Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 32: Chap 8 rewrite: More players

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The next day

Song Nuan and Little Xu are cultivating inside the cultivation room. The lifestyle here is something they enjoy. Their cultivations also rapidly improve because of the rejecting presence that constantly goes against their earthy energy thus making it harder for them to use their earthy energy. The pressure stimulates their earthy energy whenever they cultivate.

Of course, stronger existences won't feel it.

Song Nuan is also investigating the two figures people here call the forest spirits. According to his findings, it seems that the two are connected to the sect's upper echelon and a trading partner. He occasionally sees the two wandering around aimlessly and he can't feel an ounce of earthy energy in them and he always gets rejected when he tried to scan them.

While taking their sweet time, their tokens suddenly vibrated and a voice was heard.

"All elders and disciples, please go to the treasure hall. You will be guided to the third floor by the great elder there."

It went still after that.

"Something might've happened, let's go"

He stood up and helped her out.

"I'm quite curious"

He added

"Fix your clothes first"

She gave him an unsightly gaze before fixing his clothes.

"There there you no longer look messy"

She said

He just pats her and holds her hand before going.

They soon arrived at the building. Few people are already standing there and waiting. There are too few of them there since the sect doesn't have that many people.

Lui Zhi Ruo standing at the door looked at them and smiled

"Follow me"

She said before going in. She leads them up until they arrived at a big room with many unfamiliar artifacts. The third floor is the current top floor at the moment and it's rare for people to be allowed here.

Not far from them are the others.

They bowed and greet them

"Greetings grand elder"

"Greeting sect master"

"Greetings great elders"

Lui Yu Yan chuckled slightly while covering her mouth with a fan.

"You are all here, good. Starting from today you are to go here and enter these capsules. "

Parchments were then passed to them.

"Read them properly and after that, we will start"

She added

"Yes, sect master,"

They respectfully bowed again and received their parchment papers.

In it are the game names and appearances of the upper echelons in the game.

"What is this? Is this a secret realm?"

Song Nuan read it carefully and he is still confused by a lot of things.

"Item drops? Levels? Magic? What are those?" 

Little Xu is also confused.

"They might be things inside the secret realm"

Song Nuan said. He believes that it might be a secret realm and those are artifacts to enter the secret realm.

"Is it a secret realm?" 

Little Xu hasn't seen a secret realm like this before.

They continued talking about what it might be, but still, they can't come up with a good guess.

"Everyone should be ready by now"

Lui Fen stand up and looked at them

She then nodded at Lui Zhi Ruo

"I will demonstrate to you how to use these Virtual capsules"

She said before opening one and going in it. After that, she put her headgear on, and the capsule automatically closed.

"Everyone, now enter"

Lui Fen said before going inside one. The others followed her and entered.

"Let's pick those"

Little Xu pointed at two capsules on the side.

Song Nuan then followed her. The capsules open when they come near them.

With resolute eyes, they entered. They do feel nervous and unsure, but only by going in will they know.

The parchments already explained what will be inside for them, but they are still surprised. But instead of nameless, it is now named.

*Dungeon world *

The two are still planning for the direction of their game, but they already have a rough outline.

"Dungeon world..."

Song Nuan murmured. Of course, he knows what a dungeon is. It is a prison.

'Could this be a prison for a very strong cultivator?'

He thought.

He decided to not change his appearance and entered straight right in.

He found himself in a town and not too far from him are 5 people and he immediately noticed them.


Before he can finish, Lui Qing Shan stopped him.

"No need, you can check your stat first while waiting for the others"

He said.

Reluctantly he sat on the side and focused on his stat. He also noticed his lack of good clothing as to which he tried to go somewhere safe.

He can't feel any of his cultivation, but it's already written on the information they were given.

He checks the so-called screen and found it strange that a realm or dimension follows something like this. 

He carefully read all the guides and he got even more surprised. It's not like any prison he thought of. It's more like a secret realm huge sects use to train their disciples.

He opened the gift box and was also surprised by the inventory.

"A sword is a good choice"

He said to himself. There are many types of swords on the list, but he picked a long sword. He also decided to strengthen his legs, eyes, and mana quality.

"Brother Song!" 

Called out behind him. He looked back and found little Xu just with a more developed body.

"Can you please stop staring"

She said before sitting next to him.

"I didn't expect you to alter your body"

He said

"I look more beautiful, didn't I?"

She smiled

"Anyways, what did you pick? I choose my legs"

She said while moving her legs around

"You should have gone for your arms too"

He pats her

They continue talking for some time until finally, everyone arrived.

"Since everyone is already here. You all will have to practice here every day. This place will help you purify your earthy energy. 

As you all already know what to do. But all of you will have to vow to the heavens to never tell anyone "

At the last part of her words, Lui Fen coldly gazes at them.

They bow with cold sweats running on their backs.


She said before going with the others.

The others also dispersed.

"Brother Song, where should we go?"

Little Xu looked at him.

"We should increase our levels, let's go" 

He replied before dragging her with him. They are going to the beginner's area like most of the disciples and elders.

"Let's observe for now"

Song Nuan said while observing the surroundings. Some people are struggling with the spiders and excitedly taking the loots.

He doesn't want to fight in a place with a lot of people. More people means more competition

"Look, we can go there. I don't see any people there"

Little Xu pointed to the distance where the grasses are taller.

"Let's go, there should be some treasure there"

He nodded and goes with her.

They both turned cautious the moment they entered and focused on their surroundings.

