Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 31: Chap 7 rewrite: new players

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Tomorrow morning

"How many can you trade with us?"

Lui Fen looked at the two who are just chilling on the branches

"As many as you want

Buying more than 10 and we can give you a 10% discount

I suggest buying some for your disciples and elders

A little tip, you can buy physical copies of the magics inside, tho it will be expensive"

Lily dusted off the leaves and branches stuck on his robe.


Lui Fen asked, she know what a discount is from their past trades with them, but they two rarely give any.

"Isn't it a rare treasure? I don't see any benefits in selling several of them unless you want to attract attention"

Lui Fen have her doubt

"Don't worry about safety, we offer a free guarantee to the safety of our buyers. The capsule has a function that no one can attack you while you are inside. I recommend making a personal room for the capsules, doing so will activate a feature of our products where the room will be greatly hardened from attacks and no one can use violence inside the room.

As for your question, we are just some simple merchants. All you have to care about is buying, we can guarantee our safety"

Yen replied. The things she's talking about the capsules are information given by the system. The defense system might not be great, but it will improve as long as the system continues to grow stronger

Lui Fen contemplated for a moment before clearing her mind. It is not good to dig the secrets of others and so she decided to just let it go. As for the defensive purposes of the capsules, she's full of doubts.

"I want 50"

Lui Fen said before ordering the others to bring some boxes over.

Lui Feng Mian and Lui Yu Yan carried over some big boxes while Lui Zhi Ruo carry a small box.

The boxes were opened one by one and they are full to the brim with spirit stones. The smaller boxes also have treasures and artifacts.

The two checked the contents and nodded with a satisfied expression.

"It's enough, let's go to your little sect to bring the products. It's inconvenient here"

Yen said before storing the spirit stones and items.

Lui Fen always feels intrigued by their way of storing things. Of course, storing things out of thin air is not new to them as storage rings are fairly well known, but these two don't appear to have any storing devices.

"Let's go"

Lui Fen then leads them inside the city. The two is a common face in the city because they visit often to buy some things and so the residents are used to them.

"I heard you found new talents"

Lily looked at Lui Feng Mian

"Talents? More like troublesome nuts"

He replied with an annoyed face as if remembering nasty memories

"Be gentle on the kids, they are still learning after all"

Lily just laughed

"They have to learn the hard ways, the world out there is dangerous"

Lui Feng Mian replied with seriousness

"What's with the fighting? Humans are hard to understand. I don't see any benefits in fighting, only damages"

Lily said. 

"It is their greed"

Lui Qing Shan chimed in. The two nodded

"How great would the world be without fighting"

Lily mused

Meanwhile, on the side, the ladies are having some conversations.

"Sister Yen, can you tell us more about this Virtual capsule?

Is it a world inside?"

Lui Fen is intrigued by the idea of a world inside an artifact

"That's for you to discover, what fun is there with telling?"

Yen replied. She's currently being carried by Little Ruo, she has a soft part for children so she just allows her to touch her feathers.

Lui Fen gave it some thoughts and replied

"I see"

"Sister Yen, let me tell you something"

Lui Yu Yan then on the side whispered the centipede incident to her and when Yen remembered that part she suddenly laugh.

The bunch of them then whispered among themselves while laughing.

"What's with them?"

Lily looked at the ladies having their time

"They probably are talking about something"

Lui Qing Shan replied


Lily continued walking

Soon they reached a tall building and entered it

"This is spacious, where should we put them?"

Yen looked around the large room made from dark-colored woods and stones.

"Ohh there"

Lui Fen pointed at the side of the room

Yen nodded and then 50 Virtual capsules appeared on the spot.

"That should be it, test it out, we're gonna watch from outside"

Lily put his hands on his sides.

"You two don't have things to do today?"

Lui Qing Shan looked at them

"There are, but we can spend some spare time"

Lily replied, after this, they will spend time with their daughter which is something they do every day.

"I see, I'll go now young man"

Lui Qing Shan then took a capsule of his own together with the others. They are very excited to try playing, watching him play yesterday is like torture to them.

Looking at them, Yen thought of something

"Is it possible to create a space similar to a hub for players where they can stay if they don't want to play yet and just drink some tea?"

Lily like the idea, but there is a problem

"Maybe in the future, the current system doesn't allow us to do that"

Yen didn't seem to be affected, she just smiled

"Hopefully some"

She's about to finish her sentence when she noticed his hand seems to be going somewhere.

She then gave him a hard smack on the head, but Lily only laughed and hugged her.

Inside the capsules, they are having some good time while Lui Qing Shan is begrudgingly doing some quest

"This is to grow stronger, this is to get good items..."

