She said, but they both know that their hands are pounding right now.

They waited and waited until finally


A soft sound before a large screen appeared in front of them.


Please name the system

Current system functions

-Game virtual space creation

 --2 slots available

-Home space



When the screen appeared, knowledge flow into their heads and explained everything.

"What should we name it?'

Lily looked at her

" Marlyn project would be good" 

She replied with a smile

"Marilyn mean-"

He realized something


She nodded

"Sure sure, that will be a good one"

He hugged her a bit.

*System's name has been assigned*

They then looked at the screen and functions 

 Game virtual space creation allows them to create a space similar to games but in virtual reality and also realistic graphics.

The settings and everything are for the two to design and manage. The benefits of playing the game will be assigned by the system itself. For example: increase in cultivation, faster insights, increase in quality of qi, etc. Of course, the benefits also depend on the level of the system. Right now it can only purify the quality of someone's qi.

Home space is something like a base but in the space of the system.

They can enter it anywhere, it is like a portal to another world, but instead of another world, it sends you to the heart of the system.

The shop is what it is called, a shop. Creating a virtual game world is complicated. It requires data and you can buy data of what you want in the shop, data of guns, animals, dragons, etc. But it cost a lot. To earn the currency needed they need a lot of players, separate numbers of payers will provide different numbers of currency per day.

Getting data from the outside is optional too and cheaper. Outside objects will be absorbed by the system and a copy will be created to turn into data. As for the original, they can be released outside or kept in inventory.

The hosts will also get benefits, now they can grow more powerful. They only need players, the more players play their games, the more they will grow, and also each milestone will be awarded.

They stood there and thinking and they decided to check everything out.

A portal appeared in front of them and they walked in.

They now stand on top of a white circular platform with one big screen in the middle.

Standing not far from them is a little girl with black hair wearing a white dress.

They also noticed that they are now in their human form.

Lily has the appearance of an average Asian man with a necromancer robe. His robe itself doesn't have a devilish appearance, instead, it has engravings of plants. He is tall but quite thin.

Yen, on the other hand, has a long white robe and her appearance is that of a beautiful youthful chubby lady. She also has her crown atop her head. Her robe has a feathery appearance to it.

The young girl looked at them before expressionlessly welcoming them.

"Father, Mother, welcome"

She just stares at them directly with cold eyes.

This stunned them

They never had a child before.

As if reading their minds, she replied

"You created me, you are my parents"

Still as expressionless as before, but deep within her, she is excited. It's just she's new to the concept of emotion.

"Come here"

Yen said, gently

Lily also has a smile on her face

In their life, they have met a lot of people like here and so they know that she can't convey emotions well.

"So cute"

Yen carry her

Even tho it is awkward, they feel this strange warmth and excitement in their heart. It is as if a hole in their heart is being filled.

"She looks like me"

Lily poked her cheeks

"Do you already have a name, little sweetie?"

Lily asked


She replied

"What a cute name"

Yen compliment her

And so they spent some time together with their newfound joy.

"So this is the shop"

They are sitting at the side of the platform while a big screen hovers before them. On it is a list of items with sky-high prices

"Everything looks expensive"

Yen said

"Mother and Father are just too poor"

Marlyn said still with her lifeless eyes and cold tone.

"Looks like our little girl is honest"

Lily just laughed it off, Yen also chuckled

And so they had a good time.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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