They are not used to this state where their cultivation is sealed

Little Cu also has a sword, but a shorter one.

They stopped their tracks and ready themselves.

"Something is coming"

He whispered to her and she just nodded

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

*rustle* *rustle*

More rustling sounds appeared all around them accompanied by soft clicking sounds.

Suddenly on their side a long spider leg struck and separated them.

*Level 3 long-legged spider*

"Stay alert!" 

He shouted as he block one more spider leg incoming.

"I will distract it, kill it while I'm taking its attention"

He gritted his teeth as he continues to block and dodge.

Soon enough the body is revealed. It's a big red spider with a small body and long slender legs. Unlike the spider outside its legs are harder and sharper.

Little Xu quickly moved and sprint towards the spider. The spider notices her, but before it can attack, Song Nuan already severed one of its front legs from the segment.


It shrieked and attacked him in fury

This gives Little Xu an opening. She immediately got closer and attacked the place where the legs are attached.

She jumped and made a clean cut. Yellowish blood spurts out as it fell and continues shrieking.

"So sticky!"

Little Xu complains about the sticky spider fluid on her body.

"Good job"

He praised her

Song Nuan walked in front of the spider and stabbed its head.

"You have to buy me some food later, ehhh it's so smelly too"

She tried taking the fluids off but the smell still lingers.

"You can clean that later, let's see what dropped first

We can eat later"

He's also covered with the stinky fluid, but he's used to it more than Little Xu.

"You really don't understand women"

She gave him a head chop before looking at her status.

"Ohh it's almost filled up, so much experience"

She said as she check more stuff, but only the experience changed.

On the side of Song Nuan, he is checking the drops.

"Poison dagger

Normal quality item

Chance to inflict poison on enemies when struck on vital parts*

*Long-legged spider eyes

Ingredient for fire resistance potion

Value: 1 copper coin*

He took out the dagger and examined it.

It looks like a normal dagger made from steel, red lines run from its handle up to the tip and the handle is made from some unknown wood.

"Can you use this?"

He tossed the dagger to Little Xu who is still removing some stain from her hair.

She took it and observe it a bit.

"Are you sure? It is valuable"

She passed it back to him

"I can't use it, I don't use daggers. It will be more valuable in your hands."

"Sure then"

She reluctantly keeps it in her inventory.

"Let's continue, same as before, I will block, and you will attack"

He stood up and moved forward.

She followed him closely, always cautious. They will take as much advantage as possible before other people explore the place.

Meanwhile, someone is celebrating. It is Lui Qing Shan.

"Old Qing, where did you get that?"

Lui Feng Mian stared at the staff on the hands of Lui Qing Shan. It is made from wood. The handle is simple, but the head has a decoration of a butterfly with its wings folded forward.

"Why should I tell you? I got it with my efforts" 

He looked proud. After doing a painful quest to gather 10 butterflies around the town, the librarian gave him a butterfly staff and a magic spell called Butterflies light. A spell that he still doesn't know the effects of.

*Butterfly staff

Quest dropped item 

A staff blessed with the blessing of butterflies.

Chance to inflict confusion on enemies when used


"We've been friends for years already and you still hide secrets from me?"

He continues asking him with some flattering mixed in.

Gritting his teeth, Lui Feng Mian then added

"I'll give you a bottle of my 100-year-old plum wine"

This made the old man stop for a moment.


He asked 

"I changed my mind"

He regretted what he just said.

"I'm not going to tell you where I got this too

Hehe just 1 bottle will be enough, it's not like I will drink everything

Come on"

Lui Qing Shan has a shit-eating grin on his face


Replied Lui Feng Mian with a painful heart

Lui Qing Shan then whispered to him the way to get the item and he listened attentively.

After that, he got out of town and was ready to test his new power. He's already level 5 from all those quests and has enough money to live comfortably in an inn. Still, he's saving his money to buy himself some higher-quality equipment. 

The elders and disciples leveling outside looked at him with awe. They already have weapons from the drops, but the staff looks really beautiful.

He put his chin up and walked towards the intermediate area.

"The grand elder is awesome, he's already going there "

One disciple said.

"He's the grand elder after all"

One replied.

Once inside he turned more cautious. He already learned his lessons and won't repeat them.

He's loaded with mana and health potions. 

It didn't take him long to meet an enemy.

*level 10 Red Crystal Boar*

A boar busily eating some grass. It is roughly at the height of a normal human adult with red crystals growing from its back.

It sniffs around and suddenly stopped.

It looked at the location where the old man is hiding and the crystals on its back glowed. Small magic circles appeared below its feet and suddenly the ground cracked.

He dodged in time before the ground cracked further. Red crystal spikes then rose from the split and destroyed some trees.

'So strong'

He thought as he continued moving.

He stopped and start chanting, but before he can finish he was speared from butt to head by a crystal spike from the ground.

Once he disappeared, everything returned to normal, and all damages were repaired.

Back to the town, his face is dark and he nearly coughs blood. He's boiling with rage. A boar actually dared stab his butt.

Watching all of the scenes, Lily and Yen were laughing so much

"It's decided, we gotta make that boar a field boss"

Lily said before laughing once again

"That's genius"

Yen replied

Marlyn looked at the two with clueless eyes. She doesn't know if her parents got poisoned.

She then created two glasses of water and gave it to them


Lily tilts his head after taking one.

"For us?"

He rub her cute little head

"Aww so cute"

Lily smiled.

They then drank the water and enjoyed some quality time with their child.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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