Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 37: Rewrite chap 13: Abundance of treasures

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Midway through their travel of hiding from cultivators and getting every fruit and whatnot they find, they noticed the weird theme of this place. They mostly encounter beasts that can fly and even those that can't fly have premature wings growing I'm their back.

"This fruit looks delicious"

Lily plucked a weird-looking fruit that looks like a big sack of water and some black bony part that looks like leaves near the steam.

"That's an insect"

Yen then pointed at under the weird leaves. Lily then took a closer look and found some tiny legs and also found a small proboscis tucked under.

"Oh, neat"

He replied before tossing it on his inventory.

They then continued traveling until they encountered a fight. 

Two groups of disciples fighting for a green lotus growing on a pound.

"We found it first, it belongs to us!"

One disciple kicked his opponent flying away.

He's wearing a blue robe with intricate flower designs.

"Who said your blue lake sect can lay their hands on our treasure?"

On the opposing side is another man with a dark robe with no design. He's the current top of the top 6 of the top 9 strongest disciples of the black tiger sect, Chen Qing of the Chen Clan.

"Just because you are strong, doesn't mean you can just steal from us"

Another Blue lake disciple shouted

"What did you just say?"

His expression darkened and he got angry.

"Kill him"

He said to the disciple next to him. And so another round of fighting started again.

The two stared at each other before sighing.

"Hehe, do you think they will stop fighting if we get the lotus for ourselves?"

Yen winked at him, he smiled and asked

"Won't they chase us then?"

But then he realized something and added

"Helping people be at peace requires some price"

They both grin together, well at least Yen. They then moved

The two fighting groups suddenly stopped, they noticed they can't move. 

From the forest, the two appeared and got closer to the lotus. The disciples tried to speak, but they can't. Yen just cursed them, but her current strength is not enough to make the curse last longer and it's also very draining.

"Let's be quick, it will only last for 20 seconds"

Yen warned him

They moved quickly, took the entire lotus with them, and hurriedly flew away. Soon later the disciples regained their ability to move and chased after them.

"Stop right there!!"

One disciple cast a technique and sword qi started raining on the two

"They are strong"

Lily waved his farming rake and multiple enchanted leaves blocked the sword qi. 

"How dare you!?! Are you not scared of my Chen clan?!?"

Chen Qing shouted with fuming anger.

The two didn't say anything and continued running. They are fast and so the disciples can't catch up with them, but they still attack them.

This continued for a while, the disciples won't just give up. 

"We can jump there, I doubt they can fly for long"

Yen pointed not far away from them. There is a cliff and a sea of some sort on the area she's pointing at. The sea is also unusually clear without any waves.

Lily nodded and they increased their speed. Once they reached the cliff, Lily took a big leaf and ride it flying while Yen is just flying.

When the disciples saw where they are going, they stopped with fear.

"Those things are going there? They are courting death"

One disciple said

"Let's leave, our life is more important than any treasure"

Another disciple added.

And so they started to disperse

Chen Qing just stood there looking at the distant silhouettes.

"Do you know what kind of creatures are those?"

He asked a disciple beside him

"Senior brother, I don't know any creatures of such appearance"

The disciple replied

"Tsk, useless, let's go"

He then left the place.

He thought while ln his way

'Whatever creature you are, no one can survive the wind sea'

As for the two, they are feeling rather well.

"Oh, these water suck earthy energy, so that's why. Neat"

Lily scooped some water and discovered the water trying to suck his mana, but it stopped soon after as if his mana is disgusting for it.

Yen on the other side meanwhile is taking the water in the system for future use.

Lily continue looking closely at the water and found out that it was not water at all

"Condensed wind earthy energy, interesting"

He murmured.

He then looked at Yen who was still sucking water into her inventory and asked

"Should we dive in? There might be valuable treasures below"

Yen thought for a while and replied

"Why not?"

She replied and then added

"Sweetie, can you hear me? Can you take mama and dad inside the system when there is a danger?"

There is a silence after that and then a screen popped up with a thumb-up sign.

Lily just laughed.

"Looks like our daughter is learning a lot of things"

He smiled

"You better not teach her weird things"

She started at him weirdly

"Come on, am I the type of person to teach weird things to our child?"

He sounds offended

Yen smacked him and said

"Of course! As if I don't know you"

He just rubbed the spot and laugh

"Fine, fine, I won't.

Now, let's go, every second is precious"

And with that, he dived in.

Yen just rolled her eyes and followed after him.

The world under the water is so clear that they can see far below without any blurry spots. 

They continue swimming deeper and found blue crystals and some small fish, but nothing big.

They caught every fish they find and also stored the blue crystals that they discovered to be full to the brim with wind attribute energy.

They also found strange plants full of blue pockets of an unknown liquid and also the plants are very thin, almost like strings and plastics.

"Dear, I found a cave!"

Lily called out to Yen who's still busy collecting stuff.

"A cave?"

She then goes to him and saw a big cave made up of the same crystals. 

They then went in and found all sorts of plants inside as to which they were all stored in their inventory.

"This place sure is bountiful"

Yen said while happily hugging a big ball of an unknown metal.

"Yeah, we should already have enough to add more content to that game"

Lily continue walking, satisfied. 

