Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 28: Chap 4 rewrite: months of progress

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Time passed and soon it is a month after the activation of the system.

The trade between the two sides is still standing and now instead of spirit stones, they are trading for new and unique things if possible while spirit stones can also still be used, tho they lower the prices a bit since spirit stones no longer serve them any purposes other than creating magic domains which can be used to gather nearby energy, still, something they don't need and so they decided to trade it.

Back to the river

"This is a formation formula, are you sure you want to trade it? We don't have something of equal value."

Lui Fen said in surprise as she examine a piece of paper, something very expensive in this era of parchments.

"We don't need something of equal value, we just need 10 unique items, we don't care what it is as long as it is unique and if possible high quality"

Yen said 

"We already have those in backup, please check"

Lui Feng Mian brought a box and carefully opened it. Inside are herbs, beautiful stones, unidentified metals, and lastly something that caught the eyes of Lily and Yen, an intricately designed gauntlet.

Yen picked it up and examined it.

"Excellent craftsmanship!

We don't take something for nothing in return and this is certainly something of high quality."

She then took another paper with something on it that doesn't resemble any magic domain.

"This is a sharpness item inscription, anything inscribed with it will have its sharpness increased.

Be wary tho, it might result in something else

Such an item inscription should be worthy of this fine piece"

She observed the gauntlet more like it is a piece of art.

"Are you sure? Aren't you losing in this trade?" 

Lui Fen asked with concern

"It's just alright, I have a higher level of inscriptions anyway"

Yen replied 

Sharpness item inscription is something basic in the profession of a craftsman-like her.

"Be wary tho, having a great treasure can spell for a disaster"

Lui Fen whispered before going away. They gained a lot in this trade.

"What's so special with that?

That's an item inscription, you know, it might be something basic in your eyes, but it can be a treasure for others"

Lily goes on her side

Yen just winked at him before saying

"I'm going to show you once we come back"

She's truly happy

Soon they are back at the cave and Yen is demonstrating what the gauntlet has that interests her.

"The treasure is not the gauntlet itself, what what is used to make it"

She said before carefully dismantling it and pulling away some pieces of red crystals

"Aren't those just fire crystal shards? "

Lily rolled his eyes before he remembered something. Fire crystals are famous for their ability to gather sunlight and concentrate it on an attack. There is also a lesser-known fact about them, once inflated on something living, that thing will gain some bits of fire magic even If the said subject is a human.

"With this, we can make fire attribute magic beasts"

She's very happy

"We still haven't made a Game virtual space, but that is a surprise

But why are you so happy about the gauntlet when all you need are the crystals?"

Lily is also happy about it since it means a lot.

"Ohh, this gauntlet is a piece of art. Look at the lines, every curve are perfect"

Yen continues singing praise for the gauntlet.

Lily didn't understand a single thing since he's not into crafting like his lover.

While Lily is suffering because he can't leave while Yen is explaining how awesome the gauntlet is, other things are happening in the sect.

"This is awesome, our strength will increase if we put this on our weapon"

Lui Yu Yan read stared at the paper

"To use such expensive paper for an array. Right, they call it item inscription, what a weird name."

Lui Qing Shan study the symbols on the paper

"Everything about them is weird, it's best we don't bother their secrets

Let's just trade with them, I see no malice in them"

Lui Fen said before sipping her tea

"Agree, but still, these symbols look strange"

Lui Feng Mian said.

"Speaking of it, their names sound weird too

Lily, Yen, they must be from afar place."

Lui Feng said

"It's best not to bother them much, we are the ones intruding their territory in the first place

Let's just set up this formation as soon as possible"

Lui Qing Shan replied

Everyone nodded and start to get to work

Lui Zhi Ruo on the other hand is still in her room studying the Potions. The more she studies them the more she sinks deeper.

Some more times passed and soon Lily and Yen allowed the hunting and gathering in the forest under some rules.

Pregnant creatures are a big no

Young creatures are also a no

If a creature is raising a family, it's a big no to hunt them

Only creatures alone and with no family are allowed to be caught

Don't hunt more than you need

For the herbs

On a patch of herbs, don't gather all, spare some so they can grow again

Don't take young ones that are still not ready

Don't take more than you need.

They put such rules so that no one will drive the creatures to extinction and so that more will be there for future generations.

More villages got word of the budding Chilling Rain sect and decided to join and now they needed to build a city or at least something that resembles one.