Lui Qing Shan murmured while cleaning some chicken cages.

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

A while later he's done, but he doesn't smell that good.

After doing so he goes to the quest giver, a spider for his 3 copper coins.

He stared at the coins at his coins as if they are treasures. 

"Please come back again"

The spider said in a gibberish hissing way.

Lui Qing Shan feels like crying. His bread is running out, he no longer has any potion, his staff got broken. He also can't buy weapons because they are expensive. 2 silvers for a low-quality dagger.

It is at this time that the others entered the game. They already watched Lui Qing Shan play and so they have some ideas.

Lui Zhi Ruo is the first one to enter. She created a beautiful-looking character with white hair, jade-like skin, and red eyes. She didn't add any animalistic traits to herself.

The game is more merciful with ladies and children. Mostly children. She is wearing simple shorts and a simple shirt.

She looked at the guide and read everything carefully.

There are also added contents because of what Lui Qing Shan did.

"So awesome"

She exclaimed at how real everything is, she pinched herself and felt the pain.

This doesn't feel like an illusion.

She looked at her status and thought of what she wanted to strengthen.

'I'll be doomed if I follow the example of Grandpa Qing'

She thought

It took a while to come out with a decision, but she finally found what she wants to strengthen.

She put everything to her feet. Her thinking is that you will be much safer if you can dodge in time.

She moved from side to side and found that she is much faster than before.

She is happy about this development.

"Now a weapon"

She said as she open the gift box and got the usual. She took out the ball and a similar list appeared in front of her.

'A sword is too heavy, bow, I don't know to use one. A dagger it is'

The ball turned into a light dagger.

With everything taken care of, she went to have her journey.

After that are Lui Feng Mian and Lui Fen.

Most people want to be handsome and beautiful. His appearance is akin to a beautiful man with a lean body. His hair is long and untied, making her look more like a woman than a man.

Lui Fen on the other hand looks very provoking. She became happy when she found out that she can increase her rather small bounties.

Her height is also tall and her skin is as fair as she can make them.

"Who are you!?"

They shouted and looked cautiously at each other and then they heard their voices.

"Why do you look like a woman? I never thought you were into that"

Lui Fen is trying hard to hold her laughter.

"Shut it

I don't know you have a big one, all I can remember is that it is flat"

He said bluntly and then he stopped, realizing he said something he shouldn't have.

He hurriedly ran away with an angry Lui Fen chasing him.

The last is Lui Yu Yan. She changed nothing other than enhance some of her lacking parts. She already looked beautiful in the first place, but now it only got enhanced.

She checked her body and it surprised her. She is good at illusion and all she can say is that nothing is like an illusion in this place. Everything is too real to her. Now she's wondering about the origins of those two to have such a treasure and in such number.

Knowing that nothing will come with thinking, she turned her attention to the things she should be focusing on.

She looked at her status put her points on her arms and took a long sword as her weapon. 

She tests it out and she's satisfied with the results.

"Time to hunt"

She said to herself

She walked and soon reached the beginner's area where Lui Zhi Ruo is dodging a bunch of spiders while killing some along the way. Sweats are dripping from her forehead and her breathing is rough.

'Just one more, one more!'

She thought as she tries hard to maintain the distance, she was near reaching level 2.

She popped a health potion, stabbed a spider, and heard a notification.

*Level up*


She's rejoicing but forgot that spiders are still chasing her. She died in no time, not that it matters to her.

Lui Yu Yan shakes her head. You shouldn't be distracted when fighting.

Unfortunately, there is no time to think. The spider noticed her when Lui Zhi Ruo died. 

She took her pose and slashed every enemy that comes close. She's having a better time as she's more experienced with fighting than Lui Zhi Ruo.

The spiders were dispatched in no time. The moment they died, they turned into motes of lights and dropped some items in the ground.

She picked them out and checked them.

*3 copper coins


*12 Spider mandibles.

A pair of damaged mandibles from a young spider

Alchemy/Crafting material

Can be sold for 1 copper coin per 1 stack/30 fangs*

*3 tiny crystal shards

A crystal that forms inside creatures

Alchemy/Crafting material

Can be sold for 1 silver per 1 stack/30 items*

The way everything is presented still looks strange to her, but it is convenient.

She kept them in her inventories before moving on.

Back to outside

Lily and Yen sat comfortably on the chairs on the side.

"What should we do next? It doesn't look like there are more resources we can obtain from here"

Yen gently sipped her tea

"We can stay here for a while before going"

Lily replied


Let's stay for a while before going"

Yen agreed

"This place is very comfortable"

He said while looking outside

Yen just nodded her head while enjoying her tea

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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