They continue exploring for a while until eventually, they met a dead end.

They walked closer and found nothing unusual or out of ordinary. 

"This one will prove if it's a dead-end or not"

Lily then injected a bit of his mana inside and then the wall started to crumble apart, revealing a huge room with herbs growing inside.

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They walked inside and took everything, but they stopped when they saw the plant in the very middle. It's a big ball with roots growing from it and a cold aura could be sensed from it.

"Be careful"

Yen warned him and they both stepped away from the plant and resumed their looting.

After a while, they returned their attention to the plant.

"I don't think it is safe to touch"

Lily said.

"Let's just take it in the inventory, but better not to touch it."

Yen replied. It's making her feel uneasy.

Lily then approached the plant carefully and with a quick move stored it in his inventory. But they don't have the time to celebrate, the cave started cracking and collapsing into itself.

"Ohh shit"

Lily immediately pulled Yen and made a run for it. Yen then made him grab her legs and he enchanted her speed so they can escape.

Fortunately for them, they are fast enough and found their way out before the cave collapse.

Lily took a deep breath and chuckled

"That was close"

He said.

Yen also didn't mind it much

"Let's continue, we don't know when they will open the rifts again. We have to hurry and get as many benefits as we can before leaving or else we'll be trapped here."

Yen said before going out of the water and drinking some potions.

Lily followed her and asked

"So let's go for the tree now?"

She nodded before saying


Lily thought for a moment before agreeing, not before taking as many crystals and water as they can, of course.

After that, they proceeded to go to their original location, the giant tree which is not so far from them.

From under a tree, Yen observed the surrounding for any disciples that might pass by. She then sensed some.

"Be ready"

She says to Lily who's just sitting on the grass and chilling.

After a while, Chen Qing flew by and chased a disciple, but suddenly thick vines flew from under the trees and pulled him below.

Yen then cursed him and his body turned weak and he fell asleep.

Lily quickly tied his arms and legs, covered his mouth and also his eyes.

Quick and clean

"Let's go"

Lily said, he then stored all his belongings so no one can track them. Yen grabbed the sleeping Chen Qing and flew away with Lily.

Meanwhile, people up above are panicking and shouting

"Young master where are you!?"

"Senior brother Qing!'"

And so on.

Meanwhile, the two dragged their victim into a cave and put him on the side.

"With him here we shouldn't worry much about information" 

Lily said before slapping Chen Qing to wake him up.

Yen nodded

Chen Qing then woke up in the dark cave and found 2 familiar faces.

"You! My father won't let you go!"

He screamed

"Are you a girl? Stop screaming"

Yen feel annoyed

"What did you say, bit-"

Before he can finish his words, he felt extreme pain in his abdomen

"What I hate the most is someone insulting someone I love, now speak before I kill you"

The usual carefree Lily suddenly turned cold, but Chen Qing didn't seem affected at all. He just spits on the ground.

"I'm going to kill you!!!!"

Chen Qing shouted, but now it's Yen who made a move. She cast a curse on him that deprive him of his senses for 5 seconds.

"Put him to sleep"

Lily said. He's quite annoyed now

"It's alright, it's alright, calm down"

Yen went closer to him and calm him down.

Meanwhile, Chen Qing is thrashing around. Yen then put him to sleep.

"I'm just fine"

He assured her and she nodded and stay with him for some time.

After calming down, they dragged him near the sea.

"Wake up"

Lily slapped him hard enough to wake him up

"Where am I? Let me go!"

He shouted

"Do you think you're a king? I'm afraid we'll throw you if you don't answer us"

Lily said, coldly.

Chen Qing looked around and his eyes went wide when he saw where they are

"You wouldn't dare"

He stuttered

"Yes I dare, now answer our questions"

"Yes yes!"

There is fear in his eyes.

"When will the entrance to the outside open and where"

Yen asked

"As if I'm going to tell you!"

He replied with disdain

Yen sighed and pushed him off the cliff.

"I'll answer! I will answer"

He screamed while falling, Yen then caught him and toss him to the ground.


Lily coldly said.

"Yes! The rift will open a week from now on the base of the void tree!"

He hurriedly replied. 

Yen and Lily tossed him again and asked the same question, they did it 5 times and they received the same reply.

"Now, tell us all the location of every treasure in this place that you know"

Lily asked before taking a wooden cup and filling it with the same water

"If you dare tell a lie, I'll force you to drink this"

Lily said

Chen Qing gulped and received a map which Yen gave to him, they found it on his robe.

Since there is no brush, he bit his finger and marked every spot that he know with fear in his eyes.

"Good, now you still have more questions to answer"

And so they continue asking him

After a while

"You're free"

Lily tossed him far away

Chen Qing ran away as fast as he can

Of course, they won't let him go just like that.

They marked his soul so he can never talk to anyone about them and what happened. Every time he will dare, the memory will become blurry.

They also left their aura on him for a plan. Well, you can't start a business that will stand out in this world, can you? They will need to attract attention.

The Mark ln his soul is also like a bomb for them that they can always activate if he becomes a big threat, but most likely they will just forget it.

With a map at hand, they then set fort for a journey.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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