Lily and Yen approached Lui Fen to assist them for free as a sign of friendship.

"This life is very refreshing"

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Lily enjoyed the fresh air while sitting on a branch and watching the city being built with the assistance of some creatures. 

Yen is also beside him grooming her feathers.

"Isn't this the life we wished for? Something simple"

She said as she smiled at him

"Yeah, but I wonder how long it will last"

Deep in him, he's hoping that troubles will not come, but he knows that someday eventually it will come for them.

"Let's just hope"

She said before leaning towards him. As for him, he's just enjoying her presence. 

Not far away from the new sect, a duo of people is coming.

"Brother song, I heard there is a sect nearby, maybe we can join them."

A young lady said to the guys beside him.

"Sister Xu, we might bring disaster to that sect if those people heard about it"

He sigh 

They have been expelled from a big sect for offending a big figure there and now that person destroys every sect they join and thus ensuring that no one will let them join.

"But this is already so far away from them, I doubt they will even know we are here"

Sister Xu replied

"But still...fine, just this one last time"

He finally gave in

"Yay, you're the best, brother song" 

She kissed him on the cheeks which is enough to send him to heaven

"Eh??? Brother song! Brother song wake up!"

Back to the two, they are now planning to create a virtual game space with all the resources they have prepared.

Perhaps it will take them a year before they got it right, but certainly, they will make one.

They are back inside on top of the platform.

On the other side is Marlyn having fun chasing the chicken.

"Sweetie, me and your mom will be doing something, do you want to join us?"

Lily invited her

She stopped and thought of it for a while before shaking her head

"I'm busy playing, Mother, Father"

Tho she's still the same, she can now smile a bit and her eyes look more full of life now.

"Sure then sweetie, we will be going"

He said before patting her, Yen also patted her and also kissed her cheeks.

They entered another portal and now they are before a massive space of white.

Land formed beneath them and they began molding the earth into the shape they want and creating terrains like valleys, mountains, and caves. They only created one vast island with lots of simple life.

They then created 4 floating islands on top of the main island. They are smaller and empty compared to the main island.

"This feels like mana"

Yen said with a bright smile

She hasn't felt mana for a long time now

"Yeah, looks like there will be a lot of unknown variables this time"

Lily added.

"Doesn't it make it much better? Not knowing the results can be fun too"

She replied

"I guess you're right"

He smiled

What they are thinking about right now is how foreign concepts will affect their future players since this world of cultivation they are in right now will most likely reject the concept of magic and cause unknown changes in the body of the users to adapt to the new concepts.

They know that first hand because their bodies change into their current form from studying magic. They used to be human souls, but as time passes by, their bodies start to change to be able to contain mana. They are only 2 of the most of population of Afterlife.

"It looks very basic, we need to polish it more"

Yen said. They are low in resources to use.

"It should improve with time, it's not like we are in a haste"

Lily crossed his arm and think

"We have data of fire crystals, right? 

We should make a fire island first and add more biome as we accumulate resources"

He sighed, they don't have enough resources.

They can't create any magical creatures of any elements other than neutral and fire. Neutral one being from spirit stones which they can edit to fit in the data of anything they want. 

Yes, they can edit data to meet their needs, but even so, it's not enough.

"That's a nice idea

I guess we don't have many choices

Let's start"

Yen said

And so they started with their jobs.

Not long enough the trees transformed, but not much. Their leaves only turned slightly red and some yellowish.

Everything from trees to soil and rock transformed. The temperature is also rising.

But the surface is not their main concern. What is below is what excites them the most, Dungeons

The main island has 6 dungeons all around. 3 that are exposed and 3 that are hidden.

They first planned the layout and rooms. Every dungeon has varying degrees of difficulty. They then populated them with plant life. 

Creatures are still something they don't plan to place without finishing the game system such as experience, level, drops, etc.

A week passed and they finished the parts for the level with the maximum level being 50.

"This crafting system is tiring"

Lily looks tired, ln front of him is a screen with a long list of things. They both love the freedom to modify anything you want in the game and are justified by the fact that they don't want to put any fixed classes. They will only put skill trees and everyone is free to learn whatever they want and be whatever class they want to be, even a priest with a huge club bashing the heads of every enemy they met. They value game freedom.

"Father, you can do it"

Marilyn said with a lifeless tone while patting him.

"You should put more effort, your child is watching"

Yen poked his side teasingly, teasing him as revenge for him always teasing her.

He simply sighs and just continues with his task.

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