Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 7: (7) A game?

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Sect master Fen

That's what she's called, a great sect master, and yet someone stole her sect's resources under her nose, and no one even found the culprit. She's just a small sect master of a small sect, but still.

The most humiliating experience is that they stole her collection in her presence and even left a note and a weird accessory.

That's her experience this morning, she was just cultivating and in a stage where she can't be bothered and someone actually has the guts to steal from her. It also scared her. That person can easily kill her and steal everything and yet they didn't.

Seeing the unusual accessories, she gritted her teeth and punch them hard. To her surprise, it didn't break. She then continues punching it over and over again to vent her anger and yet nothing happened. It's intact.

Begrudgingly she took the also spotless letter from the now destroyed ground.

She then proceeds to read it.

* Sorry for taking some stuff from you

Promise it won't be wasted

The two glasses alongside this letter have a secret function. 

Wear it and you will know.

Consider it as compensation for taking stuff from your place.


There's a picture of how to wear it on the very bottom

Seeing this, she can't contain her anger and punch the glasses again until she's tired

"You think these little things can compensate for my losses?"

Feeling tired, she finally sat down, the entire room is in a mess. Everyone in the mountain felt the tremors from the cave and yet no one dare to enter.

From within the cave, a disheveled person appeared. A young man immediately goes on the front of her and now down.


He cupped his hand respectfully.

"Search anyone or anything connected to this and report to me anything you found and tell everyone to never enter my cave"

She said coldly

The heart of the young man shiver slightly, he had never seen his master act like this before.

He quickly took it from her hand and bowed again and immediately left.

The people outside also left still with fear in their eyes.

Sect master Fen seclude herself like that for the next 2 months studying the letters and the unusual accessory called glasses. 

Similar accidents of missing plants appear once in a while and the culprit seems to be taking lesser and lesser each time.

Her Disciple would also visit from time to time to report clues to her, but no matter how they try they can't find anything. as if the culprit doesn't exist in the first place.

Soon enough she lost patience and sealed her cave. She will see what that devil has for hand.

Following the instruction, she quickly wears the glasses. At first, nothing happened which make her frown, but then everything around her turned white.

She's now standing on a white platform with a big weird thing on the front of her.

It's a big character status screen.

She felt a mild panic, but continue to proceed.

On the screen, she saw things strange to her, and then another screen appeared.



You are about to enter a virtual realm 

Category: survival

A virtual space is a world where when you die, you will be revived inside and death inside will not affect you outside.

The world you're about to enter is full of hazards and cultivation can't be used inside and you will be forced to rely on your brain and physical body.

Benefit: + 1% cultivation percentage per day ( the higher the cultivation the lower the benefit)

Additional: plus 15℅ cultivation percentage if you killed a boss( the higher the cultivation the lower the benefit)

You can play with friends if they can also access this.

If you want to exit, please say exit.

Do you want to proceed?*


Her heart is pumping hard on her chest, this doesn't feel like an illusion at all. Is this something created by a Grandmaster?

A new world? Can't die? Cultivation percentage?

'No no no you can't let yourself be fooled, it must be a trap, I'm going to see how long you can play these tricks' 

She quickly recollects herself and answered "Yes"

She's going to see just who is this fool.

Once again everything turned white, but now she's on a hill. The air taste so fresh and the spiritual energy is abundant.

"I'm here!! You're waiting for me, right? I'm going to dig out your purpose for doing all this!" 

She shouted

Meanwhile, Everyone is watching her.

Lily and Yen can't help but feel a chill on their back, this girl is not someone to offend. For Marlyn, she thought this lady is stupid.

Back to the topic

She sat there for a while and nothing happened, she continues to wait and nothing happened.

Finally, she got tired and stand up. She tried using her qi to fly but found out she can't.

She tried over and over again until she got tired. She panicked at some point but quickly recollected herself.

She touches the ground and it feels so real. Everything feels so real.

She tried saying exit and then she's back to her cave. 

She sat there in silence and noticed an increase in her cultivation. Her heart pumped out of her chest. She login again and read the introduction once again.

Different from last time, she tried absorbing the energy in the air but she can't. She just gave up and just tried to explore the area. 

This place is truly majestic and there are floating islands everywhere.

She soon reached a river and found something growing on the bank.

She slowly walked to it with caution and once she's closed enough she found out what it truly is.

"A snakeroot ginseng!"

She hurried to it, still cautious and she finally got close to it.

She noticed that it is different from normal ginseng and it is much bigger.

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She touches its leaves to inspect more when a screen appeared on top of it.

She still feels amazed by such a convenient screen.


*Water snakehead root ginseng*

A snakehead root born of water

Absorb it to gain + 1% cultivation percentage(1/3)

*, absorb* 


She feels shocked once again, a snakehead root ginseng for 1% cultivation percentage is a worthy trade. 

She clicked the absorb button and then she felt gentle and warm energy pass through her body and the ginseng turned into nothing but ash.

Unfortunately for her before she can rejoice, a frog leaped out of the river and swallowed her. Dead.

She woke up on the same spot she spawned from. Being eaten by a frog is unacceptable for her, but the fact that she got revived shocked her more. If she kept doing this, then her cultivation will increase faster.

But first, she needed to get revenge on that frog.

Retracing her steps she found herself back in that river and conveniently the frog is resting there.

Cautiously approaching from its back, she suddenly jumped and attack its back. But before she can hit the frog it turned around and swallowed her again.

This cycle continues until she gave up killing it and instead just searched for herbs so she can increase her cultivation. She found out she can only absorb a limit of 3. But that is still good for her.

She logged out after a while.

Back to Yen and Lily.

It's already time for Marlyn to rest and Lily and Yen just finished talking about the new rules.

"From watching her, I think there should be beginners weapons since it will be almost impossible for them to kill anything"

Lily said.

"I agree, let's also add levels, and let's see how it will work if we add levels."

And with that, they continue working. Yen is making basic weapons and copying their data for the rule she's creating.

Meanwhile Lily is thinking about a balanced leveling system that will be fair for new players.

In the end, he decided to only create 5 levels for now. Each level will give the players the choice to strengthen a choices part of their body by a bit.

It's only a test and he doesn't know what the result will be.

After doing their tasks, they ready themselves for a multiplayer mode. It currently only has a co-op mode and a single-player mode. 

The second day. Her disciple arrived at her place which makes Fen very happy

"Uhhh, master?" 

He now respectfully

"My dear disciple, master is going to take you to hunt some frogs!"

And with that, he's pulled into the cave.

Once inside she guides him on how to use the other one. She tried him to use hers, but it won't work. 

Once inside, her disciple received a notification.


*A player is detected nearby, do you want to play together?*


He doesn't feel so good, but he chose to join anyways. 

The sight inside caused his mind to be blown. It's like a paradise. He noticed he can't use his cultivation, but his master already told him about it. 

He saw his master nearby trying out a bow of unknown material other than the fact that it looks cool.

A new screen popped up in front of him.

"Choose a sword" 

Fen said. He doesn't feel so good.

He picked a sword from the collection.

"Master, this place feels great" 

He said while looking around.

"And we're doing something greater!"

Fen seems to be excited.

'That damn frog!' She thought.

Fen lead the way to the river to which seems peaceful, but right on the corner, a frog could be seen.

"You're going to distract it while I aim for it" 

She whispered

"Don't worry master, it's only a frog" 

He confidently pats his chest.

With her signal, he sneaks to the frog and throws a stone at it to get its attention.

Behind a tree, Fen aim her bow

The frog launched itself at him, but he managed to dodge it in time and slashed the beast. Green blood gushed out from the wound and the frog rolled in pain before turning mad.

But before it can even attack, an arrow pierced through its eye with accuracy before falling from brain damage as the arrow is too sharp. 

"Hahaha who was it that swallowed me a whi-" 

Before she can finish her words a huge frog leg came out of the river and crushed them both and thus leaving all their equipment there. 

What appeared from the river is a huge frog with the lower half of a snake.

At the spawn point

They are both silent, they gave up on the frog because they won't be able to defeat that even in real life. If that frog came out of this place it can be 1 realm higher than her because of how many modifications Lily and Yen did to every creature here.

* You can retrieve your weapon on the site of your death*

They both looked at each other and then he sighed, someone, gotta do the work.

As for the three, they will continue monitoring them